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ROMANCE: WESTERN ROMANCE: The Secret Cowboy (BWWM Billionaire Interracial Multicultural Romance) (Contemporary Steamy Western Short Stories)

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by Debbie Gordon

  They keep seeing each other though, and they make love at every meeting. It is more intense, more experimental, and more beautiful with each liaison. They morph very quickly into the semblance of a real relationship, and even though more and more people seem to be finding out about them, they still make every effort to be discreet. Heather knows that she doesn’t belong in this world, even though Channing promises her a seamless integration more than once, she knows in her gut that this will not be possible.

  Her run-in with Hubert’s wife, Chelsea, confirms this. She is looking at her with the death-stare of a woman who knows that you are sleeping with her husband. Heather doesn’t even know why, and she gets up to leave the restaurant where she is having a casual Sunday brunch alone, just to take a time out. Chelsea’s friends also looking at her with disdain, and she tries to get out of the restaurant without any further stares from the real housewives of Dallas.

  “Miss Jones…” Chelsea says to her, getting up quickly and following her outside of the restaurant.

  “Yes,” she says, not knowing what this woman who she has only met once before would have to say to her.

  “I know what you’re doing, I know your type…it won’t work, not with Channing, or any other man in Dallas. Sure you’re exotic, but that’s all you’ve got going for you. And soon enough, their interest will fade. So do yourself a favor, work out the remainder of your contract, and then leave. You will not be missed!” Chelsea is scathing, in her tone and in the words coming from her mouth. Heather is so dumbfounded that she doesn’t have a response for her at all.

  She gets as far away from this woman as possible, knowing that these women really have the ability to make her life a living hell. And even if she does start a real relationship with Channing, and he promises to protect her, there is little to no chance that she will make any friends in Dallas. The city is big, and the options are many. But Channing’s circle is small, and it is clear already that they all hate her. Hate is a very strong word, but obviously not strong enough for this situation. In this instance, hate isn’t a strong enough word.

  Heather is really torn about telling Channing, and when she finally does, this doesn’t go very well with him. He calls Hubert immediately and tells him in no uncertain terms to call his wife to order. Heather knows now that it is not a good idea to give him this information, and so she keeps her encounters with these people so determined to get involved in her and Channing’s lives a secret. In a few weeks she will be gone from Dallas, and she will never have to see these people again.

  Channing is still seething about what Heather told her, and she tries to calm him down. There is one way to get him to slow his rope, but she just isn’t sure if she will be able to handle it. They are in her apartment, and they are both naked, having just spent the whole afternoon making love. She turns over, and pulls him to her, on top of her, so that he is not sure what she is actually offering him. When he realizes though, his smile is uncontrollable. He grins, and then grimaces menacingly, parting her ass cheeks and then sending his tongue onto her asshole. He almost cannot believe his luck.

  He fucks her tight hole with his tongue, and although he knows that he will not be able to get his dick inside her, not yet anyway, he appreciates the offer, and rims the shit out of her asshole before moving to her pussy, wetting it with his tongue and then taking her from the back…

  Chapter 5

  The tension is thick in the apartment, and Heather knows why. There is a week left before she has to go back to New York, a week before her contract is up and she has to leave Channing. She knows this 3-month stint in Dallas has proven to be very interesting, different to what she expected, and the complication that it presented was really the most unexpected.

  Meeting Channing was great, and he really proved to be everything that she wasn’t even sure she was looking for. Now though, reality is setting in, and she has to bring it to an end, for her own sanity. She hasn’t been accepted by any of his friends that she has been introduced to, and certainly not by the ones who found out about their escapade unexpectedly. Channing is every bit her ideal man, but his lifestyle, and his friends, would make theirs a difficult and dangerous liaison.

  “Come sit with me…” he says, patting the sofa next to him. He has that look in his eyes that lets her know that the drink in her hand that he is being offered is really the last thing on his mind.

  “Behave yourself,” she says, not sure if she wants to let herself be taken by him tonight. A week is not long enough to wean yourself off another person, and making love is not the best way to achieve such weaning.

  He gets up and takes the drink from her hand. “Aren’t you drinking babe?” he asks her, just before he downs the contents of his glass. She shakes her head, and takes the glass from him, putting it down on the coffee table, and thinking quickly of a way to avoid any more contact with Channing, physical or otherwise. There is no avoiding him though, because he pulls her back to him and plants his lips deep in the side of her neck. She cannot help but let him move his mouth over her, liking it immediately.

  There is something about the way he kisses her that she cannot explain to herself. She just loves it. It is gentle and passionate, and extremely intense. The combination of these sensations is in such perfect balance, that she cannot help but think again that he has had a lot of practice. This isn’t altogether unexpected though, because he is twice her age. She had never thought that she would be with a man so close to middle age, and that he is a white man at that, certainly caught her by surprise. But she has been more than a little impressed with everything about him.

  When he starts to unbutton her top she knows that it is too late for her to say no. What explanation could she give him for not wanting him suddenly, especially since she really does want him? Her addiction to him is obvious now too, to her and to him. He knows that getting her undressed will be easy, as it always has been, except for the first time they were together. They are now so comfortable with each other though, that there is no need for words at all. Channing gets her top off, and then her skirt, and then he cannot resist getting her completely naked now, removing her bra and panties too. She really is one of the most beautiful women that he has ever seen.

  She doesn’t make a move to get him naked, and he notices this, but doesn’t say anything. He kisses her on her lips while working on his own shirt and jeans, kicking off his shoes and finally taking off his socks. In his underwear, he lifts her off the ground, and carries her to the bedroom. He is very familiar with the geography of this apartment, being the owner of it. He has also been her enough times to be able to find his way around even in the dark. All the lights are on now though, but since they both have nothing to hide, this isn’t a problem.

  Heather is visibly uncomfortable though, and Channing wonders why. She hasn’t protested against him though, so he just assumes that her state is because there is just a week left of her contract. He assumes that it is because she is about to leave him, but he knows that she really doesn’t have to. He wants to ask her something, but at the moment, he has a more pressing need at the moment that needs attention. He really wants her body, and this is obvious in his boxers. Getting the shorts off, he has a huge erection, and he knows just what he wants to do with it.

  Before he gets there though, he lays her on the bed and places his head between her legs. He starts to French kiss her snatch and she soon forgets all her inhibitions. She forgets, for the moment at least, the plans that she has to make, that she has to carry out. She needs to get away from Dallas, away from Channing. But this isn’t something that has to happen right now, so she relaxes to the feeling of his tongue which is now moving inside her with an eagerness that she has seen before, but not often.

  He is usually tender, which is what she likes about him, about being with him, about making live with him. It really does feel like she makes love with him, and not just to him, or him to her. Their bodies mix well, gel as well, and Channing really just knows how and where to
touch her. Heather takes her hands to her own breasts, knowing that with Channing’s attention between her thighs, there is little chance of him exploring her tits, not yet anyway. And she really loves her tits touched.

  “Fuck you’re beautiful,” he says when he comes up for air. And then as quickly he is eating out her snatch again. She feels like she is going to squirt at any moment, but then he is biting her clit and sending her orgasm back into the shadows. She doesn’t mind though, knowing that when it does happen, when he does allow her to cum, it will be epic. She pulls on her nipples hard, and then digs the tips of her fingers into the flesh of her mounds. It feels so beautiful that she closes her eyes and wraps her legs around Channing’s neck.

  He fucks her with his tongue a moment longer, and then, just before she squirts, he pulls his mouth off her. She releases his head from between her legs, and he starts to work his way up her belly. When he gets to her neck, he starts to finger her clit, and her cunt is wet almost immediately. It has actually been wetting itself for the longest time, and heating itself up since he started kissing her neck in the living room. She wants him inside her now, and she knows that getting him inside her will satisfy her incredibly. It always has.

  His fingers start to work their way inside her, and as his lips fall on hers, she kisses him back with the same passion that he is fusing into her with his mouth and his fingers. With three fingers he brings her close to climax again, and she opens her eyes, catching him watching her intently. Their eyes lock all through her orgasm, and as he slips his fingers out of her, replacing them immediately with his cock, she closes her eyes again. She knows that this is going to be a beautiful experience, as it always is, and a tear develops in her eyes as she thinks that she might never get to experience this again.

  Heather makes up her mind to enjoy this, to really make the most of it. She thinks of that old saying, ‘one for the road’, and she pushes herself up so that he goes deeper into her. Channing smiles down at her, and when the tear finally escapes her, making its way down the sides of her face, he kisses it from her face, and then proceeds to kiss her eyelids one at a time. Sex is not as beautiful and experience as making love, and they are certainly making love.

  Channing starts to thrust into her gently, slowly, and deliberately. Each stroke feels so good that she gasps at the end of each one. She starts to grind against the cock that is so deep inside her now that she feels like she is being nailed to the mattress. Heather loves it, she really does, and against his own better judgement, Channing loves her. He really loves her. It isn’t just her body too, but her mind, her spirit, everything about her. Unfortunately for him she feels the same way, which is why she cannot stay in Dallas, why she has to leave.

  Channing makes the most beautiful love to Heather, for most of the night. They fall asleep in each other’s arms, and make love again in the morning. This is the first time that they have spent the whole night together, which hurts her, because this is the last time that they will be together like this. She really needs to just wrap things up in Dallas, and say goodbye to Channing forever. There really is no other way. He has spent a long time building up the life that he has, and she will not be the reason that his house of cards comes toppling down.

  The next week goes by slowly, very slowly, and she comes up with a million reasons why she cannot see Channing. She doesn’t even believe these reasons each time she says them to him, but she knows that she cannot be alone with him again. The week is long too, and she is literally counting down the hours until she boards the plane and gets back to New York. The anxiety of the life developing inside her doesn’t help her too, and she knows that she must just do what is best for her child.

  Finally the day arrives for her to leave the office, for the last time. Tomorrow she will be on her way back to NYC. She has managed to avoid Channing for the most part, except at work. But he has also had several meetings out of the office that he hasn’t had to go to, so it was easy. But today Channing seems determined to see her, alone, and it is really hard for Heather to avoid seeing him. The only thing to do is to get away from the office quickly, and spend the day somewhere he will not find her.

  “Where are you…what’s going on?” he texts, and she ignores this. He follows this text in quick succession with a series of others, along the same vein, and still she ignores them. She has hidden herself in the local museum, and while she has lunch, she just stares at her phone, the texts coming in beeping almost violently, but she still cannot bring herself to turn her phone off.

  One more day, she says to herself. Just one more day…

  Chapter 6

  “Don’t leave, please…we need to talk…” Channing leaves this voicemail on Heather’s phone, after trying to get a hold of her several times.

  There is nothing for her to say to him, she is too confused to talk to him right now. Her flight out of Dallas is booked for tomorrow, and she really doesn’t want to see him, not tonight, not ever again. She has been through too much already, and Dallas has turned out to be another emotional rollercoaster. Heather really cannot see herself fitting into this world, where she will stick out like a sore thumb. As his PA it worked, because she was his subordinate. But as the mother of his illegitimate child, that is a whole other story.

  Heather packs her bags and goes to a hotel, just to avoid the possibility of Channing coming around to her apartment and catching her unawares. She knows the stress will be too much for her, and she cannot risk another miscarriage. Although her child will grow up without a father, she doesn’t care, really wanting to be a mother.

  Tears start to develop in her eyes, and she doesn’t know why. She has never been insecure, and even though she had never been with a white guy before, this had never been completely out of the question. The opportunity had just never presented itself before. Now that it has, it has proved to be more complicated than she ever thought a relationship could be.

  She listens to his voicemail again, the deep husky drawl mesmerizing her as it has done since they met. She wishes that they had met under different circumstances, so that she wouldn’t be left feeling like the outsider trying to get in. Her thoughts turn to all the names she has been called over the last while, ‘gold digging black bitch’ sticking out the most. Heather may be a lot of things, but gold digger and bitch, are certainly not a part of this list.

  Now though, she is a liar. But is not telling the same as lying, she wonders? She runs a hand over her belly, and although she hasn’t started to show, she is sure that she can already feel the life growing inside her belly. She really needs a bath now, just to relax, hoping that this will send her to sleep. Heather really wants a drink now, but she is not prepared to risk it in her current condition.

  Her phone rings again, and she hears it from the bathroom. She really knows that she should have switched it off, but she wants to know how determined he is to get a hold of her. It also makes her feel wanted, and she knows that this is silly, but she cannot help but let her phone ring, hoping that it will once again go to voicemail, and hoping that he will leave another message.

  Channing does leave another message, more insistent than the first. ‘Heather… Come on… what is going on? I know that they said some dumb things, and I know that I didn’t act right…but it will change, I promise. I promise to be better…’

  That man who is as powerful as Channing but can be brought to his knees by her is really flattering. She sinks deeper into the bath, thinking about her life back in New York, what is waiting for her, and what it will bean for her to have an illegitimate mixed-race child. She thinks of the questions that she will have to answer, but she knows that she really won’t mind this, as long as her child is okay.

  The last time she was pregnant didn’t end too well. Yes, she was young, but she was in a relationship that she really thought would last forever. She is still young, and it hasn’t been a year since she miscarried, and now she is pregnant again, much to her surprise. Although she actually cannot say that she didn�
�t want this. She hasn’t been on the pill for a while now, and she has lied about it to every man she has slept with since. Shit, she is a liar.

  Curling up in bed, she pulls her phone to her again, listening to the messages, and deleting them as soon as she has heard it. She needs to start cutting ties with Channing, and with Dallas, and she knows that if she gave him even the smallest gap, he will be in New York in a heartbeat, trying to convince her to return to Texas. She needs to get a handle on her life outside of the complications that Channing presents. She will need to move, remembering that her address in New York is on her resume.

  The morning comes quickly, and Heather goes to the airport just a half hour before her flight boards. She looks around the airport in a panic, not sure if Channing isn’t waiting for her in the foyer. Her ticket isn’t the one that was booked by the DOC though, so she knows that unless he pulled some serious strings, he won’t know what flight she is on. She hates the sudden cloak and daggered feel of her life, but she has no choice. She needs to get her baby as far away from this mess as possible.

  Settling into her seat, she buckles up. As the plane takes off, she watches Dallas shrinking underneath her. The plane circles the city twice before it starts to make its ascent beyond the clouds. She rubs her belly again, promising her unborn child that everything will be okay. Heather cannot help but thing that she is handling this whole thing wrong though, that it is unfair not to let Channing know that he is going to be a father. She remembers everything that he said to her about children though, and so she knows that this secret is the best way for her to continue, not only for her child, but also for her…

  << The End >>


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