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New Beginnings

Page 32

by Elle M Thomas

  “Or not!” he frowned, making the younger man grin back at him, his grin only broadening as Gray’s expression darkened.

  “Can I sit next to you, Eve and you can tell me how you and Gray met?” cried Poppy as she linked her arm through Eve's free arm.

  “Course,” replied Eve before looking up at Gray with a grin as she remembered how they'd met.

  “Edited version, baby,” he said, either reading her mind or at least sharing the same thought.

  The tables in the marquee were all set and labelled with name cards putting Eve next to Gray and with one deft movement Poppy was the other side of her rather than Lucas as the original arrangement had dictated. Sam sat on the other side of Gray with Tim next to her and then finally Lucas in Poppy's place.

  “This is all very civilised,” grinned Eve, giving Gray's hand a squeeze under the table as Diana appeared with Edward.

  “You found your places then?” She didn't wait for an answer as she noticed Poppy in the wrong place. “Poppy, you should be between Tim and Lucas,” she said with a frown.

  “I know, Mum, but I really wanted to talk to Eve. She's going to tell me how she met Gray and how she got to be his girlfriend,” the young girl said excitedly.

  “I am not sure that's a story for a young lady to hear or one to be discussed over tea,” exclaimed Diana, making Eve tense.

  “Mother, I don't know what you're implying about Eve and I meeting, but I assure you that it is more than suitable for company,” said Gray as he stroked the back of Eve's hand with his thumb.

  “I didn't mean to imply anything, anyway I'm glad you're all seated. Edward and I thought we may join you.” Her words startling everyone as another table miraculously appeared to make more room.

  “Shouldn't you be up there? Dazzling your audience,” asked Tim, looking across at Diana.

  “Oh, Tim, darling, you know I can dazzle from any point in the room, but I was rather hoping I might pick your brains over tea, you and Gray,” she revealed.

  “What about?” Gray’s suspicion was raised as his mother managed to sandwich him between herself and Sam before Edward then sat next to his wife leaving Eve with Poppy expectantly waiting for her to reveal all.

  “Hello,” smiled Edward, turning towards Eve. “We haven't been introduced, I'm Edward Tanner, Diana's husband.”

  “Pleased to meet you, I'm Eve,” she replied with a smile.

  “Yes, you are, and I have heard a lot about you from Sam, Lucas and of course Diana,” he said with a pained expression on his face making Eve laugh loudly, drawing attention from Gray and Diana.

  “So how did you meet Gray then?” asked Poppy excitedly.

  “It really isn't awfully exciting,” began Eve, thinking that it was probably the most exciting thing she had ever done or experienced, but not in the edited version.

  “We met in a bar. Grayson was staying in the hotel on business and I was meeting friends who never quite made it. We got talking and met up again a couple of weeks later, although my cousin was also applying for work with Sharpstone, not that I was aware of Sally's prospective boss or who Gray was at that point. We met again at the office and put all the pieces together and that's it really, so, like I say, not awfully exciting.”

  “Well, you make a very attractive couple,” smiled Edward.

  Lucas jumped in with a cheeky grin and said, “I saw Eve and Gray at the gym and hadn't realised they were together when I told Gray about the beautiful girl in the silver bikini.”

  “What did Gray say?” asked Poppy with seemingly bated breath.

  “Gray pointed out Lucas' error because the beautiful girl in the silver bikini was not a girl, she was, and still is, my girl,” interjected Gray before turning to Eve. “I was just telling my mother that Frontiers would be better placed to help out with P.R. than me and Tim.”

  “Oh,” was all Eve managed to say.

  “Grayson, darling, surely it's all the same, P.R. advertising,” said a confused Diana. “I was going to ask Sam but she's only the hired help really, isn't she?”

  “Diana, Sam is brilliant at what she does, please don't underestimate my wife or devalue her role,” said Tim firmly, making Sam and Gray smile at him with his precise but blunt defence of his wife.

  “Mother you need P.R. really, not advertising and P.R. is Eve's field, not mine.” Gray seemed to immediately regret throwing Eve to the lion that was his mother.

