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BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)

Page 14

by Addae, Sydney

  “You are going to leave this cramped space, I hope,” Angus said in a dry tone.

  “You are going to do more than observe this time, I hope,” Silas said mimicking him.

  “Of course.”

  Silas focused on the door and exhaled. The heavy metal door flew backward, knocking whoever was in its path on their ass. Immediately gunfire erupted. Encased in a protective shield, Silas and the others stepped out the doorway and onto the landing. Leon, Tyrone and Tyrese bulked and spun out taking on anyone in their path.

  “I’m here sweet bitch, where are you?”

  “Trying to keep Asia from getting seasick. They are taking her to the boat.”

  Silas saw two boats further up and headed toward them, Angus was on his heels. All around them gunfire broke out. After the twins and Leon took out the breeds the sounds lessened to muffled screams.

  “Shit,” Angus growled and changed directions running full tilt away from the boats toward a nondescript male who met Bruce’s description, a distance away.

  “Angus,” Silas called watching the wolf bound across the long walkway. There was no response. When no fight broke out between Angus and the stranger, Silas ground his teeth wishing he had time to deal with what appeared to be a heated discussion.

  “You don’t know him, huh?” Silas shot through the link.

  “I will deal with him while you get Asia,” Angus said.

  “Fuck you. I will deal with him after I get my pack member. And you as well,” Silas said pissed as he headed toward the gangplank. A human stepped forward with a small weapon aimed at him.

  “Step back,” the man said.

  Silas’ anger over being duped by Angus was a tangible thing. He stepped back and sent a whirlwind to disable and remove the man. Once lifted and thrown to the far end of the cave, Silas stepped on board the first boat and inhaled. He smelled her, but it was distant. Exhaling, he retraced his steps to the dock and headed to the next boat. Her scent was stronger but still distant. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched as the head of one of the breeds flew into the water. Tyrese jumped down from a high ledge holding two men under his arm. The unnatural angles of the heads told the story of their condition as he threw them on a growing pile of bodies.

  “Asia?” Silas called out as he walked on board.

  “I am onboard the boat, where is she?”

  “Go down one level.”

  Silas searched for the door. “How do I get down there? I don’t see a door.”

  “I cannot do everything. My hands are full keeping her stomach settled and holding onto the implant.”

  Guilt swamped him. “According to the janitor the implant is a fake. He switched them and gave me the real one.” He continued looking for a way below.

  “You believed him?”

  “Yes. He smelled as if he were telling the truth.”

  “So did Mark.”

  He frowned at the reminder of his recent failure to detect a spy who stayed in the compound a number of days. It was only when Jasmine saw him attack Asia that she realized his duplicity and killed him. “Was that necessary?”

  “Just reminding you that sometimes we get tricked. I’ll just hold onto this until I can get it to pass through her system.”

  “Or you can bring it through her skin. The hole will heal quickly.” He eyed what could be an entry and pressed along the side. Moments later a panel opened. Inhaling, he smiled. “I found her.”

  “Thank goodness. Get her out of there so I can get out of her mind. I have seen more than I care to know. She is terrified of being on water and passed out.”

  Silas looked around at the stacked boxes, wondering at the contents. Stooping, he unsheathed a sharp nail and opened a box. It was filled with debris. He opened another box and found the same. Curious, he shook a few more boxes and based on the sound, he suspected they contained the same.

  “Silas? Can I release her now?”

  “Yes, but I still don’t see her, are you sure she is on the boat?” He searched the area for doors and compartments. Nothing. “Her scent is faint, so she was here, but I am not sure she’s here now. Can she tell you anything?”

  “No. She passed out once they took her on the ship. I have no idea where she is. She’s close by I’m sure. Now might be a good time to pull out the chip…”

  “Not until we have her back. If they do not see a chip, they will put another one inside her. I need you to safeguard her a little longer while I search for her.”

  “Okay, will do.”

  With one last look at the boxes he intensified his search, pulling up anything that looked like it might have been an access point for hiding someone. After tearing the place apart, he still came up empty. Frustrated, he stormed off the boat and headed to the first one. Her scent was absent from this vessel so he left the deck and looked around.

  “Where could she be?” Outside, he searched for Angus and the stranger down the ramp. Seeing them standing together angered him. He sent a whipcord of energy to show his disapproval.

  “That was not necessary, La Patron,” Angus said. “It is not what you think.”

  “You have no idea what I think. Where is Asia? What the fuck is going on? Who is your friend? Why is he on my land? Near my pack?”

  “I will explain… Asia?”

  “She is missing, ask your friend if he knows where she is.” Silas snapped while scanning the area.

  “He is upset that she is missing. He has been outside the entire time and has not seen her. I offer my services to join the search,” Angus said.

  Silas snorted. “I asked you if you knew him.”

  “I did not know who was here at the time you asked.”

