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Dear Love Doctor

Page 14

by Hailey North

  And fortune.

  One couldn’t discount the effect that could have on a person.

  “Would you prefer if I were plain Mr. James from Ponchatoula who worked in the strawberry fields and came home every night bellowing for his supper?”

  “On, no, definitely not.” Daffy made a face. “I’m not much of a cook, I’m afraid.”

  “Seriously, Daffy, I’m no different now than I was ten years ago—not the inner core of a person that I am. And that’s what matters—who you are inside.”

  Daffy nodded. Clearly Hunter had some deep feelings on this subject, which she respected.

  Then, as if he didn’t want to pursue such a heavy topic on such a beautiful day, Hunter leaned over, kissed her cheek, and said, “Let’s change.”

  “Here? I mean, in the car?” She knew she sounded shocked, but she was. What about the driver? Lord only knew she was no prude, but she had her boundaries of behavior.

  “He can’t see a thing,” Hunter said, kicking off his shoes. He rustled the sack and pulled out the swim trunks.

  “But I can.” As soon as she finished the sentence, Daffy dissolved in a blush of confusion.

  Hunter smiled. He loved hearing her objections. He’d been half afraid she was as wild a hoyden as Aloysius claimed. But she was far more inclined to behave with propriety than with abandon. Though, he thought hungrily, there’d been nothing restrained at all in the way the two of them had tangled on the sofa the night before. His body hardened yet again at the memory. Holding the swim trunks over his thighs, he said, “Okay. I’ll close my eyes if you close yours.”

  She seemed to consider his proposal as if looking for possible objections or traps, but after a long moment, she nodded. “Okay. You first.”

  She placed her hands over her eyes. Hunter saw the upward curve to her mouth. It was, he realized with a start, fun to have fun. He’d been working so hard he’d almost forgotten what fun felt like. And most of the women he dated were more into glamour and being seen at all the right places.

  Exactly what he’d expected of Daffy. Hunter tugged off his shoes, stripped his tie free, and pulled his shirt from his pants.

  Daffy scooted closer, and dropped her hands from her face to his chest.

  “I thought we said no peeking,” Hunter said, not objecting at all.

  “Oh, I still have my eyes closed.”

  Her hands roamed his chest until they finally settled on one of the middle buttons of his shirt. Her face muffled against his throat, she sucked on the skin there while she slowly unfastened the button.

  Hunter caught his breath and, then, as she moved to the next button, let it slowly out. She would be the death of him. Hungrily, he bent his head to seek her lips, but she put one finger against his chin and tipped him back against the seat. “Not now,” she said. “We’re undressing.”

  “You sure know how to torture a guy.”

  Daffy, her eyes still closed, murmured something that sounded like, “Why, thank you, sir.” She had two more buttons loosened and quit working on the rest to lap at one nipple.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” Hunter caught her head gently and said, “Any more and we’ll never make it to the water park. So sit back like a good girl and let me change my clothes all by myself.”

  Daffy grinned and lay back against the cushions of the limo. She loved getting him going. But she also didn’t think she could hold out much longer herself. For two cents she’d vote to call off the water play and hightail it to the hotel. But Hunter wanted to go; she’d seen it in his face. And as much as she wanted to abandon herself to the wild, tumultuous sex she knew the two of them were building to, she also wanted to make him happy.

  And that was a rare state of affairs for Daffodil Landry. Had she ever really cared about any of the other men who had passed through her life? Oh, she’d enjoyed their company, their conversation, and their bodies, but had any one of them ever reached through and touched her somewhere deep inside in a way that made her say she wanted to make him happy?

  She sighed softly.

  “Almost done,” Hunter said.

  Would those same words describe the two of them sooner rather than later? Lord, she hoped not. Daffy scrunched her eyes closed even more tightly and to herself whispered, “Please don’t let me screw this one up.”

  “Your turn, my little tease.”

  Daffy let her eyelids flutter open.

