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The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Glancing up, he saw that she was waiting.

  “Say what you need to say,” he said.

  “Renee’s organized a night out with the girls. I want to go with them.”

  “We’re on lockdown,” he said. If he had to extend it, he would.

  “I’ve already heard the guys and old ladies talking. It’s over tomorrow. We’re wanting a girls’ night. I want to go with them and seeing as I’ve not had a day off and I’ve given you plenty of warning, I’d like to go with them.”

  “You want to hang out with the old ladies?”

  “Yes. I think it would be fun.”

  He nodded, finding it funny.

  “I’m an old lady now, so you say. I think it’s right us ladies get together. We’ve been stuck here for a few days, and I want to have some fun.”

  “What do you consider fun?”

  “I have no intention to drink, but I love dancing.”

  “I’ll take you dancing.”

  “Not going to happen. It’s going to be girls’ night, and that means no boys. It’s not fair to Renee that she has to wait around for Bear. She’s going to have a good time. Maybe find a guy for the night.” She shrugged her shoulder. “I’m not asking for permission. You got to do what you’ve got to do for the club, and I will accept that on the one condition that when I want to go out with the girls, I can. Be it partying or shopping.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “You know who you belong to?”

  “Yes. I won’t be there for other men.”

  “And I get no say in this?”

  “Only if I get a say in what happened upstairs.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Then no, you don’t.”

  “I can’t change your mind?”


  “Then I guess I’ll have to deal with it.” He was also going to have a word with Bear as well. There’s no way he was going to let this become a regular thing.


  “Come on, barkeep. We need more beers,” Renee said. She slapped the counter, shouting for attention.

  Jasmine forced a smile to her lips and tried to ignore the glares they were all getting from other customers. There were fifteen of them tonight. She was the designated driver for herself, Renee, and four other women. They had worked out a system and were already planning the next couple of months’ worth of ladies’ nights. She was happy to go on ladies’ night.

  Hawk hadn’t been happy, but it wasn’t her job to not have a life anymore.

  A week ago, he’d shocked her completely. After she left the bedroom, wanting very much to storm out of the clubhouse and never see him again, Bear and Red had cornered her. They warned her that after a day where Hawk had to deal with some unpleasantness, he liked to be left alone. They didn’t exactly use that language, but it was what they meant in a nutshell. Hawk kills for a day, leave him be. He’s a moody bastard. So she’d gone and served him food rather than leaving him alone.

  “What are you having to drink?” Renee asked.

  “Just a tonic water with a slice of lemon.”

  Renee laughed. “I can see why Hawk likes you.”


  “You’ve got that prim lady thing going. I bet he loves getting that all dirty.”

  She hoped she wasn’t blushing, thinking about all the ways he liked to make her dirty.

  The moment the bartender passed her a drink, Renee downed it within a matter of seconds. Sipping at her tonic water, Jasmine waited as Renee ordered another drink. Only this time, they carried their drinks over to their table.

  Several of the old ladies were already on the floor dancing. Taking a seat, Jasmine watched as the women looked around the bar, clearly wanting fresh meat.

  “Why are they wearing the leather cuts?” she asked, pointing at the women.

  “It’s the way the men deal with them being out without them. They have to wear their patch. You’ve got a give a guy some respect that comes and tries anything on with them. Taking on a Satan’s Rulers MC old lady is no joke.” Renee burst out laughing.

  She and Renee didn’t have jackets on.

  “This is so much fun,” one of the women squealed.

  “Yeah, so much better than waiting for one of them to come home. I don’t see what those bitches do. He comes home, barks out orders, farts, and passes out,” another of the women said.

  “I don’t like it. I don’t like any of it,” Renee said. “No matter who I go out with or even if I try to date in another town, Bear’s always there. He’s always ruining everything. I hate him.” Renee swallowed her drink. “I’m dancing. Come on.”

  Jasmine was pulled onto the dance floor and dancing within a matter of seconds. Letting the beat wash over her, she watched Renee as the other woman started to loosen up.

  “This is just what I needed. Time away from that asshole to be myself.” She let out a whoop and looking past her shoulder, Jasmine saw a couple of men waiting to swoop in.

  She danced with Renee, keeping an eye on their table, and of course more of the old ladies decided they’d had enough of waiting for their men who left them at home most times, and started to dance.

  For some reason she couldn’t help but worry that if the women allowed these men who were not part of the MC to think they had a shot, this was going to be bad news.

  “Do you think we should be letting other men dance with us?” Jasmine asked.

  Renee cupped her face. “Relax. These ladies have wanted a chance to get back at their men. They’re sitting in their clubhouse, getting their dick sucked and all they have to do is crook their finger and the women come to them. It’s our time now. Girls’ night is going to be so popular. I love this already. Come on, Jasmine. Stop worrying so much. This is supposed to be fun.”

  Throwing caution to the wind, Jasmine let herself go, basking in the heat of the night and the enjoyment of the music.

