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Clem's Contrivance: Terrorist Fiction In The Deep South (The Apocalyptic Rifle Book 1)

Page 6

by Ron Foster

  “What now Jimmy? We in a fine mess now. Should we head for David’s after we break camp back and pickup the RV`s and get his take on things?” Palmer asked as his wife and Jimmy’s had their own “what do we do now conversation”.

  “I guess that’s the plan but I need to be thinking about what the hell I am going to do next. Colorado is too far to try to make with that gas guzzler and I am only sitting on a half a tank.” Jimmy said letting the power outage and fuel shortage remain unsaid because as preppers they were fully aware of that situation.

  “Maybe David will let you stay with him awhile.” Palmer advised

  “Oh I am pretty sure he wouldn’t mind it for awhile and he probably would appreciate some help, but he doesn’t have much room, he is always referring to his place as prepper shack as you know and I think he sits on small acreage also. I got about two months of food packed in my RV, glad I was playing bug out instead of just vacationing. “Jimmy said.

  “I got about the same stored in my rig; I have been playing that game of a fully provisioned home on wheels for awhile. Marlissa and I got an apartment in Birmingham that has got some more stores in it I need to swing by and get, but we ain`t going to try staying in the city. Might not even go back into the city again. We sold our country house awhile back, was just too much to keep up with at our age. I got a plan where to bug out to though I think you might like to hear.” Palmer said before Marlissa and Nancy walked over.

  “Palmer I told Nancy here she and Jimmy ought to consider staying down to the factory with us until we all can figure out what’s going on. There is no way that we are going back to the city to pick up the rest of our supplies unless you think it being safe.” Marlissa said looking at her husband and watching Nancy looking brightly at her husband that for now anyway their problems seemed to be mostly solved.

  “We two think alike Marlissa, I was just about ready to extend an invite to Jimmy and his wife to come stay with us a spell. Jimmy I got me an old run down brick factory on the banks of the Coosa River not far from the Corps of Engineer campground that Prepper stock was being held at. It’s old, run down and been vacant since shortly after World War II. The building used to be a cotton mill but they converted it to make combat boots towards the end of war but it’s still standing and reasonably solid. Takes a lot of water to make boots, we not only got the river but an artesian well up on the hill we can draw from. The place is big enough we can drive both RV`s in the warehouse and close the doors and nobody be the wiser that we are staying there. I got a years worth of food shut up in an ocean freight container that ought to be still good if the vandals or thieves ain`t busted the locks and got into it. The place is kind of remote and forgotten about by most folks, but we have had our problems with folks finding it upon occasion. I pay this old sharecropper a pittance to ride by and check on things once in awhile and give me a call if anything is too much amiss, dang meth lab folks might move in or something, anyway Daddy shut her down long ago and me and my brother kept the land taxes paid, ain`t more than a few hundred dollars a year and once in awhile I get a wild hair to go risk life and limb playing with a old rusted out tug that used to service the cargo barges. Oh it will run after giving me a few hundred fits to get it started and that old rust bucket looks like it will sink at anytime but its still sea worthy. It used to belong to the coast guard on the great lakes back in the day and has a triple hull to be used as a ice breaker if need be, Daddy bought it at a surplus auction and put it to work back during the big one hauling barge freight. Don’t expect nothing fancy, I doubt that thing still has one spot of original paint still on it and if it does you couldn’t see it for the rust over it. We could use it however to take a run down Montgomery way and maybe appropriate some food from the Purina pet food factory down by the state docks. I ain`t saying we going to go get sacks of dog food to eat but I will take them if they got them, thing is they make that food with all kind of grains and corn and it might just be the honey hole of supplies most folks wont think about let alone be able to move unless you had such a old scow or boat like mine,” Palmer said letting his somewhat magnanimous offer sink in.

  “Hell Palmer that sounds ideal, well the factory anyway. I want to see that old tug of yours for myself before I start thinking of raiding a dog food plant though. Honey, does going to the factory sound ok with you?” Jimmy said looking towards his wife Nancy who beamed a smile and hugged Marlissa and said she thought the idea was just fine.

  “Oh but yea Jimmy, almost forgot. Purina makes much more than dog food there, they make horse feed, goat feed, chicken scratch, egg laying mash and other stuff. You know they grind up oyster shell for that egg laying mash for the calcium in it to make the eggs shells harder. There are barges full of shells they dredge and bring up from the coast down by Mobile. I got a couple cans of that nitrogen packed garden seeds stored back at the factory but they have been there 8 years or so, they might not be any good anymore and likely exhibit poor to none germination for most of them. I am thinking Purina might make bird food up at that plant also, you know like for your parakeet or something, could be they got sunflower seeds, millet or whatever else stored there also that we could eat and think about growing.” Palmer said imagining putting all his plots and schemes he had thought about over the years now finally needing to get performed now as a reality instead of just being an odd fantasy.

