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Forensic Pharmacology

Page 4

by B Zedeck

  and each chemical can be released more or less easily than the

  other from that material. Thus, there are two phases in a chro-

  matographic system, a stationary phase to which the chemicals

  adhere and a mobile phase that passes over the stationary phase

  and takes with it the released chemical.

  Gas chromatography (GC) uses a thin column made of stain-

  less steel or glass. The stationary phase is a liquid such as methyl

  silicone or a solid such as silica, and the mobile phase is a gas,

  usually helium or nitrogen. As the mobile phase moves along the

  stationary phase, volatile chemicals, depending on the heat of the

  column, leave the stationary phase and travel in the mobile phase

  to the end of the column, where a detector is located. Chemicals

  with lesser affinity for the stationary phase are released before

  those with greater affinity. As each chemical reaches the end, the

  detector sends a signal to a recorder. The time it takes for a chemi-

  cal to reach the detector from the time the sample is placed in the

  column is termed the retention time. Chemicals are identified by

  their retention time for a given separation system.

  If liquid were used instead of gas for the mobile phase, this

  procedure would be termed high-performance liquid chroma-

  tography (HPLC or LC). Volatile chemicals are more easily sepa-

  rated using GC, while chemicals in solution are separated using

  HPLC (Figure 3.2).

  30 Forensic Pharmacology

  Figure 3.2 A scientist prepares a high-performance liquid

  chromatography (HPLC) machine to analyze a blood sample. The

  results of the test are visualized on the monitor to her right.

  While retention time might be helpful in identifying a chemi-

  cal, it may not be accurate enough, and an additional technique

  must be applied to confirm the chemical’s identity. The gas and

  chemical exit the GC and flow into an attached instrument called

  a mass spectrometer (MS). Inside the MS, electrons or chemicals

  bombard the chemical in the gas, resulting in its fragmentation

  into smaller pieces of varying molecular weights. Here, each

  chemical is broken down into various size fragments, with the

  total group of fragments representing a specific chemical, much

  like a fingerprint. Thus far, no two chemicals have produced the

  same fragment pattern. The fragments pass through an electric

  or magnetic field and are separated according to the mass of the

  fragment. The spectrum of fragments is compared to thousands

  Drug Analysis


  of spectra in a library of chemicals and is identified. A known

  amount of pure chemical is tested, and the results are then com-

  pared with the unknown sample to be certain of the identifica-

  tion and to allow quantification. The gas chromatography/mass

  spectrometry (GC/MS) technique is very sensitive, and can

  detect chemicals in the nanogram (ng) range. Results obtained

  by GC/MS are considered confirmatory.

  Screening and confirmatory tests have cutoff values. The val-

  ues for drugs of abuse are provided in Table 3.1. These values are

  based on various factors, including the precision and accuracy

  of the individual test systems. If the test result is higher than the

  cutoff value, the result is presumed positive; if it is lower, the

  result is presumed negative. This does not mean that the drug

  is totally absent, only that its concentration is below the cutoff

  value. It may become important for a particular case to deter-

  mine using other assays whether the drug is, in fact, present at

  any level.

  Thin layer chromatography (TLC) uses the same principles

  as GC or HPLC but is performed on a glass plate containing an

  adsorbent, such as silica or alumina, that attracts other molecules

  to its surface. A small portion of the sample to be analyzed is

  spotted on the plate. The plate is placed upright in a tank con-

  taining a small amount of solvent that then rises up the plate and

  separates the components of the sample. The separated compo-

  nents can be located with an ultraviolet lamp or by spraying the

  plate with chemicals to produce color.

  Capillary electrophoresis, a relatively new technique, uses

  an electric current to separate compounds based on their size,

  charge, and mobile phase solubility. This technique requires

  small amounts of sample. An analytical technique that provides

  enhanced specificity and sensitivity for detection of chemicals is

  LC/MS/MS. This technique separates compounds by HPLC and

  then uses the MS to fragment the separated compounds. Unlike

  32 Forensic Pharmacology

  Table 3.1 Cutoff Values for Urine Drug Testsa























































  a All values are expressed as ng/ml except alcohol, which is expressed as grams/100 ml.

  b DHHS mandatory standards for federal agencies monitor only for five major drugs of abuse. All laboratories are certified and use the same cutoff values as regulated by SAMHSA. See 49CFR40.87.

  c Local nonregulated testing for law enforcement (driving while impaired) or random drug test (employment, parole, child custody, sports, drug rehabilitation). These values may differ among commercial laboratories; average values are presented.

  d Testing by immunoassay.

  e Testing by GC/MS.

  f Metabolite of marijuana.

  g Metabolite of cocaine.

  h Federal standards were set higher to account for the possibility that poppy seed foods had been ingested.

  i A morphine level of 2000 ng/ml or more requires a test for 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM, heroin metabolite) with a cutoff at 10 ng/ml.

  j Testing by gas chromatography.

