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The Reluctant Assassin

Page 4

by Alexandra Vos

  Spurred on by my apparently unwise alcohol consumption, I pressed my lips against his.

  It was only for a second and of course he didn’t respond, but it still made a smile play across my mouth.

  Retracting the knife and rolling to the side, I didn’t respond to Jack’s “Wha-”

  We lay in silence for a moment as I was allowed to wallow in the embarrassment of my actions.

  “I didn’t realise how strong you’d be.”

  “Evidently.” I couldn’t help but be a little smug at how easily I’d manhandled him. “We also have better memory,” I answered his previous query. “That’s how most of my race easily gets top jobs. Education is a piece of cake when you can just remember everything. The assassins are kept around for if we ever need someone important taking out. And also because we drag in a big portion of the money.”


  We lapsed back into silence. My face was still tinged pink and I curled my toes. My first kiss hadn’t entirely been what I’d expected, but I wasn’t going to take it back. Possibly just because of the absolute shock on Jack’s expression when I pulled back. Definitely worth it.

  I wasn’t entirely sure why he hadn’t assumed I was just taking the piss out of him and let his rage take over. I’d killed someone he cared about, kissing him was probably one of the biggest insults I could have managed.

  “Why haven’t you just taken me out already? You obviously could.”

  “Because no one’s interested in you.” It was blunt, but the truth. “The only people who matter are whoever you’re working for.”

  I was staring at the ceiling, but the lack of hesitation proved he wasn’t surprised we had figured out he was only part of the bigger picture. It was obvious, really. “Why haven’t you brought me in and made me tell you everything I know, then?”

  “Trust me, Dale really wants to do that. You should thank yourself lucky I have a conscience.” Not that Jack would believe that, judging by his earlier comment. Regret filled me at the thought of whoever I’d killed that Jack cared so much about, but I ploughed on regardless. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you or kill you or anything. I’m positive I deserve it more than you do. There’ll be hundreds of people out there feeling the same as you, only you’ve got a face to hate, whereas everyone else just hates the person who killed someone they loved.” Sighing, I sat up, ready to go to return to the party and avoid Jack’s company. “I don’t want to hurt you, so I’m not going to. I’m just going to deflect you for as long as I can.”

  I didn’t wait for a response, but I heard the “whatever makes you sleep at night,” Jack slung at me as I exited the room. Jenny would probably be better company right now, hopefully she could drag me out of the bizarre mood I’d found myself in, where I was weighed down by guilt one minute and filled with some kind of girlish excitement the next.

  Jenny was far too preoccupied for that when I entered the kitchen. She was perched on a counter, the guy she’d been dancing with stood between her legs and their mouths moving in perfect sync. She was completely oblivious to my entrance.

  Eyeing up the remaining alcohol, I almost went for some tap water. Then I noticed Jack also re-entering the party and grabbed the almost empty bottle of vodka. Oblivion seemed to be the perfect place for me right now.

  “Well, Jenny’s first kiss seems to be going significantly better than mine.” I dead-panned when Jack sidled up beside me to use the tap.

  “That was really your first kiss?” Jack sounded more than surprised.

  “Yes,” I paused, before smirking. “Just because you think I’m pretty, doesn’t mean-”

  “I’m leaving.”

  I grabbed Jack’s arm, appreciating the toned muscle my fingers latched onto. In human terms, Jack was plenty strong. “Why didn’t you drink tonight?”

  “I don’t drink, at all,” he replied simply.

  “Is there a reason for that?”

  “I’m going to see my friends,” he insisted, pulling away from my hand and disappearing into the lounge and dodging my question. I’d probably never know the real reason.

  “Ilona! You’re here,” Jenny noticed my arrival. “Where’ve you been?” The boy she’d been kissing didn’t look too perturbed by the interruption.

  “Just upstairs, taking a break from the horrific music.”

  “Oh, cool, we should probably get going soon though if that’s okay. I told my mum I’d be home before two.”

  “Shit. I was supposed to be driving, but I’m definitely not in the right state.” Honestly, I would have been fine. My reflexes had been dimmed to human normalcy at the most, but Jenny couldn’t know that.

  Jenny pulled a face. “I don’t have taxi money.”

  “Yeah, me neither.” I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. “I might have another solution, though. Gimme five minutes.”

  It took a little bit of pep-talk and the downing of my drink to go through the door and approach Jack when he was with his friends. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  He looked less than impressed, but still allowed me to drag him away from the group of guys he’d been standing with. “What do you want?”

  Shifting my weight, I clasped my hands together. “Can I have a lift home? Well, when I say ‘I’ I actually mean me and Jenny. I’d just drive home, but I have to give Jenny a lift and obviously she can’t know about the whole superhuman reflexes thing.”


  He’d started to walk away, but my iron grip on his arm stopped Jack going anywhere. “But what if someone murders me when I’m walking home in the freezing rain wearing these uncomfortable shoes. Then you’ll have missed your chance and I know how much you want to kill me. Besides, Jenny might get hurt too, and she’s basically the nicest person ever.”

