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You Stole My Heart

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

“No…I never got married.”

  Then how could she afford it? What was I missing? “Are you on a housing aid program?”

  “No…” She took a deep breath like she didn’t want to say what she was thinking. “There’s something I need to tell you. I’m not sure how you’ll feel about it but you have the right to know.”


  “A few years after we…parted…I had another son. Now I live with him.”

  I didn’t think it was physically possible for me to be angrier, but I somehow was. “I have a brother?”

  She nodded.

  “So…you had another kid?”

  She didn’t react.

  “Let me get this straight…I get dumped on the side of the road and then you have another son and keep him? Now he takes care of you? You’re that close?”

  She looked even guiltier. “I was in a different situation at the time—”

  I rose to my feet. “Then you should have come back for me. You shouldn’t have left me in that hell hold. You shouldn’t have made me feel like unwanted cattle every time potential parents came through looking for kids to adopt. They looked right over me like I didn’t exist. I can’t believe this…”

  She wouldn’t look at me. “His father was there to help. I didn’t do everything on my own.”

  “I bet neither one of them even knew about me.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment before she reopened them. “I told Levi a few weeks ago.”

  “Levi? That’s his name?”

  She nodded. “And he was upset in the beginning. But now he wants to meet you. You are half brothers.”

  “We aren’t brothers at all.” I couldn’t keep my voice down, and everyone in the coffee shop was looking my way. “Just because we share your DNA doesn’t make us united. Just because we’re both the product of your recklessness and stupidity doesn’t mean we need to meet each other.” I threw up my hands and restrained myself from knocking the table over. “This is just…fuck off.” I stormed out of the coffee shop and into the open air. I had to get as far away from this woman as possible. I had to get away.

  Because if I didn’t, I might kill her.


  I was sitting on the couch when Ryan unlocked the door and entered his apartment. He didn’t notice me at first. He tossed his keys on the table then placed his sunglasses beside them. When he realized he wasn’t alone, he stared me down. “Didn’t realize I had company.”

  “Sorry for stopping by.” I stared straight ahead and didn’t look at him.

  Ryan grabbed two beers from the fridge then sat beside me on the couch. “What happened now?”

  “That woman…is evil.”

  He held his bottle but didn’t drink it. “Did she ask for money?”


  “Did she ask for something else?”


  “Then what?”

  How did I say this? How did I get the words out? I couldn’t bring my mouth to make the right movements. I couldn’t figure out how to work my tongue. “I have a half brother.”

  Ryan paused like he’d been shocked with a taser. Then he slowly put his beer on the coffee table. “A half brother?”

  I nodded.

  “Well…that’s not a bad thing, right? Now you have someone who knows exactly what you went through.”

  I shook my head. “He has no idea what I went through. When my mom had him, she kept him. She didn’t drop him off in a foster home. She didn’t abandon him like an unwanted dog. She kept him and raised him like her own. She had the means to care for him so why didn’t she come back for me? Did she forget about me? Why was he the lucky one and I was the forgotten one?”

  Ryan clearly didn’t know what to say. He usually had something up his sleeve and a solution to any problem but now he was totally speechless. “I…I’m sorry, Arsen.”

  “Just when I thought this couldn’t get worse…it does.” I rubbed my temple. “I didn’t think I could hate her any more than I already do but she proved me wrong. Why did he get a home but I didn’t? Why was he loved and I was abandoned? Why?” It was rhetorical but I wanted the answer.

  “I don’t know, Arsen. Perhaps the guy she was with at the time wouldn’t let her.”

  I shook my head.

  “Or maybe she couldn’t remember where she left you.”

  “No. She just didn’t give a damn about me. That’s what it all comes down to.”

  Ryan rested his elbows on his knees and stared across the living room. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this, Arsen. She never should have told you this unless she thought it fulfilled some purpose.”

  “Apparently, he wants to meet me.”

  “Are you going to?”

  “No,” I said coldly. “He’s no brother of mine. We just share a terrible mother, nothing more.”

  Ryan fell silent as he sat beside me. The apartment was quiet and Janice hadn’t come home yet. I wasn’t sure why I ran over here as soon as things got tough. I guess it was because I knew Ryan really loved me like a son, and he cared about the things that happened to me. What would I have done without him? What would I do if I didn’t have him to turn to? I didn’t want to think about it.

  “It’ll be alright, Arsen. Just relax and clear your mind.”

  “I wish I didn’t care…I have you. Shouldn’t that be enough?” Did it offend him that I obsessed over a woman who threw me away to begin with?

  “We all want to understand where we came from. And we all want to be loved by our parents. It’s a universal feeling everyone can relate to. You aren’t alone, Arsen. My mother hated my sister and I. We could have died and she wouldn’t have cared. It’s never made any sense, and it haunted Scarlet for a long time. It still haunts me. That’s why we made our own family.” He rested his hand on my shoulder. “Water is thicker than blood, but choice is stronger than destiny. We choose who we love. Therefore, we choose our family.” He patted me gently. “And I’ve chosen you.”