  Drug Analysis


  single MS analysis, however, some fragments are selected and

  then further fragmented.

  Samples that contain volatile chemicals at room temperature

  are analyzed differently. A closed container with blood at room

  temperature will have volatile chemicals in the airspace above the

  blood sample. A definite volume of air above the sample o
f blood is

  drawn into a syringe and injected into a chromatograph. For each

  volatile chemical, there is a definite ratio of the concentration of

  chemical above the liquid phase relative to the concentration in

  the liquid phase at a given temperature. (This principle is known

  as Henry’s law.) Thus, determining the amount of chemical in the

  sample taken above the liquid allows calculation of the amount in

  the liquid. This technique, known as headspace gas chromatogra-

  phy, is valuable for determining levels of ethyl alcohol, aldehydes,

  ketones, petroleum distillates, halogenated hydrocarbons, and

  gases such as nitrous oxide, methane, and freon.


  Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is often based not on an

  actual sample of blood but rather on the concentration of alco-

  hol in a sample of breath (Figure 3.3). Alcohol is volatile, and,

  as described by Henry’s law, there is a constant relationship

  between the amount of alcohol vapor found in a volume of air

  (breath sample) and the amount of alcohol found in a volume

  of liquid (blood). All breath-testing equipment uses the blood-

  breath ratio of 2,100:1 for alcohol. This means that the amount

  of alcohol found in 2,100 milliliters of breath is equivalent to the

  amount of alcohol found in 1 milliliters of blood.

  This ratio may vary from individual to individual and, under

  certain conditions, even within the same individual. Determina-

  tion of a BAC from a breath sample may not always be accurate,

  and this is often a point of argument in the courtroom.

  34 Forensic Pharmacology

  Figure 3.3 A breathalyzer measures the amount of infrared (IR)

  energy absorbed by alcohol molecules. In this illustration, IR energy

  from a lamp (1) travels through a chamber (2) holding the subject’s

  breath. As the IR energy exits the chamber, it is focused by a lens (3),

  passed through IR filters (4), and then converted into electrical signals

  (5). A computer (6) receives the electrical signals and computes the

  blood alcohol concentration.

  The new automated breath-testing instruments use infrared

  technology. Different chemicals absorb different amounts of

  energy at different frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from large-wavelength

  radio waves to small-wavelength gamma rays. Infrared radia-

  tion, which is not visible to the human eye, has wavelengths

  slightly longer than red, the last color of our visible rainbow.

  At the other end of the rainbow is the color violet. Just below

  violet, again not visible to the human eye, is ultraviolet. When a

  breath sample is analyzed, the sample is irradiated with specific

  infrared wavelengths, and the chemicals in the breath absorb

  some of the energy. Based on the amount of energy transmitted

  from one end of the instrument and the amount detected at the

  other end of the instrument, one can determine the amount of

  energy absorbed and thereby the concentrations of alcohol pres-

  Drug Analysis


  ent. Since other substances in the breath may also absorb energy,

  although in amounts different than alcohol at the different

  wavelengths, the instrument is calibrated at several wavelengths

  to take into account these interfering substances.

  Once a drug has been identified and its concentration deter-

  mined, the forensic scientist might be able to form an opinion

  as to whether a causal relationship exists between drug and the

  incident under investigation. If the concentration is too low

  to conclude causality, other explanations for the event may be

  sought. The forensic scientist has available vast amounts of litera-

  ture to assist in making this determination. The forensic scientist

  Drug Recognition Experts

  Alcohol is not the only chemical that causes one to become

  impaired and drive erratical y. Any chemical that affects men-

  tal functions, including some common prescription drugs as

  well as controlled substances, can impair the ability to drive.

  In the 1980s, a new program was instituted to certify police

  officers as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). DREs conduct a

  12-step evaluation test that enables the officers to determine

  whether an individual is under the influence of alcohol or other

  drugs and determine the type of drug causing the impairment.

