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Taken: An Alpha Older Man, Younger BBW, Steamy Sweet Romance (Alpha Men Book 1)

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by Hope Ford


  An Alpha Older Man, Younger BBW,

  Steamy Sweet Romance

  Alpha Men, 1

  Hope Ford

  TAKEN (Alpha Men, 1)

  An Alpha Older Man, Younger BBW, Steamy Sweet Romance


  I was raised in foster care. I have a bad history with men. I trusted one and he destroyed my trust and my self-esteem… until I meet Jason. He’s older than me, knows exactly what he wants, and what he wants is me. Can I trust myself and him to do right by me?


  It is instant attraction. She shows up on my doorstep seeking help. And I want to help her. I want to take care of her, protect her, claim her. I want her, and I want her as mine. She doesn’t know it yet… but she’s taken.

  #1 bestselling short romance author Hope Ford writes short, steamy, sweet romances. There is always an alpha male (because who doesn’t love an alpha male) and a woman he makes his queen. Sit back, grab a glass of wine, and get lost in this happily ever after story – that’s also a little naughty.

  TAKEN © 2018 by Hope Ford.

  All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Hope Ford

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Hope Ford

  Visit my website at


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5



  Chapter 1


  I’ve knocked on four doors now and no one is answering. It seems like everyone has a social life but me. I was relaxing on the couch after a long day when I had heard a noise outside. When I went to see what it was, I ended up locking myself out. Yep, not my smartest move. Now I am trying to find a neighbor that is home, so I can use their phone to call my landlord, Ben.

  It starts to sprinkle, and I walk towards the next house. Of course, I shouldn’t be knocking on anyone’s door the way I look. I have my thin sweatshirt on and it’s almost see through. No bra… and I’m wearing my short shorts, that haven’t fit since high school two years ago, showing off my very thick thighs.

  Looking down at myself, I know I almost look obscene. I blow a breath and start counting to ten… it has definitely been a day.

  Hopefully, the neighbors in the next house will be home. Suddenly, a flash of lightning streaks across the dark sky and it starts pouring rain. I start running toward the next house and by the time I get to the porch, I’m drenched. I look down at myself trying to catch my breath and, fuck, I’m really indecent now.

  I knock on the door and stand there shivering. Damn.


  Opening the door, I look down at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her wide blue eyes are looking back at me, and I see the innocence in her face. Her long brown hair is wet and plastered to the sides of her face. She’s at least a foot shorter than my six foot two inches. She’s standing there, soaked from the rain, shivering.

  I can’t help but glance down her body. Her shirt is long and thin. It’s tight and stretched across her large breast. Her pert nipples are pressing against her thin shirt, the outline of each nipple jutting against her shirt. I want to reach out and rub my finger across one like its blatantly asking for. Her thighs are thick, and if she has shorts on, I don’t see them.

  My dick is bulging in my shorts and I can’t stop myself from adjusting myself. Her eyes go big and her full lips form a perfect “o”. Her eyes follow my hand as I grab onto myself and adjust my growing cock. Her eyes are on me, and I grow even harder under her stare.

  “Are you okay?” I step out to her and run my hands up and down her arms.

  “Uh, yeah. I locked myself out of the house. May I use your phone?”

  “Sure, come on in. I will grab you my phone and a towel.”

  Walking away from her, I take a deep breath to try and calm my reaction to her. Her plump, curvy body is about to put me over the edge.

  I grab a towel and go back to her. I hand her the towel and have to stop myself from drying her off myself. I want nothing more than to run my hands up and down her curvy body. I can’t take my eyes off her as she wipes down her arms and bends down to dry her legs.

  Her large, rounded ass is in the air. I envision grabbing on to each large, rounded cheek, and my dick starts growing again.

  I clear my throat and go search for my phone. She thanks me for the towel, then starts rambling about how she had heard a noise outside and that’s how she locked herself out.

  “Wait… you heard a noise and went outside to see what it was?” I feel my blood pressure go up, the thought of this beautiful woman putting herself in danger.

  “I know, I know… not the smartest thing to do.”

  It’s crazy, I know. But I don’t want this woman to ever be in danger. I want to take care of her, protect her, claim her. I don’t want her to search out a noise again. I want her and I want her as mine.

  I try to tamper the growl that immediately comes out of my mouth. I don’t want to scare her. “Yeah, honey. You don’t go outside when you hear a noise. For now on, you call me, and I will come check it out. I’m Jason by the way. What’s your name?”

  She looks startled for a minute. “Megan… my name’s Megan.”

  I hand her the phone. As our fingers touch, I feel the jolt up my arm. I stare into her wide eyes and know she felt it too. Yeah, Baby, your fate is sealed. You’re mine.

  Chapter 2


  Oh, my word, what the hell was that? I felt it, like my whole body was going to ignite. Damn, he is hot. How have I lived only a few houses down from him and never seen him before.

