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New Beginnings

Page 26

by Elle M Thomas

  “Maybe I should introduce myself to Jamie bloody Lewis!” he said, slightly under his breath but Eve heard him.

  “How do you know his name?” she asked a little startled.


  “Jamie Lewis? How did you know his name?” she repeated.

  “You told me,” Gray lied as he moved her closer to the door, panicking slightly that his conversation with Leon was about to get blown out of the water.

  “Did I? Oh right.” She accepted his explanation without question, allowing a calmness to descend over Gray that he had ‘gotten away’ with his interference because apart from anything else Eve trusted him, easily and freely. “I really need to go.” She stretched up and pulled his face to hers so she could place a single kiss on his lips, making an unsettled feeling land in his guts, guilt that he hadn’t repaid her trust.

  “Text me when you know what time you'll be home.” He’d quickly shaken his negative feelings off before opening his office door where Holly was sitting at her desk and Sally was sitting on a sofa waiting.

  “You can take my key if you want. I've left it downstairs, but it will save you going to yours to come back to mine and there's some very enticing cold pizza in the fridge.”

  “Okay, I'll pop down later,” he agreed as she turned to see Sally.

  “Hey,” cried Eve as her friend stood and they hugged.

  “You okay?” asked Sally.

  “Yeah, but I really need to go, so, home time downstairs, okay?” Eve asked.

  “Yes, have a good afternoon,” Sally replied as Eve rushed out leaving her looking up at Gray.

  With a simplicity that was clearly loaded he said, “Sally come in and tell me how your first morning's been.”

  Gray watched Sally walk across his office and at his suggestion took a seat opposite his at his desk.

  “Kirsty, can you grab us some coffee please?” he asked as he closed the door behind them and took his own seat.

  He could see that Sally looked nervous and generally disconcerted and he was sure this dinner with Eve was a new plan as it hadn't been mentioned at all, even when he was making his Tuesday plans with her.

  Sally stared across at Gray and could see why Eve was so smitten, but she was petrified of Grayson Sharp and the power he had over her, her and her professional future.

  Kirsty knocked the door and when called, entered with coffee and biscuits that Gray didn't want and Sally didn't think she'd keep down.

  “So, Sally, how has this morning gone? Have you found your bearings yet?” he asked, smiling, desperately wanting her to be honest.

  “Fine, yeah.” She smiled, but it was forced.

  “You don't sound too convinced.” Gray offered her a cup of black coffee and gestured for her to help herself to sugar and milk.

  “Sorry,” she stammered nervously, then tried to explain herself. “I have found my bearings in as much as I know where the toilets are and the coffee machine. I have discovered the names of the junior advertising execs and the receptionist. Kirsty and Holly, I know them and you, Sam and Tim.”

  “You know lots of names then,” he said, unsure what else to say. “What else?”

  With a huge sigh Sally began to speak again, “Mr Sharp, I am used to working for myself and managing my own workload and I can do that on my own days, but the days I'm here I can't, can I? That frustrates me and I'm only half a day in. I would normally have started this morning looking at competitors again, maybe even stringing a few ideas together, perused a few ads online, but I can't do that because I am working for you and Tim, and Sam.”

  “Have you suggested to Sam or Tim that you might have done some of these things, if not to me?”

  “I did try, but Tim seems awfully busy and tough to pin down and Sam, well, erm no.”

  “Tim is a nightmare to pin down, but Sam? What does well, erm mean?” He smiled, hoping to instil some assurance that she could expand further.

  “I did try but she was preoccupied.”

  “Preoccupied with what exactly?” Gray could already hazard a guess as to what his sister’s preoccupation was likely to be.

  “I don’t think I should say,” replied Sally nervously.

