Book Read Free

By the Book

Page 37

by Pamela Paul

  Lee, Harper

  Lee, Krys

  Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún, The (Tolkien)

  Legends of the Fall (Harrison)

  Le Guin, Ursula K.

  Lehane, Dennis

  Lelic, Simon

  Lemonick, Michael

  Lempicka, Tamara de

  L’Engle, Madeleine

  Leonard, Elmore

  Lerner, Harriet

  Lessing, Doris

  Lethem, Jonathan

  Let the Great World Spin (McCann)

  Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Evans and Agee)

  Levi, Carlo

  Levi, Primo

  Levi, Robin

  Levine, Philip

  Lewis, C. S.

  Lewis, Michael

  Li, Yiyun

  Libra (DeLillo)

  Life After Death (Echols)

  Life After Life (Atkinson)

  Life of Charlotte Brontë, The (Gaskell)

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lin, Tao

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lindenberg, Rebecca

  Lindgren, Astrid

  Lindhout, Amanda

  Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (Lewis)

  Lippman, Laura

  Lipsyte, Sam

  Lister, Michael

  Little Engine That Could, The (Piper)

  Little Green (Mosley)

  Little Prince, The (St. Exupéry)

  Little Sister, The (Chandler)

  Little White Horse, The (Goudge)

  Little Women (Alcott)

  Litwack, Leon

  Liu Xiaobo

  Live by Night (Lehane)

  Living Currency (Klossowski)

  Living Room (Waplington)

  Locke, Attica

  Locke, John

  Lodge, David

  Loftin, Hugh

  Lolita (Nabokov)

  Lombard, Peter

  London, Jack

  Long Grass Whispers, The (Elliot)

  Long Way Gone, A (Beah)

  Look, I Made a Hat (Sondheim)

  Lord Jim (Conrad)

  Lord of the Flies (Golding)

  Lord Rochester’s Monkey (Greene)

  Lost, The (Mendelsohn)

  Lost in Shangri-La (Zuckoff)

  Lost Steps, The (Carpentier)

  Love, an Index (Lindenberg)

  Lovecraft, H. P.

  Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish (Rakoff)

  Love Medicine (Erdrich)

  Love of a Good Woman, The (Munro)

  Lovers (Arsand)

  Lover’s Discourse, A (Barthes)

  Lowell, Robert

  Lubitsch, Ernst

  Lucky Jim (Amis)

  Lud-in-the-Mist (Mirrlees)

  Ludlum, Robert

  Luhrmann, T. M.

  Lupica, Mike

  Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (Goodwin)

  Macaulay, Rose

  Macbeth (Shakespeare)

  MacDonald, John D.

  Macdonald, Ross

  Machado de Assis, Joaquim M.

  Machiavelli, Niccolò

  Mackie, J. L.

  Maddox, Brenda

  Madeline (Bemelmans)

  Mad King, The (King)

  Mad magazine

  Magnificence (Millet)

  Mailer, Norman

  Main-Travelled Roads (Garland)

  Majestie (Teems)

  Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand (Simonson)

  Make Way for Ducklings (McCloskey)

  Making the Most of Your Money (Quinn)

  Malamud, Bernard

  Malcolm, Janet

  Malone Dies (Beckett)

  Malraux, André

  Manganelli, Giorgio

  Mann, Thomas

  Man’s Fate (Malraux)

  Mansfield, Katherine

  Mantel, Hilary

  Man Who Killed Kennedy, The (Stone)

  Man Who Knew Infinity, The (Kanigel)

  Man Without Qualities, The (Musil)

  Manxmouse (Gallico)

  Map and the Territory, The (Houellebecq)

  Maraini, Dacia

  Marathon Man (Goldman)

  Marcus, Ben

  Marcus Aurelius

  Marías, Javier

  Mario and the Magician (Mann)

  Marioka Sisters, The (Tanizaki)

  Marlantes, Karl

  Marra, Anthony

  “Marriage Cure, The” (Boo)

  Marriage Plot, The (Eugenides)

  Marshall, James

  Marshall, S. L. A. (Slam)

  Martha Stewart Living Cookbook, The

  Martí, José

  Martian Chronicles, The (Bradbury)

  Martin, Steve

  Martone, Michael

  Maruya, Saiichi

  Marvel Comics

  Marx, Karl

  Mary Poppins (Travers)

  Masefield, John

  Massie, Robert

  Master and Margarita (Bulgakov)

  Master of the Senate (Caro)

  Masters, John

  Mathematics and the Imagination (Kasner and Newman)

  Maugham, W. Somerset

  Maxim, Hiram

  Maximum Ride books (Patterson)

  May, Karl

  Maya’s Notebook (Allende)

  McAdoo, Eleanor Wilson

  McBride, James

  McCaffrey, Barry

  McCaffrey, William J.