  It was a darn good thing he hadn’t purchased the scrap of a Speedo. As it was, Daffy couldn’t take her eyes off his almost-nude body. Where had she gotten the idea that all computer geniuses were skinny dudes with no chest hair and not even a shadow of muscle definition?

  She reached out and traced a finger along the waistband of his trunks, roaming his perfectly formed chest up to his pecs. “Nice,” she said, not wanting to give him too big a head.

  He grinned. “Thank you, ma’am.” Handing her the sack of purchases, he said, “Your turn.”

  Daffy shrugged out of her jacket, slipped off her pumps, and then halted. Hunter was sitting there watching her every move. She cast him a puzzled glance, and he said, “Well, you can’t blame me for trying.”

  She smiled and he closed his eyes.

  “Let me know if you need any help,” he said, stretching out in a way that showed his long, lean, tanned legs to advantage.

  Turnabout was certainly fair play with the two of them, and as Daffy began removing the rest of her clothing, she expected at any moment to feel Hunter’s hands caressing her body. She’d half turned in the seat to provide a touch more privacy, which was probably silly considering what the two of them had already shared, but it seemed the appropriate thing to do.

  After wriggling out of her stockings and panties, she donned the bikini bottom, then pulled her dress up over her head. Unable to stand the anticipation of him touching her, she turned to find him still stretched out in the seat, his hands now behind his head.

  She studied him for a second, then scooted so her back was to him and swapped her bra for the bikini top. Her nipples had moved beyond desire to frustration and were so puckered they pushed upward through the fabric of the bikini top in an embarrassingly obvious fashion. The bikini top fastened with a tie and she reached around to make a bow, certain then that Hunter would cheat and take the fabric in his hands. And then his hands would be on her body and the top discarded on the seat, forgotten.

  Daffy shook her head. What was wrong with her? She’d asked him to give her privacy and he was according her proper respect by fulfilling her wishes.

  And in doing so, he was driving her over the edge.

  “All done,” she said, turning around.

  “Great.” Hunter remained stretched out, but even though the rest of his body didn’t move, his eyes moved over her breasts and bare belly and in and around her thighs. “Great,” he repeated.

  Daffy was tingling, she was so on edge. The limo stopped and the driver’s voice came over the intercom. “We’re at the water park, sir.”

  “Go around the block again,” Hunter said, much to Daffy’s surprise.


  Of course he had peeked. Good thing he had tucked his hands behind his head or he would have been all over Daffy. Even the sight of her silky back whetted Hunter’s appetite, but add to that the curve of her breast and the slow, sexy way Daffy had slipped her dress over her head. She’d moved enticingly, almost as if she’d known he was watching.

  Almost as if she expected him to make a move on her.

  Hunter patted the seat right beside him. She slid closer, and the wide-eyed look she gave him did him in. He’d intended to hold this discussion without letting his body get involved, but damned if he could resist.

  He pulled her into his arms.

  She snuggled against him, her bikini top not quite staying with her body with every little move she made. Good selection of swimwear, he thought, but oddly enough, his mind wasn’t so much on her incredible body but on his own emotional reaction to holding her clo

  Funny, yet it seemed to him that she belonged there in his embrace, tucked against his chest as if she’d always been a part of him.

  He hardly knew this woman. And what he did know should scare the hell out of him.

  “There’s a conversation I want to have,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her cheek.


  He could tell by her surprised reaction and the curious way she was regarding him that a conversation was the last thing she’d expected. No doubt she was waiting for him to push aside that scrap of fabric which separated his mouth from her breasts and suckle her until she screamed and demanded release from the fires the two of them had been stoking in each other. God only knew he wanted exactly that for himself!

  But he wanted something more important than just sex. And that he did bothered him, even though Hunter wasn’t a guy to ignore his instincts. He’d done okay by following them.