  “Right, let's start again. Cards on the table time. What is said in here is confidential, so I am not about to go running to my sister to tell her what you say, any more than you would run off to Eve and tell her what I say to you. We may, I hope we do end up having a social relationship as well as a business one, but never the twain shall meet, Sally, so this is a professional discussion and I want this arrangement to work for us both, but I can't facilitate that if you're not honest with me. So, let's go back to you've had a frustrating morning and my sister is obsessed with discussing starting a family and her husband and I were both too busy to induct you to the company as we should have, so go,” he told her seriously before drinking his own coffee whilst waiting for her to speak.

  Sally stared at him wide-eyed, feeling that her card had been marked with regards to the possibility of a cross over between her relationship with Eve and the one she had barely forged with Sharpstone, but was glad of the opportunity to speak freely.

  “Okay then, my first morning has been hard because I don't know how you work here. I know how I work, and I work like Max worked which is how Eve slotted in so easily with me because she gets me, and she got Max. I'm not saying my way is the only way, but it's the only way I know. I can't work with you if you're unavailable and I can't work unsupervised if nobody tells me what is within my remit and what isn't,” she said almost in one breath to find Gray watching her with his eyebrows raised and an expressionless face.

  “I suppose I did ask. We obviously like the results of your work or you wouldn't be here, but I can't guarantee that I work anything like your former employer or your own former employee, however, I can't see why we can't bring both of our styles to the table and make it work.” Gray deliberately avoided the use of Max or Eve's names and hoped that Sally realised that her reference to Max had been okay, but her reference to Eve had been unnecessary, especially the one linking her to Max.

  Sally nodded and flushed a little, possibly signalling that she had picked up on his inference.

  “Okay, you do what you would normally do with regards to research, putting a few ideas together this afternoon and we, you, me, Tim and possibly Sam will meet in the morning.” His tone was softer now.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Sally, are you busy in your own company? I only ask because there could be something else in the pipeline that may be up your street, but I need to know you can commit to it,” he said smiling.

  “I'm not that busy and would certainly have time to commit to another campaign,” she replied smiling.

  “Okay, thanks. I'll get back to you when I have something concrete.” Gray got to his feet, signalling the end of the meeting.

  Picking up on the signal, Sally stood too. “Thank you, Mr Sharp.”

  “Sally, no need to be quite so formal, unless you want me to call you, Miss Quinn?”

  “No, thank you, Gray,” she replied nervously before leaving him alone smiling.

  Eve was in the kitchen making tea and coffee to go with the cakes that Leon had been out and bought at lunchtime. As she added milk to the drinks she glanced up at the clock and realised there was just over an hour until home time and as much as she enjoyed spending time with Sally she was looking forward to going home to Gray more, although he hadn't yet collected her key. Making her way back to her desk she was greeted by Lou who was on the verge of hyperventilating with excitement.

  “You will not believe who came in while you were gone and has gone to 'look round' with Leon,” she cried.

  “Who?” asked Eve excitedly.

  “Only tall, dark and handsome from the lift,” she squealed, slumping back into her chair, spinning around as she swooned.

  Laughing, Eve took her own seat leaving Leon's tea to the side of her own.

  Suddenly, Lou
leapt to her feet and looked as unsure why she had done so as Eve was judging by how uncomfortable and skittish she now looked. When Eve heard Leon laugh, she assumed tall, dark and handsome was with him. She looked across at her newest friend and laughed until she heard the voice causing her boss' laughter. With a grimace mixed with a cringe, she turned to face both men who were smiling back.

  “Your tea, Leon.” Eve slid the cup towards him, “Oh, and I took the liberty of laying claim to the chocolate éclair.”

  “Thank you. Mr Sharp and I were just discussing a possible joint venture,” replied Leon, making Eve wonder why he felt the need to explain what he and Gray had or had not been doing or discussing.

  “My fault, baby,” interjected Gray. “When you were missing from your desk, I began to talk shop.”

  Lou looked across at Eve and Gray with wild eyes as she realised they were together. Eve felt uncomfortable as she imagined the other woman's embarrassment but tried to ease it as much as she could when she introduced them.

  “Lou this is my boyfriend, Gray, Gray meet Lou.” Eve smiled between the two of them before biting into her cake.