  We arrived in London for our final night. We headed to the office to talk about the details of the trip and what we would avoid during the next caravan. My first leader was there, and he took down everything I said. He relied on Laura’s account as well.

  I couldn’t believe I was flying out tomorrow. In twenty-four hours I’d be home with my family. Skye would be in my arms and I could actually touch her. Her smell would wash over me, and I would inhale it like it was my last breath. My lips would touch her and she would breathe life into me.

  I couldn’t sit still.

  Now that the journey was over I wanted to hop on the next available plane and get the hell out of there. I didn’t even need my luggage. They could keep it. All I needed was the people I loved. I learned the hard way that I didn’t need anything else.

  We stayed in a hotel that night, but I couldn’t sleep. It was the first time I was on a clean mattress with soft sheets. My shower actually had water pressure. There was soap—lots of soap. I cleaned myself up as much as possible, shaving my face and trimming my hair. I wanted to look as nice as possible when Skye saw me again.

  I lay there all night, drifting in and out of consciousness. I was excited to go home that I couldn’t calm myself enough to get a good night’s rest. I was exhausted, but I was more anxious than anything else.

  In a complicated way, I was afraid this wasn’t going to work out. I’d been looking forward to this for three months, and now that I was so close I was afraid it was going to slip away somehow. My heart couldn’t handle any type of delay. I’d swim across the Atlantic if I had to.

  When the sun finally rose, I hadn’t slept at all. I just lay there as I waited for my alarm clock to go off. My fingers felt my black wedding band. The next time I lay in a bed it would be my own. Skye would be beside me and I wouldn’t have to sleep alone ever again.

  I finally showered and packed my things. I didn’t bring more than two bags because I knew I’d h
ave to carry it everywhere I went. My bags contained the essentials. Plus, I had to have room for all the water I carried with me.

  I set my things by the door then made sure they were zipped up tightly. If not, things could spill out on the plane and it would cause me a headache later when I was trying to get to Skye as quickly as possible.

  There was a knock on my door and I jumped at the sound. I’d been so concentrated on my image of Skye at the airport that I forgot where I was. It was probably my driver.

  I opened the door and saw Laura on the other side.

  She was the last person I expected to see.

  “Hey.” It was awkward seeing her because I hadn’t planned on saying goodbye. Honestly, I forgot about her in the midst of packing my things and getting ready to go.

  “Hey.” She gave me a smile before she stepped inside the room. “I just wanted to come by and say goodbye…”

  Now I felt like a dick for being so rude. “Thanks for guiding me. If you weren’t there…I would have been more lost than Tom Hanks in Cast Away.”

  She chuckled. “Give yourself more credit than that.”

  I shook my head. “I visited ten countries, some of them I didn’t even know existed. You were definitely an essential.”

  She shrugged. “It was my pleasure. I’m always here to help those who want to help others.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. I had a feeling she wanted to hug me and I couldn’t let that happen. It was too…inappropriate.

  “Excited to go home?”

  “That’s an understatement,” I blurted. “I couldn’t sleep last night. I’ve never been so anxious to sit on a plane for twelve hours.”

  She gave a weak smile. “Take some Nyquil, and when you wake up you’ll be home.”

  “I’ll be too scared to not wake up when the plane lands.”

  “The flight attendants check the rows.” She looked around my apartment like she was searching for something. Her eyes settled on my luggage before she quickly looked away. “Can I have a glass of water?” She cleared her throat. “I’ve been on the go all morning.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I grabbed a glass then headed to the bathroom. I filled it with tap water then returned to her.

  “Thanks.” She downed the entire thing with a single gulp.

  “Thirsty?” I teased.

  She set the glass on the nightstand. “I’m not very good at saying goodbye.”

  I nodded my head slowly, feeling tense all over again. “Well, it was nice meeting you. I wish you the best of luck.” I extended my hand to shake hers.

  When she eyed my hand, disappointment moved across her face. The gesture clearly wasn’t the one she wanted. After a moment of staring, she took it. “You too. Thank you for making the world a better place.”

  “I do what I can.” I withdrew my hand and shoved it into my pocket. I knew I would never see her again, and that was a relief. “Goodbye, Laura.” I opened the door and waited for her to walk out.

  She took her time crossing the threshold. Once she was on the other side, she turned around and gave me a sad smile. “Until we meet again…”


  She walked into the hallway and the sound of her footsteps disappeared.

  I shut the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Laura had always been a threat to my relationship, and I was glad she was permanently removed. Just when I stepped away, there was another knock on my door.

  Was it Laura again? Did she want to declare her undying love for me? Shit, I hoped not. I looked through the peephole and was relieved to see my driver.

  Thank god.

  I opened the door. “Hey, right on time.”

  “Ready to go, sir?”


  He moved to my luggage and grabbed the first bag. He hoisted it onto his shoulder before he abruptly returned it to the ground. “I’m going to zip this up for you.”

  It’s open? I was certain I closed it tightly. “It was open?”

