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The Dominion Series Complete Collection

Page 60

by Lund, S. E.

  I move farther away, for when he's so close, I can't help but feel something from him.

  “Why is that important?”

  “It would link all of us together so we’d know exactly what each one was doing and thinking. Like a collective. Like the Grigori before they fell. It would be amazing for warriors. Or strategists. Or angels who just want back a bit of the heaven they lost when they fell. That's why Soren wants you.”

  “This is insane,” I say and turn my face away. “The Grigori. Fallen angels. I don’t believe it. They’re just mutated humans. They have some ability to project into our brains and make us think we’re experiencing things. Like you making me see wings, manipulating my dreams or my mind. That’s it.”

  He sighs. “You just won’t believe, will you? No matter what.”

  “I’m a skeptic,” I say and look at him. “I need proof. Evidence.”

  “Haven’t I given that to you? What more do I have to do?”

  I shake my head.

  “How can you prove it isn’t a mental projection? You can’t. I know some neuroscience. Real experience or stimulating a memory – there is no ultimate difference to the brain or the person experiencing it. Until you can prove it, projection is the simplest explanation. I tend to accept those over the more complicated ones that rely on some improvable deity.”

  I'm so confused and squeeze my fingers into my palms to clear my mind.

  "Regardless of what you believe, believe this. I didn't want this for you. I wanted you to study music like your parents did. But what I want isn't the point. This is about fighting Dominion," he says, "and both you and I have a responsibility to join the fight. This is what your mother would have wanted for you, had she known how close we are to it. Julien's so infatuated with you, he won’t let you be used the way you should be, but Eve, as much as I love you, I know I have to put my personal desires aside and use you the way you were meant to be used.”

  “As a weapon?”

  He nods, closing his eyes. “Yes.”

  “I hate the thought of leaving Julien.”

  “You’ll hate yourself even more one day if I you don’t come with me.”

  “Why can’t you and Julien just cooperate and fight against Dominion together?”

  He shakes his head. “Because we both love you and want you for our own. Neither of us wants to yield to the other.”

  “Why can’t I choose between you?”

  “You can. I just wanted to give you time. I wanted to see how Julien would use you and now I have.” He shakes his head. “In the end, he’s too selfish. He wants a happy little life with you as his partner, fighting crime like you’re some ordinary Adept. You’re not ordinary and you were meant for this war.”

  He shakes his head for a moment as if fighting his emotions.

  “I can't lie, Eve. I was just as foolish and selfish. I thought I could make a new life for you and escape this future but I was wrong. I understand now that I must follow this path, however much I wish to avoid it. As much as I love you – as much as I want you, I need you with me to win this war even more.”

  “So I can choose?”

  “Yes, but please," he says and takes my shoulders in his hands, staring in my eyes. "Consider what I've said seriously. I'm giving you this choice. By rights, I could just take you, the way Julien has. He didn't give you a choice, did he? He took you and you were far too overwhelmed by him and by everything that's happened to you to refuse. I will give you the choice. I've always given you the choice. But let me warn you again – things have gone farther than I thought they would. Time is not on our side, Eve.”

  “Tell me so I understand.”

  “I would but I don’t want to frighten you." He shakes his head. "I don’t want to break your heart.”

  “It’s that bad?”

  He nods, and brushes a strand of hair off my face. “If it wasn’t, I’d let you stay with him without making this offer. I won't lie to you. He can make you happy. I know that.”

  “So if I say I'm staying with Julien, you'll just up and leave right now?”

  “I let you stay this long. I didn’t try to take you back. I wanted to see what he’d do and how you’d respond. I've made my offer. You have until the end of the course to decide. At the end of your test, Julien will be here and he'll take you with him. Or I'll take you with me. It's your choice. You'll have to live with the consequences.”

  I don't know what to do or say, so I just sit there, staring at his beautiful face, so filled with concern.

  "I want you to be happy, Eve," he says and leans in, kissing me softly. "I'll do everything I can to make you as happy as possible if you agree to help me. But I can't promise you happiness. You may chafe at what you must do, what you must be when we're on stage and you're seen as my pet. As my blood slave. It will be dangerous. You may even die."

  "If I decide to stay with Julien?"

  "I'll leave and I won't come back unless you ask me to. Even if you do decide to stay with him, at any time, you need only contact me and I'll come for you. It will break my heart if you choose him, but I want you to be free to choose. To be happy."

  Something's building inside of me. Emotions are filling me up, making me close to tears. I bite my cheek for a moment.

  “What about your happiness?”

  He shakes his head. “I’ll be happy once we stop Dominion. Not until.”

  I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. "I'll decide when the time comes," I say.

  He nods and releases my shoulders. "Have you fed yet today?"

  I shake my head. "I usually do before they shut out the lights. The blood heals me of any wounds I receive during training. Then Julien and I connect."

  He nods. "I want you to have my blood tonight. If Julien knows I've made this offer, there's no telling what he might do."

  "He'll be worried if I don't connect with him."

  "Your trainer will call him and tell him that they had to feed you ordinary vampire blood because the facility experienced a power outage and the blood went bad. He won't be happy, but he'll wait. I know he's busy in Boston. He's planning on flying to France tomorrow night so he'll be here for your final test."

