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Cuffed By A Kingpin

Page 7

by Heiress

  “This is the last time I go out with you and her non-legal ass,” Denise spoke up. “Who is going to drive us home, Missy. We all drunk as fuck and I’m not trying to die by the hands of Compton and Snoop.”

  “Just call an UBER, Denise and shut the hell up talking to me. I was trying to show her a good time and have fun. We did the same shit at eighteen so stop acting brand new.” Missy rubbed my back and soothed me while I continued to puke everywhere. This was embarrassing to the highest level of embarrassment.

  “I’m sorry, Cali. I wasn’t trying to get your ass this drunk. I just was trying-,” Missy was explaining her motives but I didn’t need to hear them.

  “It’s okay, Missy,” I uttered through my coughs. I hated throwing up. “I had sooo much fun. I’m sure I showed my ass and did some stuff I won’t remember, but it was worth it. Thank you.” I smiled faintly.

  Bone handed Missy some water and a paper towel and she cleaned me up. I could hear the people behind me snickering, but I didn’t care. I had the time of my life getting pissy drunk even though I was going to pay for it in the morning. Tomorrow I was marrying, Compton.

  My new life begins were my old life ends.



  Funny how today was my wedding day, but I was waking up to two bitches. Neither of them were my fiancé. That’s just to show how many fucks I gave about this damn wedding and the woman I was marrying. Mushing one of the girls in the head to push her away from me, I got out of the bed. Walking into my condo’s bathroom, I turned on the shower and got in. I didn’t even know what time my own wedding start but I at least I knew it was today.

  After showering, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out. The thots that caused my delayed wake up was still in bed. “Ayo!” I shouted, waking them both up. “Y’all bitches got to get the fuck out. I got a wedding to get to,” I told them, picking up their clothes from the floor and throwing them towards them.

  “Wedding? You’re getting married?” The brown skin Ciara look alike asked.

  “Not that it’s any of your business but yeah. Now get out.” Walking into my closet I put on some briefs and a Nike sweat suit.

  “So, your bitch doesn’t care that you just fucked two random chicks before y’all wedding?” The other thick red bone asked. I was thinking about sampling her again. She had some good ass pussy.

  “My bitch ain’t any of your concern. All you need to worry about is calling a UBER to take ya’ ass home. Now this the last time I’m gone say this, get the fuck out.” I barked. I hated when hoes ain’t know their place. I wasn’t with the small talk after a one-night stand. It meant we fucking for this one night and in the morning, you gone stand your ass up and leave. It ain’t rocket science.

  “Compton, you a rude ass nigga. I hope this girl get you in check,” one of the girls mumbled while putting on her clothes.

  “Thanks for the compliment. Shut the door all the way when y’all leave.” I watched them walk out of my sight with attitudes as they cursed me on their way out the door. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. Bitches complained about me being rude and disrespectful, yet kept allowing me to fuck. The irony.

  After I heard a car pull off outside, I grabbed my keys and bounced. Getting in my whip, I bumped The Game’s 1992 album all the way to the Beverly Hills hotel. That’s where the ceremony was taking place. Crazy how my family blew almost a half of mill on a fake ass wedding. After an hour of driving, I finally pulled up to my destination. Getting out, I made my way to the hotel room that my peoples were in. As soon as I entered, everyone in attendance was jumping down my throat.

  “Compton ought to kick yo’ damn ass! Where the hell you been?” My old man asked with his face frowned.

  “Yeah, bro. How you gone be late for yo’ own wedding? Type of shit is that?” Snoop chuckled.

  “Y’all act like I give a damn about all this shit. IT AIN’T REAL!” I shouted, walking passed them both. “How many times I got to say it? It’s bad enough you and making me do this shit. Now a nigga got to look and act the part. Com’ on man-. Y’all killin’ me wit’ this shit.”

  “Aye let me have a moment, little bro. I got to speak some words to my nephew,” I heard my uncle Ice say.

