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The Appeal

Page 22

by Janice Hallett

  21:31 Martin wrote:

  Ok. Call when you can. Dress rehearsal not great. Don’t worry about it now. Love to Olivia.

  Message from Sarah-Jane MacDonald to Emma Crooks on 4 July 2018:

  21:39 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Emma, I know it’s late, but could I pop round?

  FROM: Denise Malcolm

  SUBJECT: Helen

  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 21:36

  TO: Joyce Walford

  CC: Marianne Payne

  Oh ladies, I’m so upset for Helen. Shall we club together for some flowers from Blooms? I can order them tomorrow morning and drop them into The Grange on my lunch break. It’s a small gesture, but it’ll show her how much we all love her. God bless. Denise

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: This evening

  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 22:44

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  CC: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Dear Sam,

  We are all reeling from your outburst this evening. Not least because until that moment you seemed to be a hard-working team player committed to the group. It is unusual for a new member to be cast in a play without working backstage first, but such was our generosity, we waived this convention and welcomed you and Kel in. Amateur drama requires commitment, dedication and cooperation, but most of all it requires trust – and until tonight I felt we could trust you. I am only sorry you did not express your true thoughts sooner.

  While I can only apologise for the fact some Fairway Players seem to think you took money from the appeal – I have corrected anyone and everyone who mentioned this to me – the rumour arose precisely because you hoaxed us early on with the promise that the drugs would be paid for. You must therefore take some responsibility for the confusion. I know both Sarah-Jane and I want to discuss that issue privately with you, and are prepared to hear your side of the story. We were also prepared to wait until the play was over. However, you left us with no choice but to thrash it out in public this evening. For the record, the Clive Handler episode was a cruel and heartless deception that heaped more agony on a family already suffering the unimaginable. You say you did it to investigate a potential fraud elsewhere, but that is no excuse, I’m afraid.

  Tonight was meant to be a chance for everyone to rehearse All My Sons for the last time. Now, thanks to you, the whole cast and crew have been denied this vital element of the process, not to mention the stress and duress you put Helen through.

  My wife has endured a great deal and does not have to defend herself to you. You may well believe Poppy’s appeal to be poorly run, but we are doing the best we can under difficult circumstances. As for the very personal accusations you made against Helen, I will not dignify them by discussion. Except to remind you that most Fairway Players have known us both for many years. If what you said were accurate, others would connect the dots and believe you. You saw yourself how few allies you had – not even your own husband supported you – an indication of how wide of the mark you were.

  A great many people have put in months of hard work to bring All My Sons to the stage. If you do not intend to play any further part in the production, you will be letting them all down. However, if you do not return tomorrow, as with every hurdle we face, we will get over it. I only ask that you let us know your intentions, as they were not clear from the manner in which you left the rehearsal. Regards, Martin

  Message exchange between Martin Hayward and Paige Reswick on 4 July 2018:

  22:47 Martin wrote:

  Ructions at Fairways. Hysterical, paranoid cast member. Please call Mum, she’s still very upset. If we lose cast member, could you step in? The part is smallish and doable for an actress of your talent, but you’d need to carry the script.

  22:49 Paige wrote:

  I’d love to be in the play. Poor Mum. I’ll call her now. How exciting!

  22:55 Martin wrote:

  No reply from James, so Olivia’s probably gone into surgery, but don’t tell Mum after all that went on tonight.

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: This evening

  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 22:51

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Thank you for copying me in on Sam’s email. However, she described the appeal as much more than ‘poorly run’. She said it’s a ‘financial conspiracy’, that there are no experimental drugs, that Poppy is having regular chemo at Mount More. That her notes are kept on her doctor’s private record system, not at the hospital. That you’re exploiting your granddaughter’s illness. That certain other things we’ve been told to engage us with the appeal are complete and utter fabrications. That if you really were the victim of a fraud, then you deserve to be beaten at your own game. That’s what she said.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: This evening

  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 22:59

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  The ‘other things’ being Helen’s little boy. Well, did you see Helen’s face when she said that? Was that the face of someone conducting a cynical fraud against their friends and family, or was it the face of someone genuinely devastated by distressing accusations? When she lost her little boy, it was the single most catastrophic event in her life. It affects her every day, even now. It happened before I met her, and long before Paige and James were even born, but such is the legacy of tragedy, it is something that we feel happened to us all. Sam summarily dismissed it as a deliberate lie for financial gain. In public. In front of our lifelong friends. On the very stage Helen feels safest and most at home. It’s not the accusation itself – we can produce the relevant proof, if anyone is interested, which I doubt – it’s the utter betrayal by someone we had embraced as a friend. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: This evening

  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 23:11

  TO: Martin Hayward

  You said yourself she had no support among the people who know and love you both. As you point out, not even Kel seems to think what she said is true. When she stormed out, only that Isabel went after her. I saw them in the car park – Sam was even shouting at her; grabbed her arm and was snarling in her ear about something. The girl is mousy enough as it is, but she looked even more crushed than usual. It does leave us with a dilemma about Sam’s role in the play. I know you’ve left the door open, but I don’t see how she can ever come back after this.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: This evening

  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 23:29

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Paige is on standby to play Sam’s role. She’ll have to carry the script, but John did that in Absent Friends and it was fine. We haven’t worked this hard on the production to cancel it at the eleventh hour, all because Sam is deluded and paranoid. I blame myself – I should’ve listened to Tish. Regards.