  Chapter Ten

  Hawk ran Bethany’s child monitor across his lip and back. She was down for the night in the clubhouse nursery where many of the kids were. He sat in the main clubhouse room, waiting for his woman to come home. He’d ordered her to come back to the clubhouse. Glancing around the room, he saw several of the men whose women were out tonight had the same thought.

  A couple of them didn’t seem to care and were flirting with the club whores to keep themselves entertained.

  He wasn’t happy.

  He didn’t like her being out there on her own.

  Since lockdown had ended, business had returned to normal, but when he got home, he didn’t let Jasmine go to her own room.

  She was in his bed every single night, and he’d gotten the pleasure of playing with her body just the way he wanted.

  There’s no way he’d ever risk Jasmine for one of these women. They bounced from cock to cock because it was their job to do and they loved it.

  “You’re looking ready to kill,” Bear said, taking a seat at his table.

  “The reason most of the women are out tonight is your fault.”

  “Fuck off. None of this shit is on me.”

  “It is. Renee is sick and tired of you getting to live your own life, and that’s why she arranged everything. The women coming, the night out. She wants to get over you by finding herself a man that has nothing to do with you.”

  Bear’s cheek tensed up. “That shit ain’t happening.”

  “For all you know Renee could be being fucked against a wall right now. Five men lining up to see just how good of a pussy she’s got.” Hawk watched and waited.

  “She’s mine.”

  “Yeah, and you’re not claiming shit. I doubt she’d even want your dick now. It’s seen one too many whores for her taste. What she needs is a nice, fresh dick that looks at her and only her.”

  “Fuck this shit. No one is having her. She’s mine.” Bear slammed the chair across the room.

  “Where are you going?” Hawk asked.

  “I’m done waiting. I’m going after
what’s mine.”

  Hawk smiled and tossed Bethany’s speaker to one of the men. “Keep an ear out for her. She should be down for the count.”

  “Where are you going?” one of the men asked.

  “I’m going to get my woman.”

  He walked out of the clubhouse, going toward his bike. Bear was already out of the grounds, and he couldn’t help but smile. Nothing like the thought of another pair of balls swinging in your woman’s face to make that claim.

  Straddling his bike, he rode out of the parking lot, heading toward the bar Jasmine had told them they were going to.

  Gunning the engine, he took each bend, and it didn’t take him long to find Bear who was a few feet in front of him.

  They arrived at the bar within a matter of minutes, breaking several rules along the way.

  Bear climbed off his bike, and Hawk grabbed his arm. “You’ve got to play this cool.”

  “Fuck cool. She knows who she belongs to.”

  “Does she? Or is this another point where you take her home, come back to the clubhouse, and screw other women?”

  “Why do you care so much?”

  “Because if you step in there and ruin this for her, I’ve got a feeling she won’t be coming around anymore, and as much as you keep her at arm’s length, you like her. Make your mind up. Renee’s either yours or she’s not, but she can’t be both and you can’t keep ruining every single guy for her. She has a chance to find someone.” He wouldn’t usually interfere with the guys’ lives like this, but Bear and Renee had been dancing around each other for some time now.

  He had to do something, especially if they were about to go in there and stake their own claim on their women.

  “She’s mine.”

  “She’s yours?”

  “Yeah, I want her, and no one’s taking her away from me.” With Bear’s mind made up, they entered the bar, and it took Hawk a few seconds to find his woman.

  She looked beautiful in the dress she wore but stood out like a sore thumb. The pretty floral summer dress only enhanced the innocent look that she had. Her blue eyes were closed as she swayed to the music. Renee was in front of her, but the other woman had another man wrapped all around her.

  No one touched Jasmine, and he was more than okay with that.

  Leaving Bear to deal with his own problem, he walked right up to his woman, admiring the curve of her ass. A couple of men who were partying the night away admired his woman. He wasn’t about to ruin her night by slitting their throats, but he wanted to. When it came to Jasmine, she brought out his protective side.

  The wound on her shoulder was healing up nicely, and she no longer looked in pain when she had to lift something. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pressed his lips to her ear. She started to struggle, but the moment he spoke, she relaxed.

  “Hey, baby, you look pretty lonely all by yourself.”

  “I wasn’t lonely.” She looked toward Renee, who was now in Bear’s arms. They were sharing heated words as they danced.

  Spinning Jasmine around into his arms, he smiled down at her. “You’re lonely now.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I was making sure Bear didn’t make an ass of himself.”

  “He should be begging her for forgiveness.”

  “A little birdie tells me that Renee is going to get everything her heart desires, including the man she’s been panting after.”

  Jasmine put her hands around his neck, her body flush against his. The lady was still in charge.

  He’d noticed whenever they were not alone or in the bedroom, Jasmine didn’t give anything away. He loved this about her.

  She knew without a doubt who she belonged to.

  “Did you miss me?” Jasmine asked.

  “I did.”

  “Who is looking after Bethany?”

  “One of the boys.”

  “You know this was supposed to be a girls’ night.”

  “It was, and now it’s an ‘our night.’” He ran his hands down her body, cupping her generous ass. “And I intend to make sure that the only thing you remember about this night is me.”

