The Appeal

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The Appeal Page 12

by Janice Hallett

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Merchandise

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 12:00

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dear Martin, the Poppy merchandise has just arrived. The delivery men piled it up in our office, but it can’t stay there – do you have room for it at The Grange? There’ll be about sixty boxes after I’ve distributed the stock that people want to sell at their workplaces. Kevin will take some to his Lodge – we desperately need to inspire high-net-worth individuals to make substantial donations. Bring the appeal cheque book tonight, as I’ve had to pay the merchandising company myself. Samantha Greenwood raised over £500 on her run. She clearly has a great many people who know and trust her. I’d be happy to let her on the committee in future.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Ideas!

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 13:05

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Hiya Sam! You didn’t mention your lunch appointment before . . . but that’s fine, I’ll learn lines on my own. I know no one will talk to me if I stay in the staffroom. We’ll start our jogging/rehearsal programme from tomorrow. Good luck at the dentist. Hope you don’t need any fillings. Love Issy xxx

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Phials

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 13:16

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dear Martin,

  The drug combination is formulated and packaged, ready for transportation to the UK. All I need now is the remaining £125,000 to instigate the exportation process. The contents of the phials will oxidise in two months, so I would recommend paying sooner rather than later, to avoid delays at Customs. Let me know when you’re about to transfer the funds – the same account as before, details below. Best wishes, Tish

  Message exchange between Martin Hayward and Tish Bhatoa on 13 June 2018:

  13:24 Martin wrote:

  Can we delay our next payment by a few weeks? Cash flow. We’ve had to invest in merchandise and other unforeseen aspects of the fundraising process. It will start flowing again, I know.

  13:30 Tish wrote:

  Well, how much can you pay now?

  13:33 Martin wrote

  Nothing. I have absolutely no money at this moment in time.

  13:36 Tish wrote:

  I’m confused. We need to meet.


  FROM: Isabel Beck


  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 14:27

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  I had lunch in the roof garden and read through the script on my own. I don’t have a very big part, though, so I spent some time looking over the rail at the scenery. It’s surprising how far you can see from up here: all the way to the terrace at the Orangery. I ate three muffins from the kiosk and felt sick, so I went home. I hate Claudia, I hate myself and I hate

  Message exchange between Kevin MacDonald and Sarah-Jane MacDonald on 13 June 2018:

  16:18 Kevin wrote:

  Spent the afternoon with Colin Brasher. Got a tech business. Minted. Google him, he’s interesting. His twin brother died of a brain tumour at three. This could be it.

  16:27 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Good work. Impress upon him the urgency. I’ll meet him, if need be. Don’t mention it to the Haywards yet – don’t want another Handlergate. Make sure you pick Harley up on time – his tutor has to leave dead on five.

  FROM: Arnie Ballancore

  SUBJECT: Like the old days

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 16:30

  TO: Kel Greenwood

  Hello mate. Booked my train. Should be at yours by six. If you’re not there I’ll wait outside. Really grateful to you, Kel, and Sam too. I won’t be there for long; it’s just I wasn’t getting on with Mum, she was doing my head in, you know what family are like. Is Sam ok with talking about what happened in Bangui etc., or should I keep quiet about all that? Don’t want to stir up old trauma or the like. Fair enough, if not. Move on, life’s too short. See you later, mate.

  FROM: Claudia D’Souza

  SUBJECT: Thanks

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 16:37

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Dear Sam,

  Thank you for that lovely unexpected lunch at the Orangery. I’ve looked into it and you’re right, I can organise intern days in other wards for staff interested in a transfer. It’s not something I’ve ever done before. I don’t think people realise they can. Is Isabel that keen on Oncology or are you simply desperate to get rid of her? Either way, I can liaise with my counterpart in HR at Mount More and see what he says. Does it have to be a Thursday? Thanks again for lunch, and hope Kel’s friend arrives safely. C x

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: So low and poorly

  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 16:46

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  I don’t feel well, so I’ve gone home early. I was gutted not to see you this lunchtime. Really low. Perhaps if we’d had lunch together I’d have felt better. Hardly anyone else in Geriatrics speaks to me, so when you’re not there I’m on my own. It gets me down. I’m going to stay in bed tomorrow and read through my lines. Please say we’ll have lunch together on Friday. If I’ve got something to look forward to, it would make me feel life is worth living. How about the Orangery? Issy x

