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The Dominion Series Complete Collection

Page 128

by Lund, S. E.

  Ahhh, but you are the Queen and King… So don’t worry your little ass off.

  I look over at him and he’s frowning now, glaring at me from over his glass of blood. I don’t understand why he’s mad at me for being afraid of him. He’s the most powerful being on the planet and could kill all of us with a thought if he wanted. I have no power over him. If I don’t cooperate, he’ll just kill me and then create another one, hopefully who will be more malleable than I am.

  I wish I could know for certain that he’ll follow through on his plans…

  I take a final drink of my wine and then stand up. “Please excuse me,” I say and a servant pulls my chair away from the table. “I’ve had quite a week.”

  “You have, poor girl,” Soren says and stands, bowing low. “Go and rest. Have a nice hot bath,” he says and snaps his fingers, pointing to one of the servants. “Go and make sure she has a nice hot bath in her room. Build up the fire so the room is nice and warm. Don’t want my queen to be sick or too tired…”

  I nod and then leave the room, noting his reference to ‘queen’ in response to my thoughts about being a pawn.

  I wonder, as I leave, who will be coming with me – will it be Julien or Michel who comes back to the room? As I walk down the hallway, I check and neither of them follow me, which surprises me. I would have thought Julien would relish some alone time with me, but no. I thought Michel might come back to ensure I arrived safely and was taken care of properly.

  I enter my room and sit by the window while the servants start to fill my tub with buckets of hot water. When it’s finally filled, and the scent of eucalyptus fills my nose, I’m happy to remove my clothes and step into the tub, leaning back and sighing with happiness as the heat infuses my body, and the aroma of the eucalyptus soothes my senses.

  I lie that way for quite a while, until the water begins to cool, wondering when Julien or Michel will return, but neither do. Finally, I get out and wrap a cotton robe around me as a towel and finish drying off in front of the mirror. I dress in my nightgown and robe before brushing my hair out and then brushing my teeth. Finally, I go over to the sitting room and pick up the newspaper but I’ve already scanned the headlines.

  When I don’t hear anyone coming down the hallway to the room, I turn out all the lights except for one by the mantle and then crawl into bed, pulling the thick coverlet over my head.

  Sleep overtakes me before I can barely close my eyes.

  Chapter 124

  Later, much later by the chiming of the clock, I wake up and see that the room is still empty and I’m alone. I expected to see Julien and Michel in the room, seated by the fire or sleeping on their own beds, but nothing. I sit up and frown. Are they okay? Immediately, I worry that something’s happened to them because I can’t imagine they would stay away so long from the room. It’s after midnight, and I’ve been alone and sleeping for a couple of hours. I rise and go to the window, checking outside to see what’s going on in the courtyard. I see torches are lit and a crowd of people have gathered, but I can’t tell what’s going on.

  Finally, I pull on my robe and slip on my shoes, before making my way down the hall. Before I get to the stairs, one of the guards sees me and bars my way.

  “Sorry, miss, but you’re not allowed to go any farther.”

  I frown and try to peek around to see what’s going on but I can’t make anything out. I hear shouts and the sound of metal clashing, but that’s all.

  “What’s happening?” I say, my heart rate increasing. “Is there a fight?”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you, miss. You’ll have to go back to your room.”

  “You can’t tell me or you won’t tell me?” I ask, indignant.

  “Can’t. Don’t know myself. Now, please go back to your room.”

  He points down the hallway back to my rooms and I return, my gut in a knot about whatever it is that’s taking place outside in the courtyard. Is there some kind of attack under way?

  I try to search in my mind for Julien, but we haven’t shared blood for some time and I get no reading from him. Soren isn’t peeking into my mind to tell me what’s happening, so I’m left to sit by the window, watching the shadows and light play off the wrought iron fences, and listen to the sound of men’s voices. They sound upset, like they’re angry, and I think there must be some kind of fight. Are they rebels, attacking the compound? Who would attack?

