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vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas

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by Jessica McBrayer

  I pull up to the house and park in the garage. I carry in my bags, cute party clothes for children. I splurged and bought all the kids matching outfits. Bast is going to roll his eyes at me but he’ll deal. He knows that I do it because I love them all.

  “Allo? Ou’est ma famille?” Sebastian had been making me practice my French so that Mattie will be bilingual. She is doing really well. She already speaks French better than I do.

  “Ici, maman!” Mattie comes flying out of the kitchen with a dab of blood on her lip. She must have been eating. She’s still on bag blood. Dr. Green says until she’s at least fifteen. Sebastian would make her wait longer. He has no desire to teach her to hunt or drive or date or grow up period. I let out a sigh and catch my daughter as she jumps into my arms. She snuggles into my neck and kisses me there. She smells heavenly as only a child can smell and I inhale deeply.

  “What have you done while I was gone?” I ask, switching back to English.

  “I played with Annie and then I ate. We had a tea party.” She grins showing her dimples. Her midnight hair is in ringlets and her soft blue eyes are full of innocence. I snuggle her again and kiss her all over her face until she is squirming to get down.

  Annie comes in from the kitchen and hands me a mug of coffee made just the way I like it.

  “Thank you, Annie. I didn’t expect to be gone so long.”

  “No problem, Lily. As usual, Mattie was an angel.” Annie wipes the blood dribbling down my child’s chin before it has a chance to get on her clothes.

  I have to admit that I feel safe leaving Mathilda with Annie. It took a while but Annie was patient with me and my hysteria. Sebastian had to drag me out of the house the first time and I sobbed all the way to the club and called Annie at least twelve times. She was a good sport and reassured me, even texting me pictures of a sleeping Mattie.

  I now think of Annie as part of the family along with Liam and Manda. They all have their own places in my heart. That’s why I have been on a mission to get them all the perfect gifts. I think I’ve accomplished it too. Now if I can get out of Midnight Mass, but Bast is insistent that Mattie go. I know he loves the ceremonies of the Church, steeped in ritual and history. He wants Mattie to grow up with the Church a part of her life. I was raised Lutheran and wasn’t ever very committed to church. It was always a trial to be in the congregation with everyone talking about Momma and me because of Daddy’s affairs. Didn’t they know we could hear them gossip? I always had a headache by the time we got home and would close myself in my room. I’ve nothing but bad memories when it comes to religion. Sebastian has never made me go to mass before, though. We’ll have to see. Maybe that can be part of my present to Sebastian?

  4. Sebastian

  Mon Dieu. I’ve got a lot of shopping to do before Christmas Eve. I have Mathilda covered. I got her a little locket inscribed in French with “you are my heart.” It’s truly beautiful and I put a picture of Lily and me in it. I think she will like it. I’ve wanted to spoil her with jewelry but have held back. It’s so easy to give her everything but I don’t want her to grow up that way. I know Lily has plenty of gifts for her but I wanted at least one to be something I picked out.

  Lily’s gift was harder. She is very capable of buying her own clothing, purses, and shoes so I wanted to get her something that meant more. I’ve spent months thinking of the perfect gift. I just bought her a hybrid SUV and that didn’t really have the message I wanted to send her. So I hired an artist to design a memory/photo book about Mathilda. I supplied all the pictures and she made sections for me to write underneath each one. I’ve been holed up in my office at the club a lot lately filling it in. I think she will love it. We’ve been meaning to make photo albums with pictures of Mattie but haven’t gotten around to it yet. If this is a hit, I may do it every year. For birthdays I could do memories of Lily. I really like the idea of being a part of the creation of her gifts. It’s finished and all I have to do is get it wrapped.

  Aidan and I are going out for a drink tonight with Diel. Diel and I will drink and Aidan will soak up djinn energy, however he does that. The important thing is we get together every couple of weeks to talk and let loose. Lily says that I’m more relaxed now that I’m blowing off some steam once in a while. I’ve never had close male friends besides Julian before. We’ve invited him but he is usually too busy to join us. Tonight will be the exception. I think it has something to do with Saturnalia. He really embraces the whole feasting mood. Helena is ready for a break from him and all things Saturnalia, so this is perfect.