  “Yeah, because if I do this wedding gone turn into a damn funeral,” he threw over his shoulder before leaving out the door. Snoop and Sean followed behind him. Once the room was clear, my uncle took a seat on the bed nodded his head towards the chair. That was a gesture for me to have a seat so I did.

  “I know why you’re actin’ like this,” he started, looking up at me.

  “And why is that unc?” I asked in a nonchalant tone as if I gave a fuck.

  “You lettin’ that shit wit’ Monique get to you. You were so in love wit’ that damn girl and everybody and they momma saw that shit. After she did what she did, you turned into a pretender. A man who acts like he ain’t got no feelings and that don’t shit get to him. You keep this up and you ain’t gone ever get that heart of yours repaired. I may be a killa’, but I got a fuckin’ heart. I know what it feels like to be in love and I’m wit’ that shit. Yo’ aunty got my heart and she gone always have it. It feels good to know you got somebody in your corner when you are going through shit. She was down when I ain’t have nothing and she still ridin’ wit’ me through the bullshit. Who knows? Cali could be that for you.”

  I couldn’t help but allow a chuckle to escape my mouth. “I was wit’ you until you said that shit. I’m not into lil’ momma like that,” I responded, shaking my head.

  “Nephew who you think you foolin’? I know you at least thought about that girl once. In a sexual and emotional way. You just too damn wounded to admit it.”

  I couldn’t even lie. I have thought about Cali in a way that wasn’t sexual. No doubt I wanted to sample the pussy, but I found myself thinking about her randomly when we weren’t together. That moment we shared in the kitchen crossed my mind a few times. When I thought about her pretty ass dancing that morning it made a smile creep up on my face.

  “See you probably thinkin’ ‘bout her ass now.” He chuckled.

  Realizing that I indeed was smiling, I quickly got myself together. My uncle made valid points. That shit with Monique fucked me up and heartbreak did something to my manhood. I wasn’t going to let that weakness show. I had to accept the fact that I would never fall for a bitch again. Not in this lifetime.

  “Was this your way of givin’ me a pep talk? If so, you failed unc ‘cuz I still feel the same.”

  Shaking his head at me, he rose from the bed and walked towards the door. “I spent time wit’ Cali the other day and she ain’t that bad. Matter of fact, I feel really good about her. Don’t be so quick to write her off. She may be young, but she also may be the one. I thought yo’ aunty was just another one night stand. Now look at me,” He stated, grinning. With that, he left out the door.

  I took in everything my uncle said to me. My old man and I were close, but my uncle and I were like best friends. I more so went to him for advice about bitches. We just kicked it like that. “Let me get my ass in this suit before ma start trippin’ on me too,” I said aloud to myself.

  Unzipping the bag that held my fit, I nodded my head in appreciation of what I was about to put on. It was a black and white floral looking Givenchy suit jacket with the matching slacks. The black Givenchy loafers completed my look along with the many gold chains I wore. I watched the diamonds dance on my gold Rolex and matching bracelet. Fake wedding or not, I was gone look good. After getting dressed, I hurried down to the hotel’s ballroom for the wedding. Our colors were of course gold and green. Looking around at the long gold drapes and gold flowers along the seats, I applauded my mother. She did her thing.

  “This some fancy ass shit right here,” I mumbled, glancing around the room while I walked down the aisle. I made it to the alter and dapped up, Pastor Willie Earl Jones and waited for Cali so we could get this thing started.r />
  I took one look at my momma who was trying to get my attention. “You better fix your damn face,” she mouthed to me with a stern look, but managed to keep smiling. She was playing hella roles today. Since I ain’t want to hear her bullshit later, I faked a grin. The beat to Marc Nelson’s After All Is Said And Done started to play and the doors opened. My old man had Cali’s arm wrapped around his as they walked down the aisle. Cali didn’t have on a veil, so I could see her face and my God was she breathtaking in this moment.

  “Damn,” I uttered, adoring the sight of her. Her hair was done in a way that I had never seen. She never wore make up, but today she had just enough to bring out her natural beauty even more. She was completely flawless and perfect. As she got closer, every nerve in my body gathered together and I had a party inside of me. When she finally was close to me, I had felt something deep within me that was all too familiar. A feeling I thought I would never feel again.

  This shit cannot be happening right now

  My old man placed her hand in mine and then everyone took their seats. It was now time for the ceremony. While Pastor Jones was talking, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Cali. As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn’t. Shit was crazy.

  “Uhh, Compton? Did you hear me?” Pastor said, bringing me back to reality.

  “Oh my bad, Pastor Jones. What you say?” Just then, I heard someone making noises to get my attention. When I turned around, it was my mother. “Pay attention,” she mouthed.

  “I said did you prepare your own vows?”

  Jerking my head back, I snickered. “Nah, not even.” I could hear my parents trying to get my attention, but I didn’t look their way. Snoop then hit me in my side as to tell me to say something. Blowing out breath of aggravation, I mustered up something to say. “I do got something to say though. Uhhh, may we live rich, lavish and wealthy. Amen,” I ended. The crowd of friends and family started to whisper at my vows. I ain’t have nothing to say.

  “Umm, okay. Cali, did you prepare your own vows?” he asked her. She just shook her head no. Once again, my mother made noises now to get her attention. I looked back just to see what she was trying to say. “I’m gone beat both of y’all asses if y’all don’t cut it out. Say something and make it good,” she mouthed hopefully for the last time.

  “Yes, I prepared my own vows,” she started with an attitude after rolling her eyes at my mother’s request. “I know we haven’t known each other for a long time, but I’m looking forward to this. Hopefully we can grow together and learn from each other. I pray God blesses our union and gives us wisdom when challenges arise. Thank you for welcoming me into your family,” she smiled as if her words were truth. I felt some type of way about what she had said. She seemed sincere about it. When it was time to exchange rings, Cali gasp in surprise at the rose gold fifteen carat solid diamond I placed on her finger.

  “You had me fucked up if you thought I was gone get you that ugly ass small ring. You tried me and my family’s life,” I said to her in a hushed tone. She was speechless.

  “Well by the power vested in me and God, I now pronounced you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” he announced.

  Grabbing her by her waist, I pulled her closer to me and closed the gap between us. With my other hand, I wrapped it around her neck and leaned in for a kiss. For some reason this kiss was different. I felt a spark when our lips touched each other. A nigga’s entire body got warm at the heat that was rising between the both of us. I ignored the people in the room and deepened the kiss as I squeezed her ass through her dress. I couldn’t stop kissing her. It was like my lips had found the place that they wanted to be.

  “Well damn, son, save some for the honeymoon,” I heard my old man say. That got our attention and we pulled away from each other. We looked into each other’s eyes and I could tell she felt the same way I did.

  What the fuck is going on with me?

  I quickly broke our gaze and faked a smile for the crowd. Grabbing her hand, I walked swiftly out of the ceremony. I needed to get as far away from that damn place as possible. “Compton! Stop walking so fast. These heels hurt.,” she whined.

  Swooping her up honeymoon style, I made my way to the entrance of the hotel. “You complain too damn much,” I responded as I kept my fast pace. Our black Maybach that was given to us for a wedding gift, was waiting for us. I put her down and told her to get in. She hesitated for a minute.

  “Get in? Don’t we have a reception to go to?” she quizzed.

  “I don’t give a shit about this wedding so what makes you think I give two fucks about a reception?” I answered her, hopping in the front seat. “Get ya’ ass in this car.” She stood there for a moment but she finally got in. With her arms folded and a pout on her face, she sat back in her seat. Ignoring her spoiled ass, I peeled off and headed towards the airport. We were gone leave for our honeymoon early.

  The Honeymoon…

  Tapping Cali on the leg, I attempted to wake her. We had just landed in Dubai. This was a present from my parents. I had never been, so it was something new for the both of us. Hopefully we didn’t kill each other on this little trip.

  “Aye, lil momma. We here. Get ya’ snoring ass up.” I tapped her again. Her eyes blinked a few times and then she fully woke. We hadn’t said a word to each other since we got on the plane. Our bags were retrieved from my staff on the flight and we walked out of the jet.

