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Barbarian's Prize: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 6)

Page 20

by Ruby Dixon

  We don't need a warning from the aliens that this planet is killing us. Big duh there.

  "It's opening," Megan says, and she and Georgie step back. The panel lifts from the wall with a hiss, just like in the sci fi movies. Inside is a girl in a t-shirt and panties, weird coils wrapped around her body and feeding into her throat.

  I shiver despite myself.

  Georgie and Megan study the sleeping girl, trying to figure out the best way to free her. Eventually, they just start ripping tubes and cords off of her and she wakes up and begins to gag. A moment later, the new girl is collapsed on the floor and vomiting up the last of the tubes as Megan strokes her back.

  Well, that did it. For better or for worse, we have another person.

  The girl begins to sob, her eyes wide. She's clearly confused and frightened, and Kira stands up, opening her arms to pull the girl to her. She makes quiet, soothing noises and enfolds the girl in a hug, helping her away from the wall. Without a single person touching them, the rest of the pods suddenly open.

  "Shit, I think we triggered something," Georgie says, and they get to work freeing the next girl. In moments, there are several more girls collapsing on the floor. I get to my feet as best I can, ready to help out.

  I limp forward, and as I do, I hear the sounds of the aliens talking. I look over even as the girl nearest to me begins to hysterically wail. "What's happening? Where am I? Who are you?"

  I offer her my hand. "I'm Liz and I'll explain when we get the others, okay?"

  She keeps wailing and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from shouting at her. Look, I feel like shit and am probably a few steps behind Tiffany on the death ladder, but am I squealing and moaning? No, no I am not. I am sucking it the fuck up.

  I gather up a second new girl, this one with freckles and bright red hair, and as I do, Squealer starts to make horrified, choking cries. "Oh my God, what is that?" She points a trembling hand in the distance, and I slap it down.

  Barbarian Alien is available now

  Barbarian Lover

  Ice Planet Barbarians, Book 3

  As one of the few humans stranded on the ice planet, I should be happy that I have a new home. Human women are treasured here, and one alien in particular has made it clear that he wants me. It's hard to push away the sexy, flirtatious Aehako, when all I want to do is grab him by his horns and insist he take me to his furs.

  But I've got a terrible secret - the aliens who abducted me are back, and thanks to the translator in my ear, they can find me. My presence here endangers everyone...but can I give up my new life and the man I want more than anything?

  BARBARIAN LOVER is a sequel to ICE PLANET BARBARIANS, and BARBARIAN ALIEN. You do not have to read them in order to understand the plot, but the story will be richer if you do!

  Part One


  Two caves over, I hear the wet sound of sex, and a woman’s whimper. “Oh God yes, like that,” moans Nora. “Spank me like that.”

  A soft thwack echoes in my translator, and I groan and cover the hated thing with both my hands. I try to roll over on my side and push it into the pillow I’ve made out of scraps, but all that does is shove the translator harder into my ear canal, and it sends a shooting pain through my skull. So, I flip onto my back and stare up at the rocky ceiling of the bachelorette cave.

  “Just like that, my big, strong, sexy beast,” Nora cries again.

  “Nnnngggghhhh,” says her big, strong, sexy beast (also known as Dagesh). To make matters worse, I hear another woman giggle, and then Stacy and Pashov – who, because of crowding, share a cave with Nora and her mate – go at it, too.


  I hate this translator. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I push the pillow over my face, ignoring the fuzzy fur that sticks to my mouth. It wouldn’t be too bad if just made every conversation happen in stereo as it translates it. Oh no. It also amplifies everything. So I hear every ass slap, every moan, every grunt, every kiss…everything.

  And the tribal caves are chock-full of people mating lately. With us humans that crashed here, we ended up having to take on what the aliens call a khui. It’s a symbiont that allows us to live on the planet without the atmosphere killing us. Of course, one of the side-effects of the khui is that it decides who and when you mate, and there’s no going around it.

  Considering that the tribe of alien men – known as sa-khui – outnumber the alien women four to one, I’m not surprised that mating after mating has happened. Out of the twelve human survivors dumped here, six have mated.

  I’m…not one of them.

  It’s hard not to feel like a reject at times because my khui is silent. When it finds you the perfect mate, it starts to vibrate. It’s a bit like purring, but more song-like. The aliens call it ‘resonating’ and a male will only resonate to his female and vice versa. And despite the insta-mating, everyone that has hooked up is blissfully happy. Georgie adores her alien, Vektal, who’s the leader of the tribe. My friend Liz is fiercely protective of her mate, Raahosh. Stacy and Marlene and even weepy, terrified Ariana love their men. And it’s clear that Nora is into her mate, if the sounds of sexy spanking are any indication.

  All the ‘leftover’ girls – aka the unmated ones – are piled into a cave together. I was lucky enough to get the nook in the corner with a curtain for privacy. Not that it does much to muffle the sounds. I can still hear everything…and I can also hear when someone sneaks out to visit a guy, like Claire is currently doing.

