31. Lubabu Mpasi-A-Mbongo and Musangi Ntemo 1987: 56.
32. Mwabila Malela 1979: 128.
33. Huybrechts et al. 1980: 239.
34. Interview with Paul Kasenge, Lubumbashi, June 29, 2007.
35. Huybrechts et al. 1980: 170.
36. Interview with André Kitadi, Kinshasa, October 16, 2008.
37. Gast 1996.
38. Lubabu Mpasi-A-Mbongo and Musangi Ntemo 1987: 76.
39. Verhaegen 1978: 126–30.
40. Interview with Adolphine Ngoy, Bukavu, June 19, 2007.
41. Interview with Bertrand Bisengimana, Kivumeer, April 25, 2008.
42. Young and Turner 1985: 167–68.
43. Ndaywel è Nziem 1995.
44. Sakombi Inongo 1974b: 409.
45. Sakombi Inongo 1974a: 334.
46. Ekanga Botombele 1975.
47. Sakombi Inongo 1974b: 318.
48. Interview with Joseph Ibongo, Kinshasa, June 1, 2007.
49. with Jean-Pierre Mukoko, Kinshasa, March 19, 2005.
50. White 2008: 73–79.
51. Huybrechts et al. 1980: 155.
52. Schatzberg 1988: 122–25.
53. Nzongola-Ntalaja 2002: 148.
54. Bézy et al. 1981: 57–68.
55. Van den Bosch 1992: 90.
56. Bézy et al. 1981: 61.
57. Mobutu 1973: 233, 243.
58. Chomé 1975: 28.
59. Chomé 1978: 142–43.
60. Stewart 2000: 199.
61. Mailer 1975.
62. Young and Turner 1985: 326–62.
63. Houyoux 1972 ; Houyoux 1973.
64. Pain 1984: 114.
1. Braeckman 1992: 298.
2. Remilleux 1989: 91.
3. Remilleux 1989: 92.
4. http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/otrag.shtml.