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Poppy Reswick

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 15:23

  TO: Colin Brasher

  Dear Colin, Many thanks for meeting me today and discussing the possibility of donating to Poppy Reswick’s appeal. Any substantial donation like this will make a real difference to a young life. You know yourself the impact of such an illness on those left behind. As we discussed, a previous disappointment with a potential donor who turned out to be a hoax has shaken the family up. I can certainly forward the emails to you and see if your IT people can trace who he is. I’m sure no actual crime has taken place, but if it’s someone known to the family, at least they’ll be aware and can avoid them in future. In the meantime, if you require any further information to aid your final decision, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely,

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Claudia D’Souza

  SUBJECT: Stuff

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 16:11

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Dear Sam,

  I’ve been looking into this work-placement day and have come up against a problem. How well do you know Isabel Beck? Are you aware she’s on disciplinary probation and has been turned down for a transfer already in the last year? I’ve been speaking to her acting representative, who couldn’t say any more as it’s confidential. The placement is out of the question for a few months anyway. Hope you’re not too disappointed. C x

  FROM: Claudia D’Souza

  SUBJECT: Re: Stuff

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 16:31

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Well, I can speak to Una direct and see if she or a colleague will give Isabel a quick tour, but can’t guarantee it’ll be a Monday or Thursday. Let me have her email address and they can liaise directly with her. Why the urgency? Is she that unbearable? C x

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: hello

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 14:48

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Hiya Sam! GASP! Of course you can come round! I’d love to see you! That would make me feel sooo much better, thank you! You must’ve picked up on the tone of my last email. I’ve been feeling so low. Thank you for supporting me. OMG I can show you my little flat. It’s so cosy. If you could come round in an hour, that will give me time to hoover, tidy up and pop to the shop for some biscuits. Yippee! I feel better already! Issy xxxxxxxx

  FROM: Paige Reswick

  SUBJECT: Poppy

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 14:59

  TO: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  Dear Tish, Poppy is due another chemo treatment on Thursday, but Mum and I are worried, as she hasn’t lost her hair. Does this mean the c
hemo isn’t getting through her system? You see children with cancer and not even their eyelashes or eyebrows survive the treatment. I think everyone expects a child with cancer to be completely bald. It seems a bit strange that she’s not. We’ve got a wig from The Little Princess Trust, but she can’t really wear it yet, so I’ve bought some Disney bandanas instead. She looks so sweet in them – photo attached. Paige x

  FROM: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Re: Poppy

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 16:18

  TO: Paige Reswick

  Hair loss is not a common side-effect of this particular chemotherapy. It’s nothing to be concerned about. Focus on raising money for the new combination. That’s the best use of your energy at the moment.

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 19:02

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Thank you so much for coming round to cheer me up – I’ve never felt so cheered up in my life! You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I hereby totally forgive you for lying about the dentist. No one else has ever cared so much about me to do anything like this on my behalf. Did Claudia say she would speak to you-know-who herself? So she’ll say ‘other members of staff’ have noticed how horrible she is to me and have reported her? That way, she won’t think it’s me. I can’t say anything myself. She can turn something round in an instant and make me the baddie. Everyone else is automatically on her side. It’s only having you working there that’s stopped me killing myself these last few months. Because when you stand up for me, it’s different. People take notice. I’m walking on air! I can’t believe you would do this for me! Wheeeeeeee! That’s me doing a little dance of happiness!

  Would you consider applying for her job when she goes? We work so well together and make an excellent team, but you’d also be a fantastic ward manager. I’d be working for you – imagine that! A rehearsal for when we take T-shirts to Africa together. You’ll be in charge, but I’ll be your second in command. I hope Arnie settles in quickly. If your flat gets too crowded with three of you there, you can always come to mine. I’ll sleep on the sofa and you can have the bed. I’m not even joking – it would be a pleasure! Thank you for being a wonderful friend. I’m so lucky to have you! Love Issy xxx

  FROM: Christine Ballancore

  SUBJECT: Arnold

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 19:56

  TO: Kel Greenwood

  Dear Mr Greenwood,

  We haven’t met, but I’m Arnie’s mother. I found your email address on his old laptop, which a neighbour managed to get going. Arnie tells me he will be staying with you for a while. I very much hope this is true, but sadly I can’t trust what he says these days. If you are a psychiatric nurse he met in the CAR, I hope and pray you can help my son.

  I believe he was the happiest he’s ever been as an MSF volunteer and often says he wishes he could go back – the problems began on his return; he found adjusting to life at home very difficult. His mental health has been in decline these last few months and I’ve had no help from social services, even when his behaviour became aggressive. If you know my son, he is very good at masking his true mental state and even managed to work in Vietnam for a while. Unfortunately, that is where he started using heroin. Please be aware he is self-medicating with opioids and is in desperate need of professional help. It is my hope that you will be able to get him the medical support he needs. Whatever that entails, please, please do it. My contact details are below.