  Claire’s one of the tube girls, so I don’t know her as well as some of the others. When we were captured by aliens, several were held in stasis in pods stuck into the wall, oblivious of their surroundings. The rest of us – Liz, Georgie, me and a few others – were crammed into the dirty, crowded hold like animals and lived there for weeks. You bond when you’re in a situation like that, and I miss them.

  I don’t know Claire as well as I know them. I haven’t bonded with her over weeks of hugging to share warmth and melting snow just to have something to drink. In a way, I almost resent the tube girls because they had it easy while the rest of us were scraping by to survive. It’s not their fault, and they’re just as shocked and traumatized by the alien abduction as we are. We just had it worse for longer.

  Barbarian Lover is available now

  Barbarian Mine

  Ice Planet Barbarians, Book 4

  The ice planet has given me a second lease on life, so I’m thrilled to be here. Sure, there’s no cheeseburgers, but I’m healthy and ready to be a productive member of the small tribe. What I didn’t anticipate? That there’d be a savage stranger waiting nearby, watching me. And when he takes me captive, the unthinkable happens…I resonate to him.

  Resonance means mating, and children…but I don’t know if this guy’s ever been around anyone before. He’s truly a barbarian in all ways, right down to clubbing me over the head and claiming me as his own.

  So why is it that I crave his touch and hunger for more?

  Part One


  Two caves over, I hear the wet sound of sex, and a woman’s whimper. “Oh God yes, like that,” moans Nora. “Spank me like that.”

  A soft thwack echoes in my translator, and I groan and cover the hated thing with both my hands. I try to roll over on my side and push it into the pillow I’ve made out of scraps, but all that does is shove the translator harder into my ear canal, and it sends a shooting pain through my skull. So, I flip onto my back and stare up at the rocky ceiling of the bachelorette cave.

  “Just like that, my big, strong, sexy beast,” Nora cries again.

  “Nnnngggghhhh,” says her big, strong, sexy beast (also known as Dagesh). To make matters worse, I hear another woman giggle, and then Stacy and Pashov – who, because of crowding, share a cave with Nora and her mate – go at it, too.


  I hate this translator. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I push the pillow over my face, ignoring the fuzzy fur that sticks to my mouth. It wouldn�
��t be too bad if just made every conversation happen in stereo as it translates it. Oh no. It also amplifies everything. So I hear every ass slap, every moan, every grunt, every kiss…everything.

  And the tribal caves are chock-full of people mating lately. With us humans that crashed here, we ended up having to take on what the aliens call a khui. It’s a symbiont that allows us to live on the planet without the atmosphere killing us. Of course, one of the side-effects of the khui is that it decides who and when you mate, and there’s no going around it.

  Considering that the tribe of alien men – known as sa-khui – outnumber the alien women four to one, I’m not surprised that mating after mating has happened. Out of the twelve human survivors dumped here, six have mated.

  I’m…not one of them.

  It’s hard not to feel like a reject at times because my khui is silent. When it finds you the perfect mate, it starts to vibrate. It’s a bit like purring, but more song-like. The aliens call it ‘resonating’ and a male will only resonate to his female and vice versa. And despite the insta-mating, everyone that has hooked up is blissfully happy. Georgie adores her alien, Vektal, who’s the leader of the tribe. My friend Liz is fiercely protective of her mate, Raahosh. Stacy and Marlene and even weepy, terrified Ariana love their men. And it’s clear that Nora is into her mate, if the sounds of sexy spanking are any indication.

  All the ‘leftover’ girls – aka the unmated ones – are piled into a cave together. I was lucky enough to get the nook in the corner with a curtain for privacy. Not that it does much to muffle the sounds. I can still hear everything…and I can also hear when someone sneaks out to visit a guy, like Claire is currently doing.

  Claire’s one of the tube girls, so I don’t know her as well as some of the others. When we were captured by aliens, several were held in stasis in pods stuck into the wall, oblivious of their surroundings. The rest of us – Liz, Georgie, me and a few others – were crammed into the dirty, crowded hold like animals and lived there for weeks. You bond when you’re in a situation like that, and I miss them.

  I don’t know Claire as well as I know them. I haven’t bonded with her over weeks of hugging to share warmth and melting snow just to have something to drink. In a way, I almost resent the tube girls because they had it easy while the rest of us were scraping by to survive. It’s not their fault, and they’re just as shocked and traumatized by the alien abduction as we are. We just had it worse for longer.

  Barbarian Mine is available now

  Ice Planet Holiday

  Ice Planet Barbarians, Book 4.5

  All this snow and no holidays? What’s a stranded human to do?

  Create a new holiday, of course. Georgie and the other women decide to bring some new traditions and cheer to the sa-khui. More babies are born, presents are exchanged, and a new romance blossoms between a human woman desperate for a change, and the alien determined to protect her.

