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Forensic Pharmacology

Page 1

by B Zedeck

  InsIde ForensIc scIence

  Forensic Pharmacology

  InsIde ForensIc scIence

  Forensic Anthropology

  Forensic dnA Analysis

  Forensic Medicine

  Forensic Pharmacology

  Legal Aspects of Forensics

  The Forensic Aspects of Poisons

  InsIde ForensIc scIence

  Forensic Pharmacology

  Beth E. Zedeck, MSW, RN, MSN

  and Morris S. Zedeck, Ph.D.

  SERIES EDITOR | Lawrence Kobilinsky, Ph.D.

  The authors are proud to have worked as a father and daughter team on

  this project and wish to thank Dr. Zedeck’s wife, Ellen Lieberman, Esq.,

  for her assistance and thoughtful suggestions during

  the preparation of this book.

  Forensic Pharmacology

  Copyright © 2007 by Infobase Publishing

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  Chelsea House

  An imprint of Infobase Publishing

  132 West 31st Street

  New York NY 10001

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Zedeck, Beth E.

  Forensic pharmacology / Beth E. Zedeck and Morris S. Zedeck.

  p. cm. — (Inside forensic science)

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 0-7910-8920-7 (hardcover)

  1. Forensic pharmacology. I. Zedeck, Morris S. II. Title.

  RA1160.Z43 2006



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  Table of


  1 Introduction: The Role of the

  Forensic Pharmacologist


  2 Pharmacokinetics and



  3 Drug Analysis


  4 Drug Abuse and Teenager Statistics


  5 Cannabinoids


  6 Central Nervous System Stimulants


  7 Central Nervous System Depressants 66

  8 Opioids


  9 Hallucinogens


  10 Dissociative Anesthetics


  11 Inhalants


  12 Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids


  13 The Future of Forensic



  14 Solve the Cases!








  Further Reading





  The Role of

  the Forensic



  Today, through television, most Americans have been exposed

  to the application of forensic science to the justice system.

  Programs such as Law and Order, CSI, Crossing Jordan, Cold Case Files, Forensic Files, and American Justice feature police activities, forensic laboratory technology, and courtroom procedures.

  These programs have made the public aware of the important

  role that forensic science plays in the criminal justice system,

  and enrollment in criminal justice and forensic science courses

  in college and high school has increased markedly within the

  last 10 years.

  As a result of increased exposure to the work of forensic scien-

  tists, juror selection has become more difficult, since jurors now

  expect prosecutors to provide evidence as easily and as rapidly

  as seen on television. In selecting a jury panel, lawyers are aware

  that these television programs may influence jurors (called the

  “CSI effect”) and the absence of expected evidence might work

  against the prosecutor in criminal cases.

  Public attention is also drawn to the death of celebrities result-

  ing from drug overdose. For example, Janis Joplin, the blues

  singer, overdosed on heroin, actor River Phoenix and comedian

  Forensic Pharmacology

  John Belushi both overdosed on speedballs, a mixture of heroin

  and cocaine, and college basketball star Len Bias and Cleveland

  Browns football player Don Rogers both overdosed on cocaine.

  Have you ever wondered how scientists determine whether a

  drug was involved in a particular case, and whether the amount

  of drug is considered an overdose and thus was the cause of death?

  Today many job applicants must submit a pre-employment urine

  sample to test for the presence of drugs, and random urine tests

  are performed on many individuals in high-stress jobs, includ-

  ing police officers, firefighters, pilots, and truck drivers. Have

  you wondered how such tests are performed to determine pres-

  ence and quantity of drug? Are you curious to learn why alcohol

  is detected in breath samples? All of these issues fall under the

  broad heading of forensic science.


  Forensic science can be defined as the application of science

  to legal issues. The role of science in resolving legal matters

  has increased substantially over the last 50 years. During this

  period, major advances in technology and information gather-

  ing have been made in the areas of medicine, molecular biol-

  ogy, analytical chemistry, computer science, and microscopy.

