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Romancing the R.A. (Campus Crush series)

Page 5

by Drake, Ashelyn

  We walk back to our dorm. I’m a little surprised it hasn’t blown over with the breeze. Julia starts getting ready immediately, but I lie down on the bed and stare at the crumbling ceiling.

  “You need to get ready,” Julia says.

  “I don’t think I’m going.”

  She stops fixing her hair and turns to me. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No.” I fold my hands on my stomach.

  “Is this about that girl in the bathroom?”

  “No. I don’t believe her. I just don’t feel like going. Andy said he wasn’t sure he’d be back in time for it anyway. Maybe I’ll wait until it’s almost over and then see if he’s there.”

  “And what if Andy is there waiting for you? If you stay in this room all night sulking and find out that he was at the dance and you could’ve been cozying up to him all evening, you’ll kick yourself. Hell, I’ll kick you.” She turns back to the mirror. “Besides, if you don’t show, that chick will be all over him.”

  I hate it when she’s right. “Fine, but if the dance is a bust, we’re out of there.” I’m only agreeing to go because I want to see Andy. I see no point in staying if he isn’t there.

  “Good. Now get dressed. I’m not letting you go wearing that.”

  I roll my eyes, but I let Julia go through my clothes and pick out something she thinks is suitable. A pair of skinny jeans, heels, and a black top. It will do. In twenty minutes, we’re dressed and out the door.

  We head to Andy’s dorm. Two R.As are standing at the door to let people in. Just my luck, one is the girl from the bathroom.

  “Crap. Look who it is.”

  Julia shrugs. “So?” Sometimes I think she believes there’s no one she can’t take on. I envy her a little for that.

  We walk up to her, and she scowls. “Really?”

  “What’s the problem?” the male R.A. asks.

  “This is the girl that’s been hanging all over Andy.” She says it as if it’s completely absurd that someone like me would have a shot with Andy. Ironically, I’m thinking the same thing about her.

  “Melinda, you’re seriously messed up. Andy doesn’t let anyone hang all over him.” He smirks. “You should know that. He’s turned you away enough.”

  I can’t help smiling. I like this guy already. He obviously knows Andy, and he put Melinda in her place.

  The guy opens the door and smiles at us. “Tell Andy that Mitch says nice choice.”

  I blush, but I nod and say, “Thanks.”

  We walk inside, and all I can think is that Andy must be here. Mitch wouldn’t have given me a message for him if he isn’t. I squeeze Julia’s arm.

  “I know. I know.” She nods. “Let’s go find him.”

  I feel like I could burst out of my own skin. We head past the elevators and to the event room, which we hear long before we see. It’s dark, except for the colored strobe lights. Julia and I laugh because the dance is more high school than high school dances. If it weren’t for Andy, I would turn around and run back to our dorm right now.

  “Do you see him?” Julia yells over the music.

  “No!” Just as I talk, the music ends. All eyes turn to us—well, to me, the girl who screamed. I raise my hand in an apologetic wave. The DJ announces a limbo contest and puts the music back on. Thankfully, only a few eyes linger on me.

  Julia laughs. “You are too good at humiliating yourself.”

  “Thanks for pointing that out.”

  “I don’t know. I think she just likes to make her presence known.” I smile at the sound of Andy’s voice and turn around to face him.

  “Hey, you’re here.” Way to state the obvious, Noelle.

  “So I am.” He motions to the back corner away from the speakers.

  Julia points toward the frozen drink bar near the stage. “I think I’ll go get one of those.”

  “They’re non-alcoholic,” Andy says.

  “Of course they are.” Julia’s words drip sarcasm, but she still feels the need to roll her eyes before she walks away.

  Andy takes my hand and pulls me toward the back of the room. “I wasn’t sure if you’d show up.”

  “I couldn’t let Julia come by herself.” I turn to see her talking to the cute guy serving the drinks. Good for her. “Oh!” I meet Andy’s gaze. “I almost forgot. I’m supposed to tell you that Mitch said ‘nice choice.’”

  He smiles. “He did, huh?”

  “Yup. Also, I think there’s a Melinda looking for you. I had the pleasure of meeting her earlier.”

  “Ooh, sorry to hear that. She’s…” He pauses, trying to think of the right word.


  “Sure. Let’s go with that.” He reaches for my arm, lightly tracing circles down it. God, how can such a small touch drive me so crazy? “Did she give you a hard time because of me?”

  “Nothing Julia couldn’t handle. She’s like my personal bodyguard.”

  “Good to know.” He looks over my shoulder. “She seems to have found a date for the evening. You girls have a thing for R.As?”

