Book Read Free

Stardust And Shadows

Page 37

by Janelle Taylor

  The disguised Varian joined them. “Why don’t you go inside? You have plenty to tell each other. Ine can serve you refreshments. Andrea McKay, I’m Ryker Triloni, Jana’s husband. It’s an honor and a great pleasure to meet the woman my wife has talked about so frequently.”

  Andrea studied the handsome man’s features before meeting his emerald eyes. “Do I bow or what?” she asked with a glance at Jana. Without awaiting a reply, she smiled and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Prince Ryker. I hear you’ve made my best friend very happy. Thank you.”

  A pleased Varian smiled. “The pleasure and satisfaction are all mine, Andrea. You’re welcome to remain on Darkar with Jana as long as you wish.”

  Andrea looked at Nigel as he joined them. The love and desire that glowed both in her eyes and in his were unmistakable.

  Nigel slipped his arm around Andrea’s waist with familiar ease and deep affection. “It’s good to see you again, Jana. I’m glad you suffered no ill effects from your recent predicament. I told Andrea about the crash and rescue that you and Prince Ryker endured. She’s been eagerly awaiting your return. She has many things to tell you.” He eyed the lovely female at his side with posessiveness.

  Jana looked at the glowing and smiling redhead who snuggled closer to Varian’s best friend and second in command of his beloved ship. For a moment she envied Andrea for not being as controlled by cruel fate as she herself was with Varian. Perhaps Nigel had to deceive Andrea for a while, but he wouldn’t be called upon to vilely use his love as Varian had his. As soon as this mission ended, Andrea would be astonished by the truth! Yet, Jana was very happy for the couple, as Nigel was a good and strong man. She decided they were perfectly matched. “I appreciate you fetching Andrea for me and keeping her safe,” she told him.

  Nigel’s dimples were prominent when he grinned and replied, “As Prince Ryker said, ‘The pleasure and satisfaction are all mine,’ Jana.”

  Martella Karsh and Dr. Tristan Zarcoff came forward. Jana and Tris hugged and chatted a moment as she told him how much she had missed him and congratulated him on his impending marriage. Tristan and Nigel had been good and steady influences on Varian, or so he had told her. She liked the tall and lanky doctor with his sunny disposition and easygoing manner. He had an affable smile and gentle sky-blue eyes. She had liked him from the first moment they met and hadn’t changed her mind.

  The doctor sent her a boyish grin and said, “I’ve missed the best assistant who ever stepped into my lab and picked up an instrument. You look wonderful, Jana. I’m pleased to be here with you.”

  “It will be fun to work together again, particularly on Ryker’s new project. It’s nice of Star Fleet to loan us three of its best officers, especially its top medical man.” She smiled at the twinkling-eyed Tristan. “And its top two scientists,” she added as her gaze went from the doctor to Science Officer Nigel Sanger. “I’m also glad Martella was assigned as liaison. I hope our research takes a long time so we can catch up on everybody’s news.”

  “So do I, Jana,” Tristan concurred.

  Varian was thrilled by the ease with which Jana handled Tristan before her friend. “Nigel, I’m sure you told Andrea our research project is a big secret and that no one must know you three are here.”

  “Yes, sir, I explained the need for secrecy. If anyone visits Darkar, she knows not to reveal our presence. She realizes how important our work is. We’re delighted you let us become a part of this new project. It will benefit a lot of people. We certainly don’t want news of it falling into the hands of spies or competitors.”

  Jana turned to Martella, smiled, embraced her, and smiled again. “Thank you for handling the charl situation so quickly and compassionately. And thank you for teaching me self defense and how to use the weapons; those skills came in handy sooner than we both imagined they would. You’re a wonderful and special lady, Martella Karsh, and I’m glad to have you for a friend. I know you and Tris will be happy. You’re lucky to have each other.”

  Tris edged his arm around Martella’s shoulder, almost blushing at his bold display of feelings. “She gave me a long and slow chase, Jana, but I finally captured her. I had to wait until she reached the top of her field before she would give me a chance with her.”