  He’s huge. Even though I am a bigger girl, I still feel dainty and small standing next to him. He has tattoos up and down his arms and I wish he was shirtless, so I can see if he has any tattoos underneath. Damn, the man is fine.

  His hands are huge; the phone and my hand both fit into his palm. I feel the heat rise in my face as his thumb brushes along my wrist. I look from his hand to his face and he’s smirking at me. Damn, I blush from head to toe.

  He caught me lusting after him. I pull the phone away and mutter a quick “thanks.”

  Taking a deep breath, I call Ben and he says he will be home in around thirty minutes. As I’m talking to Ben, explaining what happen, I feel Jason staring at me and his jaw clenching. He looks mad, but why?

  I get off the phone and lay it on the coffee table. I don’t think I can handle touching him again. “Thank you for the phone. I’m going to go home and wait for Ben to get home.”

  His nostrils flair and he steps up against me. He stares down at me and I can feel his chest expand with every breath he takes. “Who’s Ben?”

  Is he jealous? No way. This man is way out of my league. He’s perfection. I turn my head to the side and look up to him. I can feel the waves of anger rolling off him. I can’t stop myself from taking a step back, away from him.

  “He’s my friend and landlord.
I live in his garage. Well, it’s a garage converted to an apartment.”

  “So, he’s not your boyfriend?”

  I can’t help myself. I laugh loudly and even snort. “No, he’s my friend. More like my Dad really.”

  Almost instantly, Jason’s face relaxes. He brushes my hair off my shoulders and grabs It into a ponytail at the base of my neck. He tugs slightly on it, so my face is looking up towards him. He smiles at me, “good, that’s good.”

  I stare up at him and murmur, “so, I’m going to go and wait for Ben to get home.”

  “Oh no, you can’t go back out in that. I will drive or walk you home when Ben gets home. How about a drink? I have beer, water or tea?”

  I laugh. “I’m not old enough to drink. I’ll take a water, please.”

  He tenses up, “how old are you?”

  “Twenty. I’m twenty years old.” I see him relax as I say it.

  He walks out of the room and comes back with two bottles of water.

  Grabbing my hand, he leads me to the sofa. I shiver as I sit down. “Have a seat. I’m going to get a fire started.”

  I sit down, and he brings a blanket to me. I try to take it from him, but he lays it over me and tucks it around me. I feel his warm breath along my cheek and his closeness overwhelms me. I feel the slickness between my thighs just from having him near. He pauses over top of me and stares back at me. I think he may kiss me, but then he pulls away from me to start the fire.


  I almost kissed her. But I stopped myself. I can tell she is innocent and I’m going to have to take this slower. If she only knew what I am thinking about doing to her, she would run. I sit down next to her on the couch and turn to her.

  “Tell me about yourself, Megan.”

  “What do you want to know?’


  She stammers, and I can tell I have made her uncomfortable. Trying to calm her I ask her, “do you work?”

  “Yes, uh, I work at Ben’s bakery. He’s taught me everything he knows. I love working there.”

  “So, is that how you met Ben?”

  “Yes, I was raised in foster care because both my parents died when I was young. In high school, I got a job at the bakery that Ben owns. He is in his sixties and has always told me I am like the daughter he has always wanted. Once I graduated high school and aged out of foster care, Ben was the one to step in and help me. He converted his garage into an apartment and I have lived there ever since.”

  “I’m glad he was there for you…. that he’s taken care of you.”

  “Yes, he has for sure. So, what about you, Jason. Tell me about you.”

  “Let’s see. I’m thirty-five. I own my own construction company. I rarely date, honestly, I haven’t wanted to in quite a while. Until just recently.” I can’t keep my hands off of her. I stroke my hand up and down her arm and then take her hand in mine. Her hand is a lot smaller than mine and it brings out the instinct to protect her. We both are looking down at our joined hands and I want to carry her off to my bedroom and keep her there. But I can’t. I can’t do that to her.

  We talk for a while and time flies by. Ben called back my phone to let Megan know he was home. He was worried about her. It is still raining, so I tell her I will drive her home.

  When we pull up, I park in her driveway and come around to help her down. She’s so short, I had to help her into the truck and I am happy that I get to touch her again when I help her down.

  She tries to argue with me that she’s too heavy for me to be lifting, but I just shake my head at her and tell her she’s perfect just the way she is. I place her on her feet, but don’t release her shoulders. We get lost in looking into each other’s eyes until she races from me towards a man, I assume is Ben.

  She’s yelling at him to get off the ladder. “Ben, get off that thing you know you are going to kill yourself with all the dizzy spells you have been having.”

  He stops his ascent and looks down at her, which is the wrong thing to do. You never look down. I see him lose his footing and start to fall. I race towards them and catch Ben before he hits the ground. I place his feet on the ground and hold him around the shoulders to help him stay upright.

  “Thanks! Thank you for catching me. That could have been bad.” He stumbles around his words and its obvious he is pretty shaken up. I stick my hand out, “I’m Jason. I live a few doors down.”