  “That sounds like a plan Palmer, tell me now, are you sure that old boat of yours isn’t going to sink or blow an engine or something half way down river? For that matter are you sure you got enough fuel for that thing? I don’t fancy myself getting stranded on a river trying to accomplish that task you dreamed up, could be also we can’t access that grain for some other reason. Anything else of particular interest or high value down that way you can think of worthy of risking taking the trip for?” Jimmy said speculating.

  “Uh no, nothing comes to mind off hand Jimmy, I have seen that Purina plant from the road and it sits pretty much by itself on the river with its own docks. Has several great big silos with their checkerboard logo painted on them off to the side. The road that runs to it is in what you might want to call a depressed industrial area, Lets see what else I can remember, there is an old pickle factory and an Alga syrup plant back in there. Tell you what we need to get us a phone book for Montgomery somewhere and check out what might be available. Hell we need us some news about the city in general, find out about the conditions in general, be aware of any fires, riots etc. if you know what I mean, That can wait though; this little apocalypse adventure is just getting started. We probably won’t do much more than a scout maybe in a month or so and have us a look. If martial law hasn’t already been declared, and if not it soon will be you know and the government has got a slew of waterway transport restrictions that they can impose on everyone if they want, however, I doubt that this thing spins out of control slow enough that they can actually impose most of them. I pretty much doubt that we will see any marine police out harassing somebody trying to catch a fish or for that matter worried about two old farts playing with an even older tug boat on a hopefully deserted river.’ Palmer said and then gave Jimmy a heads up that he saw the Chief and Lewis approaching with what he was hopeful would be some news they could use.

  “Gather up folks; gather around now, I got the low down on this little showdown people.” Lewis called out and then waited a bit for the groups to form back up.

  “Ok guys and gals here is what I have gleaned so far and it’s not good. Not good at all. The grid is down and it is looking like it will be staying down for 80% of the US and as a side note many parts of the world are not faring much better. Random acts of terror in the form of explosive sabotage have been occurring mainly directed at infrastructure like water, power and fuel. Civilians do not seem to be either a likely or projected target at the moment. FEMA under the Presidential emergency powers act has been given command and control of relief efforts and is currently mobilizing but do to the overwhelming nature of this disast
er the President has called on the board of state governors to mobilize their National Guard forces and place them under Federal control for the duration of this event. That means Posse Comitatus is out the window and the state governments will have to take a back seat in handling their affairs according to Federal government mandates. There is a whole lot of dissent among a few states but there is very little recourse or legal maneuvering that can occur at this point, so basically states rights and the rules of habeas corpus have been shelved. Yea I know, it big time sucks but settle yourselves down for a minute there is more to tell you.” Lewis said as a loud note of discord and disbelief arose from the assembled crowd that the Constitution was being circumvented.

  The Chief chimed in gruffly at this point and announced that from what he understood that for all practical purposes the Constitution had been suspended, Homeland Security had implemented continuity of government plans and the President and his staff had been whisked away to a unknown location, state governments have also been secluded and sustained while emergency Federal provisional advisors and directors are being assigned to staffs. While we have been playing in the woods folks several other scary key changes have occurred. All gas refineries and key infrastructure facilities have been nationalized with all basic agricultural and fuel supplies being first directed to first responder efforts and secondarily towards FEMA mandated Relief and relocation camps. I guess that everyone has noticed by now that we are now in a world of not so much our own way out here in the boonies. Time to bug home, hopefully you learned something out here and that was bugging out long term is suicide. We are now in a world of we ain`t got shit no more except for what the boots we got on can tote or however far the gas in our cars can carry us. We find ourselves standing in our boots way out here thinking time to go home because we ain`t got shit except what is currently stored in our own homes to survive with and that no plan exists for the government to bring aid to the general populace except for those that can make it to the dubious relief that a FEMA camp can provide. I say dubious because I think you all know there is no way the government can feed and provide for 300 million people but for the moment, food, shelter and provisions are being assembled at key rally points to attempt to slow this slow descent into hell this nation is experiencing. The relocation and nutritional aid camps locations and prescribed routes are broad cast every half hour according to zones if you decide to afford yourself of this relief. They also say stay at home if you have food and come later by zip code. From where we are at the majority of roads on the hurricane evacuation routes that are well marked are all on the prescribed travel corridors. Some gas tanker trucks and some aid stations are being made available to assist those who are making their way to FEMA designated facilities. The HAM operators I talked to are adamant that you remember that key phrase “available for those traveling to a FEMA facility” because reports of people being refused gas, water or other assistance is being predicated upon your response when asked your destination at check points. If a fuel truck driver asks you where you are going or you stop at a water distribution point tell them the name of the facility that the emergency broadcast system directed you to and no more. One of several things may occur then, if you are broke down on the side of the road and the truck still has gas they might provide you with however many gallons the current allocation for the day is per vehicle to get you further down or off the road, they might tell you to hold tight and report your location to a refugee bus picking up stranded travelers along the road, they may force you to carpool with others in your same plight or they might not even stop no matter how much you wave at them to seek some relief. In a nut shell play the game even if you’re just heading home and get caught needing some assistance but be aware their solution might be to just stick you on a bus, train or plane. Yes planes are still flying but on a very restricted schedule. Keep in mind folks hundreds of thousands of travelers were stranded at airports all over the US as this disaster unfurled, additionally every long haul trucker transporting goods or groceries is trying to find their way home or drop a load at a darkened warehouse without refrigeration or workers to unload and store.

