A Fox's Family (American Kitsune Book 4)

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A Fox's Family (American Kitsune Book 4) Page 8

by Brandon Varnell

  Kevin approached the door slowly, cautiously, like a real life ninja and not those shōnen ninja who wouldn’t know stealth if it hit them in the face. Having already dealt with several life and death situations, he had no desire to find himself on the receiving end of a kidnapping, a violent yōkai who wanted to kill him, or both.

  The door loomed ever closer. His footsteps were as silent as he could make them. Not that it mattered. Whatever was causing that racket was making enough noise for the both of them. He soon discovered other noises mixed in with the crashes, which he realized must have been something banging against the stairs. It sounded like… voices?

  “M-My Lady! Please be careful! I don’t think these stairs are safe! Just listen to how much noise they’re making.”

  “Tee-hee, don’t worry. Camellia’s fine. See? She’s graceful.”

  “The reason they’re making so much noise is because you keep banging our luggage against them.”

  “I-I can’t help it. This luggage is really heavy…”

  “Inari-blessed, you’re almost as useless as Mom!”

  “Th-that’s not a very nice thing to say…”

  Kevin blinked at the odd conversation taking place. He reached the door and, remaining vigilant, peered through the small eyehole.


  His eyes promptly widened.

  “My Lady! Please be careful or you’re going to―”


  Unlocking the door and swinging it open, Kevin was just in time to receive a face-full of two large, round things.


  His back hit the floor as he lost his balance, the person who’d slammed into him falling on top of him, further depriving his lungs of oxygen. Because the two somethings smothering his face seemed to possess a circumference that was twice the size of Sanosuke Sagara’s zanbato, he couldn’t regain his breath either.


  “Useless woman!”

  “M-My Lady!”

  As voices shouted and darkness encroached upon his vision, Kevin Swift had but one thought.

  Sometimes, it just didn’t pay to get out of bed, no matter how badly you had to take a leak.


  Lilian was woken up by the sound of screaming.


  It was extremely muffled screaming, but screaming nonetheless. It was also very familiar screaming.


  Jumping out of bed, Lilian rushed into the living room, where she presumed the screams had come from.

  “Don’t worry, Beloved! I’m coming to rescue you! I’ll―eh?”

  Lilian didn’t know what to expect when she arrived in the living room. An intruder trying to kidnap her Beloved? An assassin trying to kill her Beloved? A crazy psychopath wielding a spear that always struck a fatal blow by reversing the nature of causality? She didn’t know. It could have been anything, so Lilian prepared for the unexpected.

  Unfortunately, no amount of preparation could have helped her come to terms with what she saw in that living room.

  The first thing she noticed was that, indeed, Kevin was in danger--well, potential danger. He was being smothered by a large pair of boobs. This marshmallow hell was the result of having a woman with long black hair and wearing a white toga laying on top of him. Lilian watched as Kevin kicked and floundered and struggled underneath the woman, who seemed to be freaking out just as much, if not more, than her beloved mate.

  “Hawawawawawa! Hwawawawawawawa!”

  Like that.

  Lilian looked at the next person in this unprecedented scenario—the woman in the French maid outfit who was running around her mate and the woman, making a complete fool of herself.

  “Oh, dear! M-My Lady! P-please get off him! You’re going to suffocate him!”

  “Hawawawawa! HAWA!”

  However, it was the last person who truly caught her attention, a stunning and vivacious young woman who looked to be the same age as her. Long strands of hair like silk the color of twilight framed a face that looked nearly identical to her own--all except for one important aspect.

  The eyes. While Lilian’s eyes had often been described as innocent and pure, this girl’s eyes were like the incarnation of lust, sex made manifest. Unlike Lilian’s vibrant irises that reminded anyone looking at them of a fairytale princess, the eyes of the vixen standing several feet away were an alluring crimson. Those eyes exuded a sexuality that was unlike anything that Lilian would ever see in another person. With just a single glance, those eyes could capture a person, enthralling them with the promise of unfathomable pleasure.