  “Oh. My. Goodness,” Cali gasped in amazement, taking in all of Dubai. “This is beautiful.” She walked slowly down the stairs still looking around.

  “Yeah, this is dope. I ain’t even gone lie,” I agreed with her. We were greeted by the people of Dubai and then we had our driver drop us off at our villa off the water. The place was huge. It had four bedrooms, five baths, two kitchens and a basement that was had a pool table and a stripper pole. I wish I could utilize that pole, but I knew Cali wasn’t gone be down.

  “This is nice.” she smiled, flopping down on the King size mattress. “It’s so serene here. I like it.” she smiled.

  “Yeah, me too.” I took a seat next to her and we both fell silent for a minute. I ain’t know what to say to her and she didn’t know what to say to me. So, we just opted to stay quiet.

  “So-,” she sang, turning her head to face me. “I guess were husband and wife now.

  “That’s what the paper say.” I chuckled. “We can agree to stop the arguing and just be on some chill shit. At the end of the day it had to be done. It ain’t like any of this is real anyways.”

  She looked over at me in an expression that I couldn’t read. She was about to open her mouth but she thought about it and closed her mouth. Looking over the shoulder, she looked outside and the dark sky. It was night time and the sky was lit up with stars. “Want to go take a swim?” she asked, getting out of the bed and walking towards the double doors that led to the beach.

  “Nah, lil momma. Black niggas don’t swim,” I told her now standing to my feet.

  “Suit yourself,” she shrugged her shoulders. Grabbing her maxi dress that she changed into on the jet from the bottom, she lifted it up over her head. Now she stood before me in her matching lace thong and bra set. Glancing over her shoulder, she flashed me a sexy grin and then disappeared out the door.

  “Shiiiiid. A nigga gone be swimming today,” I uttered, taking off my clothes. I thought I would be one up on her and get completely naked. I grabbed a towel and walked outside behind her. The wind was blowing but it was still warm out. Looking out into the water, I saw Cali dancing and splashing in the water. I noticed how she was so vibrant and outgoing. I was expecting her to be one of those quiet sweet girls. She proved me wrong.

  “Come in further, Compton. You’re not going to drown. If you do, I know how to swim, so I will save you. Scouts honor,” she promised, with her index and middle finger crossed and a smile on her face.

  “Nah, I’m good right here where there’s land. Fuck around and die out here,” I responded, laughing.

/>   She started walking towards me and it seemed like she was going in slow motion. Her wild and untamed hair blew in the wind across her face. She looked radiant under the moonlight. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Her beauty demanded my attention. And it had it.

  “Live a little, Compton daaang.” She giggled, pulling me forward as she walked backwards. Once the water came to my chest, I stopped her.

  “Aight. This shit far enough,” I told her. Turning her head to the moon, she gazed at it and smiled.

  “When I was a kid my grandfather use to tell me that if I squint hard enough, I could see God on the moon. He said he stood on top of it watching us. I hope my father is standing next to him watching over me. I miss him so much,” she uttered that last part in a low tone.

  I could see her getting emotional so I pulled her closer to me by her waist and hooked her chin. She was now looking at me. “I’m sure he up there chillin’ wit’ God, proud of you. For a youngin’, you got a good head on ya’ shoulders. I ain’t gone lie, I thought I wasn’t gone like you. Hell, I still don’t like ya’ smart mouth ass.” I laughed and she giggled along with me. “But I see your loyalty. It took a lot for us to do this shit when we both ain’t want to. It just proved that you would do anything for family and I like that. You different, lil’ momma.”

  “How?” she asked lowly. I couldn’t even answer her. I let my eyes travel down to her pink plump lips and I wanted to feel them. I needed to feel them. Leaning down to her height, I stuck out my tongue and separated her lips with it. She invited me in and we kissed like no other. I mean we were going at it so good my damn mouth went numb. I don’t even know how the fuck that happens. When I felt my dick spring to life, I picked Cali up and wrapped her legs around my waist.


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