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CODY: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 2)

Page 15

by Jessie Cooke

  “Is it automatic?”

  She busted up laughing again, Before he knew it, the keys were taken from his hand and she gave him a little smack on the ass and said, “Buckle up and hold on, baby boy, you’re in for the ride of your life.”

  Cody got into the passenger seat and pulled the seatbelt across his lap. Harley had them on the road leading to the front gates before he got it buckled. She kept it at a decent speed until they passed the guard gate but as soon as they hit the pavement, she floored it. She took that car from 25 to 80 in under a minute on the straightaway leading into the curves that went up into the hills. He watched with fascination as she downshifted for the tight curves and then shifted up into third gear and accelerated in every straightaway. At one point they were doing 100 miles an hour. It was like a direct shot of adrenaline, and Cody was having the time of his life. Harley didn’t stop smiling, even when she had to feather the brakes as they came into the curves. The car drove smoothly, like they were floating on air. It was the closest thing to flying that Cody had ever experienced. Harley drove a good twenty miles up into the hills before suddenly pulling the steering wheel hard to the left and bringing the car around 180 degrees so that they were facing the other direction. Then she pulled the car off the road into one of the turnouts, turned off the ignition, and looked over at Cody. “What do you think?”

  “That was fucking awesome.”

  She giggled. “It was, huh? Speed is as addictive as meth, I think. I’ve never done meth, but they say one taste and you’re hooked. That’s how I felt the first time my uncle let me take the car out and drive fast.”

  “I take it your father didn’t know about it?”

  “No, not when my uncle let me do it. He did find out about my need for speed when I got a ticket doing 105 in a 55 zone.”

  “Shit. Did he lock you in a closet?”

  “No. He took away my keys. I hot-wired the car the following weekend, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t get stopped again. That time I was only doing 85, but it was in a construction zone. The car got towed and I got taken home in the back of a police car. The parental units were furious. I was grounded for months and when the car got out of impound, Dad sold it. I didn’t get to drive again until I was eighteen.”

  “How old were you when the cops brought you home?”

  “It was two weeks after my sixteenth birthday.”

  Cody laughed and shook his head. “It’s a miracle you didn’t give your old man a heart attack.”

  “I’m only twenty-four,” she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “There’s still time.” As she talked, she climbed over the center console and before Cody knew it, she was in his lap, facing him. His body responded before his brain even realized what was happening. “Speed makes me horny. Have you ever got your rocks off in a car?”

  “No, but I’m ready,” he said with a grin.

  “There’s nothing better than a quickie in the front seat of a Mustang.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” he told her just before her lips came crashing down on his. That kiss would have been enough. It was a hot, mouths wide open, tongues ramming down the back of throats kind of kiss. It was the best fucking kiss Cody had ever had in his life, and his cock was hard as a rock by the time she pulled back and smiled down at him. Her breasts were right at eye level, and he’d been thinking about them since he’d first seen her that afternoon. He let his hands slide up her waist, taking her shirt with them. She lifted her arms and let the shirt slip over her head. She was wearing a white lacy bra and her breasts were swollen over the top of it. He leaned forward and rested his face between them. She smelled so fucking good. While he was inhaling her she reached back and unhooked the bra. He lifted his face up and watched those gorgeous tits fall out as she wiggled the bra straps off down her arms.


  She giggled. “That’s what I’m about to do.”

  He raised his hands up and caught the weight of her breasts in his hands. He put his lips on one of her nipples and she moaned, loudly. He started to suck and she wrapped her hands around the back of his head and held him tightly to her chest, almost suffocating him. When she was ready for him to change breasts, she simply pulled him off one and moved him over to the other. Cody was devouring those big, pink nipples like a starving man, and one of his hands had slipped down between their legs and he was rubbing her pussy through her jeans. He could feel the hot, wet spot that proved she was as excited as he was. She finally pulled his face off her tits and back up to her mouth. She gave him another long, erotic kiss, this time sucking on his bottom lip and running her tongue back and forth across it. His cock ached underneath her as she ground herself down into him.