  “Tris, you teaser, you know I’ve been after you for years. We just couldn’t seem to travel in the same sector long enough to get things going. We’re lucky we were both assigned to the Wanderlust for a lengthy mission. Imprisoned on the same ship for so long, it was bound to happen.”

  Jana enjoyed seeing the older couple so in love. In a way, her assignment had brought them together, just as it had thrown her and Varian together and the meeting between Andrea and Nigel. So much love and happiness had come from such a demanding task.

  Before the two reunited Earthlings headed for the house, Varian halted Jana to tell her, “Why not take Andrea to our bedroom where you two can have privacy? She’s using the guest one adjoining ours. Tris and Martella are staying in the complex suite.”

  Jana’s back was to the others so she was able to conceal her astonishment at that news. She realized the intelligent and cunning Varian must have had her things moved into his bedroom to protect their charade. “Thanks, we will do that.” She turned to the others. “We’ll see you all later.”

  Jana and Andrea sat on Ryker’s bed in cross-legged positions to chat for hours as they had in their Texas homes and in the apartment they had shared during most of their college days. “You should be in Paris making a big name for yourself in the fashion industry, and I should be at Johns Hopkins in research. We’re a long way from all that, my friend. Mercy, how our lives have changed in less than a year.”

  “The fabrics and styles I’ve seen in this world,” murmured the hopeful designer, anticipation glittering in her eyes. “I can’t wait to work my magic on them. Many ideas have come to mind. I drew some of them while Nigel was busy. In no time, I’ll create a name for myself here.”

  “Confident and cocky as ever, I see,” Jana teased. Turning serious, she asked, “You’ve decided to stay? Because of Nigel?”

  With romantic sighs, Andrea fell sideways to the bed as if swooning. “Oh, Jana, he simply takes my breath away. He’s handsome and virile and brave and smart and good and kind and funny and simply wonderful. I’ve never met any man so perfect, so … so everything,” she said, bubbling over with enthusiasm. She sat up and clasped Jana’s hands in hers. “I love him so much, and he loves me. We’re going to get married soon. I know this sounds too fast, but we can’t help ourselves. Love at first sight … We’re so lucky.” She laughed and hugged herself as deep emotions warmed her all over. “Did we ever imagine we would meet and marry aliens and live in another world?”

  “Not in our wildest dreams, Andrea McKay.”

  “And you, Jana, what about you? You’re married to a prince. You’re a future queen. Heavens, of an entire galaxy! Tell me every juicy detail. Nigel was too sketchy with his version. He said it was best coming from you. The wait has been torture. How? When?”

  “First …” Jana stalled because she hated the impending lies, “what happened after I disappeared? My story is long so I’ll cover that last.”

  Andrea leaned close and almost whispered as if revealing a secret. “A servant taking out trash found your open car and scattered things halfway through the party. I was in a panic. The police came. They questioned everyone and searched the grounds. They found two abandoned motorcycles but never located their owners. All three of you just seemed to vanish into thin air. After two months without ransom demands or clues, the case was closed and you were ruled dead by foul play. Mr. Purvis executed your will as you had made it out with all your money and holdings going to research for terminally ill children. I’m sorry about your things, Jana, but we thought you were dead. We even held a service for you and placed a stone near that of your parents. Heavens, how many times I’ve cried. And Alex, he still isn’t over you.”

  “I’m sorry you all had t
o suffer, but I had no power to contact you back then. You were lucky they allowed you to prevent your parents’ worries with a message to them. I’m sure Nigel has told you the threat to Earth was destroyed, so your family and our friends are safe.” Andrea nodded as Jana continued. “As for Alex, we had broken up and had no future. The snake actually wanted me to give up my work and live with him until he decided it was time for us to marry. I never loved him, Andrea. He just became comfortable like an old boot. I should have called things off sooner, but I was too busy and distracted with work and studies. I’m sure he’s moved on to someone else by now. From what I learned just before we broke up, as my grandmother used to say, he kept honey in jars in several places because he couldn’t trick any out of mine. Lordy, Andrea, I really never knew how bad he was.”

  “Well, Jana, you certainly made a better choice than that handsome and conceited devil. Ryker is quite a catch. I bet you were terrified when those aliens kidnapped you.”