  Of course, that was not what captured Lilian’s attention.

  She knew these people.

  “Mom, Kirihime, Iris! What are you all doing here?”

  All movement ceased. Even Kevin stopped struggling, though that was more due to him losing consciousness than because of Lilian. Camellia stopped floundering and looked up, her enormous tatas still smothering Kevin. Kirihime was also brought to an abrupt halt upon hearing Lilian’s voice.

  Iris had the most overzealous reaction of all.


  “W-wait! Iris! Don’t―GOOF!”

  For a second, Lilian wondered if this was how Kevin felt very time she glomped him. If so, she totally needed to apologize for that. Being on the receiving end of a glomp was not fun.

  Lilian found herself lying on her back. Iris lay on top of her, smothering her with affection.

  “Oh, Lilian! I’ve missed you so much!” Iris rubbed her face in her sister’s cleavage. “I can’t believe we’ve finally found you!”

  “I-Iris! S-sis! St-ahn! Stop it! C-cut it out!”

  Iris did stop. She looked up, her chin resting between Lilian’s breasts. Her eyes leaked tears, which descended down her cheeks like glistening moon drops. “I’ve missed you so much. Do you know how long I’ve gone without seeing you? Three months! Three whole months without being able to spend time with my darling Lily-pad.”

  “U-ugh.” Lilian’s cheeks became flames of red. “Please don’t call me that ever again. That nickname was fine when we were children, but… no. Just no. And you can’t do this anymore. I have a―” her eyes widened. “―KEVIN!”

  Before Iris knew what was happening, Lilian threw her off, sending her crashing to the floor. Lilian jumped to her feet, red hair whipping about her like intense flames caught in a strong wind. Green eyes zeroed in on her mate’s prone form before she rushed over to her mother.

  “Mom! Get! Off! My! Mate!”





  Kevin awoke to the sound of voices.

  “I can’t believe you three came all the way here. How did you even find me?”

  “What do you mean how did we find you? Isn’t it obvious? Kotohime sent us a message.”

  “Damn that woman.”

  “H-hawa… p-please don’t be angry, Lilian. Camellia… Camellia was just worried. Camellia wanted to see her daughter again…”

  “What she said. Only without the daughter part. And not in third person.”

  “Please do not be too upset with us, Lady Lilian. We have missed you very much. All of us were incredibly worried when you disappeared.”

  “Ha… all right, all right. I understand. Look, I’m sorry for vanishing like that. It was never my intention to make any of you worry. I was just… I’m sick and tired of having every aspect of my life, from how I’m supposed to act to who I mate with decided for me.”

  “Hey, we understand perfectly. Well, I understand. I don’t want you mating with some asswad who thinks he’s hot shit just because his old man’s the Bodhisattva.”

  “Lady Iris… p-please don’t swear so much.”

  “Hmph. Whatever.”

  Kevin slowly opened his eyes, which felt like they’d been glued shut with rubber cement, and was greeted to the sight of two boobs covered by a white T


  “Ah! Kevin! How are you feeling?”

  Kevin made a face. “I can’t see your face.”

  Lilian’s smile was one of definite amusement. “I can’t see yours either.”

  Sitting up, Kevin soon noticed several things about his new situation. First, he and Lilian were on the couch. Second, they weren’t alone.

  The first woman to catch his attention was the one wearing a French maid outfit, if only because the entire concept of a French maid being in his house made him do a double-take. She looked sort of similar to Kotohime. She had the same eyes, the same skin tone, the same facial features. Really, there were only two differences between this woman and Kotohime… aside from the fact that one wore a maid costume and the other a kimono. The first difference was that this woman had shorter hair with a single antenna-like strand poking out of her crown.

  The second difference was that her boobs were smaller.

  Not that smaller boobs meant much here. That was sort of like comparing watermelons to cantaloupes.

  She also had three tails waving about behind her, and her fox ears seemed a little perkier than Kotohime’s.

