The Appeal

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The Appeal Page 11

by Janice Hallett

  I know the type of person Claudia is. She’ll worm her way into your life and then edge out your true friends, so she’s the only one left; like a cuckoo chick in a sparrow’s nest. She’ll isolate you from everyone who cares about you and then you’ll be dependent on her, which makes her feel powerful, which is what she wants.

  You see this is what I shouldn’t do. I shouldn’t let my mind race ahead into what may happen. I AM NOT BACK WHERE I WAS IN FEBRUARY. When I’ve finished this entry I’m going to turn the page, pull the elastic band over it, put the Blue Book out of reach and act as if you haven’t hurt me at all. I’m going to be an even better friend to you than I was BC (before Claudia) and make sure you see what a fraud she is. I love life now, Sam, and don’t want to live if you’re not my friend.


  FROM: Isabel Beck


  DATE: 10 June 2018 at 19:40

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Hi SJ, fantastic news! Sam completed her half-marathon this morning in just 1 hour 55 minutes and 31 seconds. She raised £575 for Poppy, which is absolutely brilliant! It’s so kind of her, especially as she’s only just arrived here and barely knows us. You said the buttercup merchandise hasn’t arrived yet, but when it has, do you agree it would be a good idea to let Sam have a free fundraising pack? It would be such a lovely touch and may better dispose her to do more fundraising work in future. If you could let me know rather than Sam, that would be great. Thanks, SJ! Love Issy xxxx

  FROM: Isabel Beck


  DATE: 10 June 2018 at 19:48

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Hiya Sam! I’m so proud of my best friend. It’s an honour to be her training support executive. Are you feeling sore this morning? My guess is no, because I’ve read it’s the second day after a big race that’s worse than the first, as lactic acid builds up in the tendons. Apparently blueberries and pomegranate will help heal the muscles. Don’t worry, I’ll stop off at Tesco on my way to work tomorrow – you can count on me to look after you! Thank you again for the lift. I had a surprise planned, but didn’t get a chance to reveal it. It doesn’t matter. There’s always next time.

  I met Claudia, who seems absolutely lovely. She was very friendly with Kel (some women are like that – they relate better to men than other women), so they had a nice chat while we were waiting for you to cross the line. I didn’t get a chance to speak to her myself, but she’s given up a Sunday to watch you run even though she has two children, so she must have an unhappy home life. Did you notice that before we ate she said she was starving, but only ordered a side-salad and then described herself as having ‘stuffed her face’? I wonder if she has an eating disorder. It’s very common among women like that.

  I’ve emailed Sarah-Jane and am sure she’ll agree to you receiving a free fundraising pack retrospectively. I put forward a good case. Even SJ can’t argue with the £575 we’ve raised. I’ll let you know what she says. Congratulations again on your run and we’ll catch up at work tomorrow. Splits, boo, but at least we can make rehearsal! Love Issy xxx

  FROM: Lydia Drake

  SUBJECT: Today

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 13:40

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dear Martin,

  It was a pleasure to meet you today and discuss your granddaughter’s appeal. Please find attached my projections, based on the initial investment discussed. As you’ll see, I anticipate reaching your goal in approximately four weeks, but this would depend on your committing to the fund and transferring the initial stake by the end of this week, ideally sooner. I’ll be in touch.

  Yours sincerely, Lydia Drake

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Today

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 13:46

  TO: Lydia Drake

  Dear Lydia,

  Likewise, it was a pleasure to meet you too. As discussed, I have transferred the initial stake and look forward to receiving the funds as soon as possible.

  Regards, Martin Hayward

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Poppy

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 13:53

  TO: Lauren Malden

  When you worked at St Ann’s did you ever speak to a woman in HR called Claudia? Dark hair, hollow eyes, looks like a skeleton. She’s hanging around Sam, making a nuisance of herself. She ruined her half-marathon day by tagging along to the pub afterwards, when Sam had done so well to get a good time. I was gutted for her. It’s funny how some people don’t know when they’re not wanted. I’m not a confrontational person, but if it gets worse I’ll have to say something – out of loyalty to Sam. As you know, I take my friendships seriously.

  FROM: Lauren Malden

  SUBJECT: Re: Poppy

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 14:03

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Hello lovely!

  Yes, I had Claudia for appraisals a couple of times. She was absolutely awful. Uninterested. Inefficient. Just not very nice. How horrible for Sam. Lucky she’s got you to look after her. Did you want to meet up while Josh is away? Let me know, sweetie. Kiss kiss, L xxx

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Sam!

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 15:47

  TO: Isabel Beck

  It’s a Welsh poppy, not a buttercup, and the idea is we sell the merchandise, not give it away.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: Sam!