  “I was. Three men in strange shiny jumpsuits with impenetrable helmets surrounded me in the garden before I could reach the house. The music from the party was so loud I couldn’t be heard over it. They didn’t say a word, probably because they knew I couldn’t understand their language; they just drugged me in silence and hauled me away like pirates collecting booty. I woke up in a beautiful gold-and-ivory room with all kinds of ultramodern equipment. After I was intimidated into obedience, I was told I was on a spaceship heading for another galaxy to become some stranger’s mate for reproduction. I was sure I was having a nightmare. The ship’s commander made certain I was convinced it was real and I was helpless.”

  Andrea squeezed her friend’s cold hand sensing the bad memories that must have washed over her. “Nigel explained the charl practice to me and how you girls were selected and trained for your new lives. If that had happened to me, I would have lost my mind. I was lucky I was rescued and told part of the truth from the beginning, at least as soon as they got something implanted in my ear so I could understand them. When Nigel came to Anais and we met, he explained the rest to me. He’s so fond of you, Jana; so are Tris and Martella. I like all of them. I’m sure they made it easier for you.”

  “Yes, in a way. But I resisted tooth and nail for a while. Then I realized how useless and dangerous defiance was, so I decided it was to my advantage to fit in the best I could.” Jana decided at that moment not to tell Andrea all the horrid details of her enthrallment. Andrea had accepted her new life here and was in love, so why spoil things for her and Nigel by creating doubts and dismay? “The man who captured me was on a cover mission. Did Nigel tell you that?”

  “Yes, to study the threat to Earth. They had to keep it a secret because of trouble here with other galaxies. Heavens, Jana, on Earth we only worried about attacks from other countries; here, they speak of intergalactic wars with awesome spaceships battling among the stars.”

  Jana chose her next words with care and cunning. “Commander Varian Saar had, or rather has, many enemies and rivals. He … was fond of me and pleased with me, but he said he couldn’t keep me because my life would be in danger from those forces. That was true. He pretended to auction me like the others to a close friend of his, a rich and powerful man, one of three members of the Supreme Council. Do you know what that is?”

  “Nigel told me about their political set-ups. He said the man who captured you and wanted you is his best friend and commanding officer. He said Varian Saar is the grandson of their highest ruler, the kadim.”

  “That’s true. After Varian completed another mission, he came to get me back; he hadn’t sold me; he had purchased me on the sly. Needless to say, I was furious and hurt and confused when he allegedly sold me and then walked back into my life as casual as you please. While we were at his grandfather’s on another planet, one of his many enemies attacked. I got in the middle of the battle and earned my freedom. I came here to work with Ryker. We hit it off fast like you and Nigel, so we married.”

  Nigel had cautioned Andrea not to delve deeply into the relationship between Varian and Jana too soon because it was not resolved and both were still suffering from their unhappy and “unplanned” parting. Andrea knew that when the time was right, Jana would tell her the whole story. “You’ve had many misadventures in such a short time, but you’re in research here, so you have your two loves close by.”

  Jana smiled to dupe Andrea, and felt surges of guilt as she did so. The only thing that kept her from confessing everything was Varian’s promise to make the truth possible soon. “Yes, I do,” she replied with an honesty that was exposed in her gaze and tone. For all the good they do me, my unenlightened friend. “Ryker is … How shall I put it? Complex, kind, a genius, and good to me. It doesn’t hurt that he’s handsome, virile, rich, and powerful. The man I’m with is a rare treasure, Andrea. Despite a few bumps in our lives here and there, we love each other.”

  Uh oh, the redhead thought, you are in love with him. Oh, my, and Nigel thinks you’re in love with his best friend and pining over his loss. From the way Nigel had looked and sounded when he gave her a brief explanation, Varian was still hooked on Jana. It appeared as if those two men were in for a disappointing surprise. Even with what little she knew about the recent past, she couldn’t blame Jana for feeling betrayed and ill used by her mysterious and quicksilver captor, and she couldn’t blame Jana for falling in love with a man like Ryker. Besides, Jana and Ryker were married, so it had to be over between Jana and Varian, at least from Jana’s side. “So what is life like on Darkar? Your own private world. How utterly fascinating and extravagant. What do you do here with him?”