  This 25,000 word novella is NOT intended as a stand-alone. Looking for a place to start? Try ICE PLANET BARBARIANS, book one in the series.

  Chapter One


  I wake up to the drag of a ridged tongue along my ear. Vektal’s hand carefully cups one of my breasts, large and tender with pregnancy.

  “Mmm,” I sigh, snuggling deeper under the furs with him. It’s good to be the chief’s mate, it really is. Every morning, I get woken up to a licking or nibbling of some kind. Today it’s my ear. Yesterday it was my pussy. All of it is equally sinfully delicious and makes a girl look forward to her day.

  I don’t even mind the whole ‘ice planet’ thing and the ‘having to wear fur and leather’ thing if it gets me a sexy beast like Vektal.

  I roll over and slide into his arms, nuzzling against his throat. My big, pregnant belly gets in the way of things, but Vektal’s large enough that he can still envelop me against him. “Is it morning already?” I ask, sleepy.

  “It is.” He nips at my jaw. “Is my mate hungry for food? Or for her male?”

  “Little from column A, little from column B?” I reach up and smooth my hand along one of the horns jutting from his forehead and curling back against his hair. He gets wild when I stroke his horns. Maybe it’s the mental image that does it for him; I’ve never asked how much feeling he has there because I don’t have horns. I’m as human as can be.

  Sometimes I’m still amazed we ended up together, seeing as how we both are from different corners of the universe, and we’re both stranded, but that’s a story for another day. Right now I just want my man. Vektal’s hand smooths down my hip, and he pulls me against his cock, letting me know that he’s been awake for several minutes, thinking about sex.

  I can’t blame him – I tend to think about sex more than I probably should. It’s hard not to when your mate is so good at it.

  Ice Planet Holiday is available now

  Barbarian's Prize

  Ice Planet Barbarians, Book 5

  It’s hard being the most popular girl on the ice planet. The alien men are falling all over themselves to impress me in the hopes that I’ll take them to my furs. But they don’t know my secrets – none of them do. And they don’t realize that behind my smile, I just wish they’d go away.

  I don’t want any of them. I want someone else – someone with a gorgeous blue body, big horns, and the most intense gaze ever. He’s the only one that knows the truth. Maybe with him, I can work through my fears of the past….but I’m pretty sure he wants more than just friendship.

  He wants forever, and I’m not sure I can give it.

  Barbarian's Prize is coming soon!

  Shift Out of Luck

  Bear Bites, Book 1

  There are few things that are off limits to the were-bears of Pine Falls, but humans are one of them. Which is a real pain, because I’ve had it bad for curvy Adelaide Laurent ever since she sashayed into town. The fact that she’s forbidden fruit just makes my fantasies all the sweeter.

  But when she signs up to go on a weekend camping trip with the town’s biggest player, it’s time for a bear to step in and claim his mate.

  I don’t care if it breaks the rules. She’s mine, and it’s time she knew it.

  Shift Out of Luck is available now!

  Get Your Shift Together

  Bear Bites, Book 2

  I’ve been looking for a mate in all the wrong places. When the right one shows up in Pine Falls with a man in tow, I almost miss her. Caroline Abbott is a sweetheart of a city girl who is making one last stab at keeping her (dead) relationship together. When her fool of an ex takes off and leaves her alone in the forest, I’m more than happy to step into his abandoned shoes.

  While I can make her shout with pleasure, I worry those screams will turn to fear when she realizes that my hidden half is a bear.

  I can’t keep the secret much longer, but telling her might scare her off for good.

  Get Your Shift Together is available now!

  Shift Just Got Real

  Bear Bites, Book 3

  Life’s given me the short end of the stick on looks – I’m big, ugly and brutish. Normally I wouldn’t care about the packaging except for the fact that the woman of my dreams is Ryann Brown, a human half my age and so lovely she makes my body ache. What’s a were-bear to do in this situation?

  Whatever he can to forget her, of course.

  Except Ryann’s not taking no for an answer. And when she catches me watching her one night, she gives me a show I’ll never forget. Did I think I’d be able to walk away and not touch her? Not claim what’s mine?

  Not a chance.

  Shift Just Got Real is available now!

  Does a Bear Shift in the Woods

  Bear Bites, Book 4

  I’m a loner for a reason. I don’t have much in the way of social skills. I’d rather sit on my deck and watch the sunset than hit a tavern with coworkers. My idea of grooming is to trim my beard with a straight blade when it hits my collarbone. I can’t put two words together in the company of a pretty w
oman…and they don’t come much prettier than wolf-shifter Madison Thorne.

  She’s everything I’m not—outgoing, easy on the eyes, and sweet. There’s no way I’m convincing her to come home with me. Fortunately I don’t have to. Maddie seems to like my gruff, unpolished self. At least, she likes me enough for one night.

  The problem is getting her to stay forever.

  Does a Bear Shift in the Woods is available now!


  Want more Ice Planet Barbarians? Sign up for my newsletter for information on the next installment.

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