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 15:52

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Hiya SJ, of course! I’ll pay for Sam’s fundraising pack myself. Please don’t mention to her that I’ve bought it, just give it to her at rehearsal tonight as if it’s from you. I’ll pay you when she’s onstage and we’re in the green room. I know she’ll be so pleased. She’ll probably want to do more fundraising events for Poppy. Money well spent. Love Issy xxx

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Warning

  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 18:11

  TO: Daniel Bhatoa

  I wanted to mention something in my last email, but didn’t want to worry you when you were already concerned about M&D. But I’ve thought some more and decided I should tell you, in case you hear some other way – Samantha Greenwood has popped up again. She’s got a job at the big general here. I don’t know if that’s a coincidence or not, but she’s certainly out to cause trouble for me and has made at least two attempts so far – with the BMA and my private patients. This is to let you know I am more than ready and will protect you from her, too. We have the truth on our side, and the truth is strong. Lies are weak, and lies are all she has. Look after yourself. Tish


  Are you clear how much money is raised? Is it important? We don’t have much time and I don’t want to waste it chewing over something that isn’t key.


  Tried to keep a running total, couldn’t. Let’s not worry about it. Tanner would’ve said if it was that important.


  Ok then. Well, no one asks where the money’s going, not even among themselves.


  The Haywards are the alpha family. The social status of everyone else depends on being ‘in’ with them.


  Tacit social hierarchy. That bitch.


  Martin is clearly using the appeal to boost his own cash flow. Diverts money from his sick grandchild’s appeal. That £20k invoice. The community doesn’t know about that.


  I’m not cynical or making excuses, but what do they expect? Crowdfunding campaigns are built on trust. You never really know where the cash goes. We’ve all contributed to friends’ campaigns without asking questions.


  Also, Martin contacts Clive Handler despite being assured he’s a time-waster. Is that because he’s desperate for money or because he doesn’t trust Tish Bhatoa? Sam suspects Bhatoa, and I’m inclined to value her view as it’s an outsider’s


  Sam could be blinded by whatever beef they seem to have had in Africa.


  Yes. But as a wealthy family with a sick child, the Haywards are vulnerable, and fraudsters feed on vulnerability. What are the other points of vulnerability here?


  People’s fear of cancer, of a child dying. If you donate money it fends off the curse . . . Fear of falling out of favour with the alpha family, being socially excluded? There’s a competitive edge to some of this fundraising, no?


  So what happens when fraudsters are faced with someone who isn’t vulnerable to this social pressure? An outsider. Someone who threatens their hold on everyone else?


  You think fraud is the driving factor in this case?


  Strongly suspect it is.


  Then how does Issy fit in? She has no access to funds, no apparent money worries, no power or influence – quite the opposite. Yet there’s something strange about her. The Blue Book, what do you think that is?


  An emotional diary? Interesting she abandons it in February, which would be approximately when Sam joins the ward. She goes back to it when she sees Sam getting close to Claudia. It’s as if she needs someone to focus on and, if that person fails her, she falls back on this Blue Book.


  Focus on or obsess over?

  Message from Barry Walford to Magda Kuchar on 12 June 2018:

  07:09 Barry wrote:

  Can’t get in the gate. What’s the deal with parking on the street? Already got nine points.

  Message exchange between James Hayward and Martin Hayward on 12 June 2018:

  07:15 James wrote:

  On way to Olivia cranes and trucks in car park can’t stop.

  07:18 Martin wrote:

  Yes builders. They need the car park for their gear but have strict instructions to be considerate to members. Magda and Barry will handle it.

  07:22 James wrote:

  They need that many JCBs? Driving so this is voice anticipated message ok if it’s fine it’s fine

  FROM: Barry Walford


  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 07:23

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Hi Boss, the builders won’t let us in. Can you get here soon? The guy says he’ll only speak to you and he’s covered in All-Ireland Boxing tattoos.

  FROM: Marianne Payne

  SUBJECT: The Grange

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 07:24

  TO: Joyce Walford

  What’s happening at The Grange, Joyce? Mick said it looks like a scene from Mad Max. Do you know anything about it?

  FROM: Joyce Walford

  SUBJECT: Re: The Grange

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 07:35

  TO: Marianne Payne

  Yes. It’s a film about a lot of old jeeps and tanks. Not our thing. You won’t believe this, Marianne. I’ve not seen anything like this in my life. Barry sent me a picture he took with his phone. I’d put it in this email, if I knew how to. Builders have blocked the car park and won’t let anyone in or out until they get paid. I told my Barry to tell them Martin has a very sick grandchild, but Barry said this fellow wouldn’t be interested in Poppy unless she had the keys to his caravan. How can anyone treat the Haywards like this, when they are already going through so much? It’s disgraceful.

  FROM: Marianne Payne

  SUBJECT: Re: The Grange

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 07:36

  TO: Joyce Walford

  Stay safe, Joyce. Don’t get involved.

