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Chasing Me

Page 19

by Cat Mason

  “Don’t be rough with my wiener, Luke.” Hunter says slapping the table. “That shit doesn’t get old.”

  “Let’s focus on this damn game. I’ve got some naked men I wanna see shakin’ it to the Thong Song.” Daisy giggles, drawing our new tiles.

  Two hours and three arguments later, the last tiles are being placed down by Hunter. On the end of Gray’s previous word, A-N-A-L, Hunter sits P-L-U-G. Smugly, he sits back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Ready to show me those titties?”

  “That doesn’t count asshole.” Daisy argues. “You can’t add a word onto a word someone else put down.”

  “You’re a cheatin’ shit.” Cam adds.

  “What does it say in the rules?” Hunter snaps at Mack. “Don’t be a pussy whipped bitch, find me a loophole.”

  “Stop flappin’ your twat at me Hunter. I’m lookin’.” Mack blurts, his eyes scanning the rules. “Bro, it’s allowed. You’re good.”

  “Fuck you!” Hunter shouts, jumping from his chair. “That means the guys have it by how many points Big Man.”

  “Three points.” Henry chuckles. “You win by three points.”

  “Hell yeah! The mighty Daisy, oh how you hath fallen!” Hunter shouts, climbing onto the table. “Best day of my life. First my girl pranks your pregnant ass, then I beat that ass!” Jumping down on our side, he shakes his jean clad ass in her face. “Kiss my grits baby momma.” Daisy just turns away from his ass, her face in a full on pout.

  “I hate you.” She deadpans, making Hunter laugh.

  “Oh, you loooooooove me!” He sings gyrating his hips.

  “It’s just scrabble, calm down.” Mack says rolling his eyes. “No reason to turn into a ghetto frat girl and twerk that ass in everyone’s face.”

  “I’ve been losing to this chick for months. Everything and anything man; I’ve been due for a win.” Hunter says stopping mid ass shake to glare at Mack. “I’ll shake my ass if I want to. I could run naked across the front lawn next with ‘Victorious’ written across my chest and you won’t say shit about it.”

  “Dream on asshole, none of us are gettin’ naked on a stage.” Cam snaps.

  “No reneging on the bet, baby.” Aiden says grinning wickedly.

  Gray and Aiden join in the ass shaking from the other side of the table. I can’t help laughing because, while the guys are so excited, Daisy and Cam look like they’ve drank spoiled milk. Hell, I’m just happy I finally got to play instead of hearing what I miss while they’re on the road.

  Hunter grabs my arms, pulling me to my feet. “What are you smilin’ about? You lost.”

  “I don’t think I did.” I whisper kissing his lips.

  “Well, that was fun.” Katheryn sighs, interrupting the celebration. “Henry, why don’t we go to your room for the night? It’s getting late.”

  “Yeah sure,” Big Man replies then shoots a glance at the guys. “See you later.” He adds before they disappear down the hall.

  “Come on, I need to wrestle that little diva into the bathtub.” I say grabbing Hunter’s hand. “Then, while you’re reading her a story, I’ll have a much needed talk with my meathead brother.”

  Hunter and I say an early goodnight to everyone and head down the stairs to the basement. Hunter looks at me suspiciously when we reach the bottom of the stairwell. “It’s quiet.” He whispers, taking in the empty space.

  “Too quiet,” We say in unison. Both of us have learned that when Bits and Jazzie are quiet, they are usually up to no good. The only light on is coming from Jasmine’s room. With Hunter behind me, I slowly push open the door. Luke is asleep on Jazzie’s bed while a movie plays on the television. Bits snores loudly beside him, but Jasmine is up to her usual tricks. “What are you doing?” Hunter asks, making the little trouble maker jump.

  “Luke said I could do whatever.” She says holding up her hands that are covered in glitter, markers strewn across Luke’s chest.

  “Oh my God!” I laugh loudly, making Luke jump from the bed in surprise.

  “I wasn’t asleep, I swear.” He defends. Luke’s face is covered in scribble marks along with his neck and chest.

  “Really?” Hunter asks skeptically, pointing to the vanity mirror. “Well, I’ll just say this: pink is really not your color.”