  “Maybe we should have lunch then, dear, and discuss P.R.” started Diana, making Eve feel scared and shocked in equal measures as a familiar voice came from behind her.

  “Mrs Tanner, I really am sorry but I’ve had an urgent call and need to dash, but I have left a donation with one of your people and I wasn't eavesdropping but if it's P.R. you need then Eve really is your girl, Eve and Leon. She's working on some positive P.R. for one of my companies and she is insightful, adventurous and something of a genius,” came Jamie Lewis' voice as he crouched down putting himself between Edward and Diana who was beaming at Jamie now, making Eve smile.

  “I think you may be over-exaggerating my part in our meetings, but thank you anyway,” said Eve sincerely but resisted adding 'because you want to get into my knickers'.

  “Hi Jamie,” called Sam with a coy wave thrown in for good measure making Eve giggle and Tim and Gray frown.

  Standing, Gray turned to Jamie and with an extended hand spoke. “Jamie Lewis, I assume. I'm Grayson Sharp and I've heard all about you from Eve, my girlfriend.”

  Jamie nodded as he stood and accepted the offered hand. “Ah, well nice to meet you...Grayson Sharp as in Sharpstone, and Sam you're the Stone half of the business,” he said as if completing a jigsaw puzzle.

  “I'm the Stone half of the business actually,” said Tim as he too got to his feet. “Tim Stone, Sam's husband.”

  “Ah,” repeated Jamie before turning back to Eve. “See you Monday, Eve, and remind Sally about our date.” He grinned before making his goodbyes then left.

  Afternoon tea was completed, and Diana had ushered Gray away to introduce him to some people leaving Eve with Sam who seemed quite amused by the proverbial who can pee the highest competition that had occurred between Jamie, Gray and even Tim.

  “Tim is furious that I knew Jamie and that he knew me. We will end up having a huge row about that tonight, especially when I tell him about the club and the prosecco,” said Sam with a grin that confused Eve.

  “And you're pleased about that because?”

  “Because after we've rowed, he will get all possessive and passionate and well you know.” She grinned broader making Eve laugh.

  “I see. I just think Grayson was pleased of the chance to introduce himself,” Eve acknowledged as a woman approached them, another petite blonde.

  This place was becoming like something from the Stepford Wives with all these clones of Gray's type. This one was about their age and wore her hair up and smiled to reveal perfect teeth that matched her flawless skin and perfect figure that was toned in all the right places and soft in others. Eve suddenly recognised her from earlier when she'd seen her with Diana.

  “Hi, Sam,” she called rushing towards them.

  “Hi, Sienna,” replied Sam nervously.

  With a kiss to each cheek that never actually made contact, Sienna was standing before them smiling again.

  “Where's Tim, and who's your friend?” She looked from Sam to Eve and back again.

  “He's, erm around, somewhere,” replied Sam with fear more than nerves affecting her voice now. “And this is Eve...” she stammered.

  “And where's Gray? I saw his name on the seating plan, although that all got changed didn't it?” asked Sienna, knowing it had and ignoring Eve.

  “Mmm, Gray, he is somewhere with mother, but he, erm, well, Gray will be back, erm,” floundered Sam sounding as though she may cry at any second until Tim and Gray returned together, although Eve noticed that Tim looked as worried by Sienna as Sam had clearly been, but not Gray.

ienna,” he said curtly before taking Eve's hand. He turned to the others. “We're done, we have mingled and had tea, I have made a large donation and now we are going to enjoy the rest of our weekend.”

  “Would you like to come for lunch tomorrow?” asked Tim suddenly.

  “Make it dinner and you have a deal, but we already have lunch plans,” replied Gray without missing a beat.

  “Okay, dinner. Six o'clock?” asked Tim now.

  “Yeah, see you then.” Gray was already leading Eve away.

  “Gray, we didn't get chance to talk,” called Sienna.

  “Nothing to say!” replied Gray coldly, without looking back.

  “I wanted to talk to your girlfriend!” she almost screeched now.

