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New Beginnings

Page 28

by Elle M Thomas

  “Look at yourself, Eve,” he told her as he returned his hands to her behind and then stroked them down her hips and thighs before resting them on her stocking tops, fingering the lace top. “Look,” he repeated, watching her reflection, waiting for her to look at him. “This is what I see, Eve; you, beautiful, alive, sensual, horny, aroused and sexy as fuck. I could stay here forever, with you, making you come, seeing every little move and reaction to my touch, the way your skin comes to life, your eyes widen and darken as you get closer and closer to climax and when you do! I want to crawl under your skin and feel what you feel, the way your insides clench around me and squeeze me, fuck!” he told her, letting her go to open the condom he had next to him.

  Eve was transfixed again by their combined image; he'd described her in a way she would never have described herself and yet it fitted. She watched him roll the condom down over his erection that looked bigger and more swollen than she had ever seen it, but why? Was it because he was that turned on himself, by this, by her? How could she do this to someone like him? Her thoughts were paused momentarily as he pulled her apart and found her hot, sodden core offering no resistance to him as he buried himself in her completely in a single thrust. She groaned and pushed herself back as if offering herself up further if that was even possible. As he pulled back from her, almost leaving her he drove back in again, filling her, stretching her.

  “Oh yes, like that,” she moaned in encouragement.

  “Watch us, Eve,” he reminded her.

  As she turned back towards the mirror, she felt totally empowered by the scene that met her; she was coated in a thin layer of perspiration that seemed to make her gleam and glow. The vision of Gray entering her was the most exciting thing she had ever seen, but nothing could have prepared her for the rush of feelings and emotions that she felt as she watched Gray himself; his firm, toned muscles flexing as he worked into her and for her.

  His broad chest was covered in the fine spray of perspiration as she was, but it somehow made him look oiled, like a body builder, emphasising every line and crease of each defined muscle from his shoulders to his chest and arms, then there were his pecs, his glorious pecs that whilst firm were also comforting and softened when he held her. The sight of his abs, flexing and tensing pleased her more than it probably ought to, but she didn't care as she realised just how good his body was. There had been no doubt in her mind just how fit he was, but at this precise moment she couldn't imagine him or any man ever looking quite so good.

  His perfect body was currently pounding into her and as his balls slapped against her clitoris, his hard shaft brought everything to life inside her, making her clench and tense around him as another climax threatened to flood through her and it really did feel like a threat, as if by it arriving she would lose control, be taken over and judging by the intensity of the previous ones tonight, she was unsure if she’d be able to control it. Still staring at the two of them coupled and going at it like a pair of animals now, Gray's pace increased until she found herself meeting him thrust for thrust.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. I can feel you, but not yet,” he told her.

  Unsure whether she could stop or not, she wondered if it would be appropriate to ask for some kind of sign that he was going to do this, to tell her to stop, to wait.

  Gray adjusted his position again but rather than aiding his request for her to wait, it hindered it as her climax took a step closer to taking over her whole body and mind.

  “Grayson,” she mewled, unsure what she was trying to say beyond his name but before she had time to query it or figure it out she felt heat and pain in her right cheek and then her left, but she was expecting the second one courtesy of the mirror projecting the sight of Gray raising his hand and then it landing, the sound of the smack, the heat, the pain registering, then the heat again before the pulse of pleasure that was almost too much.

  Gray's words as he stared at her in the mirror with a final smack were too much though. “I told you that when I spanked you what it would make you do you dirty, dirty girl,” he said and although the reference to her being a 'dirty, dirty girl' was ridiculous and if anything it should have made her laugh. It didn't. It made her come, hard and uncontrollably, crying out incoherently as her whole body seemed to spasm and shake in tortured pleasure. So much so that she all but missed Gray's climax, only realising that he was at his own point of no return when he pulled and held her hips firmly against his as he hissed through clenched teeth until he was leaning along her back. With his sweat coated front covering her glistening back he gently littered her skin with kisses, holding her gently, almost cradling her through the shock waves that were still coursing through her.