  FROM: Joyce Walford

  SUBJECT: Re: The Grange

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 07:37

  TO: Marianne Payne

  I won’t. I’m on my way there now.

  FROM: Callum McDaid

  SUBJECT: Payment received

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 11:23

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dear Martin,

  Your receipt is attached. Again, I’m sorry to cause your staff distress this morning, but when a client has a history of litigation we have to look after our own interests and ensure they don’t default. Jonno and the boys are now stuck into the next stage of the project. On another matter, you’re right about the fence Whites put up round the golf course. It won’t last five minutes. Callum

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 13:14

  TO: James Hayward

  Hiya James, hope Olivia and the bumps are ok. Sam, Kel and I are really looking forward to the play. I can’t believe it’s so soon and will be over so quickly. The trouble is, if this year is anything like last, The Fairways won’t meet again until September. That means three months with no rehearsals, boo! I know you and Olivia will be busy for the next few weeks, but perhaps your mum and dad might like to run drama evenings where we act out bits of plays or do exercises (like we did when that drama-teacher friend of Paige’s came to the rehearsal during Blithe Spirit). I know the three of us would like to do something over the summer. As you can see, I like to plan ahead. Love to Olivia and the bumps. Issy xxx

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Hiya!

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 15:47

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Dearest Issy, unfortunately Olivia is back in St Ann’s with high protein and suspected placental weakness. Chances are she’ll have to stay in now, until they can deliver the babies. Not great, but you have to strap yourself in for the ride. Good idea about the drama classes, but can’t see anyone being able to organise it. Mum’s booked a surprise holiday to Hawaii for Dad’s birthday – don’t say anything to anyone, he thinks they’re going to Boscombe. You could run a drama evening yourself? Paige has a library of plays she’ll let you borrow. Pick a few scenes and act them out for each other – that’s what the drama teacher did. James

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Builders

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 19:42

  TO: James Hayward

  Don’t tell your mum, but I’ve had to pay the builders up front. In full. What you saw this morning was an attempt to bully money out of us and I’m afraid it worked. I should have called the police, but all I could think of at the time was to get these vehicles out of the car park and the builders back to work. I didn’t see it coming. We’ve had Callum before and he was a decent chap, as well as a good builder. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have told him about our legal action against Whites. So, the builders are paid a few weeks sooner than anticipated, but how can I trust Callum again? He could demand more money at any time. Why is everything about money? Regards.

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Builders

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 19:47

  TO: Martin Hayward

  For heaven’s sake don’t get the police involved. You sorted the problem. Forget about it. Not everything’s about money. St Ann’s is keeping Olivia in, maybe until they can deliver the twins. They suspect her placenta is beginning to fail. Can you take the rehearsal tonight, please, Dad? They’re off the book and should focus on Act Two. Mum knows the schedule. James

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Builders

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 19:56

  TO: James Hayward

  Of course. Hope they are all ok. Actually, that is about money too. I remember paying a vast amount on top of already extortionate fees to supposedly get viable embryos that wouldn’t cause all this grief. I remember that’s where all this started.

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Builders

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 19:57

  TO: James Hayward

  I didn’t mean that to come across as it did.

  FROM: Daniel Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Re: Warning

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 20:00

  TO: Tish Bhatoa

  Hi Tish, only just got our con
nection back up after a flood at the power plant upriver. I’m seething that she’s going for you now. What motivates these people? Tell St Ann’s and get rid of her. Don’t put up with her bullying. Dan

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Re: Warning

  DATE: 12 June 2018 at 21:03

  TO: Daniel Bhatoa

  She knows I could click my fingers and she’d be gone in an instant – but I’d rather keep her in sight – for the moment anyway. She’s not the only one with a grudge. Tish

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Ideas!

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 11:51

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Hiya Sam, I’m queuing in Radiology with Mrs Petit. She hasn’t woken up yet. It doesn’t look good. I overheard Kel mention his friend from Africa – it’s very nice of you to invite him to stay. Perhaps he’d like to join The Fairways? With the play in just three weeks there’ll be lots of little jobs he could do. I’ll find out from Martin. With all the excitement of your half-marathon, we’ve neglected our word rehearsals and it’s Act Two tonight, gulp! Shall we spend lunch in the roof garden going through our scenes, just you and me? Then tomorrow we can get back to our jogging sessions. If we alternate jogging and word rehearsals each lunchtime from now until the play, we’ll have a perfect balance between mind and body, ready for the whirlwind of play week. You’ve never been in a play before, so I can’t wait for you both to experience it! It’s hard work to fit around shifts, and you won’t know what’s hit you, but so rewarding when you hear the audience applaud at the end and they all come up to you afterwards and say how well you did . . . See you by the lift at 2.30 p.m. Love Issy xxx


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