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Time And Time Again (Out Of Time Book 1)

Page 11

by Pandora Pine

  Fionn had his shirt partway off and was watching Carter with a heated look in his eyes.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Carter asked in a husky voice.

  Fionn shook his head no and managed to get his shirt the rest of the way off.

  Carter eased the tight-fitting material down Fionn’s hips, stopping to press a kiss to his stomach just above the head of his cock.

  Fionn hissed and bucked his hips toward Carter’s face.

  Carter laughed. “Impatient warrior.” He eased Fionn’s pants just past his cock, which bobbed toward his mouth when it sprang free. Pre-come was smeared on the head. Instead of licking out at Fionn’s nectar, Carter bent lower to untie his massive boots tapping on each one when he wanted him to lift his foot.

  “Is it possible for you to go any slower, princess?” Fionn asked in a pained voice.

  “You said we had all night,” Carter replied with a cheeky grin.

  “If I do not get my cock into your mouth soon…” Fionn trailed off when Carter licked out at his sack.

  “What were you about to say?”

  “Do not pay any attention to me. Return to what you were doing.” His eyes darkened with need and desire.

  Licking out at the warm, wrinkled skin, Carter pushed Fionn’s breaches to the tops of his feet and sucked one of the heavy sacks into his mouth.

  Fionn sank his hands into Carter’s soft, dark hair, needing to touch him. He had never needed to touch anyone before, only needing lovers to touch him.

  Carter released the sack and looked up at Fionn who looked like he wanted to eat Carter alive. He winked at him and dragged his tongue up his rigid shaft, licking his tongue up over the head.

  Fionn growled low in his throat. “Do not stop.”

  Carter licked out at the spongy head tasting Fionn’s pre-come from the source. He lapped at it like it was an ice cream cone. “Delicious,” he murmured.

  “There is much more where that came from,” Fionn said, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “I want it all, Fionn.” Carter dropped him a sexy wink and sucked the head of his cock into his mouth.

  Fionn thought he had died and gone to heaven. Carter’s mouth was hot and wet around him. He could feel his clever tongue lashing against his shaft while he suckled lightly. “More,” he whispered.

  Carter obeyed, bracing his hands against the thick muscles of Fionn’s thighs he sucked him down to the root, his tongue swirling around the base of his cock tangling in his nest of fur.

  Unable to look away, Fionn watched Carter swallowing his cock. His eyes were open and staring up at him while he made the sexiest little moans in the back of his throat like his cock was the best thing he ever tasted.

  It was a different time for Fionn. He was used to taking his lover’s mouth’s fast and hard, giving no care if he was gagging them. His ultimate goal was to come and then get on with his day. Staring down into Carter’s endless brown eyes he wanted to give back the way Carter was giving to him. Problem was, it had been years since he had been on the giving end of a blowjob and worried he wouldn’t be able to pleasure Carter as well as he was being pleasured now.

  Carter watched as uncertainty flickered across Fionn’s handsome face. He pulled back. “You okay?” he asked, wiping the back of his hand against the drool splattering his chin.

  It startled Fionn that Carter could sense his inner turmoil. “I am well enough for you to continue.” He smiled and pumped his hips forward, his cock bumping against Carter’s closed mouth.

  “Can’t you speak plainer than that, stubborn warrior?”

  “Suck my cock, princess,” he begged.

  Carter opened his mouth and pulled Fionn’s hips forward.

  Fionn nearly came right there, knowing what Carter was asking him to do. He held Carter’s head a bit tighter and fucked his cock into Carter’s welcoming mouth.

  Carter gagged when his lover’s cock bumped against the back of his throat.

  Fionn felt his control slipping away. Between the hungry look in Carter’s eyes and the way he was able to take his pounding cock was pushing him closer and closer to the end. For once, he didn’t want it to end.

  Carter pulled a hand off Fionn’s thigh to tug on his balls. Fionn got a bit harder in his mouth and he knew he was about to come.

  Fionn shouted Carter’s name as his cock erupted in the sweet heat of his mouth. He could see his throat working hard to swallow his load as it continued to pump down his throat. He pulled back his deflating cock when the last tremor passed through his body. He felt boneless, like he was floating on a cloud.

  Carter could see the dazed look on Fionn’s face and climbed back to his feet. Pins and needles slashed through his legs as he maneuvered Fionn to the bed.

  “Not without you, my heart,” he said softly.

  Carter shivered. He loved when Fionn called him that. He only did it in moments when he was at his most vulnerable and that meant so much more to Carter. “Coming, Fionn.” He shucked out of his pants and crawled onto the bed to join his satisfied lover.

  Fionn grabbed Carter and pulled him to lie across his chest. Carter could hear Fionn’s heart pounding. Where he should be completely relaxed after coming so hard, he was tense.

  “I want…” Fionn faltered.

  “Want what?” Carter levered himself up on his elbow so he could look into Fionn’s blue eyes.

  “I want to suck your cock in return, but I…” he stopped again.