  McCann, Colum

  McCarthy, Cormac

  McDermid, Val

  McDermott, Alice

  McEwan, Ian

  McGuane, Thomas

  McLuhan, Marshall

  McMurtry, Larry

  McNutty, John

  McPhee, John

  McQueen, Steve

  Meaningful Life, A (Davis)

  Measure of a Nation, The (Friedman)

  Medawar, Peter

  Meditations (Aurelius)

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Melville, Herman

  Member of the Wedding, The (McCullers)

  Memoirs of an Invisible Man (Saint)

  Memory Palace, The (Bartok)

  Mencken, H. L.

  Mendelsohn, Daniel

  Mercury (Reines)

  Merlis, Mark

  Merton, Thomas

  Merwin, W. S.

  Metamorphosis, The (Kafka)

  Michener, James

  Middlemarch (Eliot)

  Mighty Thor comics

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent

  Miller, Alice

  Miller, Madeline

  Millet, Lydia

  Milton, John

  Mina, Denise

  Mind and Cosmos (Nagel)

  Mindell, Jodi

  Minor Characters (Johnson)

  Mir, Pedro

  Miracle-man (Moore)

  Mirrlees, Hope

  Misérables, Les (Hugo)

  Mishima, Yukio

  Miss Lonelyhearts (West)

  Mistress of Mistresses (Eddison)

  Mistry, Rohinton

  Mitchell, David

  Moby-Dick (Melville)

  Modern Cosmologies (Clerke)

  Molesworth (Willans)

  Monette, Paul

  Monkey Wrench Gang, The (Abbey)

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Monsarrat, Nicholas

  Montaigne, Michel de

  Moonraker (Fleming)

  Moonstone, The (Collins)

  Moonwalking with Einstein (Foer)

  Moorcock, Michael

  Moore, Alan

  Moore, Brian

  Moore, Lorrie

  Moorehead, Caroline

  Moravia, Alberto

  Morgenstern, Erin

  Morning in Serra Mattu (Gamal)

  Morpurgo, Michael

  Morrieson, Ronald Hugh

  Morris, Edmund

  Morrison, Toni

  Mortality (Hitchens)

  Morvern Callar (Warner)

  Moser, Barry

  Mosley, Walter

  Moss, Howard
/>   Mother Love, Mother Hate (Torn in Two) (Parker)

  Mountains of the Moon (Kay)

  Mo Yan

  Moya Pons, Frank

  Moyers, Bill

  Mr. Bridge (Connell)

  Mr. Peanut (Ross)

  Mrs. Bridge (Connell)

  Muir, John

  Mullahs Without Mercy (Robertson)

  Muller, Richard A.

  Mumford, Lewis

  Munro, Alice

  Murakami, Haruki

  Murphy, Monica

  Murray, Bill

  Murray, Paul

  Musil, Robert

  My American Journey (Powell)

  My Antonia (Cather)

  My Beloved World (Sotomayor)

  My Father’s Dragon (Gannett)

  My Life (Clinton)

  My Life (Maxim)

  My Lunches with Orson (Biskind)

  Mysticism and Logic (Russell)

  My Stroke of Insight (Taylor)

  My Struggle (Knausgaard)

  My Way of Life (Farrell)

  Nabokov, Vladimir

  Nadas, Peter

  Nagel, Thomas

  Naked (Sedaris)

  Nancy Drew books (Keene)

  Narcopolis (Thayil)

  Narnia books (Lewis)

  Nasar, Sylvia

  Nasaw, David

  Nash, Ogden

  Nawa, Fariba

  Neely, Anne

  Nelson, Oliver

  Neruda, Pablo

  Nesbit, E.

