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Time And Time Again (Out Of Time Book 1)

Page 22

by Pandora Pine

  Carter ran his finger over Fionn’s birthmark, that familiar thrum of attraction singing through his entire body. “But you weren’t married to the child’s mother, how can the baby be your heir?”

  “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, Carter. I did wed her,” Fionn said quietly. This was the hardest thing he’d ever had to tell Carter. He could only hope Carter would find it in his heart to forgive him for doing the proper thing for the babe and for the people of Moone.

  Carter felt like he had been kicked in the gut. It seemed all of his wildest dreams were coming true and now Fionn’s news about being married made him feel like he’d been doused with a bucket of ice water. “Oh Fionn, if you’re married, I can’t come home with you. It would hurt too much to see you with someone else, knowing you couldn’t be mine.”

  Fionn smiled and wiped away the tears cascading down Carter’s face. “You did not let me finish, my heart. I wed her before the reaper took her.”

  “Cardinn’s mother is dead?” His heart went out to the tiny baby. He knew what it was like to have lost his mother far too early. A fierce wave of protection for the child roared through his body. No one would ever hurt their son, not while Carter was around.

  “Yes, she died shortly after she birthed the baby. Islynn and the other midwives were not able to stop the bleeding. We had but a short time to be wed before she breathed her last. The nuptials were witnessed by the women and Donnall, so the entire castle knows Cardinn is my legitimate heir.”

  Fionn’s story was unbelievable. He was actually going back to 1433 with the man of his dreams to meet their son. Carter hadn’t missed the way Fionn hadn’t hesitated in referring to the baby as their son. “Who is caring for him while you are here?”

  “Islynn and his wet nurse.” Fionn ran his hand over the smooth skin of Carter’s face. Now that he’d shaved, he looked exactly the way he had when they met in the field outside Moone Castle.

  “How is she? She must have been devastated after I left.” Carter had been so broken-hearted over leaving Fionn he’d hadn’t taken much time to think about how Islynn must have felt when the moonstone failed to send her into the future.

  “She still is,” Donnall answered. “She keeps crying for her lost Breena, but it was she who told us how to use the moonstone to come and fetch you home. We weren’t sure if it would send both of us here to get you or just Fionn.”

  Carter turned to Cadence, whom he noticed was holding hands with Donnall. He had an odd feeling he knew why the moonstone had sent Fionn and Donnall forward in time, but he would hold his tongue for now. “Islynn is Bree’s lover from past lives.”

  Cadence felt faint. She took a deep breath and tried to wrap her head around what Carter was trying to tell her. Not only was Donnall annoyingly not letting go of her hand, but Carter was saying their sister lived past lives. None of this made any sense. She was half sure Carter would shake her awake and she’d find this was all a wildly detailed dream. Maybe it was her sub-conscious mind trying to keep her thoughts away from being left at the altar? “Oh,” she muttered.

  “Will you come home with me to raise our son, my heart?” The love shining in Fionn’s blue eyes was obvious.

  “Yes.” Carter hugged Fionn close, but suddenly pulled away from him and turned to his sister. “Cadence, come with us. I don’t want to live my life without you.”

  “What? I can’t leave and just come with you.” Could she? Now that she and Liam were most definitely not getting married, she had nothing to tie her to South Boston and 2015 with the exception of Bree. Although not related by blood to her and Carter, Bree was her sister. She’d known the minute they met in foster care they were destined to be best friends and sisters. Carter had felt it too and that was the reason he became her guardian when he turned eighteen.

  “Yes you can. You loved Moone Castle so much you studied Irish History at Boston College, just like Dad. You said yourself you wanted to see what Moone looked like in her heyday and now’s your chance. Come with us. It wouldn’t feel right starting my new family without you.”

  “But…” Was it possible, could she just leave her life in Boston and go back to 1433 with Carter, Fionn and the barbarian? She would be able to explore the castle to her heart’s content and experience life in the fifteenth century firsthand.

  “What have you got to lose, my beauty?” Donnall asked gently, squeezing their still joined hands.

  She turned to Donnall and yanked her hand back with a frown. “I am not your anything.” She rubbed her hand, now cold without Donnall’s warmth. “What about Bree?”

  “Call her and ask her to come to Ireland. I have a promise to keep to an old friend.” He burst out laughing at his own joke. Fionn and Donnall joined in with him.

  “I already beat you too it. When I couldn’t find you, I called her. She needed some time to rearrange her schedule at the hospital, but she’ll be here in four days. You really believe Bree is your friend’s long-lost love?” Cadence had been the first person Bree had come out to several years ago. With all of the unbelievable things happening around her, it wasn’t inconceivable to think Bree was Islynn’s Anam cara, just as Carter was Fionn’s.

  “Islynn believes it and that’s good enough for me. Four days here in 2015 equals forty days in 1433. Come with us and if you don’t like it there I’ll take you home when I come back for Bree. I have a feeling my moonstone medallion will have no trouble bringing Islynn forward in time when Bree is here in Ireland. Will you come, Cadence? Our son needs an Auntie.” Carter waggled his brows at his sister.

