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Stranded in Space

Page 36

by Rinelle Grey

The hiss of the oxygen seal breaking caused her heartbeat to speed up, and she had to make herself step back half a step as the cover slid back.

  Now she could finally see Kugah’s new form without the glass in the way.

  Amelie sucked in her breath.

  He was gorgeous.

  Unlike his previous body, this one was long and lean. About a head taller than her, she guessed. Hard to tell while he was still lying down. The yellow swirls on his face ran all the way down his neck, spreading out across his chest, where a human male would have hair, narrowing down his belly and past it. Amelie couldn’t help but let her eyes follow the swirls all the way down to their end to confirm that yes, this time he had all the correct parts.

  And she was pretty sure they were compatible with her own.

  She pulled her eyes back to his face, very glad she had told Tyris and Kerit that it would be better if she were alone for this. Having them here would not be good at all.

  Alone though, she could let herself admire his body as much as she wanted. After all, she was his girlfriend, his mate, even if they hadn’t done anything like that yet.

  In order to keep her cheeks a little cooler, she confined her admiration to his face. It was beautiful enough as it was, and she was pretty sure it would take her a few weeks of studying until she had memorised all the swirly lines, as individual as the pattern of freckles on a human face.

  The same colours as his skin blended up into his hair. The green strands were straight and light, while the yellow ones curled like corkscrews. They were long enough to fall a little past his shoulders, once he sat up.

  Kugah stirred then, his eyelids flickering for a moment, then opening. His golden eyes stared into hers, widening slightly. A smile split his face, and he struggled to sit up, the full, green wings making the movement awkward.

  They would take a little time for him to adjust to. They were the one part of his genetically altered body he’d decided to keep, though with a few modifications.

  Amelie reached out a hand to help him, and he grasped it, not letting go even once he was sitting on the side of the capsule, his legs dangling nearly to the ground. The wings spread out, helping him balance.

  “A…” he stumbled over the letters, “A-me-lie.” His voice was soft and gentle. So different from the rough staccato sounds he had been able to make in his armoured form.

  Yet somehow, it sounded just the way she had imagined.

  Amelie’s eyes filled with tears. She hadn’t realised how much she’d longed to hear her name in his lips, and in the same instant, she was sad that she’d never hear the halting KaGeeGee again. A bittersweet moment.

  Moving forwards always meant leaving something behind. Mostly, that was a good thing. But she also knew that their relationship would change now. Move onto something deeper, and more meaningful. Better. But still different.

  A shiver ran through her.

  “Amelie,” Kugah repeated with more certainty. He smiled at her. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say your name.”

  His voice stabilised quickly, and he seemed to have no trouble speaking her language at all. Then again, he’d been understanding and typing it for a few weeks now, he’d simply lacked the vocal ability to make the right sounds.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear it.” Amelie squeezed his hand.

  He reached his other hand up to brush the hair out of her eyes, and then wipe away a tear that had escaped and run down her cheek. Kugah frowned. “Is everything okay?”

  Amelie nodded. “Just… such a change. I never expected it. It’s going to take a while to get used to.”

  A smile spread across Kugah’s face. “Yes, it is. But thankfully, we have a whole lifetime to adjust. That is, if you still want to?”

  His face was suddenly guarded, but Amelie could sense the hurt underneath. She knew all about that.

  One thing she was sure of, no matter how their relationship changed. It would be worth it. “Of course I want to,” she assured him.

  Kugah released her hand and pushed himself off the side of the capsule to stand up.

  Her guess has been right, he was about a head taller than she was. She had to tilt her head slightly to see into his eyes. His head bent down to meet her.

  His eyes locked onto hers, and Amelie could feel his breath on her cheek.

  This was it. Their first kiss. A moment she’d been waiting so long for.

  Her breath quickened, and her heart beat sped up.

  What was he waiting for? Why wasn’t he kissing her?