  Jack rolled his eyes. “Fine, but only to shut you up and for Jenny’s sake. You’re ready to go now?”

  “Oh, sure, we can wait until you’re ready though. We don’t have to go right now if you don’t want.”

  “It’s fine, I’m ready to leave anyway. I’m going to say bye, go and detach Jenny from her new friend.”

  I shot him a grateful smile before disappearing back into the kitchen. Thankfully Jenny was exchanging numbers with the guy rather than actually getting off with him still. “Jack’s gonna give us a lift home. He’s just coming now.”

  “That’s nice of him.” There was only a hint of suspicion in Jenny’s voice.

  “So, you enjoyed yourself after all?” I inquired when the three of us were safely outside the house. “Who was that?”

  “That was Ryan,” Jenny all but slurred. “He went to our school ages ago. I don’t think he actually remembers who I am.”

  “Well, he’ll certainly remember after tonight.”


  “Ilona, wake up for fuck’s sake.”

  Dragged away from my particularly pleasant dream where Jack had actually kissed me back, I was greeted by a less than pleased face. “Morning,” I grinned up at him.

  “You reek of alcohol.”

  Hiding my embarrassment, I simply glared at him, stretching past the seat belt to relieve some of the pressure that had built in my muscles.

  “It’s a good job Jenny told me where she lives before you both passed out. I think she might actually be completely out cold. Do you need me to carry her inside?”

  “I think I can manage it.” The smugness in my voice wasn’t at all concealed.

  “Well, do you need someone to unlock the door, then?”

  I had to concede to that. “Yes, please.”

  Letting myself out of his vehicle, the buzz was starting to wear off and I was more than ready for sleep. I pried the keys from Jenny’s bag and hoisted her into my arms. It wasn’t a difficult task and she was short enough for me to carry bridle style without it being uncomfortable.

  Jack opened the door for me and then held the keys out, smirking as I was forced to open my mouth. “Wait, wait,” I stopped him placing them in. “Just w
anted to say thanks for the lift. I’m grateful.”

  The keys were placed in my mouth so I couldn’t respond and my instinct was the spit out the grimy metal key ring. “It was for Jenny, and it’s never, ever happening again.” His smile was soft, though, as was the wave he knew I couldn’t respond to.

  Chapter Five

  Jack was angry – furious, even – and his harsh eyes made me retreat backwards, until the back of my thighs crashed into the bed.

  “How did you get in here?” There was no way he should have been able to dodge the excessive security that the complex had. One of the cameras would have spotted him the moment he entered the car park and then the task of getting to my room was even more ridiculous. I was two floors up - no one was getting in through my window. I had no conveniently placed tree like the one I’d used to get into Jack’s room.

  Yet, he was here, knife exposed and eyes fixed on me, blazing with hatred. There was nothing soft about that crystal blue now - it was ice. He didn’t respond to my query, but simply continued to advance on me.

  “What are you doing?” It was a stupid question, but it fell from my lips anyway in panic. I reached into my bra for my own knife, but it was absent. Still, I shouldn’t need it. I could outmanoeuvre him and I had more strength. This should still be easy enough.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  Instead of attempting to fight back, I retreated further, scooting backwards over my sheets until I reached the headboard. I was scared of him, despite my power. He was so determined, so convinced that killing me was the right thing to do. I had no doubt he’d plunge that blade into me at the first opportunity. It was different from the boy who had almost looked sorry for my schooling situation the night before. “In my own bedroom? Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh?”

  “What you did to me was harsh.” His reply was immediate as he came after me, onto the bed and so close I was forced to press myself completely against the piece of wood at my back.

  “But I don’t even know what I did. Not really.” Jack came at me, then, and I grabbed his arms, attempting to throw him off.

  Only he was stronger than me, pinning my arms above my head with one hand and pressing the knife to my stomach with the other. I couldn’t move an inch, despite my thrashing. “And that’s all the more satisfying; letting you die without ever even knowing why.”

  “Jack, please,” I begged, ceasing my struggles and submitting to his superior hold on me. “But I like you, I kissed you, doesn’t that count for anything?” I searched his face frantically, looking for any sort of softness, any indication that he felt something more than scorn for me.

  I found none.

  “Goodbye, Ilona.” And then he pushed the knife into my flesh.

  I woke up in a shuddering huddle, my hands immediately going to my stomach and finding it intact. I kicked off my covers, breathing hard, but incredibly grateful I didn’t scream. I didn’t need anyone seeing me in this state.

  Free of the restricting material, I began to pace the small space of my room. The dream was terrifying, not only because I died, but because what I’d said was true. I did like Jack and this whole scenario was going to end horribly for one of us. I desperately didn’t want it to be him, but killing me was the only way he was going to get out of this on even terms with his employer. Having said that, Dale would probably have him killed if he murdered me.