  "That's devious."

  He cracks a grin. "I'm eight hundred years old, Eve. I've had lots of practice."

  I can't help but smile back at his playful tone and that lopsided grin. Then his grin disappears and he pulls me into his arms, his lips finding my cheek, his tongue touching my skin. I feel such a wave of love and desire from him that it almost makes me pass out, but I push him away.

  "Michel," I say, trying to escape his arms. "I can't…"

  He sighs, his hands cupping my face. "I'm sorry. You must understand how I feel…"

  I do understand. I feel it when he touches me. He loves me. He wants me. His heart is breaking at the thought that I love Julien.

  Despite everything, this feels so right – being with Michel. This could happen so easily between us...

  I pull back and there are tears in his eyes. The expression on his face is haunting in its sadness, as if he already knows that I'll choose Julien.

  But even I don't know what I'll choose. Who I'll choose.

  Chapter 59

  "There is no I or you, so intimate that

  your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that

  when I fall asleep your eyes close."

  Pablo Neruda

  * * *

  I spend the rest of the afternoon and evening in class, studying for our final written test. The instructor goes over the different fighting techniques, weapons, tactics, and other information we've received over the course of the past week and a half. All the while I can't stop thinking about Michel and what he's offered. He's actually giving me the choice to go with him or to stay with Julien. Some part of me can't really believe it – will he renege on his offer and take me if I decide to stay with Julien?

  Will I stay with Julien? I think back to our time together, as brief as it
has been, and my heart swells with emotion for him. He's so beautiful and so attentive and so erotic… The thought of us working together as partners makes me happy.

  But Michel… He's so serious. His words are so somber and scare me. Dominion – it's just a concept to me – the rule of Ancients and vampires over mortals. I remember reading in my journal what Julien said to me at the hotel in Norfolk – how the Ancients were planning to strike against technology. Millions – perhaps billions – would die in the coming war.

  I'm so torn.

  * * *

  Later, after I shower and dress in my pajama top and bottoms, I'm finally alone in my tiny bedroom, sitting on my bed waiting for my nightly dose of blood. The door opens and it's Michel. I realize he must have compelled everyone in the building if he can just come and go at will. He closes the door and sits beside me on the bed.

  "You need to feed," he says, his voice low, husky.

  "You have a vial of blood for me?” I say, but I know he wouldn't bring a vial. I know that like Julien, this appeals to him so much – my need for his blood. My feeding off his body.

  "No vials of blood between us, Eve," he says and pulls me into his arms. I stiff arm him and don't let him embrace me.

  "No," I say. "I can't just do this so easily. I'm used to Julien…"

  He exhales heavily.

  "Do you really want my blood in a vial?"

  I hesitate. I can't deny that the idea of sitting on his lap as I have with Julien, drinking his blood from his neck appeals to me, but I suddenly feel all shy with him. He's so much like Julien, except the longer hair and clean shaven face, but the eyes and thick black lashes, the square jaw and soft mouth are the same.

  "It would give me some distance. This is all so," I say and struggle for words. "So overwhelming. I just can't go between you two like this. You can't expect me to."

  "I know," he says and strokes my cheek, releasing an endorphin in my brain that makes me relax. Before I know it, he's pulling me onto his lap, into his arms. I can do nothing, my body so relaxed I'm practically like a rag doll. He positions my arms around his shoulders and tilts his head to the side, dragging his nail down the skin on his neck below his ear. A thin line of dark blood forms and begins to drip down his neck.

  I don't hesitate, pressing my mouth against it, sucking.

  He sighs, his arms tightening around me. The taste is so sweet and intoxicating, different from the tiny vial of Julien's blood I've been drinking while at the abbey because it's fresh and not adulterated with preservatives and anti-clotting medications. I don't need much to feel satisfied – just a mouthful or two – and as I fall away from his neck, he lays me down on the bed and lies on top of me.

  I spread my thighs without thought and he lies between them. He moves and presses against me, and although my body is ready, my mind still fights.

  "Please," I manage to say, turning my face when he leans down to kiss me.

  Finally, he sighs and rolls off me.

  “I'm sorry," he says.

  "You have to understand. I've just been with Julien. I can't just fuck you. It's the blood."

  "It’s OK,” he says and exhales. “I understand. I can wait. When you’ve existed for eight hundred years, you learn patience. When this happens between us, I want you to be absolutely certain. I want you absolutely present with me, willing, ready.” He kisses me and strokes my cheek. “I’m a very patient man, Eve. I can wait for you.”

  It’s then my thoughts turn to my future and a cold sensation takes hold of me. I still don’t know what my decision will be.

  Beside me, Michel exhales heavily and pulls me tightly against him.

  * * *

  We sleep on the tiny cot, nestled against each other, him spooned against my back. I'm surprised he stays, but he must have every guard and trainer under his power. Of course, when I wake with his body beside me, I want him but I dig my nails into my palms.