  I grab the photo book and head out of the club, stopping by a boutique nearby to beg them to wrap the book for me. With a generous tip and a wink I soon have a wrapped gift for my Lily. I can’t help but smile. I whistle on the way to my car. I love this time of year.

  Once home, I slip the gift along with Mattie’s under the tree near the back where she won’t notice them. We decided not to follow the whole Santa thing with Mattie to a point. We will tell her about him and even have taken her for a visit at Macy’s but we explained he is a spirit and it’s in Jesus’ memory that we give gifts. Christmas is a celebration of life. Mattie is fascinated with reindeer and elves and we’ve watched every Christmas special that has come on. Her favorite is Rudolph.

  I look for my girls after my secret mission is complete. I don’t have to look far, I can hear them splashing in the pool. Annie is taking a much needed break, reading on a chaise lounge. Lily is in a black bikini with hot pink polka dots. Her luscious curves tantalizing over the strips of fabric. I have to shake myself and remember with my daughter here it has to stay PG. Mattie is wearing a hot pink bikini with black polka dots. They are too beautiful and I lean against the door watching them without them knowing. My heart expands and I realize that I love them more and more every day. Impossible but true.

  Lily looks up and sees me. Her smile is radiant, it takes what little breath I have away.

  “Bast, get your trunks on and join us.”

  “I can’t, I’m meeting the guys in a half hour.” She gives me a pouty lip that I want to bite.

  Mattie takes the opportunity to splash her mother when she’s not looking. She douses Lily completely and I can’t help my laugh. Soon Lily is laughing too, after the shock wears off. She pushes a small wave towards Mattie. Mattie starts giggling and splashes her again.

  “Daddy, daddy! Will you be home to read to me?”

  “You can count on it, ma petite chou-chou. I think we will finish Le Petit Prince tonight. Is that acceptable, princess?”

  “Yes! I love that book. Mommy’s been practicing French with me today. She’s getting good at it,” Mattie says sagely. I have to laugh when Lily narrows her eyes at our daughter.

  “I’m glad you and mommy are practicing. We are going to France in just two more months. Do you remember?”

  “Mmm hmm and I will get to see real castles. Woohoo!” Mathilda squeals as she jumps up and down, splashing the hell out of Lily. Since all the children are supernatural for one reason or another, they’ve all aged at different rates. Being under a year old is very confusing for some since Mattie is as big as a five year old and much brighter. The twins are about the equivalent of four year olds and Sammy is about three. The twins are technically older than Mattie so it is confusing to outsiders.

  “Mommy, how much longer are you two going to be in there? I want to kiss my girls.”

  “I think it’s time for us to get out, actually. I’m starting to prune up. Come on short cake. Let’s shower so daddy can give us our welcome home kisses.”

  She leads a protesting Mathilda out of the blue and white tiled pool and over to the shower we had installed in the cabana. It became a hassle to carry a wet and wiggling girl that was dripping salt water everywhere through the house.

  After the girls rinse off and wrap themselves in warm robes, they come out. Mathilda runs to me with vamp speed and jumps into my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzles my cheek. I do the same t
o her, taking in her clean scent and the smell of her grape body wash. She loves the stuff and now I associate it with her so it’s not so overwhelming.

  “Je t’adore.” I give her a big kiss on each cheek and then hug her tight to me.

  “Je t'aime trop papa.”

  “Mmm… where’s my beautiful wife? I need to snuggle her too.”

  Lily wraps her hands around both of us and I kiss her temple. It’s not the kiss I want to give her but that one can wait until we have more time. Just as I start to put Mattie down Aidan pops in and Mattie screams in excitement over seeing her Uncle Aidan. She flies out of my hands and runs to him. He points at her and she’s wearing a pink leotard with a rainbow tutu. She sparkles from head to foot with rhinestones. She squeals again and Aidan starts laughing.

  “You spoil her,” Lily says.