  “You okay?” He leaned forward and stroked her hair gently.

  “Yes, I think,” she replied nervously. “I may never have sex again though with that now set as the benchmark.”

  “Oh, baby, that is just a challenge to maintain and surpass that, so we will be having sex again.” He leaned back and withdrew from her.

  Still on all fours and breathing heavily Eve looked in the mirror and blushed at Gray standing there removing the condom.

  Laughing, he looked down and asked her with amusement, “And this is what makes you blush? Come on, off the floor.” He reached down to help her up, pulling her close, kissing her head gently. “I'm gonna get rid of this and then I don't know about you, but I need a drink.” He grinned, leaving her alone.

  Sitting on the bed she wondered what the hell was going on. She had never had sex like that, ever. Even the great sex she'd had in the past had never been like tonight. With her elbows on her legs and her head in her hands she wasn't quite sure how she'd ended up here, Eve Mariner, the safe, cautious, illegitimate daughter of slightly slutty, selfish, opportunistic Karen Mariner, yet here she was sitting on the edge of her bed still dressed in stockings and shoes having been fucked senseless if her current state of mind was anything to go by, while her lover, God, how odd did that sound? Odd enough that it made her laugh, out loud to herself, but her absolutely gorgeous and perfect in every way lover was disposing of a used condom before getting drinks, alcoholic ones she hoped, if only to calm her mind and steady her body that was still trembling, inside and out.

  Gray reappeared carrying two glasses and a bottle of white wine, a decent one so he must have brought his own wine as well as flowers and candles.

  “Evie, if you continue to sit there dressed like that, I'm going to feel obliged to grab my wallet and leave some money on the bedside table.” He grinned as he put the wine on the bedside table he'd referred to.

  “So now I look like a prostitute?” she asked wide-eyed and slightly offended.

  “Hey, babe, welcome to my world!” he said still grinning.

  “Yeah, well I don't give change.” She smiled at him as she got to her feet and kicked her shoes off before heading to the bathroom where sitting on the toilet, she finally removed her stockings.

  After a quick freshen up and a brush of her hair and her teeth, she slipped on a white, waffle fabric robe and returned to the bedroom where Gray was lying in bed waiting for her with an extended hand holding her wine.

  Chapter 23

  Sitting at her desk after lunch, Eve answered her phone and cringed as she realised it was Jamie Lewis on the other end. With Leon in a meeting she had no choice but to 'deal' with him.

  “So, Eve, when can you squeeze me in?” he asked salaciously.

  “Let me just check Leon's diary,” replied Eve, squirming to Lou's amusement.

  “If you insist on playing hard to get, Eve, check with Leon.” He faked a sigh then laughed.

  “Next Monday at ten?” She was already entering his name into Leon's online diary.

  “Okay and make sure you're in attendance. I like you,” he said, irritating her now.

  “Goodbye,” she replied curtly and hung up. “Knob!” she snapped, making Lou giggle at her.

  “It's your own fault for being so irresistible,” grinned
her friend across their desks. “You don't see me fighting them off with a stick, do you?”

  “You can have him.”

  “What, your cast offs? You're too kind,” she said with a high arch of her brows. “How is tall, dark and handsome anyway?”

  Laughing at her friend and her newfound lack of embarrassment despite yesterday's confusion over her trip in the lift with him, Eve replied honestly, “He is great, better than great, delicious some might say.” Eve grinned far too much.

  “God, you are so smug,” snapped Lou, teasingly leaping to her feet and grabbing their coffee cups.

  Although Leon only sat a few feet away from her in his office next door, Eve emailed him the details of his meeting with Jamie and then looked down at her phone that was silently vibrating on her desktop.