  "It's OK, Eve," he whispers. "I won't push, but you'd better leave, quickly, or I might not be able to control myself." He kisses my neck and his lust momentarily makes me dizzy, my eyes closing. I see into his mind and detect his plan to masturbate in the shower when everyone's in class and he'll be alone, with thoughts of my naked body in his mind's eye.

  I roll over and I'm unable to keep the smile off my face when I see his wide grin.

  "I'd better leave. I'm not even allowed to masturbate while I'm in training."

  "It's a male plumbing thing," he says. "I have no choice in the matter. It's part of the lifestyle."

  I recognize the Seinfeld reference and smile against the pillow.

  This is too good. This feels too perfect. I could be happy with this – the way it is right now between us. So light, so happy, so filled with lust and love. If it could be like this always… But the things he said yesterday suggest it will be otherwise and that worries me. I never was an actor. I could never hide my true feelings even if I lied to myself about feeling them. I don't know if I can do what it is he says I'll have to do to be with him.

  I push the thoughts out of my mind and get up, leaving him alone in the bed. Before I go, I take one last long glance at his half-naked body sprawled on the bed, his skin so perfect and pale against the dark wool blanket, his muscles well-developed, the dark thatch of hair running down from his navel beneath his boxer briefs. Just seeing him lying there almost naked sends another jolt of desire through me and part of me wants to just go to him. But I don't. I can't be that woman – the one who cheats on her lover. I can’t be Marguerite who moved between the two brothers, having both at the same time.

  Instead, I head to the showers and the cafeteria to start my day.

  * * *

  I'm busy in class all day, reviewing before the big written test but thoughts of Michel masturbating in the shower as the water runs over his naked body distract me from my work, a pleasant ache in my groin.

  Late in the afternoon, Michel watches me while I spar with two fellow students, practicing with a set of short swords, one wooden, one metal. He's dressed in a black Japanese-style uniform, soft trousers and tunic, his feet bare. He circles us, his arms crossed, stepping in to give us direction. He seems to have taken over Julien's role. Julien was the Knight, the soldier, the warrior. I wonder why he isn't here instead of Michel. Why didn't he decide to take part in my training the way Michel has?

  Regardless, Michel is focused, watching me, judging me, stopping the fight at various points to make a comment about technique, adjusting my stance and even his touch arouses me. He rolls his eyes at me once when he stands in for my opponent, adjusting my body so I'm in a better position and I feel a stab of desire at his touch.

  "Eve," he whispers in my ear as he leans in briefly, squeezing my shoulder. "Concentrate."

  It's so hard for me to concentrate when I know what he's done earlier.

  He grins and pushes me away. All the while, his eyes are on me and I feel self-conscious. Despite his brief indulgent smile, his face is dark as I fight, his eyes intense. I'm a bit hesitant for fear I don't perform up to his standards.

  * * *

  Later, we eat together in the cafeteria after the other students have finished, and he tells me about my performance against multiple opponents. I have slightly better fight sight than the students I fought against today, and it gives me an advantage.

  "Physically, you're now strong enough to fight, but you still must develop judgment. That will only come with time. You and I will need to practice frequently, to ensure you have faced every possibility and found a way to survive, succeed."

  I don't say anything. He's planning as if I will go with him but as much as I desire him, I haven't decided. While I sat in class earlier, instead of listening to the instructor review a section on weapons, I thought about my choice. I can't deny my attraction to Michel – he's so calm and strong and makes me feel safe and loved. His willingness to let me choose makes my emotions surge. But he killed my mother, and there's a part of me that can never forgive

  Then I think of Julien…

  Julien's so passionate. When I'm with Julien, I feel as if we're just completely absorbed in each other. He loves me. He needs me in a way Michel doesn't seem to. Michel will let me go, but I know Julien wouldn't.

  I feel as if Julien and I are equals. I know we aren't – he's eight-hundred years old. He's a vampire – more than just a vampire now that he's transformed. But when we're together, I feel as if he treats me like an equal – as two humans instead of a vampire and human, the way Michel does. I'm Julien's partner as well as his lover. He wants us to be a team to police the treaty and stop Blackstone. His humanity seems closer to the surface. Despite our intimacy, Michel still seems otherworldly to me and there's this distance I feel from him, like a separation that can never be breached, no matter how much mutual lust I feel from him.

  Now, as I sit across from Michel while we eat our meal, my gut wrenches about the decision I must make tomorrow. No matter what I decide, someone will be hurt. Michel said it would break his heart, but it must not break it that much if he's willing to let me go. I know Julien wouldn't let me go without a fight.

  That must mean something…

  I choke up at the thought of this choice and for a moment, I put my fork down and try to calm myself, taking in deep breaths, biting my cheek to gain control. Tears bite at the corners of my eyes. Across from me, Michel looks up and frowns, wiping his mouth on a napkin and pushing his plate away. He reaches across the table and takes my hand and if he's reading me, if he knows my thoughts, he doesn't say. He doesn't protest. I don't feel him in my mind and I wonder if I've blocked him or if he's just that much more powerful now that he can enter my mind without my knowing it. I have been drinking his blood.

  He squeezes my hand, his face so earnest, his eyes haunted. He stands and comes around beside me, pulling me against his chest, stroking my hair as I struggle to regain my composure.


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