  Shifting his gaze from the maid, Kevin’s eyes immediately caught sight of the next woman in line. It was beginning to feel a bit redundant, but this woman was also very beautiful. Her features sort of reminded him of Lilian, only a bit more mature—at least as far as facial structure went. Her smile and the unusually naive light in her eyes as she looked at him presented a startling contrast with her womanly body.

  The body of a woman with the eyes of a child.

  Her boobs were also big. Really big. Like, as large as his head.

  She had five tails.

  The last person his gaze locked onto was a girl who looked so much like Lilian that it startled him. Everything about this girl, from the way her face was shaped to the sensual curves of her incredible body and even her two tails, reminded Kevin of his mate. There were just two differences: Her black hair and her feline-like crimson eyes that seemed to seductively whisper “come and get me, if you can.”

  He shook his head, blinked, and then looked at the girl again. For a second he thought that she had… but it must have been his imagination.

  “So… Sleeping Beauty finally awakens, I see.” The raven-haired succubus’ curved lips seemed to seep amusement.

  Kevin blushed at the “sleeping beauty” comment, but just because this girl embarrassed him with her words didn’t mean he was willing to put up with them. Two could play at this game.

  “W-who the heck are you?” his voice cracked.

  Way to go, Kevin. You sounded so manly just now.

  The vixen smirked at him. Kevin gulped. She placed a hand on her chest, her index finger absently brushing against her right nipple, which he could see through the fabric of her clothes. “Why, I am just Lily-pad’s most humble and sexy sister. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  “I thought I told you not to call me that!” a thoroughly mortified Lilian spat.

  “And I don’t think humble and sexy can be used in the same sentence,” Kevin muttered, doing what he could to regain his wits, what little he had. “So, you guys are Lilian’s family, then?”

  “No. We’re Lilian’s fairy godparents.” Iris’ sarcastic reply was met with a glare from Lilian and Kevin.

  “Y-yes, we’re Lilian’s family,” Camellia tried to play the diplomat. “The girl with black hair is Camellia’s daughter, Iris, and the person next to Camellia is Camellia’s maid, Kirihime.”

  “Uh huh…” Kevin eyed the kitsune strangely. “And I’m guessing that makes you Camellia?”

  “H-hawa?” Camellia seemed startled. “That’s right. How did you know?”

  “Lucky guess,” Kevin said, his voice dryer than a desert. Lilian and Iris facepalmed at the same time.


  A problem arose with the arrival of Lilian’s family. Actually, their arrival came with many problems. However, on that night, one particular issue stood out the most.

  Sleeping arrangements.

  The Swift residence wasn’t that large. It had two bedrooms, a living room connected to a kitchen, two bathrooms, and an office attached to the master bedroom. It was an apartment meant for two people.

  Fortunately, Kevin had a solution to this problem.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have a bed or anything for you to sleep on,” Kevin said as he put several sheets, blankets, and pillows on the couch. Once finished, he stood up and looked at Lilian’s raven-haired sister. “This is the best I can offer right now. If you want, though, this weekend, we can go shopping for some furniture. I’m sure we can find something more comfortable. Maybe a nice futon or something…”

  Iris shrugged. “Meh, while I’m used to sleeping on a comfortable bed, so long as I’m with my Lily-pad, it doesn’t where I sleep.”

  “Would you stop calling me that!” a discomposed Lilian hissed. “Inari-blessed, it’s like you’re purposefully trying to embarrass me!”

  “Aw!” Lilian suddenly found herself caught within the fierce and overly affectionate embrace of her sister. “You know it’s never my intention to embarrass you. You’re just so adorable that I can’t help but want to give you a cute nickname.”

  The redhead’s face flushed deeply as Iris rubbed her cheek against Lilian’s. “W-would you stop holding me like this! And besides, I can’t sleep with you.”

  “Eh?” That stopped Iris in her tracks. She held Lilian at arms’ length, staring into the other vixen’s eyes, her own wide with shock. “What do you mean you can’t sleep with me? Why can’t you?”

