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You Stole My Heart

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  I knew he was just trying to help so I didn’t snap. “No. And you don’t need to bring me lunch all the time.”

  “I have to make sure you eat.”

  “Well, you got three other people here doing the same thing.”

  He ignored my words. “Don’t lock the door. You might need help and people won’t be able to get to you.”

  “You didn’t have a problem.”

  Slade was taking his caretaker responsibilities seriously because he didn’t react when I acted like a smartass. “I’ll see you after work. Call me if you need anything.”


  “See you later.” He was just about to walk out when Conrad appeared at the door.

  “I got you a sandwich.” He held up the bag.

  “I already got her lunch, idiot,” Slade snapped.

  Conrad eyed the food on the table. “Well, you can eat this later.” He set it on the desk.

  Why was this happening to me?

  Mike came next with three bottles of water. “Thirsty?” He glanced at Conrad and Slade suspiciously before he set the bottle on my desk.

  At this point, there was so much food covering it that I couldn’t even see my keyboard.

  “Do you want something else?” Mike asked. “I can get you some frozen yogurt.”

  I was going to explode. “I don’t need anything! I’m not disabled!”

  They all flinched at my tantrum.

  “Stop feeding me like livestock! I can get my own food and water!”

  The guys stared at me like they hadn’t heard a word I said.

  “She seems stressed,” Slade whispered to Mike. “Maybe she needs time off work.”

  I growled.

  “Yeah, maybe,” Mike said. “Cassandra went through the same thing when she was pregnant.”

  “I’m fine,” I argued. “I’m just annoyed.”

  “I’ll take her home,” Conrad said. “Make sure she gets a nap.”

  If I had a gun…

  Ward came in next with his sleeves rolled up. “You need a massage? I learned this technique that really loosens up the shoulders.”

  “OUT!” I stood up and pointed to the door. “Get out. All of you. Do not speak to me for the rest of the day.”

  They must have known I meant business because they inched to the door with frightened looks on their faces.

  “I have enough supplies to last me until the end of the week. So don’t bother me again.”

  They walked out but their voices were heard behind the door.

  “I think she’s working too hard,” Mike said. “Conrad, take over her files.”

  “Okay,” Conrad said. “That’s probably for the best.”

  “I’ll pick her up early,” Slade said. “And take her to ice cream. That should calm her down.”

  “I’ll offer to rub her feet after lunch,” Ward said. “When she calms down.”

  I released a quiet scream. “I hate you all.”


  I stayed in my bedroom for the night because I was so annoyed with Slade. He forced me to have ice cream with him after work, and he treated me like a child. He pampered me and asked me about my day like nothing happened.

  The moment we walked in the door, I barricaded myself in my bedroom. I needed peace and quiet. I never wanted to murder my own family before. Good thing I didn’t have access to any weapons.

  My computer beeped with an incoming call, and I practically jumped out of my own skin in excitement. Cayson was calling me, and I needed to see his face after the day I just had.

  His face came onto the screen, and his eyes immediately softened when he saw me. “Hey, beautiful.” He always greeted me that way, but he sounded sincere every time he said it.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  He must have spotted the unease on my face because his shoulders slumped with concern. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  I rolled my eyes dramatically. “The guys are being annoying at work…”


  “Well, since I’m—” I caught myself before I said something stupid.

  “You’re what?” he asked with fear. “Are you sick?”

  That seemed like a good option. “Yeah, I’m a little under the weather.” I released a fake cough. “They keep bringing me cough medicine and lunch…it’s just annoying. Ward even offered to give me a massage. They think I’m totally helpless when you aren’t around.”

  He chuckled. “They’re just looking out for you.”

  “Well, it’s annoying.”

  “I’m sure it is but it makes me feel better knowing they’re all doing their part.”

  “Slade is the worst. That guy doesn’t let me go anywhere without his permission.”

  “Wow…he’s strict.” He had an amused look in his eyes.

  “Tell me about it. It’s like living with my dad again.”

  “He’s giving Sean a run for his money.” He pressed his lips tightly together like he was trying not to laugh.

  “This isn’t funny,” I barked. “I’ve practically been on house arrest since you’ve been gone. I can’t wait until you’re back so I can actually go to the grocery store for once.”

  “He won’t let you even do that?” This was hilarious to him.

  “He’ll let me go with him, but no, not alone.”

  This time he couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “Wow, he takes this seriously.”

  I glared at Cayson. “You’re never leaving me again.”

  He stopped laughing then turned serious. “I promise.”

  Hearing him say those words made my day not seem so bad. “I can’t wait until you come home.”

  “Me too, baby. Just a few more days.”

  “It feels like forever…”

  “I know.” He gave me a sad look. “But I’ll be back there before you know it. I’ll kiss you like a sailor that returned from leave.”

  “And you better fuck me like one.”

  He chuckled. “I will, baby. Don’t worry about that.”

  “When does your flight land?”

  He gave me all the information. “Will you be waiting at the gate?”