  “Luke draws on people.” Jazzie shrugs. “I do too, it’s fun!”

  Luke turns taking in his pink glittery face, “Shit.” Scrubbing a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, he pulls back more glitter. “What the hell?”

  “You’ve been Jazzied.” I snort, doubling over in laughter.

  “Never pass out when there’s makers about, man.” Hunter laughs. “Just one thing I’ve learned after years on a cramped up tour bus with those assholes.”

  “She painted my damn nails.” Luke groans looking down at his hands.

  “Alright my little ink layer,” Scooping Jazzie up in my arms, I head toward the bathroom. “I’m giving her a bath, you two be civil.” I say eyeing Hunter and Luke before I close the door behind me. Hoping like hell they don’t kill each other during bath time.

  Sweeten Up The Rough Stuff


  “Well, let’s have it.” Luke says, walking out to the living room behind me. Grabbing a hand towel off the counter Luke turns on the sink and begins scrubbing away some of Jazzie’s artistic doodling. “Say what you’ve got to say.”

  “Good luck getting that all off without a fire hose.” I joke. “She’s covered all of us in it at least once; it’s a bitch to scrub off.”

  “She’s sneaky as hell, that’s for sure.” Luke chuckles. “Cute though; she gets away with it in my book.”

  I nod. “Thanks and yeah she gets away with a lot. You want a beer?” I ask jerking my chin to the fridge. He simply nods, scrubbing the towel over his face. Walking over, Luke slumps to the couch with a groan. Walking over to the fridge, I grab two beers. “I know you don’t like me.” I shrug, handing him a beer before taking the chair across from him. “Fact is this: I’m in love with your sister. So as long as she wants me around, you’re stuck with me. I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

  “Is that so?” Luke asks, taking a pull from his beer.

  “Yeah,” I nod, just to drive the point home. “Fact of the matter is, I don’t give a shit about what you think you know about me. For some reason Chase loves me, she wants me. I could fight with you about it, but it’s pointless. She’s gonna do whatever she wants and, well, I love that about her most.”

  “I suppose if she sees something in you she can’t live without, who am I to stand in the way? Not like she’d listen to me anyway, the stubborn ass woman.” His face is stone hard as he drive his point home. “If you hurt her, I’ll tear you apart with my bare fucking hands.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a minute. If I’m ever dumb enough to fuck it up again, I’m not sure I’ll care if you do.” I assure him.

  “Hunter, she’s ready for you.” Chase says from the doorway.

  Standing to my feet, I walk over to her. Luke is important to her. Those she loves are everything to her, so making nice with her brother is worth it. For her, I’d put up with anyone. Kissing Chase softly, I hand her my beer. “I’ve got a date with a princess and a wiener.”

  “That doesn’t quite have the same effect as when I say it, does it?” She winks, walking over to the sofa.

  “No, it sure as hell doesn’t.” I mutter to myself before walking into Jazzie’s room.

  “Are you gonna tell me a story?” Jazzie asks jumping up and down on her bed. Bits braces himself, holding on for the ride while the mattress shakes and bounces.

  “How about I tell you about what happens to a monkey that jumps on the bed?” I ask, catching her mid-jump.

  “I’m not gonna bump my head, silly.” She replies when I tuck her into the covers. Bits snuggles against her side, happy for the calm.

  “So what story do you wanna hear tonight?” I ask, sitting down beside her on the bed.

sp; “Is Chase gonna be my Mommy?” She asks, knocking the wind out of me.

  “Why do you ask that?”

  Jazzie shrugs. “‘Cause I like her.”

  “Yeah, I do too.” I reply, kissing her forehead.

  “Xandra wasn’t a really real fun Mommy.” She says looking at her hands, breaking my damn heart.

  “Xandra may not have been the best mom. But, one great thing she did do was give you to me.” Wrapping my arms around her, I kiss the top of her head. “To us,” I correct knowing that Chase already sees Jasmine as hers.

  “Yeah,” Jazzie replies, snuggling against me. Brushing the damp hair out of her face, I watch her eyes droop. “‘Night Daddy.” Her voice so quiet I almost don’t hear it. For long minutes after her breathing evens out, I can’t help watching my little girl and laughing to myself. Yeah, Xandra’s loss is definitely my gain.