  Yours sincerely,

  Christine Ballancore


  SUBJECT: Re: Arnold

  DATE: 14 June 2018 at 19:57

  TO: Christine Ballancore

  [Failure notice] Sorry we were unable to deliver your message. Address unknown.

  FROM: The Fairway Players Admin

  SUBJECT: All My Sons

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 10:47

  TO: Current Members

  Dear all,

  How time flies! Rehearsals for All My Sons are moving into their final phase, as the bleary eyes of anyone in the cast will tell you. We are now rehearsing three times a week, off the book, and running through the whole play each time. All that hard work is not for nothing. If we can clock up three full houses in a row, then each and every one of those late nights and exhausting technical rehearsals will have been worthwhile. So, there is just one word that counts: Tickets!

  Tickets are £10 each. All profits will be donated to Poppy’s appeal. Your guests will enjoy not only an evening of classic American drama, but also the knowledge they have contributed to an excellent cause so close to the hearts of many long-standing and hard-working Fairway Players.

  So, invite your friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues to purchase their tickets as soon as possible. The online link is below, but for those who would rather interact with a human, Celia Halliday is running the box office as usual. Her number is also below.

  Meanwhile, as ever, we need all hands on deck to help out on the nights. There’s the bar to be tended, programmes to be sold, teas to be made, and chairs and ramps to be set up and taken down at the start and end of every performance. Joel is coordinating front-of-house, so even if you can’t attend the performances, an hour or two here and there will still help us.

  Finally, we would like to remind everyone that this production is extra-special in that we will be selling merchandise for Poppy, so any help with that will be very much appreciated.

  We look forward to seeing you all on, or before, 5, 6 and 7 July.

  The Fairway Players Committee

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: All My Sons

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 18:44

  TO: Joel Halliday

  Dear Joel,

  Sorry to bother you. I haven’t had a chance to speak to you at rehearsals, but before all the jobs are snapped up, I wonder if there’s anything Sam and Kel’s friend Arnie could do? He’s staying with them for a bit and will probably be at a loose end while they’re busy with the play. I haven’t met him yet, so I’ve no idea if he’s best suited to hauling ramps or selling programmes, but between you and me, he’s been a bit low since coming back from Africa. They are keen to get him involved in the local community – and I’m keen to help them help him! Let me know what you think he could do, and I’ll pass the details on. Good luck to Beth for her Bake Off. I don’t want to spoil my diet, so I’ll give it a miss myself, but I’m sure she won’t have any trouble selling all the cakes. Love Issy x

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Merchandise

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 19:00

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Dear Sarah-Jane,

  Thank you for the merchandise. I stacked some boxes in the extension, then drove the rest to The Grange, where I just managed to squeeze it in. Magda made a display in reception with what doesn’t fit in the staffroom. Let’s hope it sells quickly.

  You’ll have heard Olivia is back in hospital, possibly until the twins are born, so I’ll be sharing the director’s seat with James until play nights. Not ideal, but nothing is these days. That reminds me, I need to get a motivating email out to cast and crew. So much to do. Apologies for forgetting the cheque book last night.

  The first dose of Poppy’s drug combination has been formulated and is awaiting shipment, so as soon as we’ve generated another £125k, that can be on its way. I’ve been working with an investment banker who specialises in raising capital for charity funds. She is very optimistic, but we won’t know how much that avenue has raised for another month at least. Hopefully it will make up for the inevitable reduction in fundraising events over the holiday season. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Merchandise

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 19:03

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Martin, have you paid money to that woman who claimed to be a friend of Emma’s? Because my conservative calculations put t
he figure raised to date at just shy of £200k, leaving us with around £50k still to raise. Please tell me you haven’t given her any money.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Merchandise

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 19:09

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  We met at her office on Upper Thames Street and I was suitably impressed with her portfolio. You would like her too, Sarah-Jane. She’s very smart and focused, but creative at the same time; thinks outside the box. I worked in the City myself, so I know the type and they ‘get things done’, in your words. The trouble with this whole appeal is people have the best intentions, but they can only raise so much doing sponsored walks and selling scones. Poppy’s appeal requires a really serious amount of money, and to generate that you have to invest in more productive initiatives. Regards.

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Merchandise

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 19:11

  TO: Martin Hayward

  How much did you pay her?

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Merchandise

  DATE: 15 June 2018 at 19:17

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Only £80,000. Not the entire pot. It could raise a million in just four weeks. Even if it doesn’t achieve its full potential, it will still bring in a comfortable profit. I’ve seen the figures and they are impressive. Regards.


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