  “You really need to ask?” I asked incredulously.

  “Just wanted to make sure.” His eyes filled with an emotion I couldn’t identify. “I need to see you the moment I get off that plane.”

  “I’ll be there, Cayson.” My natural impulse was to touch my stomach but I managed not to. “There’s nothing in the world that could possibly get in my way.”

  His eyes filled with emotion and he bowed his head like he was trying to hide his face. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths. He stayed that way for several minutes, like he was trying to stop himself from breaking down.


  He sniffed loudly then met my gaze. His eyes were wet, and drops formed deep within. “I’m sorry.” He wiped his nose and blinked his eyes quickly. “I’ve managed to keep myself together because I didn’t want to make this worse than it already was but…now that I know I’m almost there I can’t hold it back any longer.”

  My eyes filled with tears.

  “It’s been so hard being away from you like this.” He let himself go. “Sometimes I think I see you in the marketplace but it’s never you. You come to me in my dreams but they’re painful because they aren’t real. It’s been hell living this way, knowing I have something so beautiful that I can never reach.” He sniffed again. “Every day is harder than the one before it. I know I’m helping people and this is where I should be but…I hate it. I want to be home with you. I want to be with my wife. I can’t believe I left you at all.”

  Tears fell down my cheeks and I wiped them away. Every time we’ve spoken since he left, it seemed like he missed me but he wasn’t struggling in the way he just confessed. I had no idea it was so much harder than he made it seem. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. “It’s almost over, Cayson. Just hold on a bit longer.”

  “I shouldn’t have left�

  “That’s not true.” I wished I could touch him. I wish I could kiss his tears away. “I’m glad you went. What would those people have done without you? You may have started a humanitarian effort that could go on forever. It’s such a big accomplishment, Cayson. I know it’s hard right now, but all this pain is worth it.”

  He shook his head then wiped his face with the back of his forearm.

  “It’s just a few days.” I didn’t know what else to say to make him feel better. “You’ll be getting on that plane in a few days.”

  He finally nodded.

  “And we’ll all be waiting for you. Think about Slade and how happy he’ll be to see you. Think about your parents and your sister. Think about my parents…just think about that. Everything else will fade away…”

  Cayson finally calmed down. He slowed his breathing and stopped his tears from dripping down his face. His eyes were still wet and red, but the worst had passed. He blinked a few times before the devastation finally left his face. “I’m sorry…”

  “Don’t apologize. This has been hard for me, but I know it’s been a million times worse for you.”

  He shook his head slightly but I didn’t know what that meant.

  “I don’t think less of you, Cayson. You’re in a foreign place with strange people.”

  “I shouldn’t have dropped that on you…not when we’re apart like this.”

  “Don’t say that…it’s only a few more days.”

  “Yeah…” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Cayson, it’s going to be okay.”

  He continued to stare off screen.

  “Look at me.”

  His gaze met mine.

  “Everything will be alright.”

  His eyes changed slightly, like he believed me. “Thank you.”

  I nodded. “This is the final stretch…just push through it.”

  “I will.”

  I wanted to make him feel better but I didn’t know how without touching him. “Want to hear something funny?”


  “Slade fell asleep on the couch the other night, so we put make up on him.” I laughed at the memory. “He didn’t notice anything until he woke up the next morning to brush his teeth. And he screamed like a little girl.”

  Cayson didn’t laugh because he was still upset. But he did chuckle. “I can picture that.”

  “The one nice thing about having Slade around all the time is picking on him. It’s so easy to do.”

  He chuckled again. “He’s going to expect a big souvenir from me.”

  “At this point he’s going to want cash.”

  Cayson finally laughed. “He’ll definitely want to be compensated from allowing you to terrorize him.”

  “And I don’t think your bank account is big enough…”

  He smirked. “Probably not.”

  I was glad I finally got him to loosen up. I was so desperate to cheer him up I almost told him about the baby. But I really didn’t want to tell him something so important through a computer screen. It would be much better in person.

  And I knew it would be worth it.



  After my last check-up, I realized I was in the clear. The wound had healed and the stitches were removed. My strength increased during physical therapy, mainly because Scarlet was my personal cheerleader.

  As time passed, Scarlet allowed me to do more things on my own. Initially, she wouldn’t even let me make the bed. Now she let me do the laundry and the dishes. She even let me mow the lawn when our landscaper fell ill with a cold.

  Truthfully, I was glad she forced me to slow down when I wanted to jump back on the horse. I could feel the difference in my body. I was nearly back to my full potential, and I didn’t feel any more pain. I wasn’t even on medication anymore.

  Scarlet sat beside me on the couch with her head on my shoulder. My arm was over the back of the couch, and I held a book with my other hand. Scarlet was crocheting, making a fabric made of blue and pink.

  “What are you working on?” I asked as I put the book down.

  She put down her tools then held up the material. It was a one-piece for a baby. “We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl so it’s pink and blue.”

