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Rejection Runs Deep (The Canleigh Series, book 1: A chilling psychological family drama)

Page 56

by Carole Williams

  “I am so sorry to disturb you, Your Grace,” Hardy said, “but I have to inform you that Lady Delia and Mr. Barrie have arrived at the Hall. They turned up, and I hate to say, under the influence of alcohol or some other substance. Lady Delia then demanded four bottles of the Duke’s Krug and they have gone up to her room with it. I am somewhat alarmed, Your Grace. I thought you should know … and Lady Victoria … I wondered if she is aware they are together?”

  Ruth had bit her lip and tried to still her fears, hearing the distress in Hardy’s voice.

  “Thank you, Hardy. I’m not sure, to be honest. I’ve had a call from the club. I know Lady Victoria is very upset and I’m going down to London tonight to be with her. I know it’s hard, but could I ask you to keep an eye on things at Canleigh and if there is anything … anything at all that you are worried about, please ring me at the club. Whatever you do, don’t ring the Duke.”

  “No, of course, not, Your Grace.”

  “As soon as I can get away from London, I’ll come up to Canleigh.”

  “Very well, Your Grace. I look forward very much to seeing you again,” said Hardy, hoping it would be much sooner than later. He was becoming too old to deal with Lady Delia’s shenanigans. It was time he and Betty thought about retiring.

  Ruth shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, desperately sorry for the Hardy’s, having to deal with a drunken Delia and Barrie but she had to go to Vicky first but when she did get up to Yorkshire, she really didn’t know how she was going to handle the situation. Canleigh was Delia’s home and she wouldn’t leave. Of that, Ruth was very sure but she pushed that situation out of her mind for the moment. There was nothing she could do about it and Vicky’s needs were paramount. The landing at Heathrow wouldn’t be long now and then she could find out from Alex exactly what had gone on at the flat. He hadn’t said much on the telephone, only enough to make her realise that Vicky was in a bad way, refused to go to hospital, and only wanted Ruth to see to her injuries. What injuries for goodness sake? Whatever had Delia and Barrie done to her? It made Ruth feel sick to the core to think they could hurt such a lovely, fragile person in any way. Poor Vicky. Thank God Alex had found her and no-one else. They could all rely on his discretion.

  True to his word, Alex was at the airport to greet her, his face unusually stern and forbidding, his cheeky grin completely vanished. He took her case and held open the passenger door of his brand new shiny black BMW, a symbol of how successful the club was becoming Ruth surmised, remembering how neither Alex nor Barrie had a penny to their names when the business commenced.

  “Now, for goodness sake, tell me what’s happened,” Ruth urged as Alex steered the car away from the airport and into the city.

  Alex gritted his teeth. “Christ, Ruth. If I could only get my hands on Barrie and that perverted woman … they handcuffed Vicky to the bed, beat her up, and sexually assaulted her. God, Ruth. I could swing for them. I knew Barrie was a sod but not in a million years did I think he would stoop so low … and to do it to Vicky of all people. If I catch up with him, Ruth, he’ll be sorry he was ever born. I’m not normally a violent man but I can promise you he’ll not look the same when I’ve finished with him.”

  Ruth sat motionless in the passenger seat, finding it hard to take in what he was saying. It was appalling. Hideous. Monstrous. How could they? Poor, poor Vicky. What on earth would this terrible incident due to her, mentally and physically?”

  “You said she had injuries,” said Ruth, quickly. “What injuries? What on earth have they done?”

  “Her face is badly bruised. She’s having difficulty opening her right eye and she has a couple of teeth missing, luckily at the back so it’s not too noticeable Her back and buttocks are streaked with whiplash marks, her ankles and wrists are chaffed badly from the handcuffs and she has a lot more bruising on her inner thighs.”

  “Oh, my God,” whispered Ruth, the full horror sinking in. “How did you find out what had happened?”

