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Dom Wars: Round Four

Page 13

by Lucian Bane

  Jennifer nodded and wiped her eyes. "I promise."

  Steve emerged in several trips with our luggage and we finally loaded up and left. On our way back to the final hotel, I got a text. Feeling like the worst had been done, I looked at it. Have a romantic evening with Tara.

  The idea that Danielle was behind all the texts suddenly vanished with that one. My heart hammered in my chest as I thought about what I could possibly do. At the first gas station stop, I sent Tara into the store for some bullshit.

  "I need your help," I said to Steve after knocking on the window.

  "Sure." He turned in his seat, blue eyes eager.

  "Last text." I presented it to a worried Steve and his face slowly bloomed into that wicked funny grin.

  "Now this is what I am talking about."

  I nodded. "Only that is what I don't know much about. Any ideas?"

  He arched a brow, his eyes burning up with storm burning in his brain as he thought. His eyes slowly widened and he turned to rummage through the glove compartment. "This," he hissed, turning with a bag. "Your final apology. You never got around to doing it. Did you tell her yet?"

  I grinned as I considered that. "No. And yes, that is… the perfect idea."

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Don't even think of peeking," I whispered in Tara's ear as I led her onto the private honeymoon suite balcony—acquired by Steve after pulling strings at the last minute. I owed him.

  "I'm not, I'm not," she giggled.

  I sat her in her chair and kissed her the satiny skin of her neck. "You look beautiful baby." She wore an elegant black dress with spaghetti straps on one side. Black heels. I asked her to wear her hair up and it broke my heart when I saw she'd left hair to cover her ears.

  "Still no peeking."

  "Hurry," she whined with a smile.

  I went in the room and turned on the music Steve had carefully selected. I walked back out on the balcony and stared at her, sitting there with her eyes tightly shut. I sat across from her, and watched her for a few seconds, my heart burning. "Open."

  She slowly opened her eyes and I smiled at the adorable awe on her face as she took in the set-up. White gauzy curtains hung all around the balcony, giving it a sense of being in the clouds. The small table was set with red taper candles. Probably a hundred tea candles littered the remaining balcony, lighting it with a soft surreal glow.

  "You did this? Why?"

  The sincere confused question stirred fire inside me. "Because…I needed to tell you something."

  She suddenly became very serious. "Is it…bad?"

  I eased up out of my chair and stood at the table. She held my gaze as I slowly pulled my dress shirt out of my black slacks. I unbuttoned my shirt beginning at the top, my speed keeping to the tempo of the slow song playing. I finally peeled it off and she tore her gaze from mine to lower it over my body. I walked over and held my hand out for her.

  "Dance with me," I said.

  Our eyes remained locked, hers burning with raw terrified passion as she put her hand in mine. I pulled her to her feet and led us to a vacant space. I continued holding her gaze as I slid my hands along her arms then lifted them, placing them around my neck. I journeyed back down her arms and then around her back, spreading my fingers and feeling her through the thin soft fabric. Silk. Delicate like her. When I encountered her ass, I explored it completely, watching desire fill her eyes until she looked drunk. I pressed her close to me and held her ass with one hand, gliding the other up for soft finger strokes along her face.

  My body swayed with her to the music on its own and I leaned to place soft kisses on both her cheeks, then forehead, then nose, then chin. I began kissing at the outer edges of her mouth, and her lips parted with warm gasps.

  "Tara," I whispered thickly against her lips. "My princess…" My throat closed at the memory of her words to me. "My best friend." I dug my phone from my pocket and found the first awful text I'd been given. "I got a text, love."

  She continued to stare at me, trapped in the sedation of what we created together. "What?" she said, breathless.

  "Humiliate Tara at the restaurant you're stopping it. You will not be permitted to tell her this was your assignment until after the final demon domination. Good luck."

  The spell gradually broke and Tara's gaze cleared, then filled with confusion. "What?"

  I smiled at the boggled look she had now. "That was my first assignment, love. The first of many horrific ones."

  She stopped swaying to the music, digesting the fullness of that. "What else?" Her voice sounded sick and frail as she connected the dots.

  "Anger Tara. Make Tara jealous. Taunt Tara. Insult Tara."

  Her eyes filled with tears that quickly spilled over. "So… so all that stuff you did…"

  "Fucking killed me. And I couldn't tell you until now."

  A sob burst out and she buried her face in my chest. "Everything was a lie?" She looked up at me, searching my face. "My…ears too? The sounds I make?"

  I grabbed her face and shut her up with a hungry kiss. I couldn't stand to hear the words. "There is no fucking part of you that I don't love." I sucked at every inch of her face, moving her hair and kissing the shell of her adorable ear. "When I say I am crazy about you, I mean that in the most psychotic sense of the word."

