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BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)

Page 23

by Addae, Sydney

  Silas shook his head. “Jasmine will not allow her to do anything, just as before with Mark. My mate is capable of handling things, but I will alert her to the possibility.”

  “Should I alert Victoria as well?”

  “She is your mate; however, this is not the time to go into lengthy explanations. I see the twins, Matt, Davian, and Angus. Hank will be here shortly.” He leaned back in his chair greeting everyone as they entered.



  “I am just alerting you to the possibility of Thorne and those rebels approaching you ladies while you are out shopping.”

  “Oh, okay, thanks wolfie. I got this.”

  “What do you mean? Have they contacted you already?” Silas covered his eyes with his hand. The love of his life, mother of his coveted litter would be the death of him.

  “No, they haven’t. But Asia saw some suspicious dudes when we arrived. It might have something to do with stepping out of a limo that drew attention, but I am not too sure,” she said in a dry tone. He did not want her behind the wheel of any vehicle. It made her an easy target. They had gone back and forth over their method of transportation until she finally gave in.

  “Could be,” he said before chuckling. “I hope you are picking up a few of those frilly things you promised to wear to bed. I am still waiting.”

  Her laugh flew through their link, warming him. “You’ll just have to wait and see. I am getting a bikini as well. Maybe one day you’ll take me to a beach or a place with a private pool. Who knows? A girl can dream.”

  Silas nodded and put her request on his to do list. “Yes, and I am your dream maker. It is my honor to make your wishes come true. The food is here and we are about to start our meeting. If you come across the rebels, do not kill them sweet bitch. I would enjoy talking to them first.”

  She laughed. “Okay, baby. We will play with them and then leave them somewhere for pick-up, will that work?”

  Sitting up, he pulled his plate of food close. “Yes, sounds good and works perfect. Love you.”

  “Love you too. Just so you know I’m spending a lot of money today.”

  “Good.” He disconnected and dug into his food. Hank was the last one to enter and he sat in the empty chair and tore into his food.

  When Silas pushed his plate away, someone took it and placed it on the cart to be removed later. He glanced at the men surrounding the table and settled on Angus. Before they could go any further, Silas needed to receive his pledge.

  “For those who have not met him.” Silas pointed toward Angus, who placed his fork down and met Silas’ gaze across the conference table. “This is Angus Black Wolf. I met him a couple of days ago and he has asked to join me in my quest to drive our enemies from our land.”

  The twins clapped. Matt and Dr. Passen nodded. It was obvious they were ready to hear about the new technology. Davian and Hank did not respond, they merely looked at Angus. Silas introduced each man at the table. When he got to Jacques, Angus brightened.

  “There was a Jacques Meridian who served in Rome…”

  Red faced, Jacques waved him down. “That was a very long time ago; we can talk about that later. Now… now is not the time.”

  “Yes, yes of course. It is nice to meet all of you,” Angus said, his gaze touching each person briefly.

  Silas stood.

  Angus stood, walked to Silas and knelt in front of him. “I pledge my life, my loyalty and all that I am to the Goddess and to her servant, La Patron.” He tipped his head to the side. Silas bent forward as his incisors lengthened and bit into his neck. The link between them stretched. He pulled back, and licked the marks surprised at the strength of the connection. A whirlwind of Angus’ memories raced through him. He saw snatches of black pups playing in a large field. There was a large black wolf seated on what appeared to be a ledge watching over them. Another memory of a group of black wolves around a pack kill ,waiting for the Alpha to finish eating his portion. Flash after flash, snapshots of Angus’ life flew before his eyes. When they slowed down, Silas realized everyone watched him. Angus remained on his knees with his head down.

  No one spoke.

  “He is old, Sir. Older than me,” Jacques said.

  “Yes, he is from the black wolf clan. He says we cannot kill each other, I have never heard of such a thing.”

  “Well, David cannot kill Adam or Jackie or Renee. Litter mates cannot kill each other, but pack mates kill each other all the time,” Jacques said.

  “What?” Silas looked at Angus again. “Litter mates as in from the same bitch?”

  “Yes, that is what it means. If the Mistress was here she would say he is your brother.”

  Silas stepped back and searched through the memories he had just received. Nothing looked familiar other than black pups with green eyes. He had very few memories from his early years. That was a part of the price for his position as La Patron. The Goddess proclaimed he would have one pack, one family, and most of his earliest years were forgotten over time.

  Shaken more than he wanted to admit by Jacques words, Silas took a step back. “Stand up.”

  Angus stood and met his gaze.

  “Are we litter mates?” Silas asked.


  “You knew all along?”

  “Yes, I have always known.”

  “Where the hell have you been? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “For some it makes no difference. I have come many times and saw you from a distance. A few times I thought you saw me.”

  “I did. At least I always thought I saw a black wolf, but I was never sure. You say you have come to see me before?”

  “Yes. At least once every five years. I stayed and watched.”

  Silas could not wrap his mind around that. “Why not say something?”