  Jana talked about research and Darkar for a while. Afterward, she set the next part of the ruse into motion. “Ryker has some important business that will take him away tomorrow for about a week. When he returns, you can get to know him better. I’m sure you’ll like him, Andrea. Everybody does. He has irresistible charm; I know from firsthand experience! Have you and Nigel set a wedding date? And where will you live afterward? He’s a starship officer, so he’ll travel a lot, I guess. You’re welcome to live here with me, and I hope you will. In fact, I’ll build you a lovely studio where you can work on your marvelous creations. Is that tempting enough?”

  “It sounds wonderful, Jana, but …”

  “But what?”

  “Nigel said we would live on Rigel, their capital planet, near Star Base. We plan to marry within the next few months, as soon as he finishes his current assignment. Until then, I can stay with you if Ryker doesn’t object.”

  “Of course he won’t object; bringing you here was his idea. Until we heard about your romance with Nigel, we thought you’d live on Darkar if you didn’t return home.”

  “That’s very kind and generous of him and you, a real downhome welcome. I’m sure I’m going to like him. By the way, I found my graduation presents in the driveway. Thanks. I wish I had those delicious nighties with me. You must realize Nigel and I are … sleeping together.. He’s been staying in the other room with me. He’ll be moving to the shuttle complex now that you two are home. Does that surprise you about me?”

  Jana tugged on a long auburn curl and smiled. “Yes and no. Love can’t be controlled, Andrea, and sharing sex is a big part of a relationship. You and Nigel getting together was the big surprise, and a pleasant one.”

  “You know I slept with Tom. I thought I loved him and was going to marry him. I admit I enjoyed it, but I wish now I had waited. After meeting Nigel, I know what real love is. It didn’t seem to bother him he wasn’t the first. He’s so wonderful, so perfect.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it doesn’t change his feelings. Nigel is a wonderful person. We became good friends on my way here.”

  “We should join the others,” Andrea suddenly said. “We’ve been talking for hours. With Ryker leaving in the morning, I’m sure you want to spend time with him tonight.”

  “You don’t fool me, Andrea McKay; you’re just eager to get back to Nigel. I k
now he’s leaving tomorrow, too. It’s all right. We’ll have lots of time to talk after our men are gone. Let’s go see what everyone’s doing. Oh,” Jana added, “Nigel can stay with you tonight. Ryker and I won’t mind.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn’t want your husband to think badly of me. But Nigel doesn’t know how long he’ll be away. Heavens, I’ll miss him.”

  “Without a shadow of a doubt, I can promise you he won’t object if you spend the night in the next room with Nigel. Honest.”

  As Jana brushed her hair and prepared for bed, Varian said, “I like Andrea. She’s made Nigel a happy man. She’s a lot like you, Moonbeam. I can see why you two are best friends and why you missed her so much. Did you have a good visit this afternoon?”

  Jana knew that when the doors were closed, all rooms were soundproof, so she didn’t have to worry about Andrea and Nigel overhearing them. No doubt they were making love before Nigel’s departure with Varian. Probably Tris and Martella were doing the same in the complex suite. Both couples were happy and carefree, and she envied their uncomplicated loves.

  “Well? Did things go all right between you two this afternoon?”

  “If you mean, did I break my promise and make slips, no.”

  “That isn’t what I meant, Jana. I trust you.”

  Jana’s nerves were frayed and she was strangely fatigued; even a little queasy. She assumed it was the result of all tension she was under recently. She looked straight at the cause. “I wish I could say the same about you.”

  “One day, you will. Right now, you might want to kiss your husband goodbye. This will be the last time you see Ryker. When I return, I’ll be my old self again. You’ll be a widow soon, and maybe you’ll marry me then.”

  “Frankly, I prefer the fake Ryker you played over you or the real one.”

  “My, you’re in a testy mood tonight. I thought you’d be happy. You have Andrea, the ruse is almost over, and you have me.”


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