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Time And Time Again (Out Of Time Book 1)

Page 5

by Pandora Pine

  “A spoon then?” Carter’s brown eyes glittered in challenge. He fisted his hands on his hips.

  Fionn’s eyes darkened and he took a predatory step forward. “It would be harder to secret a spoon upon your person,” he said with a sneer. Not that he would ever admit it, but he was enjoying bantering with Carter. No one ever stood up to him or challenged his ideas. The foundling might be worth keeping around for that reason alone, never mind the way his eyes were once again darkening with lust.

  “You’re not serving haggis are you?” A small smile played at the corner’s of Carter’s full lips.

  The giant warrior took one step closer to Carter and ran a work-roughened finger down the side of his face. He could feel heat radiating off Carter’s still wet body in waves. “We are not barbarians like the Scots. Is that where you come from?”

  Carter jerked his chin away from Fionn’s touch. “Supper it is.”


  Carter had come twice since Fionn stomped out of his room with a slam of the door. It hadn’t helped. He was still on edge. His hand slipped inside the fawn colored shirt Fionn had left for him to rub his thumb against the moonstone. Were there two of them here now since he brought it with him from the future?

  He wasn’t any good at this time-travel stuff. He should’ve paid more attention when Bree forced him to sit through a Doctor Who marathon. Instead, he had spent the time daydreaming about David Tennant and his spiky, dark hair.

  His head was still spinning over Fionn’s treatment of him. One minute he looked ready to punch him, the next looking ready to kiss his lips off. He spitefully hoped Fionn was just as confused as he was. No, he didn’t. As angry as he was over the giant warrior thinking he had ulterior motives, he wouldn’t want him to suffer like this.

  Going back and forth with himself several times over the idea of going to dinner or pouting in his room, Carter finally decided to go. Fionn had given him a room in the castle rather than a drafty cottage in the bailey with the other soldiers. That had won him points in favor of accepting Fionn’s demand. Tipping the scale in the other direction was Fionn thinking he was a spy and a Scottish spy at that. He couldn’t decide which insult was worse.

  Fionn was sitting alone at the head table nursing a tankard of ale. As chief of Moone Castle, it was his duty to see to the safety of everyone who lived under his protection. Part of him wanted to believe Carter was here out of curiosity rather than malice, but he wasn’t going to take any chances.

  There was no doubt Carter was handsome, with his sparkling brown eyes and equally dark hair. His body was lean with a bit of definition, but certainly did not have a warrior’s finely tuned build. He doubted Carter could even lift his heavy sword.

  Part of the reason for his sour mood was his perpetual hard-on. His cock had been rock solid from the moment he had seen Carter naked in the bathtub. If he were honest with himself, it had been half hard from the moment he had taken Carter’s arm when they met. He had practically come in his pants like an untrained youth when Carter got up from the tub sporting an impressive erection of his own. He wanted to throw him on the bed and lick every drop of water from his body, before fucking him senseless.

  Jerking off helped only marginally, but instead of easing his need it unbelievably made it worse. He briefly thought of seeking out one of his usual partners for a hard and fast ride in the horse barn, but for some odd reason he knew only Carter could satisfy him.

  “What’s got you looking like your bloody ready to kill someone?” Donnall thumped down his own tankard and took the chair next to Fionn’s.

  “Piss off,” he answered with no heat in his voice. Donnall had spent most of his life in Ireland, but still like to speak like he was English. It tweaked Fionn something fierce when he was in a mood like this one, but if anyone could help him get out of this dark mood, it was his oldest friend.

  “You still in a snit about the foundling?” Donnall grinned and grabbed the pitcher of ale, pouring himself a healthy portion. He drank half of it down in one gulp and refilled his cup.

  “I can’t get a reading on him, little bastard.” Fionn sighed and took a deep drink of ale, his lips quirking into a smile when Donnall refilled his tankard.

  Donnall burst out laughing, clapping a hand on Fionn’s muscled shoulder. “I know what that means. The little bastard is making your cock hard.”

  Fionn raised an eyebrow but did not disagree. He was unused to his emotions warring with each other like this. He couldn’t remember ever feeling wary and turned on at the same time.

  “Have you ever heard the phrase you catch more flies with honey than with shite?” Donnall’s wide grin was contagious.

  “Bees like honey. Flies like shite,” Fionn said on a snort, finding his first smile in what felt like hours.

  Donnall squeezed Fionn’s shoulder and stood to go. “I love you like a brother. I’d never steer you wrong, being the shite has got you nowhere. Be the honey and earn his trust. He will be more likely to confide his plan in a moment of passion.”

  Fionn sighed and watched as Donnall left the hall. He wasn’t too dense to see being the honey with Carter could have its advantages. It would afford him the chance to get closer to the foundling and spend time with him. What did he have to lose?


  Carter made his way slowly down from his room. Fionn had pulled him through the keep and up the stairs quickly when they arrived and Carter hadn’t had a chance to look around at his surroundings. He had reached the bottom of the stairs and still had yet to catch sight of Fionn. Carter moved deeper into the cavernous great hall. He returned the nods and smiles of the curious people already present.