  Because the information and methodologies in these areas of

  science are so vast and complex, the law has become dependent

  on testimony by scientists to help unravel complex legal cases

  involving biological and physical evidence. Areas of science that

  may require explanation by experts include pharmacology, the

  study of all effects of chemicals on living organisms, and toxi-

  cology, the study of the toxic or adverse effects of chemicals,

  which are both the subjects of this book. There are other areas

  that require expert testimony, including DNA analysis, foren-

  sic medicine (anatomy and pathology), forensic odontology

  Introduction: The Role of the Forensic Pharmacologist

  Figure 1.1 Pharmacologist Dr. Donald H. Catli
n sits in front of an

  LC/MS/MS system, an instrument used for detecting drugs from urine

  samples, at the UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory. Catlin is noted

  for developing a breakthrough test that detects the illegal steroid,

  tetrahydrogestrinone (THG), taken by athletes to enhance performance.

  (dentistry), criminalistics (analysis of physical evidence such

  as hair, fibers, blood, paint, glass, soil, arson-related chemicals,

  and solid drug samples), questioned document examination

  (analysis of inks and papers), forensic engineering (accident

  reconstruction, environmental and construction analysis),

  firearm and toolmark analysis, forensic anthropology (analysis

  of bodily remains), forensic entomology (analysis of insects on

  deceased individuals to determine time of death), forensic psy-

  chology, voice pattern analysis, fingerprint analysis, and foren-

  sic nursing (effects of sexual assault and trauma).

  A pharmacologist is a scientist who, in addition to being

  trained in the principles of pharmacology, studies other

  Forensic Pharmacology

  disciplines, including physiology, biochemistry, chemistry,

  molecular biology, statistics, and pathology, and usually pos-

  sesses a Ph.D. degree (Figure 1.1). Pharmacology programs

  require a minimum of four years of graduate study, including

  a doctoral dissertation of original research. Chemicals studied

  by a pharmacologist may be natural (from plants or animals)

  or synthetic, and may include medicinals, drugs of abuse, poi-

  sons, carcinogens, and industrial chemicals. The pharmacologist

  must understand how chemicals interact with the most basic

  cell components such as receptors and DNA, and must explain

  how such interactions produce the observed results. The phar-

  macologist studies chemicals for their beneficial or therapeutic

  effects as well as their adverse or toxic effects. A toxicologist,

  usually someone with a Ph.D. degree, uses the same principles of

  science as the pharmacologist but generally studies only toxic or

  adverse effects of chemicals. Others working in a pharmacology

  or toxicology laboratory often have master or bachelor of science

  degrees in various specialties and are trained in experimentation

  and analytical procedures.

  One of the basic principles of toxicology is that chemicals that

  are safe in appropriate doses can become toxic in higher doses.

  Even too much water can become toxic. Pharmacologists and

  toxicologists rely on dose-response tests, in which the effects

  of drugs are measured at different doses to see the relationship

  between dose and effect and, as the dosage increases, how the

  effect can quickly go from no effect to a desired effect to a toxic

  effect level. When studying chemicals, it is important to keep in

  mind a phrase of the famous fifteenth-century alchemist and

  physician Paracelsus (born Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus

  Bombastus von Hohenheim): “Is there anything that is not a

  poison? Everything is poison, and nothing is without poison.

  The dose alone makes a thing poisonous.”1

  Introduction: The Role of the Forensic Pharmacologist

  This book will focus on forensic pharmacology and drugs of

  abuse. Drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, PCP,

  benzodiazepines, and methamphetamine, are often involved in

  criminal and civil matters concerning personal injury, motor vehi-

  cle accidents, drug overdose, and murder, and thus, are discussed

  to illustrate forensic pharmacology issues and investigations.

  What is forensic pharmacology and how does it differ from

  forensic toxicology? Both disciplines attempt to answer the ques-

  tion of whether a chemical was causally related to an individual’s

  behavior, illness, injury, or death. The effect of the chemical

  might occur soon after exposure (an acute effect) or a long time

  after exposure (a chronic effect). To establish what caused the

  effect, scientists examine bodily tissues and fluids for the pres-

  ence of drugs and, using different analytical techniques, identify

  chemicals and determine their concentration. Besides the obvi-

  ous fluids of blood and urine, analysis can be performed on nails,

  hair, bone, semen, amniotic fluid, stomach contents, breast milk,

  vitreous humor (the fluid inside the eyeball), sweat, and saliva.