  “So you do know him, you are working with him.” Silas’ energy boiled on behalf of his pack and formed in the atmosphere as it neared Angus. The need to destroy the threat overwhelmed him.

  “No. It is complicated. It is not what you think. Oh shit.” Angus said as he and the stranger were encased in a heavy cage of energy.

  “I will ask again, where is Asia?”

  “I do not know. I would tell you if I did, her safety is paramount to me and our nation,” Angus said.

  “Mélange must have taken her.”

  Silas spun toward the stranger. “Who are you?”

  “Brix,” Angus said.

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” Silas snapped at Angus while watching Brix. “Who is Mélange and why would he take Asia, and where?”

  “Mélange is a woman and there is a large bounty on Asia’s head as well as bonuses. I guess she could not resist the allure,” he said in a low tone, but Silas heard the anger beneath.

  “How do I find her and where would she take Asia for the reward?”

  “I don’t sense her presence or Asia’s here any longer. To collect the bounty she has to take Asia to one of the main labs. There are two in the states. One within three or four hours of here. I would guess that is where she is headed.”

  Silas ran his hand through his hair, glaring at Angus.

  “Why are the two of you here?” Silas ground out.

  “We cannot destroy one another, you know that. There are things you do not understand.”

  Silas laughed and it lacked all humor. “You think I need to be the one to destroy you? You trespassed on my land, in my country. As you know, I have over fifty well trained Alphas with no black clan connection, any or all of them will gun for your traitorous ass. I can pull energy from every wolf in this god-damn country to fry you and your partner without ever touching you. There are things you do not understand.”

  “I see your point, Silas. And you are correct. I should have sought your permission prior to crossing into your territory. If you would calm for a moment I would explain the matter to you. But this cage is removing air and I am having trouble breathing.”

  “I do not care. My people have been under attack, used and abused for decades. And you stand with their abuser. I will bundle you both up and deliver you to the council
of Alphas as an appetizer.”

  Angus sighed. “What I tell you, must be kept in the strictest confidence.”

  “Fuck off.” Silas said not wanting to hear anymore. He would have his hands full dealing with his irate mate in a few moments. Jasmine would be pissed Asia had been taken beneath his nose. That made two of them.

  “He has infiltrated a terrorist group on our behalf. His identity is a carefully guarded secret, we are close to discovering the head of the snake.”

  “What is the name of this group?” Silas asked watching the fighting die down in the distance. They needed to regroup and go after Asia. He hated being in this position.

  “Liege. They call themselves Liege and have been around for centuries. Their fingers are at the pulse of the global economy and world governments. It has taken decades to penetrate their organization.”

  Silas stilled at the name he had heard twice in a few hours and thought of the boxes he had found in the boat. Someone had gone through a lot of trouble to make it look like they had contraband when they did not. “Tell me another story,” he said aloud, including Brix in the conversation.

  “It is the truth. Although it seems as if we will lose him.”

  “I am not apologizing for anything. You should have told me what was going when we met in the forest or once we came down here.”

  “I am not at liberty to discuss his situation. There are only two people who are aware of what he is doing. He was not supposed to be here, I thought he was in the middle east.”

  “Middle East? How many labs does this group have?” He sent a message to Samuel to order his plane and have it ready to meet them within the hour.

  “I have been sharing information with you and yet you are suffocating my wolf.”

  Silas allowed the air to permeate the cage.

  “Thank you. As for the number of labs, I am not sure. At least fifteen, including smaller satellite ones. This lab is one of the older ones. Most are cutting edge facilities.”

  “Hmm. How many in the States?”

  “Five I believe. Two large ones and three smaller ones. Are you preparing to go after Asia?”

  “Why do you care?” Silas snapped.

  “She is critical to our survival, an ultimate force who can change the tides of this war.”

  “We take care of pack, she is not your concern,” Silas said and walked off. They needed to make plans to go after Asia.

  Tyrese walked over to Silas and stopped. Inhaling, he looked around. “Where is Asia?”

  “I don’t know. Somehow they were able to take her out of here.” He waved toward Angus and Brix. “He thinks she took Asia for the reward money to one of the labs. Claims it is about two hours from here.”

  “Should I order the plane?” Tyrese said glancing at his watch.

  “I had Samuel take care of that. Asia passed out, and Jasmine cannot talk her to get any information that will help us track her.”

  “What did mom say? Is she pissed?”

  Silas stretched before answering. “I have not told her Asia is missing yet. She has me muted and hasn’t picked up anything.”

  Tyrese whistled. “She may blow. Will Asia be okay if mom does?”

  “It’s not Asia we need to worry about. My mate will make all of our lives miserable if we do not save Asia quickly. I am concerned, she will do something that may damage the young bitch. Jasmine does not have the best control over her powers yet.”

  “True. I’ll start clean up, then so we can leave,” Tyrese said moving away.

  “Did you find the doctor?”

  “He self-terminated when he saw Leon. Didn’t stop the big guy for stomping all over the man though.” He shrugged. “There is something… someone. Do you sense it?” Tyrese asked looking around.