5. Kalonga 1978: 32–47.
6. Mende Omalanga and Tshilenge wa Kabamb 1992: 75–77.
7. Willame 1986.
8. Ndaywiel è Nziem 1998: 737.
9. Willame 1986: 132.
10. Willame 1986: 80–81.
11. Interviews with Zizi Kabongo, Kinshasa, May 31and November 14 and 16, 2007, April 21 and September 16, 2008.
12. Geerts 2005: 173–76.
13. Yambuya 1991: 34–36.
14. Yambuya 1991: 33.
15. Yambuya 1991: 28.
16. Cabinet du Département de la Défense Nationale 1974: 40.
17. Kamitatu-Massamba 1977: 103.
18. Yambuya 1991: 69.
19. Yakemtchouk 1988b: 399–402.
20. Young and Turner 1985: 375.
21. Wrong 2000: 190.
22. Interview with Eugène Yoka Kinene, Kinshasa, November 11, 2008.
23. Interview with Alphonsine Mosolo Mpiaka, Kinshasa, November 7, 2008.
24. Young and Turner 1985: 324.
25. Ndaywel è Nziem 1998: 732.
26. Young and Turner 1985: 324.
27. Ndaywel è Nziem 1998: 732.
28. Willame 1992: 96.
29. Peemans 1988: 23.
30. Young and Turner 1985: 379.
31. Mende Omalanga and Tshilenge wa Kabamb 1992: 28–29.
32. Blumenthal 1982: 8.
33. Blumenthal 1982: 15.
34. Nguza Karl I Bond 1982.
35. Released CIA document, “Zaire’s IMF Problem,” September 15, 1986, http://www.foia.cia.gov/.
36. Stiglitz 2002: 12.
37. Kabuya Kalala et al. 1980.
38. Interview with Didace Kawang, Kinshasa, September 30, 2008.
39. Stiglitz 2002: 18.
40. Young and Turner 1985: 323.
41. Emizet 1997: 22, 26.
42. Nzongola-Ntalaja 1986: 4.
43. Peemans 1988: 39.
44. Emizet 1997: 25.
45. Young and Turner 1985: 311.
46. Janssen 1997: 78–83.
47. Janssen 1997: 73–78.
48. Interview with Kibambi Shintwa, Kinshasa, September 25, 2008.
49. Interviews with Jean Lema, alias Jamais Kolonga, Kinshasa, October 3, 14, and November 6, 2008.
50. Bender 2006: 304.
51. Interview with Alfons Mertens, Puurs, November 5, 2007.
52. Willame 1992: 132.
53. Interview with Raymond Mukoka, Kinshasa, September 29, 2008.
54. Wrong 2000: 97.
55. Braeckman 1992: 72.
56. Interview with Mrs.A., Kinshasa, March 17, 2005; cf. Nlandu-Tsasa 1997: 16.
57. Vandommele 1983: 78–79; Batumike 1986: 52–53.
58. Amnesty International 1980; Amnesty International 1983.
59. Yambuya 1991: 91.
60. Nlandu-Tsasa 1997: 98.
61. Mvumbi Ngolu Tsasa 1986: 68–69.
62. Interview with Papy Mbwiti, Kinshasa, September 30, 2008.
63. MacGaffey 1991: 17–19.
64. Nlandu-Tsasa 1997: 64.
65. Renton et al. 2007: 136.
66. Interview with Papy Mbwiti, Kinshasa, September 30, 2008.
67. Interview with Rufin Kibari Nsanga, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
68. Newbury 1984.
69. Interview with Régine Mutijima, Kinshasa, December 10, 2008.
70. Interview with Thérèse Pakasa, Kinshasa, November 8, 2008.
71. Michel 1999.
72. Braeckman 1992: 303.
1. Interview with Régine Mutijima, Kinshasa, December 10, 2008.
2. Interview with Modeste Mutinga, Kinshasa, October 3, 2008.
3. Interview with Baudouin Hamuli, Kinshasa, September 16 and 24, 2008.
4. Hamuli Kabarhuza et al. 2003: 27.
5. Braeckman 1992: 205.
6. Interview with Baudouin Hamuli, Kinshasa, September 16 and 24, 2008.
7. Mende Omalanga and Tshilenge wa Kabamb 1992: 45–47.
8. Buyse 1994: 29.
9. Interview with Kibambi Shintwa, Kinshasa, September 25, 2008.
10. Interview with Baudouin Hamuli, Kinshasa, September 16 and 24, 2008.
11. Interview with José Mpundu, Kinshasa, September 23, 2008.
12. De Dorlodot 1994: 90–94.
13. Interviews with Zizi Kabongo, Kinshasa, May 31, November 14 and 16, 2007, April 21 and September 16, 2008.
14. Nzongola-Ntalaja 2002: 193.
15. Nzongola-Ntalaja 2002: 199.
16. Villers and Omasomba 2002: 403.
17. Nzongola-Ntalaja 2002: 196–98.
18. De Herdt and Marysse 2002: 175.
19. Banque Centrale du Congo 2007: 92.
20. Michel 1992.
21. Smith 2005: 234.
22. Devisch 1995: 608.
23. Hamuli Kabarhuza et al. 2003: 18.
24. Devisch 1995.
25. Ndaywel è Nziem 1995: 78, 116.
26. Ndaywel è Nziem 1995: 65–66.
27. Banque Centrale du Congo 2007: 117.
28. Beaugrand 1997: 9.
29. Banque Centrale du Congo 2007: 119; De Boeck and Plissart 2004: 187.
30. Beaugrand 2003.
31. Interview with Alexandre Kasumba Dunia, zoo manager, Kinshasa, December 29, 2003.
32. Kabuya Kalala and Matata Ponyo 1999.
33. Interview with Sekombi Katondolo, Goma, November 26, 2008.
34. Mamdani 2001: 253.
35. Interview with anonymous Mai-mai, Goma, December 4, 2008.
36. Interview with Pierrot Bushala, Goma, November 26, 2008.
37. Vlassenroot 2000.
38. Prunier 2009: 25.
39. Interview with Ruffin Luliba, Kinshasa, October 1, 2008.
40. Reyntjens 2009: 88.
41. Prunier 2009: 122.
42. Interview with Katelijne Hermans, Brussels, September 12, 2007.
43. Interview with Dr. Soki, Kisangani, November 16, 2008.
44. Interview with Sekombi Katondolo, Goma, November 26, 2008.
45. Efinda 2009: 49.
46. Efinda 2009: 73.
47. Human Rig
hts Watch 1997a: 23.