  I close the distance between us. “Is he a friend of yours?”

  He nods. “That’s Mike. He’s a nice guy. She could do a lot worse.”

  “Good, because I won’t hesitate to act as her bodyguard if I have to.”

  “I don’t think you will.”

  No, probably not. Julia is more than capable of handling herself.

  “Are all the socials this incredibly lame?”

  He laughs. “Yes. It’s like they want to make them as much like high school dances as possible so you’ll feel comfortable.”

  “And people like me, who can’t wait to get away from high school, are more uncomfortable than ever.”

  “You don’t have to stay. It’s not mandatory or anything.”

  “I know, but…” How do I casually say I want to be with him, even if it means loud music and colored strobe lights?

  “You could come hang out with me.”

  I can’t help wondering if he wants to pick up where we left off. I wouldn’t mind a repeat of our afternoon together. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  There’s a loaded question. I don’t even really know him. But his eyes—the way he looks at me. “I think so.”

  “You’re honest. I like that.” His fingers reach forward, brushing mine and setting my body on fire.

  Julia looks in our direction and smiles, giving me her approval. I give her a small wave before following Andy out of the room.

  He leads me toward the stairs, and my pulse quickens. We’re heading to his room. Even though he’s a nice guy, I can’t help thinking I know what’s on his mind. Because it’s on my mind, too.

  Chapter Eight

  I hesitate in the hall after he opens his door and steps aside for me to go into his room. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I just…I don’t know.” Damn my brain for making me question every move I make. Why can’t I just let myself do what feels right?

  “So you don’t trust me.”

  “I don’t really know you.” It’s the honest answer.

  “You were alone in my room with me earlier.”

  That was different. The sun was still up. “I know. I just have to ask. Why’d you bring me here?”

  He steps toward me. “Because you were having a miserable time at that sorry excuse for a social downstairs.”

  “True.” I smile because even though we just met, he can read me really well.

  “So, will you come in?” His eyes are pleading with me, asking me to trust him.

  I can’t say no. “Sure.”

  He closes the door behind us but hesitates before clicking it shut. “Would you rather I leave this open?”

  I’m back to being the lame freshman. Maybe I never stopped. “It’s fine,” I say, pushing the door closed so he knows I mean it.

  “I have a ton of movies on Blu-ray if you’re interested.” He opens his closet and pulls
out a drawer full of movies. He has everything from comedy to action adventure to horror.

  “Nice selection.” I don’t see any date movies. No mushy romances guys only watched to get girls into bed. I guess Mitch was right about him. “Ooh, you have the third Transformers movie.”

  “You like them?”

  “Are you kidding me? The only problem is I can’t decide who I like more, Optimus or Bumblebee.”

  He stares at me, his eyes lighting up.


  “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you.”

  “Like me? Come on.”

  He takes the movie from the drawer and brings it to the TV. “I’m serious. You’re not like most freshman girls.”

  “Undecided major, fell for the hot R.A., thinks the social is ridiculously stupid? Okay, maybe not the last one. Most of the people downstairs looked like they were having a good time.”

  “What did you say?” He turns around and stares at me.

  I thought we’d gotten past the whole “I’m into you” stage, but maybe saying it out loud was too much. “Um, I think the social is stupid?”

  “Before that.”

  “My major is undecided?”

  He cocks his head and moves toward me. “After that.” His fingers brush against mine.

  “Oh, I think I said something about smearing yogurt all over—”

  His lips press against mine, making me shut up. Thankfully! He’s holding my hands now, his thumbs rubbing against my palms. He pulls away but doesn’t let go. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  “My babbling can have that effect, I guess.”

  He laughs. “Oh, so you’ve gotten this reaction before?”

  “Not exactly. I’m making note of it, though.”

  “How about that movie?” He squeezes my hands before walking over to his bed and lying down. He moves over so there’s plenty of room for me.

  My chest tightens. Am I in over my head? I’ve been with all of one guy before, and I’m not exactly the one-night stand type.

  “So you’ve seen the first two, right?” He presses play, and the movie starts.

  “Yeah.” I inch closer, easing myself onto the bed, but staying as upright as possible. “Somehow I never got around to seeing this one.”

  “Megan Fox isn’t in it.”

  “Were you upset by that?”

  He shrugs.

  “Don’t lie.” I’ve never met a guy who didn’t have a thing for Megan Fox.

  “I’m not. She was really hot in the first two, but she got too thin for me. I like some curves, like she had in the first movie.” His eyes trail the length of my body, checking out my curves.