  “The traffic and roads are horrendous, people have been told to remain in their homes as long as possible and vacate only under extreme duress by zip code but many, many folks have failed to heed this warning or advisement. First off, don’t go to the camps if you can possibly avoid it, you will lose your rights and human dignity, secondly don’t be foolish enough to think living here 4 days in the woods learning survival skills has prepared you for what is to come. We trained you to survive until rescued, rescue is not coming and most of you have no long term skills to sustain yourself longer than a few precious weeks. I have no further answers for you than to rally your neighbors, your friends, your relatives to stand up under this oppression and try to find the means to go back to the land to survive by farming and raising livestock. This is a monumental task that most of us can’t accomplish but it’s the only advice I can give. God save the Republic be brave, be stalwart and try to stand fast in your beliefs that most people possess an innate goodness about them that will persevere and we will get through this. Dismissed and good bye, keep your faith, keep your guns handy...” The Chief said and proceeded to leave without further comment.

  “Well he dang sure said himself a mouthful didn’t he Nancy?” Jimmy said not quite sure that he liked or approved that the man had just up and walked away so soon, but then again what more could anybody say or do at this point?

  “Man had a right to leave anytime he wanted to; class was dismissed and officially over wasn’t it? Still in all he couldn’t help but feel that the entire cadre should have stayed with the camp until everyone had vacated the premises, but they were doing their own style of a probably very well-rehearsed “bug home or Bug Back” plan themselves at the moment and that included escaping from the demands and liabilities of the students. The students at this class were not considered students anymore and no responsibility I guess should be applied to the instructors to see them any safer than they already had and besides as far as they were concerned the contract was fulfilled. I guess now is the time that we are all going to have to actually teach ourselves our own version of an advanced class in the school of hard knocks. Hell maybe I ought to hurry this show up and just follow them instructors the hell out of here? Nah, that won’t do, no time for that, those suckers were already cranked up and leaving out”. Jimmy mused.

  “Jimmy, come over here a minute. Marlissa is not looking well and I am kind of worried about her.” Nancy said as the pair turned to see Palmer handing her a bottle of water and gently escorting her towards the shade of a hickory tree.

  “It is probably been quite a shock to her to hear this kind of news all at once, but I say most likely this heat and the last few days have taken their toll on her, she will probably be alright after she sits for a bit. I tell you what; you go see if you can help Palmer with her and in the meantime make some excuses for me and let me go talk to Marley over there. He lives in the same campground that we do at the moment and he might know a few other campers heading the same way that we are.” Jimmy said before giving her a quick kiss and hollering the man’s name to get his attention and so he could talk to him for a moment.

  Marlissa hurried towards Palmer and his wife as Jimmy got into an animated conversation with Marley who seemed to not want to wait or be bothered any further before heading out.

  “Well screw you Marley! I guess you haven’t learned anything in the last few days have you? I can’t believe you are just going to jump ship without a care in the world and can’t wait a few moments on us because of your wanting to hurry your sorry ass back up to some God-forsaken place in Yankee-ville New York.” Jimmy said disgustedly as he went off towards Nancy and Palmer tending his wife.

  “What’s got you ranting, Jimmy? What’s all the hullabaloo about anyway with that old Yankee Marley? Never did like that man much.” Nancy asked.

  “That son of a b
itch says he has to leave now in order to avoid traffic like it matters after four days or whatever it’s been since the grid went down. He says going back with us will make him lose a few days because he doesn’t want to get caught with everyone rushing home. I never did like that boy too much neither, I swear he don’t know shit from shineola, did you see him trying to use that fire starter the other day?” Jimmy said regarding the man’s dismal wilderness skills and outlook on life that always seemed to throw a wet blanket on the rest of the preppers trying to polish their skills.

  “We’re better off without that danged old fool, why if I was ten years younger I’d go snatch a knot in his ass myself just for the hell of it.” Palmer said.

  “Now Palmer, you calm yourself down or you’ll be getting overheated and palpitating like I am already be doing and find yourself sitting’ here under this tree with me instead of helping Jimmy get the goods together so we can get the hell out of dodge and see to taking care of ourselves!” Marlissa said as Nancy handed her a water soaked washcloth to cool her brow.

  “I’m sorry Marlissa, it just that some people just ain`t right, some humans just aren’t human if you know what I mean. That guy’s been giving me trouble since we first met him. I still ain`t believing he broke the code of neighborly camping and started scavenging easy to pick up firewood all over and around our area without a how you do or even asking if it was all right. ” Palmer said throwing up his middle finger in a salute as Marley’s car passed by.

  “Man, you’re a hoot!” Jimmy said laughing and losing his anger while enjoying the spectacle of the feisty old man’s one gun salute to the fool leaving out and deciding to add his own.


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