  Blackstone… He must have discovered that Soren is releasing the antidote to the plague and is now here to pay Soren back for the betrayal. My heart skips a beat when I think of it, for surely he’ll be angry with Dylan for helping Soren with the cure to the plague. He was supposed to be helping Blackstone not the other way around.

  I close my eyes, and try to calm myself, because I don’t want to think of anything happening to the brother I only just met and found once more, or my father, and I’m sure Blackstone will retaliate against us both. I want the two of us to be close for the rest of our existences, however long that may be.

  Finally, I’m unable to stay in the room any longer and pull on a warm robe and my slippers so I can go to the front and see what’s going on. When I arrive at the place where my usual guard is posted, he’s not there, which makes me even more nervous. I think that perhaps I should go back and get my sword and stake, just in case, but since the house is empty, I tip toe down the stairs to the main floor and find the entrance. Several servants cluster around the great front entryway, peering out between the crack between the open doors, crowding around each other in an effort to see what’s happening. I join them, but can’t see a thing and so I go to the front reception room and look through the window. Outside, I see several soldiers with their weapons drawn surrounding a single man who has his hands fastened behind his back. Several other men lie on the ground and I see dark stains spreading out on the snow beneath them. Blood.

  There’s been a fight and there have been deaths. I want to run out and see if Julien is okay, but when I see him striding up the steps to the entry, my body relaxes and I sigh with relief. He’s okay…

  Then I glance at the remaining men standing around the bodies and see that Michel is there as well, dressed in his vestments, his hair blowing in the wind. He kneels down next to one body and is administering last rites, his hand resting on the dying man’s shoulder.

  Julien enters the building and the servants fall back, giving him room. I rush into the room and go to him, but when he sees me, he frowns.

  “Eve, you should be in your room,” he says and comes to me, taking hold of my shoulders and shaking me. I can tell his body is still tense from the fight so I wrap my arms around him and squeeze.

  “I was afraid that you were injured or even killed,” I say and close my eyes, my head resting against his shoulder.

  “I’m fine,” he says softly, then I feel his body relax. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

  “What happened?” I ask and pull away, searching his face. He has a wound, from some blade, running down his brow to his cheek. Luckily, it’s missed his eye and more luckily, he’ll heal once he gets some blood.

  “Blackstone’s forces attacked, but it was really nothing. Maybe just a warning to expect more. We easily took them down. We have one captive and will interrogate him, find out what’s going on and what they’re planning.”

  I take Julien’s hand and lead him up the stairs to our rooms. “You need some blood,” I say. “And not just any old human blood.”

  Once we’re in our rooms, I pull aside my robe to expose my neck and breast. “Here,” I say and put my hand behind his head. “Drink my blood. You’ll heal more quickly.”

  He doesn’t hesitate, and I feel his cool lips on my neck and he bites down without resistance, drinking a few mouthfuls of my blood, which has more healing properties than ordinary blood.

  Soon, he pulls away and closes his eyes. I know the feeling. It’s ecstasy.

  “Come over to the fire,” I say and pull him to the
two wing chairs beside the fire. “Have a seat. Let me clean you off.”

  I go to the bathroom and wet a washcloth, then return to find Julien removing his shirt, which is torn, sliced through by some very sharp blade. When his shirt is off, I admire his well-muscled physique even though I’ve seen it a hundred times or more. His washboard abs are stained with blood and his broad chest and shoulder have several stab wounds. They heal before my eyes, my blood working wonders on his injuries. All that’s left in a moment or two are pinkish lines where the open wounds once were. I start to wipe him off, removing the blood that has run down and stained his perfect fair skin. I feel his eyes on me while I clean him off, and when I glance up into them, I see lust and love.

  “I’m leaving right away,” he says, his voice throaty.

  “What?” I say in shock. “Where are you going?” But I know already. He’s going to fight Blackstone.