  While they kissed, she reached down with one hand and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Once that was done he grabbed the waistband of them and she rose up enough for him to pull them down. He could smell how excited she was in the cramped space and it was like an aphrodisiac that he didn’t need. He could feel his own wet spot forming on the front of his jeans as she twisted and turned, trying to get one of her legs out of her jeans and panties. He was mesmerized by her for a few seconds. He only came back down to earth when he felt her hands go to the button of his jeans.

  “Get them off,” she demanded. He didn’t hesitate. She lifted herself up enough again for him to pull down his jeans and shorts. They landed around his knees and he left them there, grabbing her by the waist and bringing her back down on his lap so that his now naked cock was pressing into her. “Damn, baby,” she muttered as she put her hands in his lap and wrapped her hot palms around his throbbing cock. “It’s as big as the rest of you.” She kissed him again, and this time he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. He loved the way she was moaning and squirming around on his lap. She finally held him in her right hand and lined him up with the open lips of her pussy. She lifted slightly and then let her lower half drop down, impaling herself on his cock. They both cried out when that happened. He felt like his cock was wrapped up in a tight, wet, silk glove.


  She giggled again. “You have a potty mouth.”

  Cody chuckled. “I just don’t have any other words for this.”

  That got her started moving. She threw her pretty auburn head back and started grinding her hips into his, lifting her ass up and then dropping down to meet him as he brought his hips up off the seat. Cody thrust up into her hard and fast. He was still mildly in shock that this was happening, but she sure as fuck felt real. He held onto her smooth thighs and squeezed them, letting his thumbs graze her engorged clit as he did. She screamed out his name every time he did that, and he fucking loved it. They were slapping the leather seat hard with each thrust and rocking the car so hard that Cody pictured it jumping up and down on its tires from the outside. Cody pressed his head back into the headrest and looked up. That was when he realized he could see the stars and the moon through the sunroof. For some reason that only fueled his lust and he began to fuck her harder and faster. He got so into it that his knees would come up and slam into the dash with every thrust. He was going to be bruised tomorrow, but right at that moment he didn’t give a fuck about anything except for the beautiful woman riding his cock, and his impending orgasm. Harley dug her fingernails into his shoulders, hard enough to draw blood as she let out a wild, animalistic sound. He felt the gush of warm fluid on his thighs just as his own orgasm knocked the wind right out of him. They rocked back and forth together in that bucket seat until neither of them had a drop left and then Harley dropped her head into his shoulder and said:

  “Fuck…me…” Cody used what was left of his own breath to laugh. She was too fucking much.


  Cody could hardly get out of bed the next day, but despite his pain-wracked body, he couldn’t get the stupid smile off his face. It was almost eight before he limped out of his room and down the stairs. Tank already had breakfast going and the clubhouse was packed. It looked like everyone on the ranch h
ad come out to eat. Jimmy was there, sitting with Beezy and a couple of the club girls. Dax and Angel were sitting with Handsome and Callie. Pablo and Nolan were there and several of the younger prospects that Cody hadn’t spent much time getting to know. The old regulars who had been in the club since before Cody was born all looked to be there as well. The only person he could see that was missing was Macy. He knew she didn’t work on Saturdays—she'd told him the vets office only took emergency calls on the weekends—so he figured she was still avoiding him, or Jimmy, or both.

  Brew and his father were sitting at the bar, eating, drinking beer already, and shooting the shit with some of the guys. Cody said good morning and went into the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee. Tank was there, and another guy they called Gordo.

  “Hey, kid.”

  “Hey, Tank, Gordo. Smells good in here.”

  “Of course it does,” Tank said with a gruff laugh. “Get you a plate?”

  “Yeah, as soon as I get some coffee.” Cody poured himself a mug full of coffee and then leaned up against the counter and took a drink of the steaming black liquid, savoring it as it ran down his throat and into his veins.

  “I hear you’re gonna be our newest prospect,” Gordo said.