  “Definitely nothing to say,” he called back with a cold look behind him making Eve wonder exactly who and what Sienna had been, although she already knew the answer to that question. She was another girlfriend who hadn't been a girlfriend because Gray didn't do girlfriends.

  Eve decided that this was definitely a conversation they needed to have, but not today, or tonight and probably not tomorrow either.

  They were about half a mile down the road before Gray spoke. “I am so sorry that you had to endure that, and I promise I won’t ever ask you to do it again.”

  “It wasn't that bad,” Eve replied but hoped she wouldn't have to endure too many afternoons like the one she just had.

  “You're very sweet to lie.”

  “Lisa seems nice, her and her husband and children,” Eve said, embarking on something of a fishing mission.

  “She is, they are,” was Gray's short response.

  Laughing, Eve looked across at a confused looking Gray.


  “There is so much about you that I don't know.”

  “Nothing important,” replied Gray flatly.

  “Oh, Skipper, I find it very hard to believe that there is anything unimportant about you, but as I have agreed to never leave you I suppose I have time to find out everything there is to know.” Eve rested a hand on Gray's knee.

  “Loving the idea of you never leaving me, baby, but am less thrilled at the prospect of you finding out everything.”

  “Then maybe you should just tell me, so I don't find out by accident,” suggested Eve, prompting a darkening expression and disposition in Gray.

  “Eve, please can you drop this for now? I realise there are things I probably should tell you, especially as you've been so open with me, but not now, not after this afternoon and not before date night.” There was more than a little pleading in Gray’s voice.

  Eve nodded, reassuringly, still stroking Gray's knee as she continued, “You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to and I hope I can trust you to tell me what I need to know, but clearly not now,” Eve replied with sincerity, but also hoped the warning of her words was heard.

  “Thank you, now take your hand off my leg, I'm a happily married man,” grinned Gray a little more relaxed suddenly.

  As they pulled into the car park at The Stanford, Eve felt butterflies in her tummy as she anticipated the scenario of their date; what if it didn't live up to expectations? What if she couldn't play the virginal bride as well as she’d hoped? Shaking her head to herself she remembered that this was all a game and regardless of how it panned out, her and Gray would have a night of hot sex.

  “Come on then, Mrs Sharp,” he called as he opened the passenger door and offered Eve a hand that she accepted with a smile.

  As they reached the reception desk, Eve was surprised when Gray booked them in and asked the receptionist she was unfamiliar with, “Can someone take our luggage up while we get a drink in the bar, please?”

  The receptionist looked older than the usual receptionist at mid to late thirties Eve guessed and had short dark hair in a funky, choppy style but with the brightest of blue eyes. She eyed Gray most appreciatively but as she turned her attention to Eve, her expression became cynical, suspicious. However, when she handed over the key card, she offered it, with a smile to Eve who happily accepted it with her outstretched left hand that carried no wedding ring, no ring at all, something that the receptionist noticed immediately and smiled, a knowing, smug smile that embarrassed Eve, causing her to flush.

  There was no real need to be embarrassed Eve told herself because she and Gray were doing nothing wrong; they were a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend, this was just a game they played, Mr and Mrs Sharp, so why was she so uncomfortable under this woman's gaze to have been uncovered as anything other than Mrs Sharp?

  “Evie!” called Gray making her jump suddenly. “Baby, let's grab a drink.”

  Eve reached for Gray's familiar and reassuring hand, making him smile at her as he linked his fingers with hers before leading her to the resident's lounge where they sat at a window table and sipped on the glasses of wine Gray ordered for them both.

  “Are you okay?” asked Gray. “You seem quiet,” he observed.

  “I'm fine,” she replied unconvincingly with a weak smile, unable to shake off the receptionist’s judgemental and knowing glance at her naked finger.

  “If you say so. Look, I just need to nip out. I will be no more than ten minutes and then we are officially on honeymoon.” Gray grinned, leapt to his feet and with a quick peck on the lips he was gone before she could argue or protest.

  No more than two minutes had passed when Eve noticed a familiar shape pass before her just a few feet away; unsure what to do next, whether to call out or hide, the decision was made for her when a woman in her early forties saw her.