  Then it hit her. He probably didn’t even understand about kissing. Maybe his people did something entirely different? As fascinating as that thought was, she would ask him later. Right now, she’d show him how it worked for humans.

  Raising herself on her toes, she let her lips brush his.

  What if it didn’t feel good to him? What if he didn’t enjoy it?

  A sudden fear made Amelie pull back a little, but before she could move far, Kugah’s arms went around her, and he groaned. “What is that?” he asked, his breathing ragged.

  Amelie smiled. “A kiss. Do you want another?”

  He just growled in reply, the sound so familiar that Amelie realised that no matter how different he looked, he was still the same on the inside.

  Then that was all the thinking she had time for as his lips crushed hers, and she gave up on the idea of rational thought. Her body tingled all the way down to her toes, and she thought her heart might burst out of her chest.

  For his first time, he was doing pretty well at this.

  His arms went around her waist, pulling her close, and it was about then that she remembered that he was completely naked. She might have blushed, but it was hard to tell, because her body was hot all over.

  Did the alien’s body react in the same way a human man’s would? Amelie ground her hips against his to check, and his reaction sent a jolt of desire through her. That answered that question.

  Some things crossed species barriers apparently.

  Her hands slid down to cup his bare bottom, enjoying the feel of the soft, warm skin. Kugah gasped out her name, and pulled back to stare down at her, his eyes wide.

  The beep of her tablet signalling an incoming message pulled her out of her single minded focus. Reminding her that though the med bay door was closed, it wasn’t locked. This was hardly the time or place for this.

  Amelie pulled back, and Kugah released her reluctantly. His eyes followed her as she took two steps to check her tablet. She couldn’t help glancing back at him, seeing the very obvious evidence of his desire.

  She pulled her eyes away and tried to focus on the message from Tyris.

  “Is Kugah awake yet? We’re ready to jump when you are.”

  Amelie swallowed, glad it wasn’t a voice or video message. “Be there in a minute,” she typed back.

  She turned back to Kugah and gave him a rueful smile. “We’d better find you some clothes. We’re about to jump to the planet Glesin picked out.”

  She half expected Kugah to object. All it would take would be one word, and she’d be more than ready to skip watching them jump through the wormhole, and even seeing the first sight of the planet that could be their new home, in favour of staying right here and making out with Kugah.

  He nodded immediately though, his expression changing from passionate to business. “What do we do about clothes?”

  Luckily, Amelie had planned ahead. “Here, I borrowed a few pairs of jeans and shirts for you. I wasn’t sure what would fit.” She held out a couple of pairs until she found some that were long enough, then showed Kugah how to put them on and button them up.

  This brought her close enough to his body to smell him, a sweet, almost vanilla scent. She wanted to stay close and check it out, maybe see if it was reflected in the taste of his skin, but the knowledge that others were waiting on them kept her moving.

  A shirt was a little more difficult, since it had to fit with his wings
. Amelie gave up on the idea of a t-shirt, and opted for a button shirt. Even then, she had to cut half the back away to fit around his wings.

  Being that close to him it was hard not to keep stopping to run her hands over his skin or through his hair to feel the contrast of the straight and curly bits.

  Stepping back, she regarded him for a minute.

  “Does it look okay?” Kugah sounded uncertain.

  Amelie bit her lip and nodded. “More than okay,” she said with certainty.

  It looked good enough that she really wanted to pull it straight back off again.

  They needed to get somewhere public, and quickly, or else she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions.

  Taking Kugah’s hand and picking up her backpack with the other, she pulled him out the door and down towards the viewing deck.

  Everyone was there, all chattering excitedly. But the sound stopped as soon as Kugah and Amelie stepped into the room. Everyone was too busy staring.

  Amelie felt the slight pressure on her hand, and looked up at Kugah. The uncertainty in his eyes made her feel protective. She squeezed his hand to reassure him, and smiled at everyone. “Meet Kugah,” she said. “The real Kugah.”