  Carter cupped his face and tilted it so they were eye to eye. “It’s okay. If you don’t like doing it you don’t have to.” Carter hated the sad look in his eyes. If not getting blown was the way to make Fionn’s gorgeous eyes dance again, it was well worth it.

  “It is not that, princess.”

  “What else could it be?” He’d come across a few selfish lovers in his time, men who only wanted to take rather than give. He knew Fionn wasn’t like those men, but that still left him with the question of why he didn’t want to return the favor.

  “I am out of practice,” he said shyly, trying to pull away from Carter.

  Carter smiled but didn’t let his suddenly bashful lover pull away. “That’s okay, how long has it been?”

  “Fifteen years,” Fionn sighed heavily.

  Carter’s eyes popped wide, figuring it had been a few months at most. He was stunned by Fionn’s confession. So stunned in fact, that when Fionn pulled away and rolled over, Carter let him go.

  Recovering from his shock, Carter pressed a kiss against Fionn’s scarred shoulder blade. “Why has it been so long?”

  “I am heir to Moone,” Fionn said glumly.

  It all made sense now. “Ah, and people were willing to service your needs,” he said gently.

  Fionn nodded curtly.

  Carter moved his mass of blond hair to the side and started licking up the column of his neck. “But you want to taste me, don’t you?”

  “Yes. But what if I do it wrong?”

  Carter was taken aback by Fionn’s lack of confidence. “You can’t do it wrong. How could your mouth on my cock feel bad? Hmm?” Carter sucked a bruise against the back of his neck and thrust his hips forward grazing his cock against Fionn’s ass. “Come on, big boy. I know you can do it.”

  Fionn snorted a laughed and rolled over. “Big boy?”

  “Yeah,” Carter whispered, his eyes darkening. “Your mouth is the biggest part of you. Now get moving and use it on me.”

  Fionn moved like lightning, tossing Carter onto his back and straddling his hips. His eyes blazed with desire and need. He licked and sucked his way down Carter’s torso, paying special attention to each freckle he passed. When he reached Carter’s hips, he took his thighs in both hands and pushed them as far apart as they would go before he started licking and kissing the soft skin between his legs.

  Carter reached down to heft the mass of blond hair hiding Fionn’s face from him. Fionn lifted his eyes to meet Carter’s. They were blown wide with passion. “Taste me Fionn.
I need to feel your mouth on me.”

  Fionn licked tentatively at the leaking head of Carter’s cock.

  “Fuck, Fionn, more,” Carter begged.

  Gaining a bit more confidence, he licked out at Carter’s heated flesh again, this time his tongue swiping through the pre-come gathered at Carter’s slit. He moaned and licked out for more, sucking the spongy head past his lips.

  Carter yelled out and jerked his hips. He nearly came off the bed.

  Fionn pulled off Carter’s cock with a slurp. “Did I hurt you, my heart?” Concern lit his blue eyes.

  “Fuck no, your beard felt incredible against my dick. Do it again, please,” Carter whimpered.

  Fionn lowered his head, slipping his lips over Carter’s cock again. He felt Carter’s hands tighten in his hair and could hear him panting for breath. He sank a bit lower down Carter shaft, licking out at the hard flesh in his mouth and moved lower still.

  It took all of Carter’s control not to fuck up into the hot velvet of Fionn’s mouth. He knew his inexperienced lover needed to get used to the size of him, but his body was screaming for release. “Fuck, Fionn. Need to come,” Carter gritted through clenched teeth.

  He pushed himself a bit more, gagging when Carter hit the back of his throat. Carter’s hips stuttered forward and Fionn was lost. He went with Carter’s rhythm, moaning when Carter did it again and again.

  “Gonna come,” Carter warned before his entire body jerked.

  Fionn felt the first thick blast of salty come wash across his tongue. He tried to swallow it all but Carter was shooting faster than he could swallow. He could feel Carter’s release drooling out of the sides of his mouth.

  Carter held on tighter when he saw Fionn struggling to swallow his load. He yelled for his lover as his cock continued to empty itself in his mouth. “Fionn, Fionn,” Carter whispered when the last tremor shook his body.

  “Was that satisfactory?”

  “Perfect, Fionn. You were perfect.” Fionn was a mess. Carter’s come coated his lips and his beard was soaked. He was gorgeous.

  Fionn was lying with his head on Carter’s shoulder, his left leg thrown over Carter’s body. No one had been up to light the fire and with the sun starting to set, the room was growing cold. He was so content being in Carter’s arms he didn’t want to move.

  Carter snuggled closer, pressing his cold feet against Fionn’s warm calves.

  Fionn howled, “For fuck’s sake, your feet are like two blocks of ice, princess. If you are chilled, go light the fire.”

  Carter shivered against Fionn. “I don’t know how to start a fire,” he admitted quietly.

  Fionn thought he was teasing until he picked his head up and saw the embarrassed look on Carter’s face. “How can it be that you do not know how to light a fire?”

  “It’s not a skill I need to survive in my world.” Carter shrugged, trying to pull away, but Fionn wouldn’t let him move.