  “It wasn’t until this afternoon. I had to work late last night as Barrie, nor Vicky, made an appearance, although I kept ringing them but no-one answered. I knew Barrie was there because his car was in the car park but didn’t realise Delia was with him. Anyhow, I didn’t have to be at the club until two o’clock today but when I arrived Barrie’s car was gone but there was still no sign of Vicky, and the staff said they hadn’t seen her all morning. I rang her but again, no answer, so in the end, I took the spare key for the flat out of the office and let myself in. I … I found her in the bedroom, covered in blood and moaning terribly … but she was conscious and knew it was me.”

  He shuddered and glanced at Ruth. “God, it was awful, Ruth. They had even left the bloody whip on the bed.”

  “Don’t tell me she was still tied up,” Ruth whispered.

  “No. At least they had released her but God, Ruth, she was … is in a mess. I’ve done what I could but she needs proper medical attention. Thank God, you are a doctor.”

  “Well, not quite. I didn’t actually qualify.”

  “No, but you have far more medical knowledge than me and if she won’t go to hospital, at least she will have you. I wanted … still want … to ring the Police but she wouldn’t let me do that either. She’s worried about the scandal and her father. She’s worried if he finds out what they have done to her, it will bring on another heart attack.”

  “And she’s probably right,” said Ruth through gritted teeth. What a horrific state of affairs if Delia and Barrie were to get away with it. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair but it would do immense harm to Charles. Of that Ruth was positive.

  “I’ve done what I can, Ruth,” Alex said ruefully, remembering how Vicky sobbed pitifully as he cleaned her wounds and bathed her gently before carrying her to a guest room and tenderly placing her in a clean bed. He had managed to get some soup down her and a coffee, along with some painkillers and eventually she had fallen asleep while he sat beside her. He had rung down and asked David, the head barman to manage the club for the evening as all three owners were going to be unavailable for a few hours. David, who loved the responsibility, had quickly stepped up to the mark so Alex didn’t have to worry too much about the business and luckily there were no functions booked so it would probably be a reasonably quiet night and as soon as he deposited Ruth at the flat, he would make an appearance.

  It wasn’t long before they arrived in Kensington and Alex parked as near as he could to the door to the flat. They entered and ran quickly up the stairs.

  “In here,” said Alex, showing Ruth into the room where he had left Vicky, who was curled up in the foetal position, fast asleep. “Barrie’s nothing but a sadist … and as for Delia … they should have locked her up and thrown away the key,” Alex seethed before turning abruptly. “I’ll be in the club if you need me, Ruth. Just press the button on top of the phone if you want to talk to me.”

  Ruth nodded silently as he left the flat and standing for a few minutes over Vicky’s inert form, she could understand how angry he was. She felt the same.

  “Ruth? Is that you?” whispered Vicky suddenly, her voice barely audible due to her badly damaged mouth. “I’ve been so frightened. When I heard voices, I thought it was them … coming back for me.”

  “Oh, Vicky,” cried Ruth, kneeling beside the bed so their faces were level. She stroked Vicky’s hair back from her messed up face. Her eye and cheek were black and her mouth was bleeding slightly. “You poor love. How could they do this to you?”

  “I … I thought they were going to kill me. Ruth … it was sick … vile … I feel so dirty and I hurt … everywhere. Alex … he helped me but ….”

  “I’m going to examine you. I want to make sure you’re not seriously injured,” said Ruth grimly, peeling back the bedclothes and very gently turning Vicky on her stomach. She surveyed the damage, noting with horror the ugly marks where the whip had slashed the delicate skin. On further investigation, she discovered, as Alex had reported, that Vicky’s thighs and groi
n were bruised where Barrie had violently raped her and her wrists and ankles were chaffed from being encased tightly in the handcuffs. Ruth covered her up again. “You need a tetanus shot.”

  “I had one, a few months ago. I cut myself in the kitchen and had to have a couple of stitches. The nurse at the hospital gave me one.”

  “Well, that’s something. Luckily, the wounds from the whip aren’t too deep and Alex did a really good job of cleaning you up. We’ll keep an eye on them but as you are young and have healthy skin there shouldn’t be any problems although you’re going to be pretty stiff for a while. Your face will heal on its own although you will need to see a dentist. In the meantime, you’re going to need quite a few painkillers and a hell of a lot of rest.”