  Maybe it was impossible for Jack to get a good ending at this point.

  My heart sank. I didn’t want this for him. I didn’t want any of this at all.

  My pacing didn’t cease as I ran through these thoughts. I had to find an out for him; there had to be something I could do, but that wasn’t going to be possible without knowing why exactly he was doing this.

  Mind made up, I stripped out of my skimpy pyjamas and into some jeans and an oversized hoody. I had to find out his reasoning, it was the only way.

  I slipped the knife into my jean’s pocket and briefly considered taking my pistol. I decided against it. I did have my strength in the real world, I didn’t need a gun to threaten Jack.

  The sprint there was short and not tiring, but I made sure I was completely composed before working my way up the tree and inside Jack’s open window. Jack’s house was empty apart from him; I’d gathered that from listening to the bug footage. His mum and little sister were visiting an old colleague of his mothers. It was the perfect time to infiltrate his house and retrieve some answers.

  I prayed Jack would wake up solely from my intrusion; shaking him awake wasn’t likely to be the most intimidating thing. He remained in a peaceful slumber, messy hair strewn across his pillow.

  Already discouraged, I perched on the end of his bed, hoping that would be enough to disturb his sleep. It wasn’t.

  I watched his sleeping face. It was completely serene; the complete opposite of his raging snarl during my nightmare. My uncertainty grew as I watched his chest rise and fall, the covers having been thrown off during the night. My eyes travelled south to consider his boxer clad lower half only momentarily. I really needed to stick to my guns here. This was the only way.

  The sound of a phone ringing cutting through the silence made me jump and I cursed myself for being so stupid, but it wasn’t my phone. I hadn’t even brought my phone - I generally didn’t in case I somehow dropped it and left a trail for someone to follow.

  Jack groaned, a low, tired sound, and retrieved his buzzing mobile, answering it with a grimace. He hadn’t noticed me, perched in the shadows at the end of his bed. My black hair faded perfectly into the darkness.

  “Hey, Ellie.” He was definitely trying to sound less annoyed than his expression gave off. “Yeah, I was asleep. I know, I am normally up, I’m sorry I didn’t call you since the party, I’ve just been distracted.” He ran a hand through his own mop of jet black hair, frowning as it simply flopped back into his face. “No, nothing interesting-” his voice trailed off as he finally noticed me. “I’m gonna drop back to sleep, but I’ll talk tomorrow.” He hung up before a response from the girl on the other line.

  I gave a sarcastic wave, before moving to straddle his hips and press my knife to his throat. I couldn’t afford to mess around, otherwise I’d back down. “Tell me why you want to kill me,” I demanded, voice level and emotionless. Detaching myself from him was the only way, even as I felt his hardened body beneath me and felt my own body respond. I couldn’t let him get to me. I couldn’t let the fact that I liked Jack matter. He would never feel the same.

  Jack laughed. “I’m not telling you and I don’t believe you’d hurt me. You already told me that last night.”

  I pushed the blade further, forcing down my guilt. “It was an act, Jack. Oh, come on, don’t be so naive. I’m an assassin, I’ve lied my entire life, fooling you was no different. I thought maybe the sympathy vote would get me information, but clearly I was wrong. So, this is my only option. I want you to tell me why you want to kill me.”

  He was still unsure. “I’m not buying it.”

  My knife broke the skin on his neck. It was less than a paper cut, just as he’d done to me, but his eyes were wide. I’d never pushed this far before and I managed to keep my face a complete mask of indifference. He’d probably never seen this expression before, either.

  I was selling it well.

  “You killed my brother,” he spat, a vein in his neck throbbing and fists clenched in the sheets at his sides.

  The arm holding the knife to his throat went limp and I was grateful I could see no blood. I racked my brains. I’d been over my Sheffield case history and there was nothing relating to Jack. I thought it must be something far more obscure than that. No one in my entire portfolio had shared his last name. “Simon Jones,” Jack supplied.

  I was immediately taken back to the knife in the throat I’d given him. It was a sloppy case, that one, and probably my least professional case to date. I’d made a mess of it, missing the shot and being forced to manhandle him. My hands had be
en shaking; my first solo mission. Andrew, my boss at the time, had been less than impressed. Perhaps that’s why I’d ended up coming to Sheffield.

  “But Jack, he was-” I cut myself short. “I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

  I hadn’t been short enough and a fierce glare filled with doubt was staring up at me. “He was what?”

  “Nothing, he was just still in Newcastle, that’s why I didn’t figure it out.” I forced myself away from Jack and back towards the window. “I really am sorry.”

  I wasn’t getting out of this that easily, though, I’d triggered something primal in him and he got out of the bed, stalking towards me. “Why was he murdered, Ilona?”

  I was somewhat surprised he hadn’t gone for this approach in the first place. He’d obviously had some theory different to the truth, but now I’d put the question into his head, I couldn’t really leave without giving the answer.


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