  “Nonsense. She’s well-grounded. She will never act spoiled. Besides she’s my godchild, I can spoil her if I want.”

  Mattie nods her head with a very serious expression on her face.

  “You should listen to Uncle Aidan. He knows I’m a good girl.”

  “Oh sweetheart, you’re the best girl. Mommy and daddy know that too,” Lily gently corrects her.

  “Yes, my two girls are the best in the world.” Lily and Mattie smile at me.

  “Now enough mushy stuff.” Aidan squeezes Mattie until she’s giggling again. “When are Diel and Julian going to be here?”

  “Any minute now. We should head into the living room.”

  “I need to go change. I’ll meet you there,” Lily says.

  Before she can take two steps Aidan has her dressed in skinny jeans and a sweater, long riding boots, and her hair is dry.

  “Yay! Mommy got a present from Uncle Aidan too!”

  “Thank you, Aidan. A little notice would have been good.”

  “Nah. You know how much I love surprises. What are you ladies doing tonight?”

  “We’re going to your house to see Sammy, Finn, and Fiona. Mommy said we can have hot chocolate too.”

  “This is the first I’m hearing of this. Manda, the little vixen.”

  “Me too,” I say.

  “Well, we all got tired of waiting on you guys to come home and are doing our own get together. You know, wine, kids and gossip,” Lily explains and shrugs. “We’ve done it the last two times you guys have gone out. We’re also in the middle of watching the movies about the vampires in Forks, Washington. I love the werewolves. Makes me wish I could phase into a big hairy beast. Well, I don’t really want to but they kick butt.”

  “I didn’t even know we had a copy of those?” I raise one eyebrow in Lily’s direction.

  “Oh yeah, I have a couple. Hannah has the last two and Manda has the first one. I really wish we had the extended versions.” No sooner had she says it, Aidan pops the collection in her hands. “Yes!” Lily fist pumps the air.

  “Did you have any idea about this obsession?” I ask Aidan.

  “Nope. Didn’t even know that Manda had the movie. You can believe I am going to tease her. Thank goodness there are no djinns in the movie. Less competition for me.” He winks at Lily and she laughs and kisses his cheek.

  “Yes, but there are plenty of vampires. And werewolves,” I mumble. Lily walks to me and takes my face in her hands. She whispers in my ear so no one can hear.

  “You’re the only vampire that can rock my world though, Bast.”

  I want to rock her world now. Instead I dip her and give her a long slow kiss. I hear Aidan taking Mattie to the kitchen for a snack, discretely giving us a minute of privacy when Annie joins them.

  “I promise to rock your world later tonight when Mattie is asleep. I’d like to take you in the cabana but we don’t have time.”

  I feel Lily’s legs buckle. I have to hold her up.

  “Oh, Bast. You turn me on in so many ways. I look forward to tonight.”

  “Me too.”

  I kiss her again until I hear Julian and Diel at the front door. Aidan yells to me.

  “Come on, lover boy. The guys are here and I want to go eat.”

  Lily and I walk into the house arm in arm. Diel and Julian each kiss her on the cheek.

  “Bye, love. Have fun watching your movies.”

  I wink at her when she narrows her eyes at me. Aidan lets a chuckle loose as he puts Mattie down. Lily just sticks her lip out as if she is majorly put out. I sweep in and nibble her lip, making her gasp. Her eyes are blazing with lust when I’m done. Mission accomplished.

  5. Aidan

  We’re sitting around in a cigar bar. The guys are each smoking their favorites while sipping brandy. I’m almost drunk on the energy I picked up at Sebastian and Lilith’s. They are so much in love with each other and their little girl that they sometimes overwhelm me with energy. It’s the same when I’m with Manda and our amazing son. I never thought I’d be married with a child but this is where my existence has led me and I couldn’t be happier.

  “What was that, Julian?” I was lost in my reminiscing.

  “I said, what are your and Manda’s plans for this holiday season? Any thoughts on how you plan to tackle Samuel’s first holiday?”

  “Manda is a firm believer in Santa. I mean of course she is.” I roll my eyes. “If that woman could have Christmