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Stardust And Shadows

Page 40

by Janelle Taylor

  “Don’t you see, Jana, you’re too confused and you’re hurting too much to make decisions right now? You’re also pregnant, so all kinds of changes are taking place in your body. You know: hormones and chemicals running amuck. Give it time and you’ll make the right choice.”

  “You’ve always believed in me and thought I knew everything. You used to tease me about being so confident and decisive. You said I knew exactly what I wanted and how to get it and let nothing stop me. If that were true long ago, it isn’t now. I just want to love him and trust him. I just want to marry him and be happy. I just want things to go back to where they were that day on his ship after my rescue from Shara. It isn’t possible.”

  “Part of it is, Jana; the rest you can build anew. Aren’t you the girl who used to tell me when things got tough in school: ‘Andrea McKay, nothing is impossible if you want it badly enough and work hard to get it?’ “

  “I said such nonsense because I was blind and stupid and naive. I know better now. And Varian’s the one who opened my eyes and educated me.”

  “As you always told me. Look on the bright side. You’ve made good friends here: Nigel, Tristan, Martella, and others. I saw the rapport all of you share. You have admiration, respect, and affection. You’re in the research that you love so much. You’ve helped carry out a great mission, Jana, one that saved our world and will bring about peace in three galaxies. You’re helping to defeat several terrible enemies and making allies of others. That should make you very proud of yourself; I am. You have wealth, prestige, a royal title, a beautiful home, and your own small planet. You hobnob with this society’s elite. You’re expecting a baby by the man you love, by a man more than half of the women here crave.”

  Andrea finished with her best arguments, “You were freed before the other charls were, freed by Varian—not Ryker— so you could marry him, not marry his brother so Varian could get Trilabs. You were freed, Jana Greyson, before this charade began, before it was even a thought in his mind. If that bitch hadn’t kidnapped you from Varian, you two would have been happily married a long time by now. Even with your kidnapping involved, if those journals and tapes and threats hadn’t existed, Varian wouldn’t have been provoked to begin the charade.”

  Andrea grasped Jana’s hands and pulled her down to the sofa. “But they did exist, Jana. He did read and view them while you were asleep in recovery. He grasped the awesome extent of their peril. He reacted immediately in the only way that came to mind. It might have been impulsive and rash and even cruel, but do you honestly believe he set out to intentionally hurt you? Don’t you think he would have taken another road if one had been open?”

  Andrea hoped she wasn’t pressing too far, and God help her if she was wrong about Nigel’s friend. “All I can go by is what you’ve told me, and it sounds as if the ball got rolling too fast and too soon and couldn’t be stopped. I know I might be making this sound simple, but feelings and situations are never simple. I only want you to make certain you know what yours are and you know what you’re doing.”

  “I don’t know at this moment, but I will within the next few days. I need time to settle down and think clearly.”

  “Just remember that all these recent events wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been stolen from him, which wasn’t his fault, Jana. From what you said, he did everything in his power to protect you. He always seems to be there or to get there when you need him. Despite the fact he was playing Ryker, he’s even been with you this whole time, making sure nothing happened to you while he performed his crucial mission.”

  “You don’t even know him and you’re already impressed with and charmed by him. See what tremendous power and influence he has!”

  “I’m basing my opinion on what you and Nigel and others have told me. The fact you love him and want him is as clear as a Texas morning in summer. You explained everything with honesty and frankness so I could give you an unbiased opinion; I know that’s what you wanted from me. You don’t want me to berate him and belabor the bad episodes just because I might think it will make a breakup easier for you. You know I will stand by you, right or wrong, but I do have to be honest with you. It’s always been that way between us.”

  “You’re right, and I wouldn’t want it to be any other way, ever. You’re also right about me dwelling too much on the dark sides of our troubles and intentionally ignoring the bright ones. I just don’t want to be hurt and used again, Andrea. I don’t want the good times to influence me too much in his favor. But it isn’t fair to either of us or the baby to let the bad ones cause me to make a terrible mistake. Thank you for listening and caring and for helping me see things clearer.”

  Hours passed and Jana became worried. She should have heard something by now. Her imagination began to run wild. What if Varian hadn’t escaped the mine explosion? What if the death ruse had been discovered and exposed? What if it had been postponed? What if there was trouble with Jurad or Maal? What if Taemin or Canissia had ensnared Varian again?

  She couldn’t stand this waiting. She headed for the shuttle complex to speak with the Elite Squad member, Kagan, to ask him to obtain news for her. She met the man coming to see her.

  “Varian contacted me. He said to tell you that it’s done and he’s on his way here after a brief stop at Caguas. He should arrive tomorrow afternoon. He talked with Jurad and Maal, and he’ll tell you about it when he returns.”

  “Is that all?” she asked the officer.

  “Prince Taemin was in orbit around Caguas and has fallen under suspicion, which is good. Varian told me to make certain he doesn’t visit here. Varian said Maal agreed to let him come here and give you the news in person, so Maal won’t be contacting you before your visit to him.”

  Jana was glad she could speak openly with this officer who was knowledgeable on the matter. “That’s a relief. I wouldn’t want to make a mistake dealing with him. Varian’s too close to victory for me to mess things up for him. Thank you, Kagan, for the news. I was getting worried by this silence.”

  The agent smiled and said, “You’ve done an excellent job for the Alliance, Jana. Few people would be so totally unselfish with their time and energies or would take on such a dangerous mission. I’m impressed by your courage and intelligence. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with you. It’s a shame so few people will know what a great thing you’ve done for us. Fate, Jana, is what brought you to us, and I’m grateful to it. Without a doubt, if not for you and Varian, we would be at war this very moment. He’s a lucky man to have found a woman like you. I hope I will be as fortunate one day.”

  Jana was surprised by his unexpected and flattering statements. From his seawater gaze, she knew he was being honest and sincere, and it moved her deeply. “Thank you, Kagan. It’s good to know this mission was worth its price to us. I’m glad you’re here to handle security. Whatever comes up, be assured I will obey your orders and follow your suggestions. Helping your world obtain peace is my way of thanking yours for saving mine.”

  Kagan was indeed impressed by the remarkable woman. He had spoken the truth and was glad he did. Maybe it would help bridge the span the task had created between his friend and the woman Varian loved and had been forced to hurt. “One last message from Varian: He loves you and misses you, and he said not to worry, that everything will be fine soon. And it will, Jana, I’m sure of it.”

  She was astonished that Varian would pass along such a personal message. Perhaps she would get to know Captain Kagan better now that the formality between them was broken. She smiled and thanked him again, and they parted.

  Kagan came to see Jana again within the hour. “Avatar Faeroe is on approach. He’s requested a visit with you. I believe he’s come in person to deliver the bad news. Pretend this is the first you’ve heard of Ryker’s death. I’ll have Tris, Martella, and your friend hide in the complex until after his departure. I’ll come inside with him if you prefer.”

  Jana experienced a moment of panic at her first involvement with
this aspect of the ruse. Very soon Ryker’s death would be a known fact around the Tri-Galaxy and surely its effect would be heard and felt from one end to the other. “Why don’t you be in here going over papers with me so it won’t look suspicious for you to remain in the room? Let him join us and I won’t ask you to leave and hope he doesn’t. I may need your support.”

  “That’s an excellent idea. I’ll handle it immediately. We have about twenty minutes to get prepared for his landing.”

  Ine answered the call at the door and showed the planetary • ruler of Caguas inside. Jana rose from the table where she and Kagan were sitting and pretending to go over shipping orders. She smiled and greeted the member of the Alliance Assembly. “Avatar Faeroe,, what a pleasant surprise. Welcome to Darkar. I’m afraid Ryker isn’t home; he’s at the mine. Perhaps he’ll return before you depart, though he isn’t scheduled to do so. What refreshment can I have Ine serve you?”

  “None, thank you.”

  Jana dismissed the yellow-eyed android. “Please be seated, sir.”

  Faeroe didn’t move from near the entrance where she had met him. “I came to discuss an urgent matter with you.”

  She sent him a look of curiosity and asked, “With me?”

  “I come with bad news, Princess Jana. I …”

  When Faeroe halted and glanced at the man at the table, Jana said, “This is Captain Kagan, head of Darkar security. Ryker and I trust him implicitly, so please feel free to talk in front of him; we do. What bad news? Should I contact my husband and let you speak with him?”

  Faeroe clasped Jana’s hands in his and said, “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. There was an accident at the mine earlier today involving him.”

  Jana forced a look of worry. “Is my husband all right? Was he injured? Has he been hospitalized? Did he send you to get me?”

  “I’m afraid Prince Ryker was killed. There was an explo—” He ceased speaking when she paled, swayed, and gaped at him. He grasped her by the forearms as if fearing she would faint. He felt her tremble. “I’m sorry if that came out too bluntly. You must sit down,” he advised. He guided the shaky woman to a sofa. “I know this comes as a terrible shock and perhaps I’m not doing this well.”

  Jana looked at him as he took a seat beside her and placed a comforting hand on her arm. “He’s dead? What happened? How? When? I saw him just this morning when he departed. This can’t be true.”

  “I’m afraid it is true. There was an explosion in the control room. Prince Ryker was present. He did not suffer. He was taken away instantly. I was enroute there with some friends to meet with him. We arrived just as it happened. When it was safe for a rescue team to enter the area, they recovered his body. I had it placed in a casket and brought it home myself. I didn’t want to tell you such shocking news over the communicator, so I came straight here as soon as I could get away. I left his security team in control. Star Base has been notified. They’re sending Commander Varian Saar to investigate and take his body to Kadim Maal. Varian said he would come here to speak with you and to escort you there. Is that permissible?”

  Jana’s eyes darted about on the floor and she took deep breaths as if to steady herself and clear her head. “I don’t know what to say. This is so unexpected. We’ve been married for such a short time. Dead …”

  Kagan came forward and placed a hand on her shoulder as if offering support. “Don’t worry, Princess Jana, I’ll handle everything for you.”

  “Thank you, Kagan,” she murmured. She looked at Faeroe and asked, “You said Commander Saar is coming to investigate. Why? It was an accident, wasn’t it? Or were you implying something else?”

  “From appearances, it was a tragic accident. However, with a man of Prince Ryker’s status and importance, an investigation is normal procedure. We can’t be too cautious. I’m sure you can imagine the ramifications if it turned out to be a deliberate attack on him here in our star system. As you may be aware, the Supreme Council and Alliance Assembly are in delicate negotiations on a new peace treaty with his grandfather. Sabotage could be detrimental to those talks. But, as I said, we have found no signs of foul play.”

  “And I hope you don’t, sir. I’m certain Ryker would not want his tragic death to be responsible for a needless and reckless war. On our last visit with Maal, my husband spoke favorably of peace, and recently he was reunited with his half brother after many years of conflict. I’m sure Maal will acccept the truth. I will do all in my power to convince him to do so.”

  “You are a wise and good woman, Jana Triloni,” he said as he patted her hand in a fatherly gesture. “Prince Ryker was a friend and a valuable asset; his genius shall be missed terribly. If there is anything I can do to help you through this sad situation, please call on me.”

  “You are most kind, sir, and I deeply appreciate your offer. Ryker was a unique man. He took his work and responsibilities very seriously. It will seem strange with him gone. I’ll need time to think and adjust before making any decision.” She looked at him again. “You said an explosion in the control room … Was there a fire in the mine? Was anyone else injured or slain?”

  “Two androids were destroyed, but the fire was contained before it could spread. Prince Ryker took excellent precautions for safety.”