  What fluids and tissues are analyzed depends on the type of case

  and whether the subject is alive or deceased. Understanding of

  the chemical’s pharmacodynamics, the mechanisms that bring

  about physiological and pathological changes, and pharmacoki-

  netics, how the chemical is absorbed, distributed, metabolized,

  and excreted, are important in establishing a causal relation-

  ship. For example, once the concentration of a chemical and its

  metabolites in blood and/or urine are determined, it might be

  possible to determine when the drug was administered or taken.

  Interpretation of the findings, in relation to other facts and evi-

  dence in the case, may help solve a crime. On occasion, any items

  at a crime scene that may be drug related, such as syringes or vials

  containing a solution, are also brought to the forensic laboratory

  for analysis.

  Forensic Pharmacology


  Most often, pharmacologists conduct research programs while

  employed in private, government, and commercial research lab-

  oratories, hospitals, and academic institutions. A pharmacolo-

  gist may be contacted by an attorney and asked to consult or

  testify as an expert witness in legal matters that may be either

  criminal or civil and for the plaintiff or defendant (Figure 1.2).

  Attorneys learn of expert witnesses from advertisements in legal

  newspapers and journals, and by calling referral agencies that

  maintain lists of specialists in areas of medicine, science, engi-

  neering, finance, construction, aviation, and so on.

  Interpretation of chemical data obtained from analysis of

  bodily fluids and tissues by a pharmacologist may help attorneys

  Figure 1.2 In the photograph above, Dr. Jo Ellen Dyer, a pharmacist

  and toxicologist who specializes in GHB and sexual assault, serves as

  an expert witness at the rape trial of Max Factor heir, Andrew Luster. In

  2003, Luster was convicted of raping a series of women after he used

  GHB, a “date rape” drug, to seduce his victims.

  Introduction: The Role of the Forensic Pharmacologist

  determine the role of a drug in an individual’s behavior or death.

  If, for example, analysis shows a deceased person was under the

  influence of drugs, such data along with other facts in the case

  may help determine if death was due to an accidental overdose,

  suicide, or homicide by poisoning. In murder cases, it is impor-

  tant to know whether the deceased was under the influence of

  drugs. The prosecutor is interested, since it may explain the

  behavior of the deceased just before death, and the results may

  suggest to the defense attorney that a defendant charged with

  murder could have acted in self-defen
se. In civil lawsuits result-

  ing from motor vehicle accidents or injuries from falls, whether

  those involved were under the influence of drugs may be an

  important factor.

  The forensic pharmacologist will first review analytic reports

  to determine whether the data support the attorney’s position.

  The review will focus on the positive aspects as well as on any

  areas that may be problematic in the case. The findings are pre-

  sented to the attorney along with information that will help the

  attorney understand the science. If the pharmacologist’s opinion

  is supportive, the attorney may request a written report. In many

  civil lawsuits, the use of experts results in settlements rather than

  trials. If the case goes to trial and the pharmacologist is expected

  to testify, the pharmacologist will assist the attorney in preparing

  a proper examination so that the testimony presented to the jury

  will be a clear and understandable explanation of the findings.

  Finally, the pharmacologist may assist the attorney in preparing

  a cross-examination of the opposing side’s expert witness.

  Forensic toxicologists are generally employed by federal, state,

  and local government crime laboratories, which may be affiliated

  with the medical examiner’s office from which they receive fluids

  and tissues for analysis. They often work on criminal cases and

  usually testify for the office of the district attorney, the prosecu-

  tor. Forensic toxicologists may also be involved in drug testing in


  Forensic Pharmacology

  History of Pharmacology

  and Toxicology

  The science of pharmacology began with Rudolf Buch-

  heim, a German pharmacologist who lived between 1820

  and 1879. At the University of Dorpat in Russia (now Tartu

  in Estonia), he built a laboratory and began a systematic

  study of drug action. A pupil of Buchheim, Oswald Schmie-

  deberg succeeded Buchheim at Dorpat in 1866. Later,

  Schmiedeberg moved to Strasbourg, France, and devel-

  oped a very successful program in pharmacology. Students

  came from al over the world. One of the students was John

  Jacob Abel, who then returned to the United States and

  became chairman of the first pharmacology department


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