  Silas inhaled. The only unfamiliar scent was the stranger with Angus. And then he heard it. Damn. If he never heard the sound of a ticking bomb again, he would dance naked beneath the stars in gratitude.

  “Sir,” Samuel called. “The moment the door blew the clock on the explosives started. I must alert the human authorities so they can send in a team to dismantle it and clear the area. If humans die behind this I will lose my standing in the state.”

  Silas looked around at the dead bodies and knew they needed more time for a cleaning crew before anyone could come below. “We need cleaners for the human remains first. How much time on the clock?”

  “It was set so they had enough time to clear the area. There is fifty minutes left and I am not sure this is the only set of bombs.”

  “None of you wolves can scent explosives?” Silas asked surprised.

  “Yes, but they were injured in the first explosion.”

  “You have Bruce?”

  “Yes, Sir. He was the one who showed me a likely place where the explosives might be. He said the explosives are not far from where Asia was held. They intend to blow up the load bearing walls, which will take down everything else like dominoes. And, Sir… this lab is more extensive than we knew. There are wings beneath the river and the mountains. An explosion of this magnitude will impact the entire region.”

  Silas cursed.

  “Something wrong?” Angus asked as Silas and Tyrese headed back toward the doorway.

  Silas snorted. “You tell me. I don’t have time right now to deal with you or your friend, but I will be back as soon as I take care of this.”

  “What? What has happened now?” Angus asked, sounding harassed.

  Silas ignored him while stepping aside as three of Samuel’s wolves came through the door with equipment and began cleaning the area.

  Chapter 13

  Jasmine lay exhausted on the extra long sofa in her living room, gazing at her hands. They still shook. Curling her fingers into a ball, she held them close to her chest and exhaled. It had taken every bit of bravado she owned to sound confident while talking to Asia. Inside, she had been a petrified ball of goo, scared shitless of making a wrong move entering the woman’s body and then holding onto the implant. When Silas suggested she let it go, she wanted to release the tiny device but fear held her immobile. She was afraid her exit would leave scorch marks. Now Asia was on her way back to her tormentors. Jasmine inhaled and exhaled to calm her nerves. As Silas told her what happened, she heard his frustration and limited her comments. They needed to work together as a team; slinging insults or hurling accusations was wasted energy. She would save if for the bitch who took Asia.

  The plane had been called and was on its way. As soon as the bomb threat was neutralized, Silas and the boys would go after her. His suggestion that she rest while Asia was knocked out was a good one. She glanced at the clock. It was after midnight and she had started her day at eight this morning. But until Silas contacted her that the bomb scare was over, she couldn’t rest. Bombs… again. Why couldn’t they come up with something less common?

  She hadn’t understood all of this was a part of her new life when she agreed to mate with Silas. Living on the edge didn’t agree with her. Placing her palm on her chest, she breathed deeply and focused on an imaginary waterfall to slow her heartbeat.

  Earlier that evening when Asia reached out to her, she had left Jacques in the upper area and headed for her wing. At that time she had no idea how she could help but wanted to be in a place with no distractions. That had been hours ago. Rose had come in at some point and left a sandwich tray on the table. Stomach growling, Jasmine rolled over, picked up half of the club sandwich and devoured it without thinking.

  During the time she sought to calm and offer a distraction from the doctor’s lusty attentions, Jasmine had been blindsided by recurring episodes of Asia’s life. Unprepared to see this violent side of Asia, Jasmine offered bright lights and tinkling music while gasping in shock at Asia’s past. The young bitch had been cold and calculating with a deadly precision that would make James Bond envious. As one assignment rolled into the next, Jasmine noticed the Asia on the assignments was not the same person who called out to her a few momen
ts earlier. There was no hesitation; no apparent weaknesses or vulnerabilities as Asia destroyed lives while carrying out her missions. Like an emotionless robot in a dreary colored world, Asia functioned as a machine, doing what was expected of her.

  Being inside Asia’s mind had been a harrowing experience, totally different than when she linked with Silas. Her mate rarely thought in the gray areas. For the most part it was either one way or the other for him. The only time he dabbled in the gray was when he dealt with human issues. But Asia, her thoughts were centered on her environment, like a chameleon. When she was on assignment, she flowed flawlessly. Jasmine sensed there was some emotional fallout afterward on some of the jobs but wasn’t sure. No wonder Asia didn’t trust anyone. There was no color, no sunshine, no real reason to live, at least not in the manner of her old life.

  “Why is she connected to me?” Jasmine murmured. The two of them were like oil and water. She certainly hadn’t meant to mark or link to the young bitch. The vow Asia made the day before she left had made Jasmine uncomfortable. The only person Jasmine wanted to serve her was Silas. “And what am I supposed to do with her? I can’t keep going through days like today, my heart won’t take it,” she murmured while peeking up at the ceiling hoping the Goddess would appear.


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