  Angus shrugged. “Like what? You left a long time ago and never returned. I heard about a black wolf in this country and came to see for myself. You were busy training Alphas that first visit. You seemed okay. And things were changing for our clan. We moved to the continent and staked our land.”

  “How many remain from our litter?”

  “Two male pups.”

  Silas met Angus’ gaze and realized his wolf had accepted Angus from the beginning. Not once had his wolf gone berserk and tried to kill the man. They fought hard, but it was never with the intensity that Silas would have for an enemy. Unable to fully process what it meant to have his litter mate serve him, he patted Angus on the shoulder and spoke. “Welcome Angus, I am proud to have you with me. We will talk further, later.”

  Angus smiled and nodded. “Okay.”

  Silas shook his head and returned to his chair. “Now let’s get this meeting started.”

  Chapter 21

  They had been meeting for three hours when a call from the gate came. “Sir, the Mistress has returned and she has some breeds walking behind her car. She wants me to process them and place them in the cells below. We don’t have enough cells, she told me to ask you where to put them.”

  Shaking his head, Silas stood. “My mate has returned with the rebels no doubt. It seems she has succeeded in capturing my enemies where others have failed. I need to locate additional jail space for them apparently. I must be excused. We covered enough material that Matt and Passen can leave now since they have been chomping at the bit to do that for the past hour.” The two men stood so fast, even Davian chuckled.

  “Thank you, Sir. I am excited to get started,” Dr. Passen said as he picked up his pad and headed toward the door.

  Matt stopped by Davian for a brief hug and then moved quickly to the door behind Dr. Passen murmuring, “Goddess bless the Mistress.”

  “I just got a call that there are six of them. They are in the outer court being scanned again. The driver scanned them before tying them together and stuffing them in the trunk,” Hank said.

  Silas nodded, having received the same report. He eyed Hank. “How long did it take to scrub that gym?�

  Hank laughed. “It took four full bloods all night, Sir.”

  “Okay, I want security on rotation to watch them around the clock as they clean the gym. They do not deserve the hospitality of a cell.” Silas turned to Davian. “Are you sure you want the responsibility of Tomas? I can send him to an Alpha.”

  Davian and Matt had formally petitioned for guardianship of Tomas during the meeting. Silas had been surprised, but as Matt discussed the abuse the young pup experienced at the hands of his mother, he knew Jasmine would agree with his decision to allow the pup to return after his punishment.

  “Yes, Sir. I believe we can help him. He’s not a bad kid, just confused. In time he will be alright,” Davian said.

  Silas nodded. “Okay, as long as you understand that I hold you and Matt responsible for him and his actions from here out.”

  Davian nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  Silas clapped him on the shoulder. “Okay, work with Hank on that security detail. I will have Rose contact you next week when I release him.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” He followed Hank out the room.

  “Silas?” Jasmine called.

  “I am on my way. Where are you?”

  “In the office, I have Thorne.”

  Silas frowned as he headed toward the door. “Take him to the gym with the others, he gets no special treatment.”

  “I am off to meet my mate to see what she has for me from her shopping trip,” Jacques said with a wide grin. He turned to Angus and offered his hand. “I am glad you are here and after you are settled, I would enjoy sitting and talking with you. I am sure we have some interesting memories to share.”

  Angus took his hand and smiled. “I am sure you are right.”

  Silas looked over his shoulder and called out. “Angus, Rone and Rese, let’s go. Your mom has Thorne.”

  “Oh, oh,” Tyrese said moving briskly.

  “That’s why Rose is upset,” Tyrone said, coming up behind them.

  “Who is Thorne?” Angus asked.

  “I’ll explain the family dynamics later,” Silas said punching the floor into the elevator keypad.

  “Like Davian? Your mate’s former husband and these are his sons?” Angus looked at the twins and then met Silas’ gaze.

  “Yes, like that. For now just observe, hold your questions,” Silas said as the elevator opened.

  “Yes, Sir,” Angus said with a grin as he followed them out the elevator. The rebels were arguing with the guards, refusing to obey the task set aside for them. One second they were speaking English, the next they were whispering in that awful scratchy voice Silas detested.

  “First off, you never raise your voices at me, ever…” Jasmine said. “Second, if I tell you to scrub this gym with a toothbrush you will do it and be glad to do it.” The next moment he heard yelps of surprise. Curious, he stepped into the gym and looked up. Jasmine had pinned every one of the rebels to the second floor railing, their feet dangled in the air. Asia stood next to her smiling. The two women were enjoying themselves.

  He looked around. The twins stared up in amazement. Hank and Davian stood to the side laughing. Angus stared at Jasmine as if she were the virgin mother.

  “Hello, Sweet Bitch. You brought home a little extra from your shopping trip I see.” He stepped close to her and tipped up her chin for a kiss.

  “You taste good. What did you have for lunch?”

  “I had a strawberry daiquiri and a margarita,” she said, her eyes gleaming with merriment.

  “Hello Asia. Is your Mistress drunk?”

  Asia giggled.