  Neumann, John von

  Never Let Me Go (Ishiguro)

  New Jim Crow, The (Alexander)

  Newman, James

  Nicolson, Adam

  Nicolson, Harold

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Niffenegger, Audrey

  Nightbirds on Nantucket (Aiken)

  Night Circus, The (Morgenstern)

  Night Dogs (Anderson)

  Nine Stories (Salinger)

  Ninotchka (film)

  Nisbett, Richard

  Nora (Maddox)

  Nordhaus, William

  Norse Gods and Giants (D’Aulaire and D’Aulaire)

  North Country (Wingerd)

  Northup, Solomon

  Nothing to Envy (Demick)

  Now, Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham and Clifton)

  Numbers Game, The (Anderson and Sally)

  NW (Smith)

  Nye, Naomi Shihab

  Oates, Joyce Carol

  Obama, Barack

  Obreht, Téa

  O’Brian, Patrick

  O’Brien, Edna

  O’Brien, Flann

  O’Brien, Tim

  O’Connor, Flannery

  Odets, Clifford

  O’Donnell, Lisa

  Odyssey, The (Homer)

  Of a Fire on the Moon (Mailer)

  O’Faolain, Sean

  Of Human Bondage (Maugham)

  O’Hara, Frank

  Oh the Glory of It All (Wilsey)

  Oldenburg, Volker

  Olds, Sharon

  Old School (Wolff)

  Oliver, Mary

  Olmsted, Frederick Law

  Olsen, Tillie

  Ondaatje, Michael

  One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey)

  One Hundred Years of Solitude (García Márquez)

  One Man’s Justice (Yoshimura)

  One Thousand and One Nights

  One, Two, Three…Infinity (Gamow)

  On Love (de Botton)

  On Such a Full Sea (Lee)

  On the Day You Were Born (Frasier)

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin)

  On the Road (Kerouac)

  On Writing (King)

  Operating Instructions (Lamott)

  Opium Nation (Nawa)

  O’Rourke, P. J.

  Orphan Master’s Son, The (Johnson)

  Orwell, George

  Othello (Shakespeare)

  Our Kind of People (Iweala)

  Outliers (Gladwell)

  Out of the Silent Planet (Lewis)

  Owen, Iris

  Oxford Book of American Short Stories, The

  Oxford Study Bible, The

  Oz, Amos

  Paddle-to-the-Sea (Holling)

  Pagels, Elaine

  Painted Bird, The (Kosinski)

  Painted Drum (Erdrich)

  Paley, Grace

  Parallel Stories (Nadas)

  Paredes, Américo

  Paris, Barry

  Parker, Dorothy

  Parker, Rozsika

  Parliament of Whores (O’Rourke)

  Parravani, Christa

  Pascal, Blaise

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo

  Patchett, Ann

  Patience Stone, The (Rahimi)

  Patrick Melrose Novels, The (St. Aubyn)

  Patterns for Improvisation (Nelson)

  Patterson, James

  Pavese, Cesare

  Peake, Mervyn

  Peanuts comics (Schulz)

  Pelecanos, George

  Penzler, Otto

  People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn)

  Percy, Walker

  Perelandra (Lewis)

  Perry, Philippa

  Persian Boy (Renault)

  Persico, Joe

  Person and the Situation, The (Nisbett and Ross)

  Peter Pan (Barrie)

  Peter the Great (Massie)


  Pevear, Richard

  Phantom Tollbooth, The (Juster)

  Philbrick, Nathaniel

  Philosophy in a New Key (Langer)

  Physics for Future Presidents (Muller)

  Picasso and Truth (Clark)

  Pierpont, Claudia Roth

  Pigott-Smith, Tim

  Pincus, Harriet

  Pinker, Steven

  Pinney, Melissa Ann

  Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren)

  Places in Between, The (Stewart)

  Plague, The (Camus)

  Platform (Houellebecq)

  Plath, Sylvia


  Plot Against America, The (Roth)

  Pnin (Nabokov)

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  Poets in a Landscape (Highet)

  Pogo comics (Kelly)

  Poison River (Hernandez)

  Poisonwood Bible, The (Kingsolver)

  Polish Jewry (Fuks)

  Ponge, Francis

  Pope Who Quit, The (Sweeney)

  Popular Educator Library

  Portis, Charles

  Portrait of a Lady, The (James)

  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce)

  Post, Emily

  Postwar (Judt)

  Potter, Christopher

  Poverty and Compassion (Himmelfarb)

  Powell, Alma

  Powell, Colin

  Powell, Dawn

  Power and the Glory, The (Greene)

  Power Broker, The (Caro)

  Power of Myth, The (Campbell)

  Powers, Kevin

  Power, Sex, Suicide (Lane)

  Prayer for Owen Meany, A (Irving)

  Prejudices (Mencken)

  Presumed Innocent (Turow)

  Price, Richard

  Priceless Gift, The (McAdoo)

  Pride and Prejudice (Austen)

  Primary Colors (Klein)

  Prince, The (Machiavelli)

  Principles of History (Collingwood)

  Pritchett, V. S.