  I walk out into the living room, thinking I have given Luke and Chase enough time to talk out their stuff, but nope. “You’re right and I’m sorry.” Luke says somberly, “I mean that, to both of you. Sis, you’ve gotta do what makes you happy and I’ve gotta admit you’re grown up enough to decide what that is.”

  Chase looks up at me, a smile spreading across her beautiful face. “I do know.” Leaning closer she pats his arm. “The thing is you’ve got to find yours too. Cam was right, you hide behind running everything. You put everyone else before you and that’s no way to live big brother.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” He says, kissing her forehead. “I have a business and people to take care of, there’s not much time left to focus on me.”

  “Really?” I can’t help interrupt. “That’s a bullshit cop out.” I blurt. Walking over, I take a seat in the chair again.

  “Excuse me?” He asks defensively.

  “Yeah, you run a kick ass shop and everyone there knows they can come to you with anything. Cam’s told me how it goes. Problem is, when the show’s over where you gonna be sittin’?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m not sayin’ I’ve got my life together, but I’m workin’ on it. Can you honestly say that in thirty years, when you’re sittin’ on the porch of that little house of yours, looking back at your life, that you’ve gone after everything that really matters?”

  “He’s right.” Chase admits. “Luke, the guys at the shop have lives of their own. I have a life here with Hunter, in Nashville. Hell, Luke, I’m not sayin’ go get married and have five kids. I’m sayin’ go out, drink a beer, whatever you do. Shit, get laid! You were willing to try with Cam. Was that because you knew deep down it would never work out? Self-sabotage? Get out there, bro, and find your ‘Happily Ever After.’” Chase says, throwing her hands up. Luke’s shocked face is priceless.

  “I’m not talking about my sex life with you.” Luke says standing to his feet. “Now, if we’re good here; I’m gonna take my glittery ass to bed.”

  “We’re fine.” Chase says standing and throwing her arms around him, hugging him tight.

  The minute Luke disappears up the stairs, Chase leaps into my lap. “I believe we left off right about here.” She murmurs against my lips. Her hands slide up my chest, dragging my shirt with them. Yanking the shirt over my head, she tosses it to the floor behind her. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes while she trails her lips down my bare chest. That fucking amazing mouth of hers nipping and kissing every inch as she slides to the floor, kneeling between my legs.

  My eyes fly open when her finger tips tease along the waistband of my jeans, skimming the edge until she pops the button. “We can’t do this in here.” I blurt, starting to stand. “Jazzie is in the other room and…” All my thoughts stop when she lowers the zipper freeing my erection into her hands.

  “She’s asleep.” Chase whispers. Leaning down she runs her tongue slowly up the base. “No one but me will see you shatter, Hunter.” She purrs before taking me into her mouth. Swallowing, she takes me to the back of her throat before slowly pulling back. Her tongue swirls around the head, “Do you want me to stop now?”

  My hands slide into her hair. “Yes,” I groan painfully. “Only because I’m gonna come inside of that pussy, while you’re crying out my name.” Pushing to my feet, I yank her up with me, and crash my mouth to hers. Fumbling around the room, I manage to make it through our bedroom door, and kick it closed. Ripping my mouth from hers, I lean back against the door. “Strip,”

  After locking our bedroom door, I walk over and make sure the adjoining bathroom door is locked too. The last thing I want is Jasmine walking in on us. Chase’s eyes heat at my one word command. I’m in no way a dominant like my brother, but I want what I want. Luckily, Chase has no problem playing along. She takes a step closer to me, “Like this?” The temptress asks me, unbuttoning one button on her strapless green blouse. I nod, swallowing hard. Slowly, she slips buttons two, three, and four slip through the holes; allowing the shirt to fall at her feet.

  Kicking out of her heels, she pops the button on her jeans. Taking another step closer to me, she slides the denim down her thighs. My dick bobs up and down in excitement, unable to wait. If it had hands, the fucker would be clapping. Chase is now standing before me in nothing but a white lace thong and I’m about to disintegrate into a puddle of my own jizz. “Now what?” Chase asks, closing the distance left between us. Pressing her breasts against my chest, she exhales into my neck. Her hardened nipples making my fucking mouth water.