  “Ah, yes. You saved my Megan tonight, didn’t you? Thank you for bringing her home safe.”

  I smile at his words, but I want to correct him and tell him he’s wrong. She is not his Megan, she’s mine, but I figure that is not the best way to win over Megan or Ben. “So why are you going up to the roof?”

  I help him over to the covered porch and he sits down, taking his time to catch his breath. “The roof is leaking again. I was going to cover it with the tarp until I could get it fixed.”

  I look around for Megan and I see her carrying the tarp up the ladder. Oh, hell no. I run over to her and wrap my hands around her waist and pull her to me. Her body slides down mine and I can’t hold the groan that escapes my lips.

  “I told you I was too heavy.” She says and tries to pull away from me.

  I hold on tight to her, not ready to let her go. “Oh no, baby, you are not too big. You fit me just right.” I put my hand along her back and press her into me. I know she can feel my raging erection pressed into her belly. “I groaned because I am trying to respect your Dad back there and not ravish you in the front yard.”

  Her eyes are huge as she looks up at me, and I put my hand to the side of her face. “You can’t climb that ladder, baby.”

  “Why not? I do it all the time. Who do you think usually fixes the leaks?”

  I see red. I want to snatch her up and take her home with me where I know she is protected. “Not anymore, Megan. You call me if something is broken or needs fixed. I will take care of it. Go over and check on Ben. He was pretty shaken up. I am going to take care of the roof.”

  She wants to argue with me, but she must see the look in my eyes and stops herself. She turns around and it takes everything I have not to reach out and smack her ass. I grab the tarp that has fallen to the ground and climb the ladder to fix the roof… and take a breath to calm myself down.

  Chapter 3


  I woke up this morning at four to go to the bakery. It was a late-night last night, but I finally convinced Ben to stay home and let me open the store this morning. Jason was right, Ben was pretty shaken up.

  I’ve noticed lately that he’s slowed down quite a bit, and the dizzy spells he is having has scared me. Jason stayed and talked to Ben and me for a while. He helped me get Ben settled into his house and then he walked me to my garage apartment. I thought about asking him if he wanted to come in but decided against it. I don’t know if I make the best decisions when it comes to men.

  My one and only boyfriend was everything I wanted in a man until I gave him my virginity. We dated for six months. He was perfect, at least I thought he was. I finally decided to trust him and take our relationship to the next level. As soon as the sex was over, he left and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.

  Ever since then I have questioned myself about every decision I make. And honestly, it was like a kick to my self-esteem also. Was I that bad? Or was it his plan the whole time to be one and done? Whatever his reasoning, he got exactly what he wanted, and I would like to think I am smarter now because of it.

  So yes, even though I want Jason, I can’t just do a one-night stand with him. He seems like a great guy, but how do I know I can trust him. Even though I just met him, I have a feeling that losing him would hurt more than losing my ex.

  I did let Jason kiss me though. Who am I kidding? There’s no letting him do anything. He seems like the type that takes what he wants. His kiss made my knees weak, either from the way his mouth devoured mine or the way he had his hands on the back of my neck pulling me into him. When we finally br
oke apart from each other, we both had to catch our breath.

  He left then, telling me he would see me the next day. I thought about him all night and all this morning as I baked the days treats for the bakery.

  On my break, I call around to see about getting some estimates for Ben’s roof. I’ve patched it three or four times now, obviously it needs a little more work.

  The bakery was busy today and I’m sort of relieved to be thinking about that instead of everything else that is going on. When I get off work, I head straight home to check on Ben.

  Pulling onto the road to my house, I immediately notice the multiple trucks in the driveway. So many of them, I have to park my beat-up Camry on the road in front of the house. I step out of the car and hesitantly walk towards the house. There are men up on the roof tearing off shingles and even more workers around the sides of the house replacing windows. I stop at the first man I come to and say, “Hey, I asked for some estimates. But I haven’t authorized any work yet. Who’s in charge here?”

  The man starts to speak, but then nods his head to point behind me. I turn and Jason is standing there behind me. “Hey Megan.”


  When I pull in, Megan is talking to my foreman, Axle. I keep my eyes on him to make sure he doesn’t try to get too friendly with what is mine. Of course, I don’t have to worry too much about Axle. He has completely sworn off women. He’s my foremen but he’s also my best friend. He’s never told me the full story, but he did let it slip one night when he was drinking. A woman in his past broke his heart. But still, I can’t imagine a man being untouched by Megan’s beauty.

  I try to shake this feeling of possessiveness, but I can’t. I’m not usually like this. As a matter of fact, I usually try not to get too close to any woman. Megan is shorter than Axle and her head is bent back talking to him. Her long brown hair sways down her back and I can’t help but appreciate her round ass in her tight blue jeans. I see Axle nod to me and Megan turns around to face me. Her face lights up as she sees me.


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