  Hey gorgeous. Where did you go for lunch, was hoping you'd turn up? Forgot to say that I am off to Glasgow later on business til Friday morning, but you & I will make up for lost time @weekend. Think Sam is gonna call. You never did tell me your full name last night! x

  Had lunch @ my desk chatting with Lou. Would have come up if I'd known u were away. Look 4ward to weekend then. What should I wear Saturday? I like Sam. No I didn't tell u my name did I? x

  I wish you had come up, would have had you across my desk, you would have told me your name then! Wear what you want Saturday, I still like last night's outfit, just the stockings and shoes, ask Sam what to wear. Bring stuff for weekend to work on Fri & come straight to mine. x

  Def regret not coming up now! Still wouldn't have told u my name. My prostitute outfit, that's ur favourite? Will speak 2 Sam. Ok 4 weekend. I should do some work. x

  You know you would have told me your name, still will. Loving the hooker look baby. You do some work & I will call you later. x

  With a grin, Eve looked down at his messages on her screen and decided that it was going to be a long week without him, because as much as she enjoyed their texting banter there really was no substitute for up close and personal time with Grayson Sharp.

  Eve found she was missing Gray more than she wanted to admit to herself. She made the best of their days apart, if only to fill the void he left; she called the unit where Max's sperm was stored and enquired about its disposal, cancelled her membership to Single No More and was spending her Thursday evening with Sam, Sally and Lou, starting off at Johnnies before heading off to a club. Eve had dressed for clubbing in a pair of very tight black, shiny, disco pants and a silver boob tube that fortunately had a halter neck fastening that kept her fully covered, just. Her silver strappy sandals that had heels high enough to qualify them as stilts finished her look.

  Sitting at Johnnies, Sam laughed at Eve as the waiter insisted on coming and checking that 'you beautiful ladies have everything you need' but never once addressed anyone other than Eve.

  When he arrived at Eve's side with a complimentary pitcher of a house cocktail all three of the other women shook their heads at her before Lou spoke. “Told you that you were irresistible, but while free drinks are flowing, I won’t complain.”

  “I think my brother would prefer to foot the bill for drinks rather than have a sexy, young, Latin lothario providing your drinks,” grinned Sam as the waiter returned and for the first time, Eve really took in how handsome he was, but very young, maybe only twenty or so, but tall and lean with thick dark brown, almost black hair and warm brown eyes. Crouching down at her side he passed Eve a napkin.

  “Thank you.” Eve smiled as she graciously accepted the napkin but was confused why he had given it to her.

  He walked back towards the kitchen with a backwards glance and a hand signal for a phone, as in call me.

  Eve sat shaking her head still confused when the other three began to laugh at her. “What? What is the matter with you lot?” she asked, even more confused now.

  “You really don't have a clue what he's given you, do you?” asked Lou, making the others laugh even more.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “Open it, the napkin,” suggested Sally.

  “Why?” Eve frowned.

  “How many boys have you been out with?” asked Sam, joining in with laughing at her.

  “A few, although Grayson is only my fifth real boyfriend,” she admitted, making Sam and Lou stare at her disbelievingly, all laughter stopping abruptly.

  “How?” asked Lou.

  Sam expanded. “What Lou means is how on earth has a girl as beautiful as you managed to only date five men?”

  “I don't know, I'm just picky I suppose, and I married one of the five,” replied Eve before she returned her attention to the napkin in her hand.

  Opening it, she looked down at it still perplexed and then she realised what was written in the corner of the napkin.

  Call me



  “Oh, my goodness, he's given me his number,” Eve announced in a whisper to the others' amusement.

  “Yes, he has, but we should go before he gets down on one knee,” cried Sam, getting to her feet.

  Everyone else followed Sam's lead and as they reached the door Emilio appeared and blew a kiss to Eve. She stared at him, but the others blew a kiss in return to him.

  Once in the club, they hit the bar and then the dance floor where Sam began to snap away on her phone as they all danced, drank and laughed. Several men offered to buy them drinks and dance with them and while they all were happy to dance both Sam and Eve ensured that there was no touching and refused all offers of drinks in case it was viewed as an invitation of sorts. Lou and Sally were happy to accept drinks and touches during the dancing and as single girls there was no reason for them not to.