  She half-sobbed a laugh and pulled my lips back to hers and kissed them repeatedly.

  "I got a text at the end like that. To flirt with your stupid brother and not tell. I should have figured it out then, I'm so sorry for fucking doubting you, baby." More kisses to my lips now.

  "And I tried to tell you I was sorry without telling you."

  She looked up at me again, confused. Then her eyes widened. "The clouds!" She covered her mouth and continued thinking.

  "Yes, there's more."

  "The cat named Sari!"

  I nodded with a frown. "But I'd gotten that stupid fucking assignment at the mall and ruined it. "And all of those flowers my mother got? The Irises? Those are flowers to show remorse. They were intended for you."

  She thought a moment and then burst out laughing. "Oh my God, you poor thing. Your mother loved them."

  "Steve had them sent to the house and… we weren't thinking."

  She howled her laughter, glowing with joy. "I was wondering when I'd picked out those flowers and why I wasn't notified." She hugged my neck and pressed herself close to me again. "Was that it?"

  I kissed her until her lips became silk petals beneath mine then smiled at her childlike eagerness for gifts. "You like getting presents I see."

  She grinned against my mouth. "Maybe."

  "Close your eyes then. I might have one more."

  She wasted no time to shut them tight as she bit her lower lip. I lifted her left hand and slid the silver band on her ring finger. She gasped and opened her eyes then gasped again. "Oh my God! Oh my God!"

  My heart hammered my chest painfully as I recited the well-rehearsed contract. "I, Lucian Bane… do solemnly promise Tara Reese…. To always be her rear guard…to protect her…. make her laugh out loud…. Beat a motherfucker into the ground for looking at her." I wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I promise to make her scream my name in orgasm…. Worship and adore her ass--I mean heart." A tiny wail escaped her and I kissed her softly. "And I promise not to constantly pressure her about our future together…" I nipped with tenderness at her lips. "….until exactly one second after this game is over."

  When I was done, she jumped up and down a little, looking at it. "Oh my God, you gave me a promise collar!" She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with a hunger that said she wanted me to fulfill the fifth promise that very second. And I couldn't wait to make good on my word.

  "Ouch," she gasped as I tripped with her into the bedroom.

  "Fuck," I whispered. "I should have promised not to kill you while being romantic."

  She was on the floor yanking my pants to my ankles and filling her mouth completely up with my cock. "Jesus. Fuck. My
God. Suck it, fucking suck it." I held her head, wrapping my fingers in her hair as heat pumped through me. "Fuck, Tara, baby. You're so fucking good at that." Our moans grew to desperately hot in under a minute. "I need to fuck you."

  She hurried to the bed and laid on her stomach and drew her ass up high, sliding her finger along her slit and twirling her hips in invitation. I climbed on the bed and turned her over. "I have to see you baby." I laid on her and she wrapped me in her legs, kissing me, fighting to get my cock inside her. I lifted my upper body and began moving in her, watching the way she looked beneath me. "Your tits are so fucking beautiful like this. I need to discover you at a thousand angles. Fuck you in a thousand ways." I quickened my pace, making her tits bounce hard, making her cries even harder.

  "Lucian, God!"

  I fell on her and filled her mouth with my tongue and growls, my dominance undone and on a rampage. I rammed my cock into her sweet body with the sole intent to devastate and make all fucking mine.


  A knock sounded on our room door and I kicked my way out of the sheets, trying not to disturb Tara. I yanked a towel from the bathroom and wrapped it around my hips and hurried to peek through the peep hole.

  I undid the locks and opened the door for Steve. "What's up? Why didn't you call?"

  "Your phones have been disabled," he whispered. "We are not to meet at the mansion for the dinner, they said we just needed access to a computer for it. Seems like something's gone down and they're being extremely tight lipped about it. They are announcing at noon and I wanted to give you a heads up." He looked at his watch. "You have…thirty minutes."

  "What? It's that fucking late? Wow."

  "Nothing formal, just throw on some clothes and meet me in the hall in twenty, we can watch from my room on my laptop."

  "Okay man. We'll get ready now."

  I shut the door and hurried to the bed, tapping Tara's foot until she moaned. "Love, we have to go in twenty minutes. We slept like dead people."

  "What? Who died?"

  "Nobody, they're announcing winners in thirty minutes."

  She bolted up in bed, looking frantically around, her hair sticking up on the right, her eyes half closed. I crawled on the bed to kiss her and she put her hand between our mouths with a m-m sound then hurried out of bed.

  "Fucking beautiful baby. God, I wish I had time to fuck you first."

  "What did Steve say?"