48. Interview with Papy Bulaya, Kinshasa, December 11, 2008.
49. Van Dijck 1997: 9.
50. Prunier 2009: 148.
51. Interview with Rufin Kibari Nsanga, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
52. Interview with Katelijne Hermans, Brussels, September 12, 2007.
53. Interview with Rufin Kibari Nsanga, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
54. Interview with Rufin Kibari Nsanga, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
55. Willame 1998.
56. Reyntjens 2009: 67–77.
57. Prunier 2009: 137–43.
58. El-Tahri 2000.
59. Tokwaulu Aena n.d.: 187.
60. El-Tahri 2000.
1. Reyntjens 2009: 152.
2. Reyntjens 2009: 152.
3. Banque Centrale du Congo 2007: 95.
4. Human Rights Watch 1997b: 16.
5. Rights Watch 1997b: 48.
6. Reyntjens 2009: 152.
7. Interview with Bertin Punga, Kinshasa, September 29, 2008.
8. Frère 2005: 100.
9. Interview with Zizi Kabongo, Kinshasa, November 14, 2007.
10. Reyntjens 2009: 154.
11. Prunier 2009: 150.
12. Reyntjens 2009: 57.
13. Ngbanda 2004: 41.
14. Braeckman et al. 1998: 132.
15. Prunier 2009: 178.
16. International Rescue Committee 2007.
17. Interview with Simba Regis, Kigali, June 25, 2007.
18. Interview with Ruffin Luliba, Kinshasa, December 11, 2008.
19. Interview with Rufin Kibari Nsanga, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
20. Reyntjens 2009: 186.
21. Lanotte 2003: 109.
22. Interview with Jeanine Mukanirwa, Kinshasa, November 12, 2007.
23. Interview with Tharcisse Kayira, Bukavu, June 20, 2007.
24. Interview with Pierrot Bushala, Goma, November 26 2008.
25. Human Rights Watch 2000.
26. Interview with Muhindo, Goma, December 4, 2008.
27. Interview in De Morgen, June 23, 2007.
28. Interview with Yves Van Winden, Goma, December 4, 2008.
29. Villers 2001: 12.
30. Zinzen 2004: 180–5.
31. Interview with Agustin Utshudi, Goma, December 1, 2008.
32. Lanotte 2003: 111–15.
33. Interview with Agustin Utshudi, Goma, December 1, 2008.
34. Interview with Dr. Soki, Kisangani, November 16, 2008.
35. Prunier 2009: 229.
36. Lanotte 2003: 122.
37. Villers 2001: 159–60.
38. Human Rights Watch 2005: 18.
39. Marysse and André 2001.
40. Leclercq 2001: 69.
41. Marysse and André 2001.
42. Global Witness 2005: 30.
43. Wamu Oyatambwe 1999: 122.
44. Harden 2001.
45. Marysse and André 2001.
46. UNESCO 2005: 34.
47. Debroux et al. 2007: 7, 10.
48. Interview with Papy Bulaya, Kinshasa, December 11, 2008.
49. Pole Institute 2002: 11, 13.
50. Vlassenroot and Romkema 2002.
51. Human Rights Watch 2001.
52. Human Rights Watch 2005: 27, 29, 45.
53. Interview with UPC veteran, Kasenyi, November 23, 2008.
54. Jourdan 2004.
55. Interview with Baptiste Uzele-Uparpiu, Kasenyi, November 23, 2008.
56. Interview with Masika Katsuva, Goma, December 2, 2008.
1. Prunier 2009: 252.
2. Braeckman 2003: 97–125.
3. Villers 2009: 15–20.
4. Interview with Antoine Vumilia, Kinshasa, December 12, 2008.
5. Zeebroek 2008: 8–9.
6. Villers 2009: 222.
7. Interview with Johan Swinnen, Kinshasa, November 17, 2007.
8. Reyntjens 2009: 239.
9. Reyntjens 2009: 243–44.
10. NIZA 2006: 20.
11. Interview with Rufin Kibari Nsanga, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
12. Nzeza 2004: 29.
13. NIZA 2006: 20–21.
14. NIZA 2006: 9.
15. Prunier 2009: 306.
16. Reyntjens 2009: 243.
17. Interview with Frank Werbrouck, Kinshasa, November 11, 2008.
18. Vlassenroot and Raeymaekers 2004b.
19. Prunier 2009: 325–26.
20. Interviews with Marie Djoza, Bunia, November 28, 2008; interview with Marie Pacuriema and Jacqueline Dz’ju Malosi, Bunia, November 22, 2008.
21. Human Rights Watch 2003: 6.
22. Interview with Johan Swinnen, Kinshasa, November 17, 2007.
23. Human Rights Watch 2004: 5.
24. Market Volume DRC, internal document Bralima, September 2008.
25. Interview with Jo De Neckere, Brussels, January 23, 2010.
26. Bruijn et al. 2001.
27. Giovannoni et al. 2004: 102–105.
28. Interview with Riza Labwe, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
29. Interview with Justine Masika, Goma, December 1, 2008.
30. Interview with Dolf van den Brink, September 17, 2008.
31. Yoka 2005: 60.
32. Interview with Papy Mbwiti, Kinshasa, September 16, 2008.
33. De Boeck and Plissart 2004: 41.
34. “Werrason,” Wikipedia, January 30, 2010.