  “Pleased to meet you, Lou?” said Gray at his most charming with an extended hand enquiring after Lou's full name which Eve had no clue of.

  “Louisa Reynolds,” she replied, accepting his hand and shaking it.

  “Grayson Sharp.” He reciprocated with a full name before smiling and saying, “Thanks for looking after Eve. She said you'd taken care of her as she's the new girl. Where did you two end up for lunch?”

  “Johnny's, around the corner,” started Lou before Gray interrupted and nodded appreciatively.

  “Nice choice, although I usually go with a platter and end up too full to move never mind work so not the best place for me, not for lunch anyway,” he told her making her laugh.

  “Yeah, well your girlfriend's a bit of a lightweight because she reckons you have nachos or fries, not both,” said Lou with genuine disgust in her voice.

  “No!” exclaimed Gray. “Next time you go let me know and we'll do nachos with cheese and fries.”

  Clearing her throat to draw their attention back to her, Eve stared up at Gray and then across at Lou making Leon laugh as he bit into a cream scone.

  “Was there an actual reason for your trip down here?” Eve asked of Gray.

  “Door key,” he told her, enjoying her discomfort or irritation, whatever it was at his banter with her colleague.

  Pulling her bag from her desk drawer she began to dig through it forcing her to put the last of her cake down, the best bit, the end with the most chocolate on and a generous helping of cream.

  Retrieving her house key from her bag she held it up for him where she found him putting the remainder of her cake in his mouth.

  “Hey! That was mine,” she told him, genuinely annoyed with him now which made him laugh at her as she got to her feet. “That's two days running you've eaten my cake,” she moaned, sounding immature even to herself.

  “I really need to go, but nice to have met you Lou and Leon I will be in touch when I know anything definite, and Eve I will see you later.” He leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips before heading towards the exit where he stopped and called back to her, “Thanks for the cake.”

  “He is your boyfriend? Tall, dark and gorgeous? I feel a bit of a prat now having raved about how hot he was and how marvellous he smelt,” cried Lou, making Eve and Leon laugh.

  “And how you wanted to lick him all over, don't forget that,” teased Eve, making Leon choke on his tea and drop a blob of cream down his shirt.

  “Shit! Oh God! How am I ever going to look you in the eye knowing that you know I thought that about your boyfriend?” Lou’s words came out in something of a sob.

  “It's cool,” reassured Eve. “Really, Lou, but for what it's worth it is one hell of a body to lick all over,” laughed Eve but meant every word.

  “And he is a man who has in the past and may again in the future put some profitable work our way, so we always treat Mr Sharp well and give him what he wants,” chipped in Leon.

  “Including Eve's cake,” laughed Lou.

  Chapter 21

  “Sorry,” called Eve to Sally across the foyer as she looked at her watch to acknowledge her lateness. “I got stuck on a call,” she explained as she hugged Sally warmly before heading to the car park with her.

  Walking across the level that they were each parked on Eve noticed that Gray's car was parked a few spaces from hers and felt a sense of disappointment that he wasn't leaving at the same time.

  “For goodness sake you are becoming very needy, Evelyn Bonnie Cher Mariner!” cried Sally making her turn and glare at her friend.

  “What? What did you call me?” Eve asked warily.

  “You heard and I never thought I would ever say this but if Aunty Karen was here I would struggle to tell you apart,” replied Sally. “You are that desperate to see him?”

  “Fuck off, Sal!” Eve snapped. “I am nothing like her and lose the full title if you don't mind, it’s a ridiculous name that I hate, as well you know. I am not desperate and unlike her I do not live my whole life around the bloke I am shagging and hoping he will make me complete but wanting to see Gray is not a crime.”

  “It certainly isn't, but if I've picked a bad time to turn up, I can go again,” came Gray's voice behind her making her wonder how long he'd been there or how much he'd heard.

  Sally looked more concerned than Eve as she wondered the same thing and then questioned whether he could genuinely do that separate business and pleasure he’d advocated.