  “Well, you’ve got a lot to do, because I’ve only been drinking tonic water. I’m perfectly aware of everything.”

  “How about we skip this part and head home? I can show you a good time in my bedroom.”

  She chuckled. “I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m the designated driver, and I’m not going to let my girls down. They wanted to come out tonight, and no men should be allowed.” She cupped his face, and he tilted her head back, taking possession of her lips. Sliding his leg between hers, he drew it up so that she was dancing across his leg.

  Jasmine pulled back from the kiss, but he saw the hunger in her eyes. She wanted him.

  “You don’t want to continue fucking my leg?”

  “Hawk, please.”

  “Please, what? Fuck you?”

  “I want you.”

  But she also wanted to stay to help. He got it, and he fucking admired it. She wasn’t willing to leave the women here, and for that, he fucking adored her.

  With his fingers wrapped around her wrist, he didn’t care who saw them. Leaving the bar, he rounded the building and pressed her up against the brick. Taking her hands in his, he held them above her head.

  “Now you’re completely at my mercy.”

  He pressed his cock against her, and she moaned.

  Sliding a hand beneath her dress, he cupped her pussy through the fabric, feeling just how wet she was. She soaked his fingers from the first touch.

  Tearing her panties from her body, he pushed her dress up to her waist. He released her hands to lift her up.

  “Take my cock out.” He had his woman in his hands. She loosened his belt and pulled out his cock. He released a hiss as the pleasure was intense. “Put me inside you, babe. I can’t wait another second.”

  She placed the tip of his cock against her clit and slowly eased down until he filled her pussy. They both cried out as he filled her inch by inch. Holding onto her waist, he slammed her down on his cock until he was at the hilt. Her hands went to his shoulders, and against the wall, she started to work his cock as he held her in place, moving his dick inside her at the same time.

  The music was dull, and all he could hear was their heavy breathing.

  Over and over again, he fucked her, making her his, taking what belonged to him, and she did belong. This woman was all his, and he was never letting her go, not ever.

  Jasmine was a fucking treasure and only a blind asshole couldn’t see it.

  Pounding inside her, they both cried out as he flooded her pussy with his release. They were both panting, and he let go of her ass, holding her against the wall as he sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her down for a kiss.

  This woman had ruined him for anyone else.


  Jasmine dropped off the last of the old ladies and instead of driving to the clubhouse, she went home. Those were Hawk’s instructions. He’d already gotten someone to take care of Bethany, and even though she felt guilty for leaving the young girl, she wanted the time with Hawk.

  Soon reality would come crashing down around her, and she wouldn’t have any excuse for spending time with him. The agency would find out, and then she’d be off their books for good.

  Part of her was afraid of that.

  Pulling up onto the drive, she climbed out and made her way inside.

  She went straight upstairs to their bedroom.

  Hawk wouldn’t let her sleep anywhere but in his bed.

  Everything was moving so fast and yet not fast enough.

  They fucked all the time, but that wasn’t it. They talked all the time about everything and nothing. There were moments where she found herself thinking about him coming back bloody with that look in his eye, but she must have been dropped as a baby or something because it didn’t last very long and then she was thinking about the future with him, about what it could mean.
br />   Could she be his old lady?

  Taking care of Bethany?

  She loved that little girl so much.

  Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, she removed her shoes and took off her dress. She heard the door open and close, and she waited with bated breath for him to arrive.

  Completely naked, she sat on the edge of the bed, her legs spread, sitting back on her hands, waiting for him. This was how he wanted her to wait.

  She was all his to do with as he pleased.

  When he rounded the corner and he stood in the doorway, her pussy tightened. He wore his leather cut. His hair was wild as she’d run her fingers through it many times on the dance floor. After they fucked against the wall, they’d gone back inside and danced until it was time to leave.

  “Did everyone make it home safe?” he asked.


  “Good.” He removed his leather cut. “Come here.”

  She stepped off the bed and walked up to him. He held the jacket out for her to try on. She put her hands into the cut, and he placed it on her shoulders.

  “From now on when you go out, you wear this. No man will ever be allowed to touch or take what is mine.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

  She loved it when he went all possessive and didn’t like to share her with anyone else. He slid his hands inside the jacket and cupped her tits. He gave them a squeeze before teasing the nipples. As he tugged on the hardened tips, arousal flooded her pussy.

  “Bend over the bed,” he said.

  She did as he asked, glancing over her shoulder.

  He stepped up behind her, spreading the cheeks of her ass. His fingers teased through her slit, plunging inside her, drawing back to stroke her puckered hole.

  She moaned as he circled her anus before pressing against it.

  His cock was at her entrance within the next second, and she cried out at the width of him as he slammed balls deep within her. She felt them slap against her pussy.

  Closing her eyes, she felt him stroke her ass, pressing inside until he could get a finger, which he moved to the knuckle.

  He began to thrust that single digit in and out of her anus, getting her used to the intrusion, in and out until she was begging for more. The burn stopped but started again as he added a second to her ass, stretching her open.


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