  I got my clothes on. "He said our phones have been disabled and something has happened at the organization and everybody is being hush hush about it."

  She appeared with her toothbrush sticking out of her mouth, eyes wide. "Phones disconnected?" she mumbled around toothpaste. "Why?"

  "I have no clue. But we don't have to go to a formal dinner this time. Thank fuck, right?"

  The semi-disappointed look on her face said she'd liked them. I sure fucking didn't.

  I went behind her and held her hips while she bent over and rinsed her mouth. "I want to fuck you like this."

  She hurried past me and searched for her clothes. "Aren't you worried? They turned off our phones, I mean that's like…huge red flag in my mind. What do you think is wrong?"

  I brushed my teeth next, needing to kiss her. I found my clothes and got into them then snatched her arm on one of her fly-bys. I jerked her to me. "Fucking kiss me," I demanded, annoyed with her.

  She pecked me and tried to pull away and I yanked her back.

  "That was insulting. You're about to hurt my feelings."

  She suddenly stopped and looked at me with a smile. "You're such a baby. And all you think about is fucking."

  "No, all I think about is you. It's not my fault you're an insanely fuckable woman." She gave me the kiss I wanted and I mmmed in deep satisfaction. "Better."

  "Can we go now, Mr. Bane?"

  "Yes, Ms. Reese."

  We met Steve in the hall and headed to his room quite a ways down the hall. Once in, we all gathered around the laptop. Steve looked at his watch. "Five more minutes."

  Tara bit at her thumbnail in the chair and I stood behind her, massaging her shoulders. She finally brushed my hand away. "I don't like relaxing when I need to be tense." She looked at Steve. "You said our scores were good?"

  "Yes, exceptionally, I'd say."

  I pulled a seat up next to her and sat. She seemed to like that and grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

  Finally the screen filled with the logo we'd all come to love in a loathsome kind of way. I wasn't eager to see the face of that woman on the screen and was pleasantly surprised to discover a male announcer this time.

  "We regret to inform our faithful spectators and contestants that the former announcer will no longer be with the company due to rule infringements.

  "Ohhhh," Tara whispered. "Bitch got hers, didn't she?" Her tone hissed with excitement. "Wonder what happened?"

  I kissed her hand. "I can only imagine."

  "Without further ado, I will announce the results for Round Four."

  Tara squeezed my hand harder. "What if we lost?"

  "There were nine teams in this round and out of those, seven teams scored enough to advance to the semi-final round. We will now put up the flags that belong to the respective countries that will be advancing to the next round."

  "Oh God, oh God," Tara whispered as the flags slowly materialized. She flew up out her chair when the American flag faded in, before spinning and hugging me, then Steve.

  I strained to hear what he was saying. "Shhhh, listen."

  Tara hurried and sat back down.

  "We are not happy to announce that one of the teams listed in the winners was caught cheating. And for that, they will either be eliminated, or disciplined."

  "Oh fuck," I said, all my good feelings gone.

  The man turned and mumbled something then spoke into the microphone again. "We will now raise the flag on the screen of the team facing this fate."

  "Holy shit," I whispered at seeing the American flag fade into view.

  "Oh no," Tara barely whimpered.

  Steve pulled a chair up and sat now and we all leaned forward.

  "Team America was discovered violating the no contact rule put in place by the Dom Wars Games."

  "What?! How did they find out?" Tara looked at me.

  "No idea. I didn't have my camera. Were you still wearing yours?"

  The man continued. "The penalty is face elimination or discipline. We let our spectators vote on this action and the decision for America's beloved couple, was nearly unanimous. They will not be eliminated, but disciplined."

  Tara sighed in relief while I tensed at what was coming.

  "The discipline the American Team faces is… They will be sent to the current top Dom for training and discipline."

  "Oh fuck," I whispered while Tara whimpered in worry.

  "And who is our current top Dom? Hold on to your pants ladies and gentlemen, because this man is a phenomenal beast in every sense of the word. Playing for the country of South Africa, with a nearly impeccable performance on just about every front, our current top Dom is Zack Selvin, aka, get ready for this, The Preacher Dom."

  Images of a massive man that appeared Caucasian flashed on the screen. Dread hit my guts at what I saw. The right side of his face was drawn tight with maybe a burn scar while dark brown eyes smiled with murder at the camera. His bare torso was so large and built he looked like a fucking animation.

  "Maybe…he's a good guy." Dread and terror leeched into Tara's words.

  "He did say preacher," Steve muttered.

  I shook my head, feeling sick. "Or maybe he's just another monster that thinks he's God."

  Out of the corner of my eye, Tara hung her head. Guilt slammed me and ate a wide path through me. Because this here? This was fucking all my fault.




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