  I can read his mind now that we’ve shared blood. Soren has already given him his orders.

  “Oh, Julien,” I say and frown. “I wish you wouldn’t go…”

  “Just part of the job of Knight,” he says and grins. “You know what they say – dance to the music, you eventually have to pay the piper.”

  “I know, but they also say that you live by the sword, you die by the sword…”

  “I won’t die. Only Soren can kill me.”

  “Or Blackstone,” I say. “He’s older than you.”

  He reaches out and strokes my cheek. “Stop worrying. Michel said we all survive and I believe him.”

  I sigh and return to my job. When I’m done cleaning his face and chest, I return to the bathroom and rinse out the cloth. I stand in the bathroom and stare into the mirror, upset that Julien will be going and I’ll be here, helpless to know what’s happening to him.

  “I want to come,” I say when I return to the fire and sit at his feet, my hands on his knees. “I can’t stand for you to go and maybe die while I’m stuck here, helpless to do anything.”

  Julien shakes his head. “Not going to happen,” he says softly and strokes my cheek. “Soren needs you here to work your wonders. Besides, you aren’t really strong enough to go and fight Blackstone. You’re too young, even as an ascended vampire. Blackstone has much older ascended vampires than you and you’d be a sitting duck. You have to stay here. Do what you were meant to do.”

  “What’s that? Make Soren a god?” I say in disgust and shake my head.

  “Save the world,” he replies. “That’s your job. Me? I’m just cannon fodder.”

  He grins at me and I can’t help but feel my eyes brim with tears. I force a smile, for I know what he means. He’s always been the warrior. Always been meant to fight and die for some lord or lady or king. Now, he can’t die, except at the hands of someone older than him. Even then, Soren seems to have the final say in who lives and dies. He can resurrect any vampire as long as their body is intact and they haven’t been burnt to soot and cinders.

  Julien sits on the edge of the tub and pulls me onto his lap. He kisses me, then he pulls away and wipes the tears off my cheeks.

  “Don’t cry,” he says. “You know how damn hard it is to kill me.” He grins again and my heart swells with love for him.

  “You better come back to me,” I say and point my finger at him. “If anything happened to you, I’d give up.”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t say that,” he says firmly. “You have to continue, no matter what happens. You have to do your part, Eve, whether you have Michel or me or neither of us. You’re meant for more than just being our lover.”

  I sigh for I know what he says is true, but still… “You’re right,” I admit. “But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “Fate chooses us. We don’t choose it. Your fate is to save the world from tyranny.”

  I run my hands over his chest and smile. “Tyranny?” I say playfully. “I thought my role was to help stop the plague and eradicate vampirism.”

  “That, too,” he says and pulls me back down for another kiss. We linger like that, our kiss intensifying and of course my thoughts go immediately to making love with him one last time before he goes and my body responds. I feel his body respond as well, but then he pulls back and ends the kiss.

  “Sorry,” he says, his voice husky. “We can’t. I don’t have time.”

  “Not even for a quickie?” I say, pouting. “Surely you have five minutes for a quick hard drive against the vanity…”

  “Don’t tempt me,” he says with a grin. “No,” he says and stands up, lifting me up as he does. “I have to grab a change of clothes and meet the others in the entry. I’m probably already late as it is.”

  I sigh once more, resigned to him leaving, and follow him while he collects up his fresh clothes, slipping on an undershirt and then a tunic over top of it. He pulls on clean jeans and socks, and then stuffs a few more items into a backpack that was in the wardrobe.

  “That’s about it,” he says and glances around the room. “Maybe some shaving stuff,” he says and goes to the bathroom, rifling through the drawer for his razor and a bar of soap. He tucks those into pockets on the side of the bag and then slings it over his shoulder. He turns to me and reaches out, a hand behind my head. He strokes my hair and his eyes move over my face. I see love in his eyes, and it’s enough to make me tear up once more, but I bite my bottom lip to stop them. He doesn’t need to see my overly emotional state when he has to leave for battle.