  “I need some time and space to think about it.” She wandered off toward the mausoleum, frowning when she saw Donnall following behind her.

  “I cannot believe the state of my castle,” Fionn said sadly, staring up at the ivy-draped ruins of his home. He wondered what could have happened over the years to allow it to fall into this state with the walls of the castle gone.

  “It’s nearly six hundred years older than when you left it.” Carter linked their hands together and stared up at the ruined castle.

  “So are you, my heart,” Fionn said with tears in his eyes.

  Carter held him close. “I knew I made a mistake the moment I left. I’m so sorry, Fionn.”

  “I went from being angry at you for leaving to sad without you. Then the babe came and I didn’t have time to miss you as much what with late night feedings and learning how to change his nappies.”

  Carter snorted. “My stubborn warrior changes diapers? Now that’s something I have to see for myself. You spend a lot of time with him?”

  “Yes, he is my world and Jilly is proving to be quite a good big sister.” It had been an easy decision to bring the orphaned girl into his life and he was disappointed he hadn’t thought to do so when the child lost her father.

  Carter gasped. “Jilly? My little friend from the training yard?”

  Fionn nodded. “She had lost so much already and as you showed me, I have a lot of love to share. She and the babe sleep in your old room. I couldn’t bear to sleep in there without you.” He swiped his hand across the tears that had fallen from his crystalline blue eyes.

  Carter was about to lean in and kiss him when Cadence’s shrieking voice stopped him.

  “Put me down, you barbarian! I can take care of myself,” Cadence shouted from the cocoon of Donnall’s arms.

  Carter burst out laughing. Things weren’t going to be dull with Donnall chasing after Cadence like a lovesick puppy.

  “I’ll come, but on one condition,” Cadence gritted out between clenched teeth.

  “What condition?” Carter was trying hard to keep from laughing at the situation and was failing. It wasn’t helping that Fionn was snickering into his closed fist pretending to cough.

  “That the Incredible Hulk here puts me down.” She turned and glared at Donnall who was oblivious to Cadence’s wrath.

  “She was walking on unsteady ground. It appears rain had loosened the soil and she was abo
ut to take a nasty fall. I saved her.” Donnall grinned widely, his hazel eyes glowing with delight.

  “I can save myself, thank you.”

  “Can we please go home now?” Fionn asked. “Our son needs us.”

  “Is everyone ready? Donnall, make sure you’re touching Fionn. I wouldn’t want you to get left here with my sister.”

  Donnall gathered close with Cadence still trying to fight her way free from being carried like a bride over the threshold. “Hold still my beauty. We shall be home soon.”

  Carter pulled his moonstone free from beneath his shirt and pressed a kiss to Fionn’s lips before he rubbed it. “Take us home,” Carter whispered. They all vanished.


  Later that evening…

  “Beautiful, isn’t he?” Fionn grinned down at the small infant wailing in his arms. He and Carter were sitting shirtless, propped up in bed. Fionn said the babe calmed when he was cuddled skin-to-skin, but it didn’t seem to be working now.

  “Even when he’s screaming like this, he’s perfect.” Carter agreed. “Here let me see if I can help quiet him down.” Fionn carefully handed the wailing baby to Carter. “Daddy loves you, little man, there’s no need to cry.” Carter cooed to the infant who stopped screaming and stared up at him with milky blue eyes. Carter ran a finger down the baby’s soft cheek. “I still can’t believe he’s ours, Fionn.”

  “You are not angry that I lay with another lover?” Fionn asked, uncertainty lacing his voice.

  He snuggled closer to Fionn, not wanting to take his arms from around his tiny son. “Not at all. That happened long before you and I ever knew each other. How could I be angry since our son is the result?” He brushed his thumb against the crescent moon shaped birthmark on the baby’s shoulder, matching the mark Fionn bore.

  It had been a crazy day when they returned to the fifteenth century. Donnall had insisted on seeing Cadence into the castle, promising to make sure she was introduced to Fianna and given a room in the castle suitable to her beauty and status as Carter’s sister. Wanting so badly to see his son, Carter had sent Cadence off with Donnall so he and Fionn could go see the baby. They had skipped dinner in the great hall in favor of a quiet meal in Fionn’s room and plenty of time with Cardinn, who had just now been returned to them after having his dinner with the wet nurse.

  “Carter, I have an important question to ask you.” Fionn moved himself around in the bed so he was facing Carter rather than sitting beside him.

  “Ask away.” Carter looked up from the baby to see Fionn wringing his hands and looking uncharacteristically nervous.

  Fionn cleared his throat and reached out a hand to Carter’s naked shoulder. “Will you handfast with me?”

  Gasping, Carter felt his heart speed up. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Handfasting was an ancient Celtic custom where couples would declare themselves to each other for a period of one year and one day. It was a trial marriage of sorts and at the end of the year couples could either wed or walk away from each other.

