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Nexus Confessions: Volume Three

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by Nexus Confessions- Volume Three [Nexus] (retail) (epub)

  I coached him on cunnilingus in the same way I coached previous lovers, with appreciative moans when he was getting it right, and silence when he was getting it wrong. Soon the pressure and frequency of tongue movements was perfect and I placed my hands on the back of his head to keep him in situ while I made my way to an intense climax.

  We kissed a little more, writhing a little as our legs and arms entangled. I could taste my sap on his lips and tongue. I rubbed his hard penis through his trousers and massaged his balls as reward for his fine work, but shortly thereafter I announced that he would need to call himself a taxi. He was such a docile gent, apart from the look of sweet regret on his face at leaving my company there was no real show of frustration. Up to now he had not even mentioned the idea of us having sex, he seemed quite willing to let me go at my own pace, which made teasing all the easier.

  So it was with a mere ten days to go before the expiry of my one-month trial period, and Alec’s big lucky evening, that I met Wil. I work for an Estate Agency in town, and one of my main duties is to escort prospective buyers around available properties.

  I was booked in to show a gentleman around a new complex near to the racecourse in the afternoon and I went along without the slightest inkling that the encounter would turn out to be a little unusual. Actually, there was a slight inkling: the gentleman had come into the office to ask for a viewing during my lunch hour, so I had not seen him at all, but Elaine, who booked the appointment, winked at me as she handed me a note of the arrangement. I did wonder why, I must admit.

  I knew why when I saw him. He was standing outside waiting for me, in a pair of loose canvas-coloured trousers and a navy-blue short-sleeved shirt, open to two buttons at the collar, which wafted in the strong breeze. He was dark, very dark, of skin and hair, and I reckoned was probably of West Indian lineage. He had smooth-looking lips and clear white eyes with deep brown pupils and now I knew why Elaine had winked. He was quite sexy.

  ‘Hello, Wil Simms?’ I asked, hoping he would say yes.

  ‘That’s right,’ he said.

  ‘Shall we step inside?’

  I led the way.

  ‘There is a variety of different apartments available in this complex, over a range of size and price. Was it one in particular you were interested in?’ I asked him, trying my hardest to get as much eye contact with the handsome buck as I could.

  ‘It was the top flat with the roof and balcony I was interested in,’ he said, responding to my eye contact with some of his own. This pleased me immensely.

  ‘Oh yes, the most expensive,’ I commented jovially.

  ‘Only the best for me.’ He laughed.

  I called the lift down and we stepped inside. I deliberately stood right next to him, trying to brush against his vein-covered forearm with my elbow. His strong-looking body was really attracting me, I couldn’t help it. I reached over and pressed the button for the top floor.

  ‘What is it that you do, Wil?’ I asked. It’s always good to know what a client does as it may help you find a selling point in the property.

  ‘I just started a job at a local solicitors. I’m their new consultant on English law, so I’m looking for a place nearby.’

  That explains the absence of a local accent, and the interest in expensive realty, I thought to myself.

  ‘Oh, interesting,’ I said, keenly.

  We reached the top and I deliberately stepped forwards too early so that we rubbed against each other as we emerged onto the landing. I was flirting with him and trying to enjoy myself at this stage, but I should say that was all I was doing; I had no realistic plans on actually getting together with him.

  ‘This way,’ I said.

  He seemed very interested in the flat itself, and I don’t blame him, I wish I could have afforded such a home. It was unfurnished at present and not particularly homely, but it was some living space nonetheless.

  ‘Care to check out the roof?’ I asked him, once he had seen all the rooms. We were in the living room now where two glass screen doors led out onto a walkway around the roof.

  ‘Yes, sure, but do you mind if I just go to the toilet before we go out there?’ he asked, slightly embarrassed at his lack of bladder control.

  ‘Aye, of course.’ I laughed: I did not really think he had too much to be embarrassed about and, provided he put the seat down after him and flushed, it was no problem if he wanted to use the toilet. I had just shown him that room so there was no need to give him directions. ‘I’ll wait here,’ I told him.

  I waited that is until I heard the sound of Wil peeing into the toilet: it was a surprising sound to me; of course I’d heard a man peeing before, but this was very loud, and I concluded, with some puzzlement, that he must be peeing with the door open. That did seem rather strange behaviour.

  I did not ruminate on this for long, however, as the mischievous little pixies put another thought in my head at that time, that I really couldn’t get rid of: I began to think, with some regret, on the fact that I had never seen a black cock in the flesh.

  A silly thought I know, and I don’t know how it got there, and I’m not really sure how I reached the conclusion that it would be a good idea to try and take a look at Wil’s cock, but I found myself creeping up to the bathroom and poking my head around the open door with just that aim.

  ‘Everything all right?’ I asked, by way of a ruse for my nosiness.

  ‘Yes, fine,’ he reported as he shook the last drops of dew from the end of the branch and zipped himself up. He did not seem in the least bit embarrassed that I might have seen his penis, nor bothered that I had invaded his privacy.

  I had got myself quite a good look. The first thing that surprised me was the darkness of his shaft; it was much darker than the rest of him. Thinking back I suppose I should have expected this; after all, all the penises I had seen up to then were darker than the general skin tone of their owners. Why should Wil’s have been different?

  The second observation was the colour of the head of his penis – I was expecting it to be a standard purple-pink colour, but it was not, more a mouth-watering chocolate-cherry colour if truth be known.

  I also noted that it was a good size, just big enough, I imagined, fully engorged, to stimulate a woman comfortably and thick enough to feel good.

  I took him out onto the balcony to enjoy the view of the country park and racecourse. He liked it, I think, and despite the stiffening breeze at our slightly higher altitude I’m sure his head was full of thoughts of relaxing summer evenings.

  ‘I hope you’re going to invite me if you have any barbecues up here,’ I suggested.

  ‘Of course,’ he agreed, smiling.

  ‘Can I show you anything else?’ I asked. It was a question full of ambiguity on this occasion, and in hindsight the timing could have been better: at that second, a stronger gust of that beautifully warm air caught my light dress and blew the hem up over my waist. I gave a girly shriek and fought it down with my hands, but it was too late to save my knickers and hold-ups from being exposed.

  ‘I’m sorry about that.’ I smiled awkwardly at Wil as I pulled my dress down again. I have no idea why we tend to apologise when such things happen to us, but I did.

  ‘Now we’re even,’ he smirked.

  On my return to the office, Elaine was waiting eagerly to rib me about the customer and to cause me great embarrassment by accusing me, in front of our colleagues, of humping the handsome hunk in the show-flat. My redness gave away my interest in him, I think, but I hoped they were not so gullible as to think I had actually been so unprofessional.

  Nonetheless, Wil entered my thoughts a lot over the next few days, and especially when I was with Alec. I found myself lying back in my armchair as Alec knelt on the carpet between my legs, trying his best to give an oral performance worthy of being granted intercourse with me. I kept Alec sort of happy by rubbing my stockinged foot on his twitching penis as it poked up from his crotch. He still didn’t have the nerve to ask for sex, bless hi

  I satisfied myself by thinking of Wil as the wet tongue vibrated over my clitoris and those delicately curling fingers sought out more hidden pleasure centres. For one moment they did not belong to Alec, but to Wil, bending me over the balcony of that flat and finger-fucking me from behind. I shut my eyes and took myself away to that fantasy, soon coming with the thought of it as my thighs jolted and I nearly squeezed Alec’s head from his shoulders.

  He seemed pretty pleased with his handiwork as he smiled up at me, and I can’t deny he had done very well over the few weeks that I had known him. If my mind was not elsewhere I’m sure I would have decided then and there to keep him for the full month.

  But my mind was elsewhere: I was desperate to meet with Wil again and, as I kissed and cuddled Alec while he waited for his taxi, I came to the conclusion that I would most certainly have to take steps to meet Wil again. He deserved his chance as well, did he not? I could always drop him if things went really well with Alec, I said to myself, justifying my decision.

  I must have been feeling so in charge of this relationship with Alec to think such selfish things, to give such little consideration for the feelings of my current, well, boyfriend, I suppose. If these thoughts weren’t high-handed enough, then the question that blurted out next was:

  ‘Alec, it’s all right if we see other people, isn’t it? I mean, you were aware of that all along, weren’t you?’ I could see from the reddening of his cheeks that

  he was disappointed with the tenor of the question; he was clearly secretly hoping that we were now exclusive, I think, but yet again he gave the quiet, grey, compliant, accommodating answer.

  ‘Yes, yes of course,’ he said hesitantly, trying to hide his pangs of disenchantment.

  ‘I mean, don’t worry, it’s not like I have anyone in mind or anything,’ I reassured him, ‘I just wanted us to be clear where we stood.’

  ‘No, no that’s fine, of course, you should – we should,’ he replied, zipping his semi-hard cock away into his trousers.

  A horn sounded outside. The taxi had arrived.

  I spent the next morning searching through our office database for properties on our books that might suit Wil’s tastes. This, I thought, would give me a believable pretext for contacting him and inviting him to meet me for another viewing. I could then make my move, whether that be a kiss, a date proposal or what, I did not know, I just knew that some sort of positive action was imperative.

  I found a little something that might suit him, I thought, in a nearby suburb, well known for its grand residential homes. An attempt was being made to bring new blood into the area and this included construction of a complex very similar to the one near the racecourse where I had met Wil. I hoped he would be tempted by it.

  I picked up the phone and called the number he had left with us.

  ‘Oh aye, ringing your new fancy-man then,’ taunted Elaine. She had been spying on me and noted that I had called his personal details up onto my screen. I just ignored her. I knew she didn’t really suspect anything, as far as she knew I was just pursuing a genuine sales lead with him.

  ‘Hello?’ Wil answered.

  ‘Hi, Wil, it’s Jan, from Stewart & Son Estate Agents, I took you around the flats at the racecourse recently?’ I don’t know why I posed it as a question, I think I was nervous.

  ‘Oh yes, how could I forget? What can I do for you?’ he said, a little cheekily. He seemed pleased to hear from me anyway, which calmed me a bit.

  ‘I was wondering what your feelings were about the property we saw? Are you thinking of having a survey done, making an offer?’

  ‘I liked it, I liked it, but I want to see a few more flats before I pick one or two to pursue further.’ A smile of satisfaction spread over my face – that was exactly what I wanted to hear.

  ‘Perhaps I can help you out with that side of things too. I was looking over some of the properties on our books at the moment and I noticed another modern flat that really might suit you. Would you like to meet for a viewing?’

  I could hear him considering it.

  ‘Yes, yes, sure,’ he agreed.

  We made the arrangements to meet there the following afternoon, so I’m afraid I had to endure an entire afternoon of silly teasing from Elaine, but I comforted myself it would be worth it come the following day.

  I found myself carefully considering my outfit, something I never really tended to do usually. I’m not a scruffy dresser as you may have gathered, but I do tend to be able to grab the first thing that looks right on the rack and then just go with it. Not so that day. I dithered over it a bit and in the end went with a white blouse, a black pencil skirt and the ever-faithful light-coloured hold-ups I never go anywhere without.

  It was an impatient morning of nervous anticipation for me as I watched the clock. Having seen my first black cock, I was now desperate to get my hands on it and could barely think about anything else.

  My excitability reached a peak at lunchtime, when I was absolutely bursting to meet up with Wil. So distracted was I that I barely heard Elaine calling at me from her desk.

  ‘Jan, that’s your hunky client on the phone for you,’ she said.

  I didn’t even hear it. I was thinking about him at that very moment, and her words fitted so seamlessly into my daydream that I barely noticed them.

  ‘Jan! I said, that’s your hunky client on the phone for you.’

  Her raised voice woke me from my reverie and I gestured her to put the call through.

  ‘Hello, Jan?’

  ‘Hello,’ I said and hoped he could hear my smile.

  ‘Jan, I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking, I don’t think I want to see any more flats, I want to maybe get something more homely, a house, maybe in Earnock or somewhere like that? Could we cancel today’s viewing?’

  I tried my hardest to hide my disappointment.

  ‘Of course, that’s fine.’

  ‘Do you have anything else I could view that might meet the description?’

  I thought for a moment to try and recall anything from our files that would meet the case, but nothing sprang to my racing mind. I was sure we had something, but I was too flustered and worried about losing my chance to meet Wil again and I couldn’t think of anything.

  The only thought that entered my head was that Alec’s house would have been perfect, if only it were for sale. I tried to keep Wil talking, for more thinking time.

  ‘Yes, there is something actually, when would you like to view it? I’ll see if I can arrange it.’

  ‘Soon as possible really, later this afternoon?’

  I was so desperate to see him I could not face the ordeal of waiting again for any later appointment to come by. I agreed to meet at three o’clock that very afternoon.

  ‘What’s the address?’ he asked.

  I felt a lump come to my throat, silencing me. I hadn’t thought of that; my plan had been to agree a meeting for later today and then rummage through our database for a suitable property, in time for three. But it was a rubbish plan: he had to know the address now, I did not have time to search for a property. I was stuck, and I was desperate to see him. I was dying to feel his dark cock in my hands, taste it even. So desperate was I, in fact, that I did something rather questionable: I gave him Alec’s address.

  ‘See you later,’ he said, and I heard the line click dead.

  I sat motionless with the phone in my hand for a length of time indefinable to my own perception – a second? A minute? – as I thought about what I had said, and where it left me. One thing was for sure, I could not afford to sit about. I made my excuses to the smirking Elaine, and left for lunch, advising her I would not be back until after four, as I had a number of buyers to escort.

  Round the corner, out of sight and sound of my colleagues, I called Alec on my mobile.

  ‘Hello, Jan,’ he said in a very happy tone; he was pleased to hear from me, that might help.

  ‘Hi, Alec. Look, I’ve got a problem at work, I need you to help
me keep a client,’ I said to him.

  ‘How?’ he asked. There was genuine interest in his voice, and I knew that he was keen to assist if he could. I breathed a little easier.

  ‘I know it sounds weird, but I need to pretend your house is for sale and show a client around it this afternoon. Can you meet me at about two o’clock to let me in?’ I explained. ‘I’ll make it worth your while,’ I added in a more suggestive tone.

  He coughed and tried to turn it into a laugh, but I could tell the chance of a bonus get-together was exciting him. ‘No, it doesn’t sound weird, Jan. I’ll try and get away from work. See you later.’

  I hung up and gave a sigh of relief. There was a lot for me still to do, but it looked like my horny little doormat would save the day.

  He was waiting outside for me as I arrived, a look of needy supplication on his face. I wondered if he thought my promise of recompense would include penetration.

  I handed him one of those FOR SALE boards that stick to the window (it would have been too draining on a warm day to carry the more classic sign-on-a-pole over to the address) and asked him to affix it.

  ‘Then come inside and I’ll help you get the place looking neat,’ I said.

  He agreed wordlessly, which I did find a bit eerie, however empowering.

  Inside I did a modicum of dusting and a sinkful of dishes while he fixed the board to the window. When he came inside, though, I left it all to him.

  ‘It’s a really good client, but we don’t have anything suitable for him just now. I want a property to show him to keep him hooked for a week or two while I find something else for him,’ I explained.

  ‘I see,’ said Alec.

  The place was looking presentable soon enough; Alec could hardly be described as a slob, admittedly, so there wasn’t all that much to do. I beckoned him over to the sofa. As he sat I slowly pulled my hem up to reveal my stocking tops and kissed him. His hands wandered up the sheer nylon on my legs to the lacy bands and even my tender thigh flesh. I did not discourage him, allowing his fingers to rise higher and higher to my knickers, which were peeled off in no time. By now he had learned the steps to this dance and had his head stuffed up my dress and his tongue working hard on my bud in no time.


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