  “That’s good. When we visited there, he told me Tremolite could burn forever if it caught fire. I wouldn’t want your planet to face that peril or the pollution it would cause. You and the Alliance won’t have to worry about problems with shipments. Like my husband, I’m a friend, citizen, and ally of Maffei. There will not be any changes in his policies or contracts. He taught me a great deal about his work and products and about the importance of safeguarding them. I have access to his formulas, labs, and holdings. You might recall, I’m a chemist and research scientist myself and I’ve worked closely with Ryker since coming here to live and marrying him.”

  “I well recall Dr. Zarcoff’s high praise of your intelligence and skills. We’re fortunate Prince Ryker married you and prepared you to face this challenge. That means you plan to remain on Darkar and run Trilabs?”

  “Yes, Ryker would want that. Besides, it’s my home. I… I’m sorry, sir, but my thinking isn’t totally clear at this time, so I suppose I’m rambling from subject to subject. I can hardly believe this has happened; I saw him only this morning,” she repeated for effect on the elite witness, as she knew this Assembly member wasn’t aware of the secret mission as he had been with the one involving her capture and the threat to Earth.

  “You should be alone and rest now. Captain Kagan can handle the remainder of my business. I’ll check on you again this week.”

  “You’re leaving so soon?”

  “Yes, I must get back and keep matters under control on Caguas. So far, this news has been told to only a select few. When it breaks, it will create a great commotion. Ripples will be felt across the Tri-Galaxy. Many people and forces were dependent upon Ryker for certain supplies. I’m happy you count us among your friends and close associates, Princess Jana.”

  ‘You needn’t worry, sir, that will not change. I hold no grudge against Maffei for the way I was brought here I understand the importance of race survival, but I am pleased the charl law has been struck down. I want the friends I made on Commander Saar’s ship and the women brought here before us to be as free and happy as I am. As happy as I was for a short time.” Jana was surprised when tears formed in her eyes and eased down her cheeks. She thanked Kagan for the handkerchief he passed to her, and she removed the moisture on her cheeks. She accepted the glass of green water he fetched for her and sipped it. “I’m sorry, gentlemen; it’s just such a difficult and painful moment for me. I don’t think the full reality of his loss has hit me yet. I keep thinking this must be a terrible dream.”

  “I should leave now,” Faeroe said, rising. “I leave you with my prayers and condolences, Princess Jana. If you need anything, anything, please do not hesitate to call on me. Captain Kagan can show me out, so don’t get up

  She clasped wrists with him. “Goodbye, sir, and thank you for coming in person. I shall never forget your kindness and compassion.”

  Jana watched the two men leave the house. She sank against the sofa back and closed her eyes, lashes still dampened by tears provoked by the stress of the situation and the hormonal changes taking place in her body. Yet, in a strange way, she was saddened over Ryker’s tragic life and death. He was Varian’s half brother. Ryker, even if only it was a ruse, had been good to her at the end. With Varian playing him so accurately, she had gotten to know the misguided man a little. She could not help but wonder what Ryker and his life would have been like if the insane Shara hadn’t been in control of it, if Galen had reared him, had reared his two boys together.

  At least the impersonation part of the mission was over and she would complete the rest with Varian—as himself—at her side. She wondered if that would be easier or harder on her. As soon as the grim news was exposed, people would consider her Ryker Triloni’s widow. In less than a year in this alien world, she had gone from captive charl who had no control over her life to a wealthy, powerful, free woman who owned the most feared and envied weapons and chemical labs in three galaxies. What did it matter that the public didn’t know Varian and his team had confiscated those powerful and dangerous formulas when they believed they were in her control?

  When the door opened and closed, Jana expected Andrea to come to see if she was all right. It was Kagan. She straightened and looked at him.

  “Faeroe is gone. I put Ryker’s casket in the shuttle complex until Varian arrives to take possession of it. You were magnificent, Jana. You continue to amaze and impress me. Too bad you can’t join the Elite Squad; you’d be one of our best agents. Are you all right?”


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