  “Ruth … I’m terrified they’ll come back. You won’t leave me, will you? Barrie … he threatened to kill me if I divorced him. He admitted he only married me for my money … and then there’s Father. He mustn’t find out … about any of it.”

  “Hush. He’s not going to if I can help it so don’t worry. Barrie and Delia can’t get into the flat. Alex had the locks changed this afternoon and anyway … they are at Canleigh.”

  Vicky raised an eyebrow painfully.

  “Yes,” said Ruth. “That’s another problem to be sorted. God knows why they went there. I’ve got to get them out before your father comes home.” She grimaced. “Unfortunately, he’s decided he’s had enough of Blairness and wants to return to Canleigh. I’ve managed to persuade him to stay in Scotland until I return but I can’t leave it too long … maybe a week if we’re lucky. He has a dinner invitation from Lord Massingham who recently went up to his estate and as Charles and he are such good friends and don’t see each other very often, he won’t want to cancel it so that gives us a few days.”

  “I badly want to go home to Canleigh … for peace and quiet … get out of this flat ... but I can’t go while they are there,” shuddered Vicky, terrified at the thought of seeing her husband and sister. She jumped every time she heard anyone out in the car park; as painful as it was she frequently got out of bed to look out of the window to see who was about and when entering the bathroom she remembered the fear she had experienced while locked in there while Barrie and Delia cavorted around the flat. She couldn’t pass the bedroom door without remembering seeing them, naked and predatory, walking towards her, pulling her into the room, tearing off her clothes, throwing her on the bed, the whip and the handcuffs, Barrie hitting her. Her nerves were shattered completely. She was a wreck. She craved for her old bedroom at Canleigh, for the solitude of walking around the lake just listening to the birds, just being alone with Father, Ruth, and Stephen. But she couldn’t even do that. Not with the two she most feared in the world in situ. She never wanted to see either of them again as long as she lived and would never forgive them for what they had done to her. The physical damage would heal but the mental scars would remain with her for the rest of her life.

  “My face, Ruth. How long is it going to take to heal? I can’t go out of the flat looking like this.”

  Ruth examined Vicky’s mouth again. “Not long … and it’s amazing what a clever amount of make-up will cover … but we need to get you to a dentist as soon as possible. Perhaps tomorrow. It’s supposed to rain so we can cover your head with a hood and no-one will have an inkling. You can also wear a scarf over your mouth.”

  “What about the dentist? How on earth do I explain the loss of two teeth?” Vicky croaked. Her mouth was very dry and hurt so much.

  Ruth gave her a sip of warm water. “We’ll just say you got in the way of a drunk in the club.”

  “Oh. Oh, of course. Thank you so much for coming, Ruth. I really don’t know what I would have done without your support. I’m so very grateful,” she said, sinking back into the fluffy pillows. She was extremely tired and just wanted to slip into dark, dark oblivion and blot out all that had happened to her.

  Ruth held Vicky’s hand until she was sure she was in a deep sleep and not likely to wake for a while. She left the room, shutting the bedroom door behind her quietly and went through to the lounge to ring Charles, wanting to dissolve into tears when she heard his loving voice. How she longed to be back with him, enveloped by those thick, ancient walls of the castle and his comforting presence. How she wished she didn’t have to deal with these traumatic events.

  “How is Vicky,” he asked anxiously. “Has she taken Barrie’s betrayal with Delia very badly?”

  “She’s fine,” lied Ruth. “A bit weepy but that’s to be expected.”

  “I presume he’s not returned.”

  “Um. No. I think he’s gone to a hotel. I’m not sure which one,” said Ruth, thinking quickly, despising the deceit, but knowing it was for his own good. He mustn’t get upset. His blood pressure mustn’t go through the roof … and it would if he knew the truth.

  They talked for a while. Ruth wanted an update on Stephen, who apparently had pleased his father greatly by walking steadily around the outside of the castle today, Tina and Charles on either side of him. Then the conversation turned to when they would return to Canleigh.