35. Interviews with seven Werrason fans, Kikwit, September 21, 2008.
36. Werrason,” Wikipedia, January 30, 2010.
37. Interview with Flamme Kapaya, Kisangani, November 13 and 16, 2008.
38. Interview with Dolf van den Brink, October 4, 2008.
39. Le Potentiel, September 25, 2008.
40. Interview with Beko, May 28, 2007.
41. Frère 2005: 124.
42. Tigo 2007: Annual Report and Accounts.
43. Frère 2009: 210.
44. Frère 2009: 209.
45. Pype 2009a: 103.
46. Pype 2009a: 103.
47. Ayad 2001.
48. Pype 2007.
49. Kalulambi Pongo 2004: 59.
50. Pype, 2009c.
51. Le Potentiel, February 4, 2006.
52. Muambi 2009: 96.
53. Interview with Martin Kayembe, Kinshasa, April 22, 2008.
54. Le Potentiel, May 31, 2007.
55. De Boeck 2004: 162–64.
56. Ndaywel è Nziem 2002.
57. Interview with Dominique Khonde Mpolo, Kinshasa, November 10, 2008.
58. Interview with José Mpundu, Kinshasa, September 23, 2008.
59. Kennes 2003: 298.
60. Amnesty International 2006.
61. Olinga 2006.
62. Reyntjens 2009: 237.
63. White 2008: 184, 187.
64. White 2008: 173; Olinga 2006.
65. Interview with Israël Tshipamba, Kinshasa, May 29, 2007.
66. Frère 2007.
67. Villers 2009: 372.
68. www.deboutcongolais.info/actualite5/art_330.htm.
1. Interview with Pascal Rukengwa, Kinshasa, September 26, 2008.
2. Muambi 2009: 78.
3. Villers 2009: 366.
4. Braeckman 2009: 123.
5. Villers 2009: 369.
6. Saint Moulin 2009: 54.
7. Telephone interview with Pascal Rukengwa, Brussels-Kinshasa, February 9, 2010.
8. Vandaele 2008: 30.
9. De Valon 2006: 23.
10. Interview with Carl De Keyzer, Kinshasa, May 27, 2007.
11. Braeckman 2009: 132.
12. International Crisis Group 2007: 10.
13. Human Rights Watch 2008a: 16–65.
14. Soudan 2007: 28.
15. Quiproquo, 20 juni 2007.
16. Interview with Baudouin Waterkeyn, hospital chaplain, Lubumbashi, June 29, 2007.
17. Villers 2009: 430.
18. The Africa Report, accessed December
2009: 197.
19. Muzito 2010: 4–8.
20. hrd.undp.org.
21. www.foreignpolicy.com.
22. www.doingbusiness.org.
23. www.unicef.org/infobycountry/drcongo_statistics.html.
24. Villers 2009: 426.
25. IPIS 2008a.
26. Africa Confidential, October 8, 2009: 2.
27. Interview with Alain Chirwisa, alias Alesh, Kisangani, November 16, 2008.
28. Stiglitz 2002: 18.
29. Radio France International, September 22, 2009.
30. Amnesty International 2010.
31. Baldauf, 2008.
32. Scott 2008: 170.
33. Lemarchand 2009: 270.
34. IPIS 2008b.
35. Interview in De Morgen, May 6, 2008.
36. Human Rights Watch 2008b.
37. Interview with Major Antoine, Rwanguba, November 27, 2008.
38. Human Rights Watch 2002b: 18–20.
39. Interview with Laurent Nkunda, Rwanguba, November 27, 2008.
40. United Nations Security Council 2008; Human Rights Watch 2008b.
41. Interview with Grâce Nirahabimana, Mugunga, December 2, 2008.
42. International Crisis Group 2009a, b.
43. Hoebeke et al. 2009: 136.
44. Berwouts 2010.
45. De Keyzer 2009: 14–15.
46. Campbell 2007.
47. Braeckman 2009: 158–59.
48. RAID 2009: 8–26.
49. IPIS 2009.
50. Braeckman 2010: 52.
51. Braeckman 2009: 175.
52. Soudan 2007: 28.
53. Braeckman 2009: 177.
54. IMF, December 11, 2009: press release 09/445.
55. Minani 2010.
56. Vandaele 2005: 166; www.imf.org.
57. Reuters, December 12, 2009.
58. ASADHO 2010.
59. Stearns 2010.
60. Interview with Dadine Musitu, Kinshasa, September 16, 2008.
61. Interview with Rosemonde N., Kinshasa, September 25, 2008.
1. China Daily, October 28, 2008.
2. Interview with Jules Bitulu, Guangzhou, October 27, 2008.
3. Interview with Lukisu Fule, Guangzhou, October 25, 2008.
4. Interview with Patou Lelo, Guangzhou, October 26, 2008.
5. Interviews with Commandant “César” and “Timothée,” Guangzhou, October 26, 2008.
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