  Private Diaries of Catherine Deneuve, The

  Problems in Astrophysics (Clerke)

  Professional Soldier, The (Janowitz)

  Promise Land (Lamb-Shapiro)


  Prose, Francine

  Proulx, Annie

  Proust, Marcel

  Provincial Lady books (Delafield)

  Psychoanalysis (Malcolm)

  Psychopathia Sexualis

  Public Burning, The (Coover)

  Pullman, Philip

  Punishment of Virtue, The (Chayes)

  Quatro, Jamie<
br />
  Queen Isabella (Weir)

  Queen of Fashion (Weber)

  Queen of Scots (Guy)

  Quindlen, Anna

  Quinn, Jane Bryant

  Rabbit at Rest (Updike)

  Rabbit, Run (Updike)

  Rabe, Tish

  Rabelais, François

  Rabid (Wasik and Murphy)

  Rahimi, Atiq

  Rainmaker, The (film)

  Raj Quartet, The (Scott)

  Rakoff, David


  Rand, Ayn

  Random Family (LeBlanc)

  Rapture Practice (Hartzler)

  Rawls, John

  Raylan (Leonard)

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reasons of State (Carpentier)

  Rebecca (du Maurier)

  Recognitions, The (Gaddis)

  Red and the Black, The (Stendahl)

  Red Dragon (Harris)

  Red Strangers (Huxley)

  Rees, Martin

  Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle

  Reines, Ariana

  Re-Islanding of Mumbai, The (Fernandes)

  Religion and the Decline of Magic (Thomas)

  Remains of the Day, The (Ishiguro)

  Remarkable Trees of Virginia (Hugo and Llewellyn)

  Renault, Mary

  Rendell, Ruth

  Report from Iron Mountain (Lewin)

  Return to Paradise (Michener)

  Revelations Space (Reynolds)

  Reynolds, Alastair

  Richard III (Shakespeare)

  Richie Rich comics

  Richter, Gerhard

  Rick Brant Science-Adventure series (Blaine)

  Riddle of the Traveling Skull, The (Keeler)

  Ridley, Matt

  Riefenstahl, Leni

  Ries, Eric

  Rifleman (Gregg and Stroud)

  Rimbaud, Arthur

  Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The (Shirer)

  R Is for Rocket (Bradbury)

  Ritter, Lawrence S.

  Roach, Mary

  Road, The (McCarthy)

  Road Less Traveled, The (Peck)

  Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek)

  Robards, Jason

  Robbins, Harold

  Roberts, Julia

  Robertson, Geoffrey

  Robins, Jane

  Robinson, Marilynne

  Robison, Amy

  Rodari, Gianni

  Rodriguez, Jose

  Roger Maris (Clavin and Peary)

  Roiphe, Katie

  Rome (Hughes)

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rootabaga Stories (Sandburg)

  Rosegger, Peter

  Rosenblum, Ralph

  Ross, Adam

  Ross, Lee

  Roth, Henry

  Roth, Joseph

  Roth, Philip

  Rothschild, Emma

  Roth Unbound (Pierpont)

  Rowling, J. K.

  Roy, Arundhati

  Royal Affair, A (Tillyard)

  Rubin, Maury

  Rudnick, Paul


  Rushdie, Salman

  Ruskin, John

  Russell, Bertrand

  Russell, Karen

  Sacco, Joe

  Sacks, Oliver

  Safire, William

  Sagan, Carl

  Sage, Lorna

  Saint, H. F.

  St. Aubyn, Edward

  Saks, Elyn

  Saldívar, Ramón

  Sale, Faith

  Salinger, J. D.

  Sally, David

  Salter, James

  Samuelson, Paul

  Sandberg, Sheryl


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