  “No tears,” he says, his voice low and deep. “I’ll be back in a few days for the big event.”

  “You better be,” I say and stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. We kiss deeply and then he lets go and turns away, leaving for the door.

  He doesn’t look back.

  I want to follow him to the front entry but instead I sit by the fire and weep.

  Chapter 125

  In about fifteen minutes I hear a commotion at the front of the building and watch as the vehicles drive off, filled with fighters. I know Julien is in the company of a number of older ascended vampires and will be safe from all but the oldest of them. Still, I’m on edge for if he does get ambushed and staked, it will be solely up to Soren to resurrect him.

  Soren could always decide not to resurrect him again. Except of course, Michel would probably rebel if he didn’t save Julien.

  That’s my one consolation – Soren has to keep Julien alive if he wants Michel to do his bidding.

  Finally, when my eyes will no longer stay open, I crawl back into my bed and pull the coverlet over my head. I need to sleep.

  I feel like sleeping away the days until Julien returns but inside I know that Soren will never let me do that.

  * * *

  Later, when the sun has risen, I wake and turn over to face the window. I have no idea how long I’ve slept and crane my head to see the grandfather clock in the corner. It’s already mid-day and I’ve slept for hours.

  By the fire, I see Michel has returned. He’s drinking some coffee and reading the daily paper. He glances over when I sit up in bed.

  “Good morning,” he says softly. “I let you sleep as long as you needed. I know last night was upsetting for you.”

  I don’t say anything, but I nod in response. The scent of coffee is enticing and so I slide out of bed and wrap my robe around me, before going to the bathroom so I can have a pee and splash my face with water. I brush my hair once I’m done and then pad out to the main rooms, and take a seat beside Michel on the other wing chair.

  “There’s coffee and under the dome is some eggs and bacon, plus buttered toast if you’re hungry.”

  “Thank you,” I say and dig in, not realizing how hungry I am. It has been more than twelve hours since I ate and I didn’t eat a lot the previous night so my stomach growls as I prepare a plate. While I eat, I watch Michel, who says nothing but keeps his eyes on the paper.

  “Tell me what happened. I didn’t have much time to get the story from Julien.”

  Michel folds up the new
spaper and turns to me, his face composed. “Obviously, Blackstone learned about Soren releasing the antidote. We knew he would and have been mobilizing troops and deploying them around Blackstone compounds, but some of his men slipped through our defenses and attacked. They killed a couple of guards before we could stop them. Julien was injured but I saw him before he went and he was healed.”

  I nod, glad that we have this ability to heal as long as we get blood. I wonder what will happen once we’re cured of vampirism. Will we remain immortal? Will we still have the ability to heal from terrible wounds like Julien?

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” I ask as I drink my orange juice, which is fresh squeezed and delicious.

  “We’re going back to the facility to do some testing of the antidote’s effectiveness. Then, I expect Soren will want to do something public to announce that he’s cured the plague. After that, we’ll keep working on the cure for vampirism. Eventually, Soren will want to go to Rome and take his seat in the Vatican. Maybe he’ll build another Temple of Apollo or something more suited to a god, rather than The God.”

  Michel says it with such disdain in his voice that I’m surprised he can still work with Soren. But, I guess Michel wants to be part of any effort to take over the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

  He feels an ownership of it that goes beyond merely being a priest.

  “I’ll get dressed,” I say and leave my seat, taking my coffee with me as I go to the wardrobe and select my clothes for the day. I pick some faded jeans and a t-shirt plus a wool sweater for warmth. I take my things to the bathroom and get dressed and brush my teeth, wondering whether Michel will be strong when I make a pass and offer myself or whether he’ll succumb. Part of me hates having to do this, because I don’t want him to fail. But Soren seems so convinced that Michel only needs a small push…

  You’ll see…


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