  Before same-sex marriage was legalized by the United States Supreme Court, a lot of gay couples used handfasting as a way of dedicating themselves to each other. “Are you asking me to marry you, Fionn?”

  “I am. Will you say yes and be mine for all eternity?” Fionn’s eyes were shining with a lifetime of love. He worried his bottom lip, waiting for Carter to answer.

  Carter felt tears prick his eyes. He nodded, sending tears cascading down his cheeks. “Yes, I will handfast with you. I love you so much.”

  “As I love you, my heart.” Fionn leaned forward to brush a kiss against Carter’s lips sealing their promise. Fionn was about to kiss him again when he heard a commotion from the next room.

  “Where’s my baby, Da?” Jilly demanded as she sent the large connecting door to Fionn and Carter’s bedchamber slamming against the wall.

  Fionn bit his lip to keep from laughing at Jilly’s antics. “There you are, little miss. Did you eat your dinner like a good girl?”

  “Yes, Islynn made me eat everything on my plate, even the potatoes.” She grimaced and stuck out her tongue.

  “Potatoes are good for growing girls,” Carter said.

  “Carter! You’re home! I missed you so much!” Jilly ran to throw herself up onto the large bed. She hugged him and placed a sloppy kiss on the baby’s downy head. “So you’re gonna be Cardinn’s Da too?”

  “I am, but I was I was wondering… No, you wouldn’t be interested in that.” Carter handed the baby back to Fionn and turned to Jilly.

  “What? What?” Jilly asked bouncing on the bed, her hair flying around her face.

  “I was wondering if I could be your Daddy too?”

  “Really?” She threw herself against him, twining her small arms around his neck.

  “Really, little love,” Carter held the small girl tighter.

  “Yes! I want you to be my Daddy too.” She turned to Fionn who was smiling at her. “Did you ask him, Da?”

  Fionn smiled at his daughter. “Ask him what?”

  “You know,” she said, nodding her head, sending her dark curls flying through the air.

  “Oh, you mean, did I ask Carter to marry us?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Yes! What did he say?” She turned back to Carter. “Did you say yes? Oh please say you said yes.”

  Carter nodded, too overcome with emotion to answer. Every dream he ever had was coming true. He was engaged to marry the man of his dreams. They were raising a growing family together. He felt at peace and knew he was where he was meant to be. He would make the decision to come home to Fionn and their family time and time again.


  Thank you so much to my mother who pulled double duty. Not only did you edit this book with your usual style and grace, but you were my historical advisor as well. Can you believe your thirty-six years as an English and History teacher led you down this path?

  Many thanks and so much love to Dani. Your love and support pick me up when I’m down. As we were going through the editing process for this book, you gave me the greatest gift ever. You started writing again! Reading your words is pure joy!

  Thank you so much to Ashley and Patti for loving always loving this story!


  Moone Castle is modern day Carbury Castle located in County Kildare, Ireland. Moone is the name of one of the towns in County Kildare.

  The myth of the four ancient treasures or jewels of Ireland originates around 1800 BC. It tells of ancient travelers bringing the treasures with them when they settled in Ireland. The original treasures were a stone, a spear, a sword and a cauldron. I adapted that myth to the three jewels of Ireland with Carter’s moonstone talisman being the first of the three jewels. We will see the second and third jewels in book two and three of the Out Of Time series.

  As a diehard Doctor Who fan one thing that kept playing in my head as I wrote the back and forth in time scenes was David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor saying, “Wibbly Wobbly Timey Whimey stuff.” The hardest part of the time jumping was when Carter changed the original timeline and he had to explain to Cadence what happened originally as Cadence couldn’t have known any of the things that happened in Fionn’s original timeline.

  Fireflies do not exist in Ireland.

  Moonstone does not naturally occur in Ireland. The closest location where it is found is Germany. This of course meshes perfectly with the idea that Three Treasures of Ireland are items brought to Ireland from other countries.

  Ò Ciardha means O’Carey in Modern Irish. The name Ò Ciardha originated in County Kildare in Carbury.

  Gealach is the Gaelic word for moon.

  Cerberus, Carter’s horse is named after the guardian of the underworld in Ancient Greece. I liked the idea of Carter being protected by a horse with such a powerful name.

  I’d like to address the issue of no one minding Fionn preferring men and being the ruler of Moone Castle. I have chosen to make Fionn’s people Celts. They did not have
any tenants in their religion banning homosexuality. It was considered the natural course of things for men to take male lovers when they were on campaign and I extended that to when the warriors were not facing battle conditions far from home. We are going to see this issue again in Book Three of the Out Of Time series when Islynn reunites with her beautiful Breena!

  Handfasting is an ancient Irish custom celebrating the “marriage” of a man and woman. It gets its name because the hands of the bride and groom are tied together. It’s also where the phrase “tying the knot” comes from. In modern times before same-sex marriage was recognized, many gay couples would go through the handfasting ceremony as a way of pledging themselves to each other. We will see Carter and Fionn tie the knot in Book Two of the Out Of Time Series.


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