  He blinked, surprised at the change in the young bitch. Her face softened when she gazed at Jasmine. She looked…happy.

  “I don’t know, Sir. We all had a few of those fruit drinks,” she said grinning.

  Tyrone and Tyrese stepped closer. “Mom? What do you plan to do with them?” Tyrone waved toward the young pups hanging above them.

  “They are going to scrub the gym.” She dipped them a bit. They screamed and begged her to allow them to clean the floors.

  Silas laughed and wrapped his arm around her waist. “You were right. They are going to clean the floors.”

  Jasmine lowered the young pups to the floor. As soon as their feet hit the ground they fell to their knees and grabbed the buckets. Silas waved at Hank to take over as he guided Jasmine out of the gym.

  “Hello,” Jasmine said, smiling at Angus.

  “Hello Mistress,” Angus said bowing.

  “Have you met Asia?” Jasmine asked, looking over her shoulder.

  “Yes, I met her on the plane. She is a delightful woman.”

  “Awww, you have manners. I like that. Welcome to our home. Has Silas released you from the dungeon yet?” she asked in a giddy tone.

  “Yes, I believe he has.” Angus laughed as he walked alongside them.

  “Tyrese, walk Asia to her room. The plane leaves in six hours, that should be enough time for everyone to dry out,” Silas said walking his unsteady mate toward the elevators.

  Tyrone joined them in the elevator, turning his back on his brother-in-law, Thorne. “Rose is finishing our packing. I am looking forward to the beach.”

  “Good.” Jasmine cupped his cheek. “She is sad and worried about her brother. I could not promise her he would be spared this time. This time he went too far.”

  Tyrone nodded as he released a sigh. “I know, mom. We can only do so much; he will learn or pay the penalty. His choices are his own.”

  The elevator stopped. Tyrone brushed a kiss across Jasmine’s cheek and nodded to Silas and Angus as he exited. Moments later they exited on their wing.

  Jasmine’s brow rose when Angus stepped out behind them. Silas had been thinking how to broach the subject of his litter mate when she stopped and looked at him. Her gaze swept to Angus and then back at him again.

  “Do you have something to tell me, Silas?” She crossed her arms and met his gaze.

  He cleared his throat. “Yes…Angus is my litter mate.”

  She frowned for a moment and then smiled widely. “Angus? You are a Knight? You’re his brother?”

  “Well, er…no, I am not a Knight…I am Black Wolf. That is my surname to be correct.”

  She waved him down. “That is a description, not a name.” Turning, she grinned at Silas. “So you have a brother…how does it feel to have more family?”

  He shook his head at her teasing and looked at Angus. “My mate makes fun at my inability to understand the human relationship structure. She forgets that I have claimed her as my mate and wife. Her mother and sister are my relatives. Her sons are my sons. And we have …children.” He turned toward Jasmine, seeing her glassy eyed stare touched his heart. “She has changed me… brother…” He glanced at Angus seeing his surprise. “I am now a family man and would not have it any other way.”

  Jasmine smiled and took his hand, warming him. She took Angus’ hand and walked between the two men. Silas was unsure how he felt about his brother holding his mate’s hand but since his wolf did not respond neither did he.

  “Are you mated, Angus?” Jasmine asked.

  Silas groaned and looked straight ahead. His mate was on a mission to see Asia mated with a litter of pups.

  “No, Mistress. I have not been blessed as my…uh, brother to find my completeness. Some never do.”

  Hearing the yearning in Angus’ voice, Silas glanced at him in surprise.

  “You are searching for your mate?” Jasmine asked a bit too excited. Silas thought to warn Angus but let it slide. When it came to family, Jasmine would do as she pleased regardless of his opinion.

  “No, not really, if I run across her that would be great, but I serve my people and now La Patron in the meantime,” he said with some hesitation as if he sensed where the conversation was headed.

  Jasmine nodded as she stopped in front of the nursery. “Our children are napping but if you’d like to see them you can. We’ll introduce them to their uncle later.” She paused.
“They have one uncle and one aunt. Who would’ve thought…” she looked at Silas and he smiled at the thunderstruck expression on Angus’ face.

  Clapping his brother on the back, Silas tipped his head toward the door. “Come, I need to get you settled.” He entered the nursery behind Jasmine. Angus followed him inside.

  A few moments later they stood in front of the cribs. Silas wrapped his arms around Jasmine as she leaned against him.

  “I pledged my life to you, La Patron,” Angus said in a quiet, yet serious voice. Silas glanced at him, noticing Angus’ glassy eyes as the man knelt in front of the cribs. “But I extend that pledge to your litter, Adam who was first and will be well-known and universally liked. Renee who will fill the world with color from her internal palette. Jackie who will turn the world upside down with her uncanny ability to solve problems and mysteries. And David, who although was not first will have the wisdom and humility of his namesake which will catapult him to the top.”

  Touched, Silas stared at Angus for a moment and then cleared his throat. “On behalf of my litter, I accept your additional layer of protection for them. Guard them with your life Angus. To do otherwise will cost you yours.”


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