  We stop talking as the movie comes on. I’m not really paying attention because I keep stealing glances at him and I’m trying to think of something to say to ease the tension since we moved to the bed. Andy doesn’t try anything during the movie. He’s a perfect gentleman. When the credits appear on the screen, I turn to face him, afraid I’ve scared him off.

  “What did you think?” he asks me.

  “Not as good as the first two but still pretty awesome.”

  “Was it the movie or the company?”

  “I saw the first two with Julia and she asked about a thousand questions through each, so I’d have to say the company was much better this time.” I pause, gathering my courage, and shift so I’m on my side. “Maybe a little too quiet, though.”

  “I didn’t want to talk over the movie and make you miss anything. Plus, you looked a little uncomfortable.”

  “Sorry, I’m so used to being guarded around guys.” Andy’s making me break all of my rules, but somehow it feels right.

  He reaches for my hand, gently weaving his fingers through mine. “You know I’m into you, so it’s your move.”

  “If I remember correctly, I made the first move.” I keep my voice playful to mask my nerves.

  He laughs softly. “I guess you did.”

  “I’m not looking to hook up and then never see you again.” The words come tumbling out before I can stop them. My hand clenches his, afraid he’s going to pull away and send me back to my dorm.

  “Neither am I.” He lets go of me and sits up. “Do you know why I’m not with Melinda?”

  “I can think of a few reasons.” She wears way too much make-up. She’s a bitch. She dresses like a slut. “But I’d rather hear yours.”

  “She sleeps around.”

  So the outfit fits her character. “I’d act surprised, but I’m trying to be honest with you.”

  “Call me old fashioned but I’d rather have a girlfriend than a hook-up.”

  I’m tempted to smother his mouth with mine for that. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  He nods. “It’s tough though—with swim practice most nights, you know? Most girls want to hang out with their boyfriends, go places, do things, not sit at the pool and watch him swim laps.”

  “I like that you’re a swimmer.” I especially like what it does for his body. My eyes betray my thoughts by lowering to his sculpted chest.

  He laughs. “It’s mostly genetics. My dad is pretty toned under his suits, too.”

  I cringe. “Oh, please don’t give me mental images of your dad!”

  He laughs harder, and I join in. We both stop, our eyes locking on each other. His lips are so close I can’t take it. I lean forward, kissing his bottom lip. His hand weaves through my hair and pulls me closer. Our chests are pressed up against each other, and I can’t tell if it’s my pounding heart I’m feeling or his. Somehow I think it’s both, beating in tune.

  His hand moves from my hair, down my shoulders, and traces circles on my lower back. I reach around his waist, pulling him closer even though there’s barely any air between us as it is. Kissing him is intoxicating. Maybe it’s because he’s a little older and has more experience, or maybe it’s just him. All I know is I could kiss Andy all night long.

  Our make-out session lasts for two hours. My lips are probably swollen, but I don’t care. The second his lips move from mine, all I can think is I want them back. Andy looks into my eyes, and I can see he’s wrestling with something. I know what he’s thinking. I’m not stupid.

  “It’s getting late. Do you want me to walk you back to your dorm?”

  Okay, maybe I don’t know what he’s thinking. “Um…” I twist around to see the clock, which isn’t easy since my legs are tangled up in his. One in the morning. The social must be long over by now. I hope Julia didn’t go back to Mike’s room, but then again, I came here. I have to wonder if she’ll be making the walk of shame back to our dorm in the morning. Not really how I want her to start her college career. “Yeah, I guess I should get going.”

  His fingers reach for mine. “You’re welcome to stay if you want. I’m not kicking you out or anything.”

  “I’m getting kind of tired, and we have those entrance exams right after breakfast. I need to get some sleep.” My brain is taking over again, and I hate myself for it.

  He nods. I can see he’s disappointed, but he’s not going to push me. “Then I’ll walk you back to your dorm.”

  “I can manage it. I remember the way.” I walk to the door, but my hand lingers on the knob.

  Andy gets up and follows me. “No way am I letting you walk across campus alone in the dark. That’s like rule number one. There’s a reason freshman travel everywhere in packs.”

  “Now you have me thinking this isn’t a very safe school.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but that’s a good rule to follow no matter where you go. You don’t know who you can and can’t trust.”

  “I trust you.” There’s no doubt in my mind. I trust him completely. I know I could spend the night and he’d do nothing more than hold me if that’s what I wanted. The problem is that isn’t what I want. I want to be with Andy, but not as a one-night stand. I want more than that.

  “Then stay. I promise I won’t—”

  I press my finger to his lips. “
I know you won’t.” I lock the door and kiss him again. To hell with sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  We back up to the bed again, where Andy sits down. He pulls out of the kiss and looks up at me. “Are you sure about this?”


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