  Looking to his left, he finally spotted Fionn. What he saw made his heart sink. Fionn was talking with a beautiful woman, probably the most beautiful woman Carter had ever seen. She had long, flowing blond hair that reached to her waist and a smile that took his breath away. Fionn was smiling warmly back at her as his hand cupped the left side of her face. Carter turned to leave the room when Fionn’s booming voice stopped him cold. “Carter, there you are. Come, join us.”

  Plastering a smile on his face, he strode toward Fionn and his lady. When he reached their side, Fionn slid an arm around his back, slapping his shoulder. “Fianna this is Carter McCann, the foundling I was telling you about. Carter, I am pleased to present to you the Lady Fianna, my sister.”

  Sister? Carter was finally able to breathe again and the icy fist gripping his heart retreated. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I didn’t know Fionn had a sister.”

  “He is rather protective of me Carter.” Fianna smiled and rolled her eyes at her brother.

  “I would be very protective of you too, Lady Fianna.”

  Fionn increased the pressure of his hand on Carter’s shoulder. Carter winced and ducked away from Fionn’s iron grip. He knew Fionn was getting upset at his innocent flirtation with Lady Fianna. Little did he know, there was nothing to be upset over. Carter was only interested in men and at the moment, only interested in one man, the infuriating barbarian trying to Vulcan nerve pinch him into submission.

  “You must call me Fianna.” Her smile was truly dazzling up close.

  “NO, he will call you Lady Fianna. Will you excuse us, please?” Fianna nodded her assent and Fionn pushed Carter forward, steering him toward an alcove away from the crowd.

  “I am pleased you decided to join us, my pretty little-” Fionn stopped mid-sentence, “boy,” he finished lamely.

  Carter raised an eyebrow at his choice of word. He knew damn well Fionn was about to call him a pretty little spy, just as he had in Carter’s bedchamber.

  “I must meet with my first in command, but make yourself at home. We will sup shortly.” Fionn turned abruptly and stormed away.

  Carter was admiring the ornate fireplace in the great hall. It was large enough to accommodate ten large men standing shoulder-to-shoulder. His finger traced lightly over the highly polished Celtic knot entwined with a heart carved into th
e granite mantle. It was the same design on Fionn’s grave and his moonstone. He absently rubbed the heel of his hand over the medallion.

  “Greetings Carter, son of Carlyle. Welcome home,” a sweet, melodic voice said from behind him.

  He turned quickly to see a beautiful woman approaching him. She was barely over five feet tall with raven locks falling in soft waves down her back. Her eyes were a startling shade of ice-blue. “How do you know my name?” he whispered.

  “I know many things,” she said simply.

  Carter felt something move against his leg and looked down to see a cat twining itself between his legs. He bent down to pick up the animal who purred in his arms. It was the strangest looking cat he had ever seen. One half of his face was black with a green eye, while the right side was tawny with a blue eye. “You are magnificent,” Carter cooed to the cat, but the same could be said about its owner.

  “I am Islynn, the healer and this is Janus. We are both pleased to meet you at long last.”

  It had been a long time since Carter studied Roman mythology, but he thought Janus was the God of beginnings and transitions. How appropriate, he shivered in response.

  “Janus of the two faces also had the ability to look into the future and the past simultaneously. We are well suited.” She smiled at Carter who continued petting the cat.

  “None of this makes any sense,” he whispered, rubbing his face against the cat’s silky fur.

  “It will in the fullness of time. You must be patient. He needs you more than he could possibly know. His very life depends on him trusting you.”

  Carter’s eyes grew wide. “You know?” The one thing he needed here in this place and time was an ally perhaps Islynn could help him save his stubborn warrior.

  “I have seen the end, but it is not yet carved in stone,” she said gently, tracing her finger over the intricate design matching the moonstone.

  It was though, five hundred years into the future it was indeed carved in stone. This woman could be the key to him convincing Fionn he was here to save his life.

  “Time is always in flux, Carter. Earn his trust. Show him why you were chosen as his Anam Cara.”

  Janus mewed loudly in his arms and he set the strange cat down. She immediately twisted herself through her mistress’ legs. “What is the date?”

  Islynn smiled, the apples of her cheeks rounding out her face, making her more beautiful, if that was possible. “If anyone can save our stubborn lord from his fate, it will be you. Today is September 12, in the year 1433. Be blessed, Carter.” She graced him with another magnificent smile and turned away, Janus following at her heels.

  Carter had twenty-nine days to save Fionn’s life.


  Carter was standing bare-chested at the far end of the small chamber looking out the window over the bailey. Campfires were burning near several of the soldiers’ cottages. He could hear their raucous laughter carried on the wind along with the acrid scent of wood smoke.

  It seemed there were a million stars in the sky. Growing up in South Boston the bright lights of the city weren’t conducive to stargazing. This view was amazing, like the entire cosmos was spread out before him. A shooting star burst past, blazing a trail through the sky. He wished for Fionn to trust him.