  Sam and Eve were waiting at the bar, buying their own drinks when Sam suddenly announced, “I really, really like you, Eve. My brother is very lucky to have found you and he knows it.”

  “Thank you,” laughed Eve as they were next to be served. “Two Martinis please.” She turned back to Sam, “Let's see if they compare to Tim's.”

  “No chance,” giggled Sam.

  “I'll get those,” came a voice from behind them.

  Eve immediately recognised it.

  “No, he won’t,” she told the barman firmly, “I'll get them.”

  “Eve, please. Why so hostile?”

  Eve quickly pulled money from her back pocket and paid for the drinks.

  Turning to face Jamie Lewis, Eve took a deep breath and explained, “Jamie, not only are you a business associate but I am very happily attached and you, by your own admission, you see that as a challenge which I find arrogant and disrespectful. If I accepted a drink from you, I don't doubt you’d view that as a come on or in some way equate that to me being indebted to you. So, it is better for all concerned if I buy my own drinks and for you to find an unattached woman to pursue. Bye.”

  Walking away with Sam in her shadow, Eve wondered what Jamie Lewis was doing out on the one night she was, and in the same club. She quickly chastised herself for being so conceited.

  Sam grabbed her arm, pulling her back slightly. “Who was that?”

  “Jamie Lewis. He’s putting some work our way but pervs over me every time we see him or we speak. Grayson hates him and has never even met him.”

  “Gray knows about him?” enquired Sam, the surprise clear on her face.

  “Yes. I told him about him. I have nothing to hide where Jamie or anyone else is concerned.” She sipped her Martini, determined to change the subject. “This is good but not quite in Tim's league.”

  Sitting down in a booth with all the others Eve sighed as a bottle of Prosecco was brought over with four glasses.

  “From the man over there,” said the woman carrying the drinks pointing away from them.

  They all looked across and Lou began to laugh as she recognised Jamie. “Is he stalking you?” she asked seriously.

  “I think this is what is known as a coincidence,” replied Eve.

  “I would put money on the fact that my
brother won’t use that word,” giggled Sam as she opened the bottle of dry, sparkling wine making Eve frown at her. “What? It's a peace offering and it's for us all,” she protested.

  Jamie joined them a few minutes later and was waving a white napkin as if to surrender.

  “Sorry, sorry, and sorry again.” He bent down to look at Eve eye to eye.

  She smiled despite her intention to send him off with a flea in his ear making him smile back and then look at the others.

  He looked at Lou. “You work at Frontiers too, don't you, with Eve?”

  Lou nodded and smiled as he winked at her before turning to Sam. “Sorry I didn't get your name at the bar.”

  “Sam, Sam Stone, pleased to meet you.” Sam extended her left hand, clearly showing her marital status.

  “Pleased to meet you, Sam, and what do you do?” He sounded genuinely interested in her answer.

  “I work in advertising, a few floors above Frontiers at Sharpstone,” she replied honestly. “With my husband.”

  “How lovely.” He turned to Sally next who was positively gawping at Jamie.

  “My cousin and also an advertising bod, Sally,” said Eve and was shocked when Jamie leaned across her and took Sally's hand that hadn't been offered and kissed the back of it.

  “And where do you work, Sally?” He still held her hand.

  “I have my own business and I’m doing some work with Sam at Sharpstone.”

  “Sharpstone? Impressive.” He grinned before standing straight again. “I have a meeting with Eve and Leon on Monday, maybe we could do lunch?” Jamie still addressed Sally who looked shell shocked.

  “Erm, maybe, but, yes, okay,” she replied nervously as the others watched on smiling.

  Jamie began to recite his number to Sally as Eve's phone rang. Pulling it from her bag she grinned as she saw it was Grayson. Grayson who would be back tomorrow. Grayson she was spending the weekend with, having date night with.


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