  As he slipped an arm around Eve's waist, he tightly pulled her close before kissing her head gently and whispered, “Will you mind your fucking language.” Seeing Sally's expression, he released her and headed to his own car. “Have a nice night, drive carefully, both of you,” he added leaving the two women staring at each other.

  “The Boat?” confirmed Eve, standing next to Sally's car.

  “Yes,” replied Sally curtly as she got into her car. “See you there,” she added as she started the engine and reversed out.

  Walking back to her own car, Eve saw Gray standing against the bonnet of his, watching her.

  “Hey, get your sexy arse over here,” he called to her making her smile as a large, Asian man walking to his own car looked across making Gray clarify, “Sexy lady, girlfriend arse,” he said pointing at Eve who was now shaking her head with a red blush across her cheeks as she reached him.

  Pulling her between his open legs he held her behind in one hand and pressed it against his groin where he looked into her hazel eyes that seemed a little sad now, the gold shades duller.

  “You and Sally okay?” he asked, brushing her hair back off her face with his free hand.

  “Mmm, she thinks I am like my mother,” Eve revealed not quite accurately.

  “What? Why? How?” he asked confused.

  “You. She says I'm becoming needy and that it would be difficult to tell us apart,” replied Eve with tears welling in her eyes. “I don't want to be like her Gray, not ever,” she told him as she toyed with the lapels of his suit jacket.

  “Oh, baby,” soothed Gray, wrapping both arms around her waist and holding her firmly. “I don't recognise the person you described as your mum in you, but if by being needy it means you want to see me and that you miss me then I must be needy too.”

  “And she called me by my full name!” she cried, possibly more upset by that than anything.

  “What's wrong with that? What is your full name?” Gray grinned now as he figured it had to be something embarrassing.

  “It doesn't matter,” replied Eve regretting her indiscretion.

  “It so does matter, Eve.”

  “I have to go,” she insisted, pulling away but finding herself in his vice like grip and going nowhere.

  “Kiss me first,” he told her, smiling as her fingers tangled in his hair.

  She lowered her mouth to his and takin
g charge of the kiss she breached his lips with her tongue that was now almost duelling with his for control as he gripped her hips more firmly, holding her against his hard body.

  Pulling her mouth free of his and gasping, she smiled, “Yeah, you are quite needy you know.”

  Returning her smile, he warned her, “You have no idea just how needy I am for you or what depths I will sink to in order to make you tell me your full name.”

  Laughing, she backed away as he released her.

  “Not a chance, Skipper,” she called as she walked back to her own car.

  “We'll see,” he called after her. “Don't drink and drive,” he added as she got into her car and headed off to find Sally at The Boat.

  Sally was already sitting at a table outside with two cokes in front of her and looked up apologetically when she saw her about to sit down.

  “Eve, I am sorry,” she started as Eve shook her head to signal it was 'okay'. “No, I am. I had a shitty morning then I met with Gray after you, and he kind of made me feel better about things even if he is a super control freak and then when you started mooning at the sight of his car something snapped so I am sorry.”

  “Maybe you were right that I am needy where he's concerned, but if I am, I can't help it, Sally. I really, really like him and I know it's only been a few weeks, but I think I could be falling for him,” Eve admitted for the first time, even to herself.

  “Wow, Eve, that's huge,” Sally responded.

  “Oh, yes, especially as he doesn't do girlfriends as a rule.” She watched her friend’s expression of disbelief. “He does mainly bunk ups and shagging.”

  “Bloody hell, Eve, have you told him how you feel?” Sally was unsure what else to say.

  “No. I’ve only just admitted it to myself, but I'm not getting carried away. But what about you, tell me about your shitty morning.”

  Sally told Eve about her morning and how Gray had given her some leeway until the following morning at least and that she felt reassured that he didn't necessarily expect her to change how she did things and then shared bits of gossip she'd picked up from around the office about some of the employees making Eve laugh.


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