  Carter’s thoughts turned to Islynn and what she had told him or rather what she wouldn’t tell him. He vaguely remembered River Song refusing to tell Doctor Who what was going to happen in his future. She’d raise a single finger to her red lips and say, “spoilers.” He knew that’s exactly what Islynn was trying to tell him. He would need to figure things out on his own but with the clock ticking down, he didn’t have much time to save Fionn.

  It wouldn’t be easy being patient, but he’d do it, if it meant saving Fionn’s life. The closed door in the center of Carter’s chamber slamming open startled him out of his thoughts.

  Fionn stepped into his room from a door that had been previously locked, his hair still damp from his bath. “I see you are hard at work spying on my soldiers. I fear you will not learn anything of import from them,” he said with a grin.

  The levity of the moment was lost on a furious Carter. He was sick and tired of Fionn accusing him of being here for nefarious purposes. “God damn it, Fionn. I’m not here to spy on you. I’m here from the future!” Carter was shouting and didn’t much care who overheard him. “No one has heard of America because it hasn’t even been discovered yet. Hell, that won’t happen for almost 60 years.” He sucked in a lungful of air intent on giving Fionn a bigger piece of his mind about being held a virtual prisoner. When he opened his mouth to yell, all that came out was a high pitched squeak.

  “I’m alone and so far from home. Worse, my only friend thinks I’m out to hurt him.” He angrily batted away the tears falling from his eyes and turned back to the window not wanting Fionn to see him cry. “The stars are never this bright where I come from. I wasn’t spying on…” Carter stopped, knowing it was useless to try to explain himself to the stubborn warrior standing behind him. He bent his head and let the tears take him.

  Fionn had been taking Donnall’s advice about not being the shite with Carter. He was aiming for funny but judging from Carter’s tears, had missed the mark. He stepped up to Carter, whose shoulders were shaking as he cried, and put both hands on him. “I am sorry, Carter.”

  Carter wrapped his arms around himself and continued to stare out the chamber window.

  “Here,” Fionn offered, pulling him against the solid wall of his chest. Fionn’s hands were warm against Carter’s cold shoulders. He knew the foundling was tired and scared. When Carter turned to look up at him, Fionn could only hope he could see the genuine remorse in his blue eyes.

  Carter wrapped his arms around Fionn’s hips and sighed against him, resting his head against Fionn’s heart.

  “Islynn foretold a visitor from far away,” he said softly. Many of his men put stock in what the healer said, but Fionn had always been skeptical of her having the sight. He had not hesitated to take the woman and her strange cat into his home when she banged on the gate one stormy night six months ago, but that did not mean he trusted her premonitions.

  “B-bet you didn’t believe her. Stubborn warrior,” Carter muttered against the now damp fabric of Fionn’s nightshirt.

  Fionn found a smile and with Carter’s face pressed against his chest, let it shine brightly. It would not do to let his foundling see his more tender side. “I did not believe her then, but I do believe you now,” he said softly.

  Carter pulled back his tear-streaked face to look into Fionn’s eyes. “You do?”

  “Yes.” Their faces were only inches apart. Not wanting to add to the temptation to reach out and kiss Carter, Fionn pulled back and clasped his hands behind his back. The need to taste the young man was too great for him to bear. How was it possible to mistrust Carter on the one hand but want to kiss him desperately on the other?

  Unwilling to fight against himself any longer, Fionn rubbed his hands through Carter’s dark hair. “From what year do you come?”

  “I was born in the year 1989, but I come from 2015.” Carter smiled, relaxing into Fionn’s touch.

  “Five hundred eighty-two years hence.” He would have time to think on this later, but now he needed to see to his foundling’s needs. “Now come, let us get you into bed. You need your rest. It has been a busy day and tomorrow will be busier still.” Fionn guided him toward the large, ornate bed and pulled back the covers.

  Carter slid into the soft bed and tried to make himself comfortable, punching the feather pillows into shape before laying back.

  “You will accompany me to the stables in the morn to work the horses. Brimstone took to you, the other animals will as well.” Fionn cringed, he had not meant for the job in the stables to sound like a command.

  “I’ve never worked with horses,” Carter said on a yawn.

  Fionn smiled. “You will learn.” Turning, he headed back to his own bedchamber. Having no exper
ience with attracting flies with honey, as Donnall phrased it, was putting him at a disadvantage. He could only hope that by holding the young man as he cried he had sown the seed for Carter to start trusting him.

  It was urgent he find out as much as he could about Carter and where he came from before anything happened to Moone or its people. The safe-keeping of his clan was his first priority, but even still, his gut churned over deceiving Carter.

  “Fionn, wait,” Carter called.

  Fionn turned back to Carter. He looked so small in the large bed by himself.

  “Stay?” Carter asked shyly, before folding back the covers in invitation.

  Fionn could see the fear and uncertainty on his face. He nodded sharply, not trusting himself to speak, and did as Carter asked and slid into bed beside his foundling, keeping to the far edge.


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