  “Do you know how to hunt with a bow and arrow?” Surely Carter knew how to provide for himself.

  Carter shook his head. “No.”

  “Can you trap or track animals?” Fionn asked, growing concerned. How was it possible Carter had survived this long in his own world without being able to see to his own needs?

  Shaking his head no, Carter worried his bottom lip with his teeth.

  “Can you catch a fish and clean it for supper?”

  Carter laughed. “Yes, my grandfather took me fishing a few times before he died.”

  “Did he die in battle?” Fionn asked excitedly.

  “No, from old age.” Carter snorted.

  “Old age?” Every man Fionn had ever known died in battle and he knew that would be his fate as well.

  “Yes, he was old and his body just wore out.” Carter ran a hand through Fionn’s hair.

  “Your father did not teach you to ride, fight, hunt, trap or fish. He was a woefully inadequate parent, I fear.”

  “Not at all.” Carter laughed at the dubious look on Fionn’s face. “In my time, it’s not necessary to have those skills in order to survive.”

  “How is that possible?” Confusion marred his face.

  “Do you have a market of any kind?”

  “Yes. In the spring we go to Thomastown. Craftsmen offer cloth and ribbons or tools for sale.

  “We have places like that too. They sell meat, bread, fruit and vegetables. You just go to the market and buy what you need.”

  “Other men hunt for the food that nourishes you?”Fionn asked in disbelief.

  Carter nodded. “I’ve worked at a market like that since I was fifteen years old.”

  “It is your job to sell things you do not hunt or make yourself?” Fionn asked, raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure he would like Carter’s future if it were a place where men did not provide for their people.

  “Yes.” Carter pulled Fionn closer and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

  “I will teach you to hunt and trap animals.” Fionn felt instantly better and more in control of his fears for Carter.

  “I thought you didn’t want me to learn because I would always have you to protect and feed me?” Carter teased.

  “I was wrong. I want you to learn to survive in my world. We shall go away for a few days into the wilderness and I shall instruct you.”

  “Just the two of us?”

  Fionn rolled Carter to his back and moved to straddle his hips. “Yes, just you and I, princess.”

  “Maybe there’s a thing or two I can teach you on our trip,” Carter said in a low sexy voice.

  “I cannot wait. We shall leave in the morning.”

  “What should we do between now and then?” Carter asked with a wink.

  Fionn answered with a searing kiss.


  Heavy pounding on Carter’s door startled the lovers awake. The room was dark, but for the dying embers of the fire Fionn had built earlier. “Come,” Fionn boomed.

  “Temperance’s time has come with the foal. You had better come,” Donnall said, cracking the door open.

  “I will be along presently.” Fionn nuzzled the back of Carter’s neck.

  “Me too,” Carter said, throwing Fionn’s heavy arm off his hip and getting out of bed naked, heedless of the fact Donnall was still standing in the doorway.

  “Not bad,” Donnall snickered as Carter started getting dressed.

  “He is mine,” Fionn growled. “Shut the door behind you.”

  Donnall laughed and closed the door behind him.

  “I don’t think he’s into men,” Carter said with a smile, shrugging into a clean blue tunic.

  “Men are into anyone who will suck their cock or offer a hole to fuck,” Fionn said matter-of-factly.

  “So, that’s how you see me? I’m just a cocksucker to you?” Carter asked in disbelief.

  “No! That is not what I meant at all. I-”

  “Never mind,” Carter muttered, “let’s go see Temperance.” The mare and her foal were more important than the man he loved telling him he was no more than an eager hole.

  Fionn hated Carter’s silence. He had not spoken a word or looked at him at all while they finished dressing. Hoping to have a quiet moment to talk while they walked to the foaling barn, Fionn’s plan was dashed when Carter sprinted ahead leaving him to catch up. He needed a moment alone to tell Carter what he meant to say, but it seemed his equally stubborn princess was in no mood to listen to his plea for forgiveness or his explanation.

  “How can I help?” Carter asked breathlessly as Fionn finally caught up to him at Temperance’s stall door.

  “There is nothing to do at the moment, lad,” Davin, the stable master said. “She knows what to do all on her own.”

  “There’s a pretty girl, Temperance,” Carter said to the horse. “You can do it.”

  Davin and Donnall rolled their eyes at Carter’s cheerleading. Fionn rested a hand on his shoulder and Carter shrugged it off. He had a lot of work to do in order to fix things. He felt like a wobbly c
olt taking its first steps when it came to the relationship dance with Carter, but that was no excuse for saying something so hurtful. “Come with me,” Fionn commanded, grabbing Carter’s arm, not giving him a chance to refuse.

  “What, you need my mouth to service you again, my lord?” Carter sneered, his hands on hips.

  Fionn felt kicked in the gut. Worse, he deserved Carter’s harsh words. He had made it sound like he was only interested in the pleasures he got from Carter’s body when in truth that was only a small part of what interested him about his angry foundling. “You did not let me finish, my heart.”


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