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Time And Time Again (Out Of Time Book 1)

Page 16

by Pandora Pine

  Carter found himself being lulled by the heat of the fire and the love in Fionn’s arms. He could stay like this forever.

  “I will go bathe and leave you some time to prepare yourself for what is to come.” Carter nodded and Fionn stood up and walked off in the direction of the river.

  After Fionn walked off, Carter stood up and went into their tent. Shucking out of his shirt, he decided to leave his pants on for now. He washed his face with the water in the tent and used a cloth to clean his teeth. More than anything, he wanted this night to be special for Fionn.

  Fionn was nervous. He knew he should have walked back up to the campsite quite a while ago, but he just needed a few more minutes to calm down. It wasn’t like they had never done this before, they were just switching places.

  So much had changed in his life in the few short weeks since he found Carter outside the gates of Moone Castle. He did not think it would be possible to find a man who loved him so completely for himself rather than for his position as lord, but Carter did.

  Carter seemed to be comfortable living in the castle and sharing his life, but would he want to stay in the fifteenth century or would he want to return to the twenty-first century to his old life and his sister? He supposed he should have asked Carter his intentions before offering him his body. It was too late to take back his offer now and wouldn’t anyway. He wanted Carter to be his first and last lover.

  Carter was pacing around the inside of the tent when Fionn stepped inside, slightly damp and naked from his swim in the river. He seemed nervous and anxious all at once, twisting his fingers together and breathing heavily. “Hello, Fionn,” he greeted with a smile.

  “Hello, my heart.” Fionn returned his smile and reached his hand up to cup Carter’s face.

  Carter ran a hand down the side of his face. He picked up one of Fionn’s hands and brought it to his lips, kissing across his knuckles. “Are you ready?” Carter tugged him toward the bed when Fionn answered with a nod.

  “Down we go,” Carter urged, settling himself next to Fionn so they were laying side by side, their hands still linked. Carter was staring up at the way the firelight was dancing across the canvas of the tent, waiting for Fionn’s racing heart to calm. It took a little while, but Carter could finally feel Fionn start to relax. Carter kissed him, soft and sweet as their bodies came together, his hands tangling in Fionn’s golden hair. “Roll over.” Carter whispered.

  Fionn’s eyes went wide. “Now?” he asked, his voice trembling.

  “Trust me, Fionn.” Carter said, seeing the alarm on his face.

  Fionn rolled over onto his stomach, but made sure he was still looking over his shoulder at Carter, whose smile had not wavered.

  “That’s nice.” Carter moved up to his knees and straddled himself across Fionn’s lower back. He leaned forward to kiss the back of Fionn’s head, both men moaning when Carter’s bare chest came into full contact with Fionn’s back. “Just relax and let me love you,” Carter whispered. He felt Fionn nod against his lips.

  Carter moved his mass of hair to one side so he could kiss his way down Fionn’s neck. His hands followed the path his lips had taken and his fingers began to rub at the tense muscles he encountered. His hands spread out across Fionn’s shoulders and he could feel not only the strength but the tension in his finely tuned body. Carter’s hands worked themselves into the knots of his shoulders and he heard Fionn groan in appreciation. “That’s it, just relax.”

  Carter scooted down Fionn’s ass and continued to massage his back. He was trailing kisses down his hot skin as his fingers continued to do their work. When Carter reached Fionn’s perfect ass, he got up and moved to his side.

  “Carter?” Fionn asked.

  “Shhh, its fine, just admiring you. Leave your face on the bed, but get up on your knees for me, please.”

  “Carter,” his voice trembled. “I would have us do this facing each other.”

  “We’re not there yet, Fionn, and we will. I promise, trust me.” Carter was petting him as he spoke.

  Fionn sighed and pulled himself up on his knees. He kept his shoulders and his head on the bed.

  “Thank you,” Carter whispered as his hands began a slow slide down his lower back and onto his ass. Carter skimmed his hands down Fionn’s thighs and all the way down to his feet.

  Carter’s hands walked back up his legs and paused on his thighs again. Carter pushed outward with his hands, directing Fionn to spread his legs more, wanting him to be completely open to Carter. It took a few moments, but Fionn obeyed.

  “That’s good, so good.” Carter kept his hands where they were, because if he moved now he would dive right into Fionn’s ass and he didn’t think he was ready for that yet. So instead, Carter bent his head and began to kiss his way up one thigh, then did the same thing to the other. He could feel Fionn relaxing again and smiled into his skin. Carter was rubbing the flesh of Fionn’s ass and began to gently pull his cheeks apart. He leaned in and blew a cold breath against Fionn’s heated skin before pressing a kiss to his pucker.

  “Fuck, Carter.” He hissed and bucked his hips. “Y-You cannot kiss me there,” he stammered.

  “It doesn’t feel good?” Carter didn’t believe that for a minute and kissed him a second time.

  Fionn moaned and Carter kissed him again, this time open-mouthed, the same way he kissed Fionn’s lips. “Not only will I kiss you there again, Fionn, but soon you’ll be begging me for more.” Carter brushed his lips over Fionn’s sensitive skin, smiling when Fionn pushed his ass back against Carter’s mouth. He decided that was the perfect moment to lick his tongue over the furl of muscle guarding Fionn’s entrance.

  Fionn sucked in a startled breath. Carter continued to lick and swirl his tongue around Fionn’s hole. “Don’t forget to breathe.” Carter grinned, bending back to his task when Fionn’s breath whooshed out.

  “Carter, what in the name of the gods?” Fionn whimpered.

  “Would you like me to stop?”

  “NO! No, do not stop, please Carter, please.”

  Chuckling, Carter continued to rim his lover. He knew Fionn would never have experienced this with other lovers and might not have known this was something men did this with each other.

  “Carter, more,” Fionn begged, his hands digging into the loose bedding.

  He loved seeing Fionn like this, completely open to him and lost to his own desire. Carter sucked his index finger, making sure it was nice and wet before tracing it around Fionn’s hole.

  Moaning into the bed, Fionn pushed back against Carter’s probing finger.

  “You’re ready for this, huh?” Carter whispered. Pushing his finger steadily forward, the tip began to disappear inside Fionn’s tight furl of muscle. “Just relax, Fionn. Relax and let me in.”

  Yelling out for Carter, Fionn pushed back against Carter’s invading finger. “More, must have more,” Fionn babbled.

  “Be patient,” Carter urged, pulling his finger from Fionn’s opening and reaching for the pot of saddle grease.

  “My patience is at an end, Carter, I would have you now,” he demanded.

  “Roll onto your back, please.”

  Fionn was quick to obey. “Now Carter, now.” Reaching for Carter, he grabbed his shoulders and pulled him forward, crushing their mouths together.

  Carter canted his hips forward, grateful for the friction against his cock. Fionn wasn’t ready yet and Carter needed to calm him down. “No, Fionn, not now. You’re not ready for me. I won’t hurt you. Be patient.” He reached for the pot of saddle grease Fionn had used as lube last night.

  Once Carter’s fingers were coated he went back to working at Fionn’s entrance, stretching him to allow two fingers to work inside his tight ass. “Relax for me, loosen your muscles.” Carter smiled as he watched Fionn take a deep breath and close his eyes. He was able to slip both fingers in and began to scissor them deeper and deeper inside Fionn. He found his prostate and began to rub against it. Fionn’s eyes shot open and locked
on Carter.

  “That’s what makes me scream your name.” He bent forward, his two fingers still working inside, to kiss his warrior. As Fionn deepened their kiss, Carter began to work a third finger inside his snug passage. Fionn whimpered into his mouth and Carter continued to kiss him.

  “Ready?” Carter whispered against his lips. Fionn nodded. Carter kissed him one last time and slid his fingers free. He hopped up to his feet and took off his pants.

  “You are beautiful, Carter.”

  “So are you, especially in the firelight.” Carter knelt between Fionn’s legs and reached for the lube, slicking up his cock with long, slow passes. Carter moved forward over Fionn and nudged the head of his cock against Fionn’s hole. Both men gasped. Fionn closed his eyes as Carter started to push forward. “No, open your eyes, Fionn. I need to see you.”

  Only the thinnest ring of blue was visible when Fionn opened his eyes.

  Carter nodded and continued to push forward, watching as Fionn’s eyes rolled back in his head when the head of his cock pushed inside. “So tight and hot,” Carter said. It was taking all of his control not to surge all the way forward into Fionn’s snug passage.

  “More, my heart,” Fionn whispered, digging the heels of his feet into Carter’s ass.

  “Are you sure?” Carter groaned.

  “Yes, I must have all of you.”

  Carter rested his forehead against Fionn’s and slowly began to push his way into Fionn’s’ body. His lover was gripping his shoulders tightly, his mouth open in a wordless “O” which turned to a moan when Carter bottomed out. “Are you okay,” Carter whispered.

  “We are one, Carter.” Fionn reached up for another kiss and he felt Carter shudder from the power of his words.

  “We are one, Fionn.” Carter said solemnly. Carter picked up the pace, urged on by his body’s needs and by Fionn’s hands digging into his shoulders. There would be bruises tomorrow, but he didn’t care.

  Carter started to pound himself into Fionn’s body. Fionn responded by holding Carter tighter and began rambling Carter’s name over and over. Carter knew Fionn was close to the end.

  “Please Carter, need to come, please,” Fionn begged.

  Pounding faster into Fionn’s body, he felt his lower back start to tingle. He was nearly there and wanted Fionn to come with him. Reaching for Fionn’s drooling erection, Carter stroked him in time to the rhythm of his hips.

  Shouting out Carter’s name when his cock jerked, Fionn tore his eyes from Carter’s to watch himself explode in release. Creamy blasts of come splattered high on his chest and soaked Carter’s hand.

  “Fionn,” Carter moaned, his own orgasm barreling through his spent body. He kept his eyes open, staring into Fionn’s soul as his cock emptied itself into his lover’s body. “Love you so much,” Carter panted, slowly pulling his softening cock from Fionn’s body.