  “It’s not like me to bring this up out of context,” he said slowly, “but you and I both know that one of these days, maybe even when we finally make it back to our hotel, nothing is going to keep us apart.”

  Daffy blushed slightly. Hunter held her more tightly, pleased by her reaction.

  He was aptly named; he enjoyed the pursuit of the opposite sex and he appreciated the way Daffy played to that and yet didn’t overtake the lead. On his first—and only—date with Tiffany Phipps, she’d been reaching for his zipper at the same moment she’d been unlocking her front door. He still couldn’t believe he hadn’t let her supply the oral pleasure she’d offered, but his heart hadn’t been in it. Tiffany reminded him too strongly of Emily, and Hunter would be willing to bet Emily had abandoned her willingness to perform oral sex the moment she’d tossed her bridal bouquet.

  Besides, after one glimpse of Daffy, he hadn’t wanted anyone else.

  He stirred. Was that true? Daffy was watching him so intently Hunter was afraid for a moment that he’d spoken out loud. Wasn’t he just trying to prove the boast he’d made that day in the coffeehouse—to show her he could make any woman fall for him?

  “You’re very serious,” she murmured.

  “Birth control is a serious topic.”

  “And a most important one.” She paused for only a moment, then added, “I take it that is our topic?”

  He had to hand it to her; she’d answered as smoothly as if he’d observed that the sun was shining. Maybe he could have waited; he certainly hadn’t stopped to discuss it prior to tugging her down on the couch with him last night. Daffy might be the one woman with the power and the passion to cause Hunter to forget the cardinal rule by which he lived.

  He nodded.

  Daffy drew back a bit from the shelter of Hunter’s arms, not because she wanted him to let go of her, but to give herself a better view of his face. Yes, it was as serious as his tone of voice.


  “Do you know you’re the first man I’ve ever gone out with who introduced this topic . . . um, ahead of the moment?”


  She held up one hand and prepared to tick off on her fingers the men who’d followed the other route.

  Hunter closed his hands over hers. “Let’s skip the details.”

  Ooh, he sounded a little bit jealous. No, more than a little bit. Daffy smiled inwardly. “Anyway, I’ve been on the pill for years, but thanks for bringing up the subject. And despite my reputation, I lead a fairly dull life.”

  “Meaning?” He’d managed to tuck her back against his side and was gently stroking her neck with the pad of his thumb.

  She made a face. “Meaning I’m no Typhoid Mary.”

  He laughed. “But we’ll play it safe, okay?”

  “Sure.” Daffy sighed.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Uh-oh,” Hunter said. “In my experience, when a woman says nothing is wrong, that means I’m supposed to figure out what is wrong.”

  She laughed softly. “Did you know you’re smarter than the average guy?”

  He nodded. “So what’s wrong?”

  “I was remembering the day my mother delivered Jonni and me to her doctor’s office and had him explain the facts of life to us. We were sixteen and already knew more than the doctor even hinted at. What did surprise us both was that our mother had him put us on the pill, and boy, was that premature!”

  “Really?” Since he sounded sincerely interested, Daffy continued with the story. She enjoyed talking to Hunter almost as much as she enjoyed making out with him. A good combination. No, better than good. Perfect.

  “We were pretty sheltered.” She shrugged, remembering the irony. “All-girl school. After school, we had soccer or swim team, then homework. Jonni and I spent more time with our noses to the grindstone than we did on dates.”

  “I find that very hard to believe,” he murmured, still circling his thumb lightly over her neck.

  She flipped him a grin. “Well, if I’d known you in high school . . .”

  “I daresay you wouldn’t have looked at me twice,” he said, sounding much less contented than only a moment before. His thumb stilled and Daffy knew there was a story behind his reaction, one he might share with her someday, as she might eventually share the story of her mother’s betrayal.

  She touched his cheek. “Then you don’t know me very well.”

  “So when did you . . .” Hunter’s voice trailed off, but Daffy knew exactly what he was asking.