  The 12 steps include a breath test for the presence of alcohol;

  a discussion with the arresting officer; a preliminary exami-

  nation of the eyes to determine pupil size and a measurement

  of the pulse; an examination of the eyes for involuntary move-

  ment, or nystagmus, and convergence; an evaluation of

  the four psychophysical divided attention examinations (the


  36 Forensic Pharmacology

  (continued from page 37)

  one-leg stand test, the walk-and-turn test, the finger-to-nose

  test, and the Romberg balance test); a measurement of blood

  pressure, body temperature, and a second measure of the

  pulse; a darkroom examination of pupil size and reaction; a

  test of muscle tone; an examination of the skin for injection

  sites; the noting of any statements made by the suspect;

  the noting of the DRE’s opinion as to whether the suspect is

  under the influence of drugs and, if so, which one; and, final y,

  obtaining a blood or urine sample.2

  The tests are designed to predict which of seven catego-

  ries of drug the suspect may have used: (1) CNS depressants,

  (2) CNS stimulants, (3) cannabinoids, (4) phencyclidine, (5)

  opioids, (6) hallucinogens, and (7) inhalants. The combination

  of results from the laboratory analysis of the blood or urine

  sample and from the 12-step evaluation test will help decide

  whether the defendant was impaired at the time of the stop.

  can also add to the literature by publishing results from unusual

  and interesting cases. Forensic scientists often belong to one or

  more scientific associations and attend meetings where ideas are

  exchanged and new information is presented.

  There are two main groups that accredit forensic laboratories:

  the governmental National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and

  the nongovernmental American Society of Crime Laboratory

  Directors (ASCLAD). Accreditation by the former is required for

  the laboratory to perform workplace testing for federal agencies.

  The groups monitor personnel training and development, record

  Drug Analysis


  keeping, evidence control, quality control, and, most impor-

  tantly, proficiency testing, which helps ensure the accuracy of the

  scientists and of the laboratory procedures.


  Drugs can be identified and their concentrations quantified

  using a variety of techniques. Some of the techniques screen

  the unknown sample to narrow the number of possible drug

  categories. The techniques of chromatography and mass spec-

  trometry are used routinely for identification and quantifica-

  tion of chemical
s. Quantitation of drug in biological samples is

  important to establish a causal relationship between drug and

  effect. Various biological samples can be analyzed, but blood is

  best for establishing causal relationships. Urine testing can indi-

  cate prior use of the drug but has limited value in establishing

  causality. A drug recognition expert (DRE) is trained to exam-

  ine people and, based on a battery of tests, determine whether an

  individual is under the influence of a particular drug.


  Drug Abuse

  and Teenager


  An individual might begin using drugs to diminish anxiety and

  avoid dealing with problems, or to experience euphoria. Drugs

  used for their euphoric effect are sometimes termed recreational

  drugs. Use of such drugs often involves development of physical

  and/or psychological dependence. Psychological dependence is

  loss of control regarding drug use for either its positive effects or

  to avoid negative effects when the drug is unavailable. For exam-

  ple, an individual may make several unsuccessful attempts to

  stop using drugs and/or spend much time and effort in obtain-

  ing drugs. These are also signs of physical dependence, which

  additionally involves developing tolerance, a decreased sensitiv-

  ity to the drug, and exhibiting withdrawal symptoms if the drug

  is not available.

  Tolerance can develop in two ways. In pharmacokinetic toler-

  ance, the drug is metabolized more quickly, thereby lowering the

  blood levels. In pharmacodynamic tolerance, cells adapt to the

  presence of the drug and are no longer affected at the usual concen-

  tration. Either way, higher doses of the drug are required to achieve

  a certain effect. When tolerance develops to pharmacologically

  similar drugs, this is termed cross-tolerance, and one drug may


  Drug Abuse and Teenager Statistics


  substitute for another. Some drugs of abuse are more likely to

  cause psychological dependence, while others cause both types

  of dependence. The word addiction is sometimes used to describe

  these states of dependence along with compulsive drug use.

  If the user is drug dependent and does not get enough drug

  to satisfy his or her craving, withdrawal begins to set in. With

  some drugs, withdrawal is a very painful experience. Signs and

  symptoms may include depression, aggression, restlessness, irri-


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