  “My heart,” Fionn whispered.

  Fionn was enjoying the sounds of the night now that his heart had stopped pounding in his ears. He could hear the crackle of the fire and an owl hooting in the distance. Carter’s still sweaty head was lying on his chest, while his left hand was tangled with Fionn’s right. “We will ride for home in the morning.”

  “So soon?” Carter whispered, pulling his head back to look into Fionn’s eyes.

  “It is time, Carter. I am so proud of all you have learned in so short a period of time. We will continue with your lessons in archery and you will start training with my men in the afternoons.” Fionn sighed, wrapping his arms more tightly around his lover.

  “What is it, Fionn? Are you regretting letting me love you?”

  “Never, my heart,” Fionn swore. “There are many duties back in Moone Castle, one in particular that waits for me. I have put it off long enough and I must see to it now. I would suggest riding for home this minute if the moon were full.

  “What duty?” Carter asked, rolling himself onto Fionn’s chest to stare into his eyes.

  Flipping them both over, Fionn kissed Carter hard. Guilt swirled in his gut as he tried to distract Carter from asking more questions. Fionn would explain everything once they were back at Moone. He wanted this one last night to love Carter before the brewing storm was unleashed.


  Carter was playing with Patience in one of the training circles. He would run away from her and the spirited filly would chase after him until he turned back around to chase her. She would whinny and run back to her mother’s side. It was a mindless game that left Carter free to ponder what Fionn had been talking about last night after they’d made love.

  Knowing Fionn had a secret didn’t worry him so much as the tactics he was taking to keep from telling Carter what was going on. After they made love the second time, Carter had told Fionn there wasn’t anything he couldn’t tell him, but Fionn responded by kissing him again.

  Fionn had been unusually sullen during their ride back to Moone earlier this morning. Gone was his easy smile. He had pushed the horses hard and seemed to Carter like he was trying to outrun some demon who was hot on his heels. At this point, Carter figured his best course of action was to wait Fionn out.

  A disturbance at the gate caught his attention. He could hear raised voices but not the words being exchanged. The ruckus soon calmed and Carter went back to his game with the filly. He didn’t see Donnall approaching from behind.

  “You are needed in the great hall,” Donnall said solemnly.

  “What’s wrong, is it Fionn?” Carter asked, a sinking feeling churning his guts.

  “He is well, but you must come now.”

  Carter ducked into the barn, shouting for Davin before he climbed from the ring to chase after Donnall. “What aren’t you telling me?” Carter asked, out of breath. He had no doubt this had to do with the mysterious duty Fionn had mentioned last night.

  “It is not my tale to tell, lad. Fionn will explain it all,” Donnall said quietly, his usual mischievous smile gone.

  A million questions spun through Carter’s head, but it was clear the only one who could answer them was his stubborn warrior. He used the remainder of the walk up to the castle to calm his nerves. If there was a problem, Fionn would need him to be thinking clearly to help solve it.

  Pulling Carter to a halt just before they reached the entrance to the great hall, Donnall whispered, “He will need your support more than ever, but I need you to talk sense into his fool head, no matter what it might cost you.” He gave Carter a curt nod and strode into the room.

  Carter felt his heart sink. Steeling his courage, he followed Donnall.

  Fionn was sitting alone at the head table. A crumpled piece of vellum lay in front of him. His head was sunk into his hands. A half-drunk tankard of ale was set to his left.

  “Fionn?” Carter said curiously, when his approach did not catch his lover’s attention.

  “Good! You have come,” he said to Carter before turning to Donnall. “Did you tell him?”

  “No. That responsibility is yours and yours alone.” Donnall grabbed an empty tankard and refilled Fionn’s before filling his own and taking a long sip.

  Fionn frowned and pushed the crumpled paper toward Carter. “Can you read?”

  Carter looked to Donnall who simply shrugged. “Yes, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to understand words that are five hundred years younger than my own.” He picked it up and scanned the contents of the missive, unable to understand more than a word or two written. It reminded him of a copy of The Cantebury Tales he’d once seen written in Middle English. The English language had progressed greatly in five hundred years. “I can’t read it. What does it say?”

  “It is from the McRoth,” Fionn said simply.

  McRoth? The name rang a bell in Carter’s mind, but couldn’t place where or why he had heard the name before. “Who is the McRoth?”

  “My future father-in-law. It says I must come claim my bride or face the wrath of clan McRoth.” Fionn’s bright eyes sparkled with tears.

  It all
came back to Carter in a flash. He remembered Kelly telling the tour group that Fionn’s refusal to honor a marriage contract was the spark that ignited the Battle of Boyne Bog. Breathing through his nose to hold his terror at bay, he remembered Donnall’s words and reined his emotions back under control. He would have to convince his soulmate to marry another. It was the only way to keep Fionn off the battlefield. “This is the duty you mentioned having to come home to resolve?”

  “Yes, Carter. I did not want to spoil our time away together with talk of this broodmare and her overbearing father.” Fionn grabbed his tankard and slugged back the entire contents, burping loudly before wiping his mouth and wet beard with his shirt sleeve.


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