  “So you really want to know when I misplaced my virginity?”

  “Yeah.” He tightened his hold on her and Daffy realized he didn’t really want the answer. Every guy wanted to believe he was the first, last, and only, even when the evidence waved itself like a flag in front of his face.

  “I went a little nuts the summer after my freshman year in college,” Daffy said, trying for a light tone. She hated remembering the pain and loss of that horrible year. “What about you?”

  “I guess you’d call me precocious.”

  Daffy smiled. “That means your answer is, way younger than me. Let me guess. You were fifteen and she was a cheerleader.”

  “Fourteen and she was that year’s senior class valedictorian.”

  “You amaze me.” Daffy laughed and sat upright. That was when she realized her breasts were practically parading bare for Hunter’s appreciative gaze. In a belated attempt at modesty, she rearranged the bikini top.

  “I liked it better the other way,” Hunter said.

  Before she could reply, the intercom buzzed and the driver’s voice came through. “We’re back at the water park again, sir.”

  Hunter glanced from the round speaker above the mini-bar back to Daffy. “I almost hate to leave the car.”

  She nodded. “It feels like a cocoon, doesn’t it?” she added, hugging her arms around her knees.

  He smiled, then his lips broadened into a mischievous grin. “But I would like to see that bikini soaking wet on you.”

  Daffy responded by ogling his groin and Hunter winked at her and clicked on the intercom. “Drop us at the front gate.” Then he caught her hands and said, “I have a feeling we’ve only scratched the surface of several themes during this discussion. Until later?”

  Daffy nodded, touched by his insight and his desire to communicate with her. Hunter James, she reflected, really could make any woman fall for him, even if he wasn’t trying.

  The driver opened the door and Daffy followed Hunter from the car. She couldn’t help but notice the limousine chauffeur staring at the two of them. And she couldn’t help but blush.

  As soon as they were beyond the man’s earshot, Daffy said, “Hunter, I could swear that man thinks we were having sex the entire time!”

  He grinned. “I knew I liked that driver.”

  About two hours later, Hunter took back his words. He and Daffy had just navigated the highest, longest, most daring slide in the park and were laughing and dashing droplets from their eyes.

  Daffy looked
like a twelve-year-old, well, make that a sixteen-year-old, he corrected himself as he admired her body sculpted by her wet bikini. He held out a hand to her and together they splashed through the knee-deep water toward the edge of the pool.

  “Do it again?” Hunter asked, pleased that she was having such a good time. Who would have thought it? Daffy had washed away a lifetime of Hunter’s stereotypes of upper-crust rich girls.

  Daffy stopped in her tracks, one foot in the water, the other on the edge of the pool. She tugged at his hand. Looking down, Hunter saw that her sunny expression had been chased away.

  “What’s he doing here?” She directed her gaze across the paving stones that led to one of several gazebos offering shelter from the desert sun.

  Lounging in a chaise, as out of place poolside in his dark business suit as a penguin at a Sunday barbecue, sat Aloysius.

  “Good question.” Hunter helped Daffy from the pool. Still holding her hand, he said, “Want to pretend we didn’t see him?”

  She giggled. Then, as her mirth subsided, she replied, “That would serve him right, but surely he wouldn’t be here if there weren’t some sort of emergency.”

  Thinking of last night’s untoward interruption, Hunter wasn’t convinced he agreed with Daffy. “With Aloysius, one never knows. Look, I’ll go see what’s up.”

  Daffy didn’t let go of his hand. “I’ll come, too. He doesn’t scare me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She tossed her head and water droplets scattered. Hunter wished he could lick off the drops that landed on her cleavage. Damn Aloysius for interrupting them again!

  “Just because he and I don’t speak is no reason for me not to stand by your side.”

  Hunter nodded. They were halfway to Aloysius by that point anyway, and he knew better than to argue with Daffy. Once her mind was made up, that was it. It hadn’t taken him long to understand that about her.


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