  Kerit was the first to step forwards. He grabbed Kugah’s hand, and shook it enthusiastically. “Glad to see you again, friend.”

  Folly gave him a hug. “Hi, Kugah.” Her voice was rough with emotion.

  Tyris clapped him on the back. “We saved a seat for you,” he said warmly. “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, and we certainly wouldn’t be about to finally get a chance to find our new home.”

  “Here, can you look after Camali for the jump?” Marlee said, holding out the baby to Kugah. “Isala gets all nervous, and it’s easier to keep her calm if I’m not trying to look after both of them.”

  Kugah held out his arms for the baby automatically, and seeing the two of them together brought another tear to Amelie’s eye. This was her family. A whole, complete family.

  Kugah put an arm around her, and both of them followed Tyris to a seat near the window.

  “We’re ready when you are, Nerris,” Tyris said into the communicator.

  “Activating the AWP,” Nerris responded.

  Amelie stared at the space ahead of them, emotion choking her throat.

  Everyone was silent as the wormhole formed and the Resolution slid into it. Camali fussed in Kugah’s arms, and Amelie wanted to pick her up and comfort her. She forced herself not to though. Kugah needed to be able to care for her as well as she could.

  She had to admit, he was handling her fussing just fine. He lifted her to his shoulder and patted her back. Where had he learned to do that?

  Amelie glanced at Marlee doing the same thing, and smiled. He had plenty of role models.

  A gasp pulled her attention back to the window in front of them.

  They’d emerged from the wormhole, and there in front of them was a beautiful blue-green marble. Like everyone else, Amelie leaned forwards in her seat as though that would give her a better look.

  What would this planet hold? From up here, it looked perfect.

  “Bet there are some waves to surf down there.” Kerit’s voice was eager.

  “Not to mention some interesting plants and animals,” Folly’s Ma said, her voice just as excited.

  “Land to grow all the food we can eat,” Marlee added.

  “A home, for all of us to share, in peace,” Amelie said, her voice filled with hope.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Tyris demanded. “Let’s go check it out.”

  Chapter 42

  Kugah waited eagerly for his first glimpse of the alien world that could be their new home.

  It felt strange that Camali wasn’t here. Even though she’d only been their daughter for a few days, she’d become a large part of his life so quickly. But this trip was too dangerous to bring a baby. She was safe at home with Marlee’s mother.

  He stepped down out of the shuttle behind Amelie, looking around the surface in delight.

  Green trees stretched up above their head, silhouetted against a light purple sky. The ground was covered in a small leafed plant with tiny white flowers.

  The others oohed and ahhed, stepping out of the shuttle and looking around with the same awe Kugah was feeling. Folly stared around her in wonder, and Chicken bounded off her shoulder and into a nearby tree, chittering excitedly.

  Kugah hoped nothing happened to the little creature. She was so small and defenceless.

  Amelie stepped up beside him and took his hand.

  “Be careful,” Tyris warned. “We don’t know what sort of wildlife we might find. There could even be sentient beings. Stay in your pairs, and if there’s any sign of trouble, radio a warning and return to the shuttle immediately.”

  “Most wild animals will retreat rather than attack, so long as you don’t corner them,” Folly’s Ma, Molly added. “Stay to open areas and keep your eyes and ears open. And watch out for insects. They may be small, but they can do more damage than a larger animal if you threaten their nests.”

  Kugah nodded. He’d been on enough of these sort of trips in his job as a scientist to know the drill, and what to watch out for. Which also meant he had a pretty good idea of the risks.

  He had a brief pang of regret that he no longer had a strong body to protect Amelie. But when she grabbed his hand, and the thrill of touching her and feeling every part of her soft skin shot through him, the regret faded away.

  “Here,” Tyris handed Amelie one of the weapons they had manufactured in the last few weeks. “One per pair.” His eyes met Kugah’s. “Sorry, Amelie has more training.” He shrugged apologetically.

  Kugah nodded understanding. He didn’t mind that Amelie was being given responsibility of the weapon at all. He’d had more than enough of weapons. They had their place, he’d come to accept that, but he wasn’t unhappy that it wasn’t in his hand.

  Amelie checked the weapon, then holstered it. She nodded to Kugah. “Let’s go.”

  Her eyes shone with excitement.

  The occupants of the shuttle, all twelve of them, split up and headed out in different directions. Kugah kept his eyes peeled as he and Amelie pushed their way through the dense forest.

  The familiarity of this task, exploring a new world, assessing the animal and plant life, was actually soothing. He knew this job. It was second nature to him.

  This time though, there was no niggling question as to whether what he was doing was right. He had no qualms about the use to which any knowledge he gained would be put. He was helping a good and kind people find a safe new home. A new home he would share.

  This felt right.

  Even more right was doing it with Amelie. She walked beside him, scanning the vegetation with the same focus he should be using. Trouble was, he kept getting distracted watching her.

  She glanced over at him and smiled when she saw his eyes on her. Just that smile awoke feelings in his groin that he hadn’t felt for so long.

  If only they’d had a bit longer in med bay before Tyris’s message had interrupted them. Maybe if he’d been able to mate with Amelie, he wouldn’t be so distracted now. Desire stirred at the thought.

  He didn’t have time for that now. They had no idea what they might find down here on the surface. He needed to pay attention.

  But as the time wore on, it soon became apparent that no dangerous creatures lurked in the underbrush. Molly found many interesting plants and animals, and Kugah and Amelie added to the collection she was collating in the clearing near the shuttle, but all appeared benign.

  As lunch time approached, everyone started to relax. They lit a campfire and tasted a few of the fruits that Molly had scanned thoroughly and deemed safe. The atmosphere was almost party like.

  “This is just the start of the survey,” Tyris warned them. “It will take at least a couple of weeks to be sure this is a safe home for us. We don’t want to be all settled in and then discover we�
�re sitting on a fault line or something.”

  Everyone nodded, but it didn’t dampen their enthusiasm any.

  “There’s a beach to the west, isn’t there?” Kerit asked. “I volunteer Folly and I to check it out after lunch. Need to be sure there aren’t any sharks lurking there to eat unsuspecting swimmers.” His eyes twinkled, and Folly punched him on the shoulder, laughing.

  The little skuttle chewed a nut on her shoulder. Apparently nothing in the forest had eaten her.

  “I want to check out the fields to the east,” Marlee said. “They will be the best place to start our farms. I need to get some soil samples.”

  Tyris pulled his eyes away from the mountains to the north to smile at his wife. “I’ll come with you,” he volunteered. Then he looked over at Kugah. “You’re probably far more capable of checking out that mountain than I am. Just check that it’s not a volcano or anything unexpected, can you?”

  For a moment, Kugah stared at him, confused. Amelie tapping his wings reminded him.

  Molly nodded. “You can bring me back some rock samples.”

  Amelie looked wistful. “I suppose I’ll stay here and help you organise the samples,” she offered to Molly.

  Kugah frowned. “I can’t go on my own. It wouldn’t be safe.”

  Amelie looked up, her eyebrow raised.

  Tyris was nodding. “Everyone needs to stay in their pairs.”

  “But…” Amelie stared at him. “Can you carry two of us?”

  “Let’s test it out,” Kugah suggested.

  Everyone watched as Kugah wrapped his arms firmly around Amelie’s waist, more than one pair of eyes a little envious. Amelie put her arms up around his neck and stared into his eyes, completely trusting.

  Kugah had a moment’s doubt. His old body, with its heavy and armoured wings, would have lifted both of them without concern. But he hadn’t tried out these new wings. Could the flimsy constructions made from skin and feathers, ever be as powerful?

  Only one way to find out.

  Kugah spread his wings, enjoying the feel of the wind rushing over them, and beat them strongly. He crouched, then used his legs to launch both of them into the air, lifting them with strong wing beats.


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