  Message exchange between Kevin MacDonald and Sarah-Jane MacDonald on 4 July 2018:

  23:03 Kevin wrote:

  Where the hell are you? I nodded off. Just woken up and you’re not here.

  23:06 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Round Emma’s. Chatting about things. Go back to sleep, you’re not well. I’ll be home later.

  23:07 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Thanks for taking Harley back.

  23:07 Kevin wrote:

  Ask her about Helen’s kid. Does she know if it’s true or not?

  23:08 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Dealing with Martin and Emma. Will send email.

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald


  DATE: 4 July 2018 at 23:57

  TO: Kevin MacDonald

  That’s why I’m here. Can’t imagine the Haywards making up a story like that, but why would Sam say it, if there weren’t some foundation? I needed to chat with someone who’s known them even longer than I have, and thank goodness I did. Yes, Helen is telling the truth. Emma says as far back as primary school Pa
ige spoke about a big brother who died before she was born. She also remembers a teacher talking about bereavement when a classmate’s father died. Emma asked Paige why she didn’t mention her brother, but Paige said, ‘Shush, it upsets Mummy’, as if she’d been told not to speak about it – which explains why Helen hadn’t even told Mum about him, and she’s one of her oldest friends. So that’s that. Sam is nothing but a troublemaker, and I’m only sorry I was taken in by her myself.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Kevin MacDonald


  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:07

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Well, if she wanted us to take that as evidence the appeal is a ‘financial conspiracy’, then it’s worked the other way. The dead kid is true, so the appeal must be true. No wonder she’s got a black eye, if she goes around saying things like that. Can’t believe we’re heading for opening night with no proper dress rehearsal. Like play week isn’t stressful enough. Kev

  FROM: Claudia D’Souza


  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:09

  TO: Kel Greenwood

  I’m outside the Travellers’ Inn. It’s at the crossroads of Honeypot Lane and the road by the big Tesco’s. No one seems to know anything and I couldn’t get through to him. C xxx

  FROM: Martin Hayward


  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:11

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  It’s only just occurred to me that Kel may also be out of the play. It didn’t cross my mind earlier, as he so obviously disapproved of what she was saying. But they drove away together, not speaking . . . so I don’t know. What will we do if he pulls out, too? We don’t have any spare men. There’s Joel, but he’s far too old to play Frank. And anyway, having two people reading from a script would be awful. We’d look like the Fowey Light Operatic Society. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Arnie Ballancore

  SUBJECT: Hello?

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:11

  TO: Kel Greenwood

  Are you awake? Sorry about all that this morning. I’ve got bail, so outside the police station now. Do you know how I get back to the flat from here? There’s a bus stop, but it’s got graffiti over the timetable. Buses, do they run at night here? I might walk it. Nice and warm. Man, the cops were hard as. Way tired. Going straight to bed. Got my key, so don’t wait up.

  FROM: Lauren Malden

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:15

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Hello lovely! Mum heard the dress rehearsal turned into a slanging match between ‘the new girl’ and Martin. I said that would be your friend Sam. Were you there? Go on, what happened? Mum said she accused Helen of lying. Of telling everyone she had a child years ago who died of meningitis, when apparently she didn’t – it was all to get everyone to raise money – not for Poppy’s chemo, but to rescue The Grange. You’re a good judge of character, Issy, what do you think? Could she be right? Kiss kiss, L xx

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: Hiya!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:20

  TO: Lauren Malden

  I was there and saw it all. It was nothing really. Sam’s been under a lot of pressure. I can’t go into detail, but she had an accident at work during the day and I think it may have affected her. She said some things – some horrible things I’m sure aren’t true. Concussion can be insidious and change mental processes in subtle ways. It can turn someone against the very people they are closest to. They say things they don’t mean or believe. Sam will be fine in the morning. I’ll email Martin and Sarah-Jane and tell them not to worry. Issy

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Sam Greenwood

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:18

  TO: Tish Bhatoa

  Dear Tish, I hope you are as well as can be expected, given your recent bereavement. I feel you ought to know our mutual friend Samantha Greenwood has accused you and us together of a ‘financial conspiracy’. She did this in front of our amateur drama group of around twenty people. The proof she offered turned out to be circumstantial at best. While our friends and family trust us implicitly, I cannot guarantee the allegations will not get back to you and feel you should be prepared. For the record, I bitterly regret welcoming Ms Greenwood into our social circle. You were quite right about her. I suggest we delay shipping of the phials until this latest furore has blown over. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Sam Greenwood

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:19

  TO: Martin Hayward

  [Out of Office AutoReply]

  I am overseas on a personal matter until further notice.