  She headed straight to her, where, with no pleasantries she said, “Eve! What the hell are you doing here? It doesn't matter really you just need to remember that you don't know me, so don't approach me or smile or speak or anything, okay?”

  “Mum,” Eve started and was cut off immediately.

  “And definitely no mum! Do you understand me? I am here with a friend, a very special friend, and the last thing he needs to know about is you. This could be the real thing for me, Evelyn, so keep away. You've ruined enough chances for me already and all I have ever done is to make sacrifices for you so now you need to repay me. Have a lovely evening or whatever and bye,” said Karen Mariner to her only child who, whilst not surprised by her mother's familiar comments suddenly felt sad and a little emotional by her harsh comments today.

  Karen briefly paused and looked down at her daughter and allowed a small smile to spread across her lips as her hand stroked her hair gently, affectionately, maybe even maternally. “Oh, what am I going to do with you? Looking all forlorn and alone Evelyn Bonnie Cher Mariner!”

  Eve’s first thought had been to point out that she should never have saddled her with such a ridiculous name, but she didn’t say that. She said nothing.

  “Sweetie, I really have to go but call me and we can have lunch sometime. Maybe I can find you a nice man to make you smile again after all it was Max that died not you, although,” she said, suddenly sounding cold as she removed her hand from her daughter’s head making Eve flinch and feel sad again. “Oh for goodness sake, Evelyn, pull yourself together. Why do you always do this? You always did try and spoil things for me, now stop it,” she snapped angrily, flicking her red hair back as they were joined by a man of a similar age to her mother, but taller than her five feet three inches.

  Eve looked up at the kind face looking down at her with sparkly amber eyes glinting green and gold. He ran a hand through his wavy dark brown hair and then rested the same hand on Karen's hip. “Sweetheart, our table for dinner is ready, if you are?”

  “Of course,” her mother smiled looking at this man with a genuine warmth and affection before turning back to Eve. “Well, it was lovely to see you, Eve, and call me sometime. Bye,” she said as she turned to leave.

  The man looked down at Eve with a smile. “Bye, Eve.”

  Eve stared as they made their way across the room where they passed Gray who watched Eve watching them until they'd dis

  “Hey baby, you okay?” Gray reached the table where Eve still sat.

  “Did you see that couple who just left?” Eve was still stunned to have found her mother here.

  “Little red head and tall dark man?”

  “Yes, my mum and her latest big chance at happiness,” revealed Eve.

  “What? You're kidding? Bloody hell!”

  “Quite. But I have been warned not to speak, approach or anything else and certainly no use of the word mum,” Eve explained, making Gray shake his head disbelievingly.

  “Do you want to go home? Save date night for another night?” Gray held her hand.

  “No, no! Look it's just a shock, her being here, if not her behaviour.” Almost jumping to her feet Eve finished her glass of wine. She smiled across at Gray. “Unless you have changed your mind, Mr Sharp, Mrs Sharp would like to go up to our room.”

  With a grin, Gray joined her and led her out of the lounge, across the foyer, past reception to the lifts where an empty car arrived almost immediately. Once safely enclosed in the lift Gray turned to Eve and revealed his awareness of the receptionist's skills of observation.

  “I think the receptionist may have rumbled us, the fact we're not married.”

  “Mmm, she certainly studied my naked fingers,” agreed Eve.

  “Yes, I noticed, but hadn't realised our mistake until then, so...” He reached into his pocket, making her panic slightly until he pulled out a plastic egg that he opened to reveal a large, gold, plastic toy ring with a bright pink, plastic gem that made her laugh.

  “You got me a ring,” she stated obviously as she laughed again but was genuinely moved. It wasn’t gold and diamonds, but she loved it, the thought behind it and the innocence of it. It was the sort of thing a child might give to another child in the playground.

  “Yes I have; I understand that etiquette usually suggests that a man should spend a month’s salary on it and that is probably about a minutes worth but I was totally reliant on the machine at the front of the supermarket round the corner as the jewellers was closed, but when the shop opens again…” he started before Eve stepped forward and kissed him to silence him.


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