  I smiled then felt it with my fingertips. When I turned it around, I saw Thompson stitched into the back. “It’s very nice.”

  “I know we said we wouldn’t do any baby stuff until Cayson comes back but…I couldn’t resist. I’ll keep it until the time is ready.”

  “Skye will love it.” I kissed her temple. “And I love it too.”

  “I’m so excited to have our grandchild walking around. I hope they have another one right after.”

  I smiled at her excitement. “Let’s slow it down and just enjoy the one that’s on the way.”

  “You’re right…” Her cheeks blushed slightly.

  I loved seeing my wife so happy. My accident put her in a lot of pain. Things had improved substantially, and now she had a lot to look forward to. I was back to where I was before the accident and I knew that was a relief to her.

  “I think you’re ready to go back to work.” She set her things aside and turned my way.


  She nodded.

  “I think I am too.”

  “I’m sure you’re excited,” she said. “I know how restless you get.”

  “Staying home with you all day isn’t the worst thing in the world.” My lips rested against her hair. She smelled like vanilla.

  “Really?” she asked. “You weren’t bored?”

  “No. At least when we could have sex again I wasn’t.”

  She rolled her eyes and looked away.

  “How about this?”

  Scarlet turned back to me.

  “Let’s go somewhere. Just the two of us.”

  “On a trip?” Excitement was in her eyes.

  “Yeah, like another honeymoon.” I pressed my face close to hers. “How about Greece?” It had a significant meaning to both of us. “We could stay at that hotel you like. We can make love on the yacht. You can get drunk and dance around like last time.”

  Her cheeks tinted slightly. “That does sound like fun.”

  “What do you say? I’ll call the travel agent and she’ll make the travel arrangements.”

  She pressed her lips tightly together as she considered it.

  What did she need to consider? Who wouldn’t want to go to Greece?


  “No?” She would never get used to being rich. “Even if I never worked a day in my life we could move to Greece and still keep this place.”

  “No…we can’t leave Skye here alone. She’s pregnant, Sean.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. “Cayson will be home soon.”

  “And we should see him when he gets back.”

  I knew she was right. “I want to get away with you. I haven’t felt this good in a long time and I want to do something fun.”

  “I know…I’m sorry.”

  “What if we stay more local?” I asked. “Mike will keep an eye on her, and you’re forgetting Slade. That guy is stuck to her like a body guard.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Come on,” I said. “The Bahamas are just a four hour flight away.”

  She still looked hesitant.

  “Scarlet, you know how protective I am of our kids. If I’m okay with leaving, you should be too. Skye has, like, fifteen people to keep an eye on her. And we both know my brother would never let anything happen to her.”

  “Maybe we should ask Skye if she’s okay with it first…”

  I tried not to roll my eyes. “She would be the first one to tell us to leave.”

  Scarlet wasn’t going to budge.

  “How about we stay at the Four Seasons in the city. We can pretend we’re somewhere far away.” I would rather go somewhere tropical, but my wife always got whatever she wanted.

smiled. “That sounds nice.”

  Having a pretend getaway was better than no getaway at all.


  Scarlet and I got the best suite in the place. It had a private balcony that overlooked the city. Since I was in New York nearly every day, I took it for granted sometimes. It was a very beautiful place, if you knew where to look.

  Scarlet walked onto the balcony just wearing one of my collared shirts. A bottle of champagne was in her hand, but judging the way she swayed when she walked, it was empty.

  I pulled her into my lap and she giggled as she fell into me.

  “You really should put some clothes on.” My lips moved to her ear and my thumbs dug into her hips.

  “But I’m comfy.” She had a dreamy look in her eyes and she couldn’t stop smiling. She was definitely a fun drunk.

  “But I don’t want anyone to see my sexy lady.” My hand glided along her thigh.

  “Like anyone is looking.” She tapped my nose with her finger. “They’re all looking at you, stud.”

  “Stud?” I grinned from ear-to-ear.

  “Oh yeah.” She drank out of the bottle even though it was empty. Then she pouted her lips with a sad expression on her face. “It’s all gone…can we order more.”

  “You can order whatever you want.” I pulled her higher up my waist so she sat right on my hard-on.

  She bit her bottom lip when she felt him. “Do I need to do something to earn another bottle…?”

  “Maybe.” If she was willing to do something dirty, I wasn’t going to say no.

  “What does my husband want?” She started to unbutton my shirt.


  “Be more specific.” She tilted her head to the side and her hair fell down her chest. The strands were soft and shined under the sun.

  My hand automatically grabbed a handful of it. “Do you get tired of being so beautiful all the time?”

  “I’m not beautiful all the time.”

  “Yes, you are.” I stared at her nice cheekbones and full lips. She was still as gorgeous as she was the day I fell in love with her. I think she looked even better than she did before, actually. Or maybe I was so in love with her soul that I didn’t really noticed how she looked. Perhaps I was just blind.

  “I’m not the sexiest woman alive.”

  “If you were famous, you would have been.”


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