  “B-because I have a mate.” Lilian peered over Iris’ shoulder to look at Kevin, who watched the pair with a raised eyebrow. “I-I always sleep with Kevin these days, so…”

  “Oh…” Iris shuddered. “I… I see… hehehe, right, I-I guess that makes sense… he is your mate, after all…”

  Her grip on Lilian’s shoulders tightened, prompting the other girl to squirm.

  “I-Iris, y-you’re kinda hurting me…”

  “Am I? Hehehe… my bad… kukuku…”

  As Kevin stood there, shuddering at the sound of Iris’ laugh, which was way creepier than Lilian’s, he couldn’t help but think his life was about to get hectic again.


  In the end, Iris had gone to sleep on the couch.

  Kevin had finally relented on his “don’t enter my mom’s room” policy and allowed Camellia to sleep in it. He had also apologized profusely to Kirihime for not having anywhere for her to sleep. The three-tailed kitsune had assured him that she would be fine, and thanked him for his concern and hospitality. After that, he and Lilian went back to bed.

  “I’m really sorry about this,” Lilian apologized. She was straddling his body. Her arms on either side of his head kept her from falling on him, and her hair created a curtain that trailed across the bed like fiery threads of silk.

  “What are you apologizing for?”

  “For all this, for what happened tonight.” Lilian didn’t make any grand gestures towards the living room, but Kevin didn’t need them to know what she was talking about. “I should have realized my family would find me eventually. While Kotohime is my maid and bodyguard, she’s still a vassal of the Pnevma clan. She would have told them my location sooner or later.”

  Kevin gave Lilian a reassuring smile. “It’s fine. I don’t really mind meeting your family. Actually, I was kind of hoping that I would at least get to meet your mom and sister at some point.”


  “Of course,” Kevin paused, his face scrunching in an amalgamation of amusement and abashment, “though I would have liked to know they were coming beforehand. A little warning would have been nice.”

  “Muu. Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t know they would be coming.”

  “Right. Right. Kotohime’s the one who called them over. I know that.” He raised his right hand and waved it about in odd,
circular gestures. “I’m not saying it’s your fault or anything, just that I wish I’d known they were coming.” Another pause. Kevin switched topics. “So… that girl in the living room is your sister?”

  “Yes. Iris is my fraternal twin.”

  “Is this the same Iris that you shared your first kiss with?”


  “Oh, we shared a lot more than that, uhuhu.”

  “Quiet, Iris!”


  “D-don’t look at me like that, Beloved. A-anyway, I was really hoping you’d forgotten about that,” she mumbled.

  “I don’t think there’s any way I would ever be able to forget about something like that,” he replied, lips curling in amusement.

  “Ugh, mou, you’re becoming mean.” Lilian pouted at him, her lower lip jutting out and trembling. “Meanie.”

  Kevin chuckled. “Yes, yes, I’m a big meanie. But seriously, your sister, she’s kind of odd, don’t you think?”

  Lilian’s bright green irises took on a curious quality. “You think so? She’s never seemed odd to me.”

  “Well, yeah, but you grew up with her. You’re probably used to her personality. I only just met her and I already think she’s kind of weird.” Actually, Lilian’s entire family was weird, including Lilian herself.

  “Now that’s not very nice.” Despite her words, Lilian didn’t seem upset by what could have been perceived as him insulting her sister.

  “We should probably try to get some sleep,” Kevin changed the subject again. “It’s getting late, erm, early, and we have school tomorrow—I mean today.” Thinking about school reminded him of another issue that needed to be solved, but they would have to fix that problem later.


  After one last lingering kiss, Lilian slid off him and found refuge snuggling into Kevin’s side. Her eyes closed and the twin-tailed kitsune nodded off seconds later.

  Kevin wondered how Lilian could fall asleep so easily. He looked at the clock, which told him it was two in the morning, and sighed. This night had been really long. He didn’t really know what to think about everything that had happened, so he tried not to and just closed his eyes to get some sleep.

  Yet, even as the sandman came to claim him, one last thought pervaded his mind.


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