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Ian's Choice (Wolves' Heat)

Page 3

by Lynne, Odessa

  This wasn’t a game. When those drugs wore off, this would become a life or death situation.

  He was already thrown by Craig’s actions as it was. He hadn’t realized an alpha had this kind of control over his betas, be they alphas in their own right or not. Within this group, Craig was Alpha, and he expected to be obeyed, no matter what his demand. Demanding his beta group mess with a human he’d already claimed for himself just seemed to Ian like a surefire way to cause trouble but he thought it best to keep his mouth shut at this point. He’d already aggravated Craig enough. He certainly didn’t want Craig to start thinking he was offering any kind of challenge to his authority. Ian had no idea how much time he had before those repression drugs wore off completely.

  Truthfully, so far, Ian had nothing to complain about except for the overstimulation of his nipples, each flick and tweak a spike of pleasure and pain that made it hard to stand still while Third lowered his jeans and briefs to just above his knees.

  He gave a shaky sigh of relief when Second stopped the torment to the hard peaks of his nipples and dug something out of his pocket.

  Ian couldn’t tear his gaze away from the sight of Third on his knees or Second dipping his fingers into the small container he had removed from his own black trousers.

  Third wrapped his warm fingers around Ian’s semi-erect cock. Just the touch hardened him further, but then Third did exactly as he’d been ordered and fondled Ian, rubbing and tugging until Ian was breathing harder and faster and his knees felt like they wanted to let him crash to the ground at the first opportunity.

  Craig released his hold on one of Ian’s shoulders to rub his hand down Ian’s side, over his ribs. “I don’t understand why you humans do this kind of thing to your bodies, as if it has no meaning at all to permanently mark yourselves and mess with the natural beauty of your skin.”

  “Wh—what do you mean?” Ian managed to say.

  Craig brushed his fingers across the colorful tattoo running down Ian’s ribcage and hip, a relic from his late teens when it seemed as if life on Earth had changed forever and death didn’t feel as far away as it used to.

  “And this.” Craig covered Third’s hand with his own over Ian’s cock even as he pushed his nose in tight against Ian’s neck and sniffed deeply of whatever scent he found so appealing on Ian’s sweating, nervous body.

  Second’s hand brushed the cheek of Ian’s ass as he slid it between Ian and Craig. Ian reacted with another flush and he gritted his teeth against the whimper that wanted to escape just as Second’s fingers slid into the crack of his ass. Second didn’t do anything more than circle the lube around his anus, but the touch made him want to clench his buttocks.

  “You cut yourself in the most fragile places.”

  After a breathless moment, Ian said, “Circumcision. It’s—there are reasons.” Reasons he wasn’t even sure he understood but it was what it was and had been done when he was an infant.

  “It makes no sense but it does make your human penis strangely attractive.”

  If he had thought it wouldn’t have drawn a comment, he would have laughed. He really didn’t need to be any more attractive to the wolves than he already was, and yet the idea of Craig liking the way his cock looked didn’t disturb him like it probably should have.

  At that moment, Second slipped a finger through the clench of Ian’s anus, pushing deep into his ass.

  “Uhhh,” came out before Ian could stop it and then he mashed his lips together as Second started to finger him in earnest, using his slick finger to fuck him while spreading the greasy lube around his hole inside and out in preparation for what was to come.

  “Enough,” Craig said, one of those vibrating growls starting in his chest, a rumble against Ian’s back.

  Second and Third stopped what they were doing instantly, Second’s finger slipping out of Ian’s ass shockingly fast.

  Craig released Ian’s cock and Third pulled his hand free. Moisture stretched between Third’s fingers and the tip of Ian’s cock until the thin strand broke and dribbled to the floor. Ian tried to ignore the sudden chill of air on his cock after the heat and friction of warm hands.

  “Now leave and let the others smell him on you and tell them if any of you come near him, I’ll rip out your throats.”

  Chapter 3

  When Second and Third didn’t move fast enough, Craig roared. Ian jerked from the shock of sound, while Second and Third scrambled back quickly, Third still on his knees. Second grabbed a handful of Third’s shirt and helped pull him away.

  Second gave Ian a quick stare. He looked like he knew he was taking a risk to speak, but said quickly, “His heat’s on him, be careful.”

  Craig’s arms caged Ian in, drawing Ian’s back even tighter against Craig’s chest. He licked Ian’s neck, tongue hitting every ridge of Ian’s spine above the collar of his shirt. The move caused Ian’s pants to drop from his knees to mid-calf. The fabric-covered bulge of Craig’s erect cock nudged at Ian’s bare ass.

  Second didn’t wait for any kind of response, only pulled harder at Third’s shirt. Third struggled to get his feet under him, his own eyes glassy. Another roar from Craig seemed to shake him out of the daze that slowed his reaction time, and he finally got his feet under him.

  Ian watched Second and Third hurry out of the entryway and head deeper into the house. A few seconds later, somewhere in another room, a door banged open and then slammed closed. He heard the sound of feet pounding down stairs, and he was surprised he could hear anything with his blood rushing loud in his ears and Craig’s growling breath so close.

  He felt claws prick the skin at his breastbone but when he looked down his skin remained unbroken. His feet were still planted on the floor, but the sight of his half-clothed body, his belly, his cock and balls, made him feel something he didn’t want to identify.

  He needed to submit, there was no question of that, but he hadn’t expected such a strong reaction from his own body.

  No one had ever told him the wolves would treat him this way, as if his pleasure mattered just as much as theirs. Maybe during the lust craze of a mating frenzy it wouldn’t, but here, that was obviously not the case.

  For the first time that night, Craig did more than lick or scrape his teeth against Ian’s skin. He pressed one, two, then three kisses to the side of Ian’s neck and jaw and the corner of his mouth. “We’re going somewhere private now and I’m going to mate you.”

  “Okay,” Ian said.

  Craig released him and Ian staggered a bit before he bent down to pull up his pants. The hand on his ass startled him and he stumbled, but Craig’s hand on his arm stopped him from falling to his knees. As soon as he had his pants back up at his waist, and zipped, belt still flapping, Craig tugged him around.

  He went with Craig into a great room on the first floor of the large house and then through a hallway and up a set of wood stairs. Several doors opened off the upstairs hall, but they kept walking, Craig’s hand on his arm, until they’d reached the end, and went inside the room behind the last door.

  Ian raised his eyebrows at the number of pillows piled up on the bed situated by the far wall. An old flat-screen filled one wall above a small desk covered with several tablet computers and an old laptop which was wired up the screen, and then there was one of the wolves’ own native versions of a computer, a device about the size of the palm of his hand and different enough for Ian to know it wasn’t Earth technology.

  He didn’t get to spend much time looking around though, because Craig pushed him toward the wide bed. As soon as he had Ian within a foot of it, he wrapped his arm around Ian’s waist from behind, turned and tumbled them both backwards into the middle of the pile of pillows.

  Ian grunted out an “umph” and found himself struggling not to roll over because he’d landed on top of a couple of pillows piled too high on one side.

  He didn’t struggle long. Craig lifted Ian’s hips and moved him until he was flat on the mattress beneath, shoving aside the
vast majority of the pillows, several falling right off the side of the wide bed.

  “This is…different,” Ian said, looking up at the sharply drawn face looming over him.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  Ian’s lips parted. He hesitated but then nodded and took hold of the edge of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head.

  Before he’d even gotten it off his arms, he felt Craig’s mouth on the streak of hair near his vulnerable belly. Craig was breathing deeply, his breath fanning out over Ian’s skin in a hot, moist circle.

  Ian’s muscles tightened and it took him a minute to relax as Craig continued to just sniff and mouth at his skin in a weirdly gentle way.

  Ian’s ease disappeared as soon as Craig looked up at him with those intense blue eyes of his, glassy and so focused on Ian that he didn’t even blink. Ian swallowed roughly and then jerked a little when he felt Craig give a light tug at his waistband in an unsubtle reminder that Ian was supposed to be doing something.

  He hadn’t rebuckled his belt downstairs or even buttoned his pants, so all he had to do was slide down the zipper. He did that, and then shimmied his jeans and briefs down over his hips and down his legs.

  He had to sit up to reach his boots, and when he did, Craig sat back on his heels and watched.

  The attention made Ian’s hands shake noticeably when he started to untie his bootlaces. Craig’s hands covered his, drawing his gaze up to meet Craig’s.

  He wasn’t sure what he expected. What he got was a low-voiced, edged command.

  “Faster. I need to come at least twice before I fuck you or I’ll hurt you. When I get inside you, your human smell is going to drive me crazy even with some of the repression drug still lingering in my body.”

  Something about that honesty settled Ian’s nerves in a way false promises and lies wouldn’t have.

  Craig understood his biological imperative and he understood what contact with humans had done to him, and Ian thought he was lucky Craig had found him in those woods and stopped those other wolves from getting hold of him while they were already out of their minds from the combination of the scent of a human and their heat cycle.

  He got his laces undone and toed off his boots, then shucked his pants down over his feet, kicking them over to the side of the bed out of the way, because what else was he supposed to do with them? They hit the floor with a muffled thump and the clang of his metal belt buckle. Ian winced.

  Craig didn’t seem to notice or care.

  Ian was naked. He lay back on the bed, not real sure what to do with his arms, spread out and vulnerable, submitting himself to Craig for whatever he wanted to do with him. His cock had lost its erection but was still softly plump with residual blood. He was in a state of semi-arousal, his shaft ready to harden again at the first opportunity. His balls rested in the crease of his groin and thighs.

  Craig shed his own clothes while Ian watched, and then with no hesitation at all, he took his long penis in hand and started jerking off over Ian. Ian couldn’t help but stare at Craig’s dick, and his asshole clenched as he thought about that dick fitting inside him.

  Ian had no experience with anal sex. He’d always been fine keeping his encounters limited to oral sex and hand jobs. He’d had plenty of opportunity, but anal was risky and he hadn’t ever stayed with anyone long enough to want to go there.

  Craig’s first orgasm came on him fast. When his semen spurted out of his dick and splattered onto Ian’s balls, Ian felt the shock of the warm droplets through his entire body. Craig’s semen didn’t have the stringy quality of human semen, and Ian felt the thinner liquid trickle down between his thighs. He sucked in his breath and shifted, spreading his thighs wider without realizing what he was doing until it was done and when he moved to bring them back together, Craig crawled over his leg and kneed Ian’s thighs even further apart.

  “Pull up your legs,” Craig said gruffly, his accent heavy and thick. “I want to see.”

  Embarrassment heated Ian’s face but he did what Craig wanted. He drew his feet up the bed, bending his knees on either side of Craig, boxing him in.

  But it obviously wasn’t just seeing that Craig wanted because he touched Ian, rubbing the back of his knuckle over Ian’s hole, and the first touch caused Ian to stutter his breath. Craig nudged at the pucker and Ian couldn’t stop the cant of his hips up off the bed.

  He closed his eyes and tried to relax but his asshole clenched and he felt his throat closing up tight as an unexpected anticipation thrummed through him, despite his nerves. He’d always wondered what it might feel like, if he could just bring himself to let it happen. He hadn’t been able to, not when given the choice. Now he’d made that choice finally, when he’d agreed to submit.

  He hadn’t expected the pleasure though.

  Craig moved, stopping what he was doing with his finger, and leaned over Ian, one hand on each side of Ian’s hips, his face so close to Ian’s cock that Ian could have tilted his pelvis up an inch and touched Craig’s mouth with the nearly erect shaft of his cock.

  It suddenly occurred to him to wonder if Craig’s sharper, longer eyeteeth would get in the way if he tried to suck Ian’s cock. Ian wasn’t sure he wanted to find out, but Craig already had his mouth open and when he wrapped his lips around the soft shape of Ian’s cock, Ian yelped, then let out a gusty breath when all he felt was hot moist air and the slide of wet lips.

  Craig raised his head and stared at Ian but Ian couldn’t tell what he was seeing in Craig’s gaze. Maybe irritation, maybe disappointment, Ian wasn’t sure.

  “Sorry. You have—” He gestured with his finger. “Sharp teeth.”

  Craig shook his head, as if he had no idea what Ian was talking about, and maybe he didn’t. His eyes seemed unfocused and the whites gleamed. Then he buried his face in Ian’s groin and sucked in a long deep breath before he licked a stripe up Ian’s cock.

  “Sorry,” Ian mumbled again, giving in to the shiver that raced along his spine as his cock hardened completely.

  “I’m going to—” Without finishing his statement, Craig reared up and grabbed his cock and came again, painting glossy stripes of semen across Ian’s cock and belly. His head went back and a vibrating growl came out of his throat, deep and dark and Ian felt like every hair on his body stood up at the sound.

  “I can’t—” Craig fell forward onto one hand and started rutting against Ian’s groin. “I should wait before I fuck you.”

  “No,” Ian said. “Fuck me now. I submit.”

  Ian couldn’t say if his words did it, or if it was the spread of his thighs, but Craig clasped the underside of his ass and raised him off the bed enough to fit his cock to Ian’s asshole. He had only seconds to take a deep breath before the broad head of Craig’s cock started a slow but unyielding press into his body.

  He fisted his hands into the bedding, dug his heels into the mattress, pushed his head back, and tried not to let the tension in the rest of his muscles bleed into his ass.

  He gave an aborted shout as Craig buried his cock deep, too soon, too fast, the lube Second had rubbed into his hole making it relatively easy for Craig’s cock to slide into him.

  “I’m sorry,” Craig said, giving Ian no time to think or adjust, and then he started moving.

  The pain of the quick stretch gave way to a dark pleasure that twisted through Ian and he couldn’t help pushing his ass into each thrust, wanting Craig to go deeper, wanting a hand on his cock to distract him from the heat of friction and the burn of the stretch, because he liked it all so much more than he’d ever thought he would.

  Hot pleasure sparked as Craig pushed in deep, angle just right, his cock hitting a spot that made Ian gasp and dig one of his heels into the back of Craig’s thigh.

  “By God, whatever—that—do that again.”

  Although he hadn’t let anyone do this to him until now, he thought he might not ever be able to go back to ignoring anal fucking again. His body enjoyed the pain as much as the pleasure of having C
raig’s cock stretching him out tight.

  Craig fucked him at that angle for several minutes, Ian gasping with every thrust.

  Then Craig hauled him in tighter, like he was trying to push himself ever deeper even though he was already as far in as he could go. He crushed Ian down into the bed, his thrusts coming faster, erratic and wild.

  Craig growled down against the skin of Ian’s bare shoulder and then buried his nose right against Ian’s underarm. He was breathing so fast Ian thought that if he’d been human he would probably be hyperventilating. Instead, his excitement seemed to be cresting, and then Ian felt the spurt of hot semen deep into his ass with Craig’s orgasm.

  Ian raised his hand, hesitated, and then gave in to the urge to brush his fingers across the back of Craig’s neck. He expected the short hair to be bristly but it wasn’t. The hair at Craig’s nape was soft and thick. He dragged his fingers up over the back of Craig’s head. Craig continued to fuck him, rutting like he was out of his mind with the need to stay buried inside Ian even though he’d already come.

  Finally Craig’s rutting slowed. He turned his cheek into the palm of Ian’s hand. “Hold me,” he said. “Tighter.”

  So touching Craig must be okay, might even be expected. He didn’t mind, not like he should after being used like he’d been. He flattened his palm on the center of Craig’s back, tangled his legs around Craig’s, and tried to get comfortable. Craig hadn’t pulled out and Ian realized the cock in his ass wasn’t softening. His own cock ached a bit, still full and thick, ready for more, but he wasn’t sure what Craig expected from him now besides submission.

  “Can I…” He hesitated to ask but then thought the hell with it. He really didn’t want to lay here and wait for his erection to go away, unsatisfied. “I need to come. Is it okay if I jerk off or something?”


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