  “Yeah, tonight’s the night. You guys are going to go easy on me, right?”

  The two old-timers laughed. “Sure, kid,” Tank said. He held out a full plate and said, “Eat up, you’ll need your strength.”

  Cody rolled his eyes and took the plate. He was looking forward to the party and getting his prospect patch. He was slightly anxious about the meeting between Stitch and Scalper. Stitch was supposed to text him when they were almost to the club, but he hadn’t heard anything from him yet.

  He took his plate and went back out into the great room. Brew and his dad were already finished eating and playing a game of darts with some of the guys in the corner. Handsome and Callie had gotten up from Dax’s and Angel’s table so he carried his plate over there. “Mind if I sit here?”

  “Not at all,” Angel said. “I hear you’re being honored tonight at the party.”

  News traveled fast on the ranch. There probably wasn’t anyone that didn’t know. “Yep. Honored tonight, humiliated for the next year or so.”

  Angel laughed and Dax smiled. “It’s a rite of passage, kid.”

  One that Dax never had to go through, but Cody wasn’t about to bring that up. “Yep” was all he said.

  “So Hannah tells me you two are old friends.” Cody had a flashback to the night before. The one thing he hadn’t really thought through until that moment was that he’d fucked the girlfriend of a cop in the front seat of that Mustang…a cop that just so happened to be the brother of his president’s old lady.

  “Yeah, we go way back.”

  “Where do you know her from?” Dax asked.

  Cody smiled. “You don’t remember her?”

  “You know her too?” Angel asked Dax.

  Dax shook his head as Cody said, “Harley Yates.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” Dax said in disbelief. “That little red-headed devil is…Hannah?”

  “What little red-headed devil? What are you two talking about?” Angel asked.

  Still smiling Cody said, “Harley…Hannah…was quite the little troublemaker in her day.”

  “No way. Hannah is sweet and quiet. She’s one of the smartest, most studious, law-abiding…” Cody and Dax both lost it on “law-abiding.” “What?”

  “Let’s see,” Dax said. “I remember the shoplifting incident pretty well. They were both about twelve years old and the little demon decided she wanted to steal a bottle of Jack Daniel’s from the grocery store in town. Lucky for them I was good friends with Mac Arbor, the son of the people that owned it back then. He called me instead of the police. Then there was the time she talked you into climbing the fence at the public pool and pouring Jell-o into it just to see if it would set…and there was the cow-tipping incident, and the missing piece of farm equipment…”

  Angel had a shocked look on her face. “Surely you’re thinking of someone else.”

  “Nope,” Cody said, “It was all Harley and me and sometimes Jimmy, and it was all her idea.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Dax laughed and put his arm around her. “He’s not lying, baby. Her daddy thought he was the badass one, but I saw it firsthand—that little girl was possessed or something.”

  “Her father is the DA. She told me he was super strict when she was growing up.”

  “That’s true,” Cody said. “But his need to control her backfired.”

  “But I’m sure she’s settled down now that she’s grown up,” Dax said. He must have suddenly remembered she was Kyle’s girlfriend.

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” Cody said. He and Dax laughed again. Angel looked like she was still trying to process it when Cody’s phone dinged. He glanced down at it under the table. It was a message from Stitch that said:

  “Liam and the rest of the guys will be there in half an hour. I’m at the Roadside Inn, room 222. I’ll expect you and my old friend within the hour.” Cody excused himself under the guise of getting more gravy. He put his plate in the kitchen and slipped out the side door before texting:

  “And when do I get to meet your uncle face to face?”

  “If all goes as planned today, I’ll set it up for Monday morning. We’ll need some time to get to Jersey.”

  “Okay. See you in an hour.”

  Cody took a deep breath, stuck the phone back into his pocket, and headed back inside. He scanned the room again and found Scalper had left the dart game and was pawing all over May again. Shit. Cody had a plan to get him out of the clubhouse and off the ranch without Brew, but he wasn’t going to be able to do it if the old man was in the back room getting lucky. He was trying to figure out what to do when he saw Macy walk in. She looked over where Jimmy was sitting with a girl still on either side of him and then she scanned the room until her eyes fell on Cody. He smiled at her. She nervously, smiled back. When he walked over toward her she looked like she wanted to run. “Hey.”


  “Avoiding me?”

  “No, I’ve just been…busy.”

  “You doing okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Well, this had to be the most uncomfortable conversation I’ve had in a long time.”

  “I’m sorry, Cody. I don’t know what to say.”

  He nodded. “Me neither.” He looked back over at Scalper and May. “Can you do me a favor?”

  Macy looked a little suspicious as she said, “What’s that?”

  “Can you think of a reason to pull May off that guy in the corner?”

  Macy looked in the direction of Scalper and May and then back at Cody. “Why?”

  “Do you need to know why? Can’t you just do it for me? Trust me?” He felt a shiver of guilt about asking her to trust him when he was doing something he knew would piss Dax off. A prospect is not supposed to get involved with other clubs without his president’s permission. Technically he wasn’t a prospect, but Dax expected everyone on the ranch to abide by those rules. Cody knew if Dax knew what he was up to, he’d try and stop him, and he needed to do this, for Keller.

  “Fine. I was actually looking for Callie. Our boss called. He’s got an emergency surgery on a cat this morning and he’s looking for volunteers to come in. Maybe I can talk May into going.”

  “Does she work there too?”

  “No, but she volunteers sometimes.”

  “Cool. Thanks, Macy. I’ll owe you one.” She gave him a look like he owed her more than that. He had another flashback to the night before. He didn’t feel guilty about being with Harley. Macy had made it clear they were through…but it did feel a little strange. He watched as she went over to talk to May and then he scanned the room, looking for Brew. He felt relieved when he saw Lucy was all over him again, sitting in his lap in one of the recliners near the dart board. That should ke
ep him busy for a while. He looked back over at Scalper. May and Macy were headed out the back door and Scalper looked pissed. Cody went over where he was standing. “How’s it going, Brewster?”

  The old man downed what was probably his third beer of the morning already. “It sucks. Why the fuck do your club girls have fucking jobs? Our club girls’ one and only job is to keep us happy.”

  “Sorry about that. Hey, I have to take a quick ride. You feel like riding with me?”

  “Where you going?”

  “I have to pick something up for Dax out at one of the motels near the highway.”

  Brewster raised an eyebrow. He’d been asking a lot of questions about the club, what they were into and how Dax ran the club. Cody was hoping he’d be curious enough about what he was “picking up” to go. “Yeah, sure. A ride might be what I need. I’ll get Brew…”

  “He seems busy,” Cody said with a smirk in his direction. “Maybe we should let him enjoy his morning.”

  “Fuck. I should take that little cunt from him and let him ride with you.” Shit, shit, shit! If Brewster refused to go, Cody was fucked.

  He took a breath and tried to sound casual as he said, “Sure, but I’ve heard May puts her to shame on her knees, if you know what I mean.”

  “But May’s not here.”

  “She’ll be back. We won’t be gone long.”

  He grumbled something else but said, “Alright. Let me get my riding gear out of my room.” Cody nodded and as soon as Scalper headed up the stairs he breathed a sigh of relief. He went and grabbed his own gear and stuffed it in a bag in case he saw Dax on his way out. He was happy to see the great room had begun to thin out by the time he came back downstairs. Scalper was waiting for him, and Cody breathed another sigh of relief when the two of them passed through the outer gates and hit the highway. He was one step closer to the revenge he’d craved for over eight years. He didn’t care what anyone said; even though he’d already given up eight years of his life, he slept better at night knowing one of those bastards was roasting in hell and the other one was trapped inside of a body he’d never be able to use again. Last time Cody checked with his lawyer, the guy was lying in a nursing home in Connecticut, verbally unresponsive and unable to walk. He didn’t feel bad about that at all. It’s exactly what the bastard deserved for what he put Keller through.


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