  “Partially.” He set it on the cart. “But no harm done.”

  I eyed my other bag but the zipper was all the way up. Maybe I opened it again but forgot.

  “Ready to head out?”

  His question brought me back to reality. What did it matter if my bags were closed or not? I was going home. I was going to see my wife. I was going to see Slade. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”


  I couldn’t sit still. My knee kept shaking back and forth, and then I drummed my fingers on the armrest. I had the window seat, and I stared through the glass and searched for the Statue of Liberty even though I knew it was hours away.

  The guy next to me released an irritated sigh and turned my way. “Do you mind?”

  I froze in place. “Sorry?”

  “All that racket you’re making. Just sit still.”

  I hadn’t even noticed it. “Sorry…I’m going home to my wife and I’m really excited.”

  “Military man?” he asked.

  “No. I just completed a humanitarian effort. I’ve been gone for three months.” I didn’t know why I was divulging all this information to him. He was a total stranger. “I’m so excited to see her that I can’t sleep. I’m sorry I’m being annoying.”

  His irritation disappeared. “You want my advice?”

  “I guess.”

  “Get some sleep.” He gave me a knowing look. “Because when you are reunited with your wife…you aren’t going to want to be tired.” He winked at me then turned back to his newspaper.

  I grinned. “You have a point.”

  “So, get some rest. You’re going to need it.”


  “Please buckle your seatbelts as we descend into JFK airspace.”

  “Son, wake up.” My neighbor nudged me in the side.

  My eyes fluttered open and I focused my vision.

  “We’re in New York.”

  My eyes squinted as I looked out the window. The sun was gone, and only the lights of New York City could be seen. I took it all in until my heart started racing. The blood pounded in my ears. I even felt a little dizzy.

  “You’re home.” He patted my shoulder then returned to reading his magazine.

  “I’m home…” Skye was down there waiting for me. She was so close. Now all I had to do was get off this plane, grab my luggage, and run to her. I’d be in her arms in just minutes. This trip would be officially over and I could hold my wife again.

  I couldn’t sit still.

  The plane finally landed and approached the gate. I sat up straight in my seat with my bag across my lap. I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. I’d climb over people if I had to.

  Once we were allowed to leave the plane, everyone stood up.

  “We’ve got a military man here anxious to see his wife,” my neighbor said. “He’s been on duty for three months.”

  It was a lie but I wasn’t going to correct him.

  “Let him pass first.”

  Everyone gave me looks of gratitude and stayed in their seats.

  “Thank you.” I moved into the aisle and walked so fast I was practically running. I moved passed everyone until I got off the plane and arrived at the terminal.

  Then I hauled ass.

  I moved as fast as I could without running into people. I quickly checked the signs and made my way to the baggage claim. My heart was beating so fast it hurt. My chest tightened in anxiety and it wouldn’t loosen. I wanted to get to her so quickly and I was growing irritated it was taking me so long.

  I arrived at the luggage carousel and waited for my things. I kept shifting my weight because I couldn’t sit still. Then I started to pace around the conveyor because I needed to find my things as quickly as possible.

  Finally, I spotted my bags.

  I snatched both of them and threw them over my shoulders.

  Then I took off again.

  I jogged through the airport as I headed to the gate where my family dropped me off. People kept staring at me as
I passed, wondering why I was in such a hurry. I maneuvered through the crowd and accidentally bumped into a few people as I moved. Without apologizing, I kept going.

  I made it through the final doors then stopped as I searched for Skye. My heart hurt because it was pushed to the max. There was too much blood to channel. Adrenaline spiked in my blood. My hands were sweaty because I just jogged a mile through the airport.

  Then I spotted her.

  She stood in the forefront of the group wearing a short yellow dress. It hugged her waist tightly, and there was an obvious bump there. It didn’t look like the curve of someone who gained weight. It looked like…

  I slowly came closer to her, trying to process what was happening. Was this a dream? Was I still asleep on the plane? What was going on?

  Skye stared at me, and as soon as she took me in her eyes immediately watered. A smile spread on her face, and the moment it did the tears emerged.

  The family was behind her, and one-by-one they raised a sign from left to right.








  The air left my lungs as I read the message. Slade held the very last sign and he grinned at the expression on my face. I slowly inched closer to her as I read the words again.

  Skye was pregnant?

  My eyes moved to hers and the tears still streaked down her face.

  She was pregnant.

  I was having a baby.

  Holy shit, I was having a baby.

  I dropped my bags and didn’t care that my laptop was in one of them and finally stood in front of her. I examined every feature of her face, unable to believe she was real. She was right in front of me, looking stunning like always. Her blue eyes burned by their own fire, and her soft lips looked like they desperately needed to be kissed.

  I’d been waiting for this moment for so long, and now that it was here I didn’t know what to say. How did I explain everything running through my mind? How did I tell her what was in my heart?

  My hands moved around her waist more gently than I normally would and I pulled her to my chest.

  She was real.

  I could feel her in my arms. Her scent washed over me. Her skin brushed against my skin and tickled it slightly.


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