  Transcription of a call on Samantha and Kel Greenwood’s untimed landline message service:

  Hi Sam, it’s Andy. Are you there? No. Well, you mentioned something about the mum being ill. I know it seems like a by-the-by detail but . . . I took a gamble across the pond and found something. It’s really interesting. Explains the other stuff and more. But it’s one of those things you can’t un-know and if you can verify it, you must tell someone. Look, call me when you can. You’re obviously out now so . . . Bye.

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 00:34

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Dear Martin and Sarah-Jane, Sorry to bother you. I couldn’t speak after the rehearsal this evening, but just want to say: don’t worry. Sam suffered a blow to the head during her accident at work this afternoon – perhaps more than one blow. Chronic concussion can affect a person’s clarity of thought. I’m sure this explains her out-of-character behaviour and the outrageous things she said. Things I don’t believe, and I’m certain no one else will. The good news is: it’s a transient symptom. I know she will regret the whole thing and am in no doubt she will apologise in the morning. Sam is always true to her word and hates to let anyone down, so I’m sure she’ll return tomorrow and the play will go ahead as planned. But if she decides she no longer wishes to be involved, I would just like to remind you I’ve been rehearsing with her for months. I can easily slip into the role of Sue. Then perhaps Emma, Beth or Paige could read the part of Lydia? It’s such a small role, I’m sure they would easily pick it up. If Kel doesn’t wish to be involved, perhaps, Martin, you could play Jim Bayliss? It’s unlikely either of them will let you down, but I’m always thinking ahead. You can’t be too prepared for the future. Love Issy xxx

  Social-media status update from James Hayward at 12.09 a.m. on Thursday 5 July 2018:

  Olufemi Hassan

  Charlotte Holroyd

  Dear both,

  Please note: this is the recovered correspondence we believe to have been written before the murder, which took place between 11 p.m. on 4 July 2018 and 4 a.m. on 5 July 2018. However, as the body remained undiscovered for almost twenty-four hours, the following correspondence is vital. Therefore, going forward, you must ask: who already knows Samantha Greenwood is dead and who doesn’t?


  Roderick Tanner, QC

  Senior Partner

  Tanner & Dewey LLP


  So this is it. Tanner trusts us with a murder. Let’s nail it.


  I feel sick. Not sure if it’s because Sam’s dead or because of the responsibility.


  We can’t do anything about the crime itself. Let’s just do what we can to uncover the truth now.

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 07:14

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Hi Sam, sorry to bother you. Are you coming in today? I said to Frances I’d find out. I told her you were taken ill at last night’s rehearsal. It’s more or less true. I emailed Martin and Sarah-Jane to let them know you had a bump on the head yesterday. It’s quite possible you had a touch of concussion. After everything you’ve been throug
h in the past couple of days, it would be no surprise to anyone if you felt very low and in a bad place right now. Anyway, Frances isn’t in a good mood, so if you could let me know whether you’ve gone sick today, that would help us. Thanks. Love Issy

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 07:18

  TO: Kel Greenwood

  Hi Kel, sorry to bother you. Do you know if Sam is coming to work today? She hasn’t arrived and the ward manager is asking where she is. I said I would find out. Love Issy

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Congratulations

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 08:45

  TO: James Hayward

  CC: Martin Hayward

  James, congratulations on the births of Sophia and Arthur. Lovely news. I imagine Martin told you what happened at rehearsal last night. If Kel doesn’t turn up tonight, could you read the part of Jim? It may not come to that. I’m open-minded about whether Sam shows up – she has enough brass neck. Having slept on it, I now believe it would be best for the play if she does, and the play is all I’m concerned about at the moment. Let’s line up replacements, but see what happens.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Congratulations

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 08:59

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  CC: James Hayward

  Thank you for your input, Sarah-Jane. That’s what we’re doing. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Martin Hayward


  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 09:05

  TO: Paige Reswick

  Mum says she’ll take Poppy to the little zoo, so you can learn as much of Act One as you can. Act Two would be good as well, of course, but I’m realistic about how much you can cram in such a short time. It’s best to be off-book for your early scenes, while the audience are still warming to the characters. Later on they’ll be glued to Mum and John anyway. Thanks again. Regards, Dad


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