  My hands slide down her body, taking in every single inch. Creamy white skin covered in the most beautiful ink. I’ve tasted every inch of her, and yet it’s never enough to curb my hunger. If anything, my need for her only grows with every time I touch her. Reaching her hip, I let my fingers trace the lace. “I don’t want anyone else to kiss these lips.” I whisper against her mouth. My other hand, presses between her breasts. “I don’t want anyone else to have your heart.”

  Her eyes meet mine, searching as I speak. Inching us backward, I lay her on the bed. I kick my jeans off, and stop at the edge of the bed. My fingers slide up her calves, parting her thighs slowly. Chanting over and over in my head to go slow, to savor every second of this moment with her.

  Grabbing the lace between my fingers, I pull it down until it joins the rest of our clothes in the pile on the floor. My body covers hers, skin on skin. “I want to be the only one you hold in your arms.” I whisper, continuing my speech. Trailing my lips across her collarbone, I taste her skin.

  “Hunter,” She pants. My dick poised at her entrance, but I’m not ready for it just yet. If I even slip inside her this will all be over, and I have so much more I want to say to her. Here, now, while we’re vulnerable. I want her to know that they aren’t just words. What I feel for her is worth so much more than four goddamn letters.

  “I told you I’m a selfish bastard, Tiger Lily. I don’t want anyone to take my place, because you’ve built your own in my heart, in my life.” My thumb slides down, teasing her clit with small circles while I continue to talk. “There wasn’t any room for you to stay permanently, we both agreed on that. But damn if you didn’t knock down walls and get comfy.”

  “I love you too.” Her back arches, hips tilting, seeking more of my touch.

  “Good.” I growl out, plunging my cock into her. Chase moans loudly as I roll my hips before thrusting deep again. The fucking heat making my balls tighten painfully. Chase’s hips slam up against mine with every stroke, keeping in time with me. My thumb circles faster over the little bundle of nerves as she begs for me to push her over the edge. The sweet moans and panting spilling from her lips has me driving towards an orgasm like a runaway train.

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you moan my name like that.” I groan, running my tongue along her breast. Sucking her nipple into my mouth, I graze it with my teeth.

  “Fuck, Hunter!” Chase cries out, her body thrashing beneath me. She clamps down on me, her walls milking my dick, branding me as hers. Her nipple slides from my lips as I thrust into her, faster and harder. Her orgasm slams throu
gh her body, while she digs her nails into my ass, urging me on. My hips jerk, I hold onto Chase tightly as I fill her with my release. Pressing my lips to hers, I absorb her cries.

  “I love you, Chase.” My words muffled against her mouth. “Everything I am comes back to that. The band, the stage, fucking hell, even that Cunter shit they all think is so funny… it’s all worthless without you. It’s your face that I want to see at the end of all of it.”

  Slipping from her body, I roll to my back pulling onto my chest. Chase’s fingers trace my jaw, her red hair cascading around us. My fingers greedily roam her body, playfully touching and exploring. I could easily do for the rest of my life if I could get away with never leaving this bed. Laying there as minutes pass by, I feel myself relax. After everything today went to shit, there she was ready to take it on, standing right beside me through everything.

  “You said you didn’t do sweet.” I shrug at her comment, making her giggle.

  “You’re rubbing off on me, sweetness.” I wink at her, palming her ass with both hands.

  “I’ll start the shower. You can rub off some rough onto me, if you can manage not to try to kill us this time.” She tosses out, playfully kissing my lips before I watch that delectable naked ass of hers sway into the bathroom.

  “Oh babe, you can count on that.” Jumping up, I hurry into the bathroom prepared to work at roughing her up all night, if necessary.

  Important Conversations


  “I miss you too beautiful.” Hunter purrs sweetly, pulling me from my dream. “But Chase is lying beside me still sleeping. How selfish is that?” Irritation oozing from his tone. What the hell? His hands slide down my body, rolling me to my back. “Maybe,” He starts, running his lips down my hip. “This.” Kiss. “Will.” Lick. “Do.” Kiss. “It.” Nibble, nibble, bite.


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