  “Do you mind if we leave it until next week?” asked Ruth. “I would love the chance to visit Covent Garden while I’m down here and it would do Vicky good to get out. You know how she loves ballet and Barrie didn’t and she doesn’t like going to the theatre alone. Then, of course, there is your dinner with Lord Massingham. You won’t want to miss that ...and you will be able to have a good old chinwag without worrying about me.”

  “Okay. Okay,” Charles laughed. “If you want to kick up your heels in London for a little while, you can. But no longer than a week. I’m missing you more than you will ever know. I hate being without you by my side. I feel … incomplete.”

  “I know, darling,” said Ruth. “I feel the same and I promise … no longer than a week … and I’ll ring you every day.”

  “Don’t forget, darling. I can’t get through twenty-four hours without hearing your voice.”

  They said goodbye, Ruth marvelling at the intensity of her love for him. Life wouldn’t be worth living if they couldn’t be together. She would wither and die without him and would do everything possible to keep this sordid episode a secret from him. He must never find out what had happened in this flat.

  She checked on Vicky once again who was laying on her stomach in a deep sleep and then turned her attention to the master bedroom. Someone had to clean up the mess and Ruth set to. The sight of the bloodstained sheets made her retch when she visualised what had occurred there. In the kitchen, she found big black plastic bags and returning to the bedroom, pushed the sheets into them, picking up the whip and leather belts gingerly and did the same with them. Their presence was totally offensive and Ruth wished ardently she could use them on the perpetrators of the crime. It was exactly what they deserved. Corporal punishment, dispensed by her. What a pleasure that would be … but it would only make her as bad as them.

  She took the bags downstairs and left them by the entrance door where Vicky wouldn’t see them. Alex would no doubt be able to get rid of them in the morning. Alex, she thought, making up the marital bed with fresh linen. What a lovely man he was. Solid and dependable. Not showy or unreliable like Barrie. What a shame Vicky had chosen unwisely. It should have been Alex. There was no doubt the man was besotted by Vicky and would make an excellent husband for her at some point in the future. He was kind and thoughtful, very like Charles and was also pretty good looking, like Charles, she smiled. A mop of fair unruly curls adorned a pleasant square face with eyes that lit up when Vicky was near. He was genuine, sincere, and tender-hearted. Vicky would be a very lucky woman if she could eventually fall in love with him. Although it was going to take quite a bit of time for her to get over recent traumatic events … but she would. Ruth was sure of that.

  Ruth worked hard, frantically removing every last trace of the events from the previous night. Hoping Vicky wouldn’t wake, she vacuumed the bedroom floor and polis
hed the furniture and completely cleared the flat of Delia’s presence as discarded boxes from the spending orgy when she left court were also placed by the entrance door for Alex to remove.

  Alex buzzed through to the lounge telephone just as Ruth finished, satisfied that no-one would ever know what had occurred in the master bedroom. She had made herself a cup of hot chocolate and was sipping it gratefully on the sofa. Alcohol had been considered but would probably keep her awake and she badly needed rest as she had to be on her toes in the morning. There was a lot to think about and to do and her mind needed to be fresh and alert. The chocolate would help her sleep.

  “Ruth. It’s me,” said Alex quietly. “We’re just closing now but before I go home I wanted to check how Vicky is … and you … you must be shattered.”

  “Vicky’s sleeping. The wounds will heal without too much trouble. You did a good job of cleaning her up and the lacerations aren’t too deep so she doesn’t need stitches. A few days and the bruises on her face will heal and I’m going to make an appointment in the morning to visit the dentist to make sure her mouth is okay.”

  “Thank you so much, Ruth. I’ve been so worried. Thank God, you were able to come.”

  “Well, I can stay a week. She should be well on the way to having her physical injuries fade by then but as for her state of mind ... she doesn’t want to stay in this flat for long … and that I can quite understand … she wants to go to Canleigh but with Delia and Barrie there, it’s impossible. That’s my next task. I have to get them out before my husband returns next week.”

  “If you need any help, you know where I am,” said Alex firmly. There was nothing more he would like than a confrontation with both of them.

  “This must be terribly awkward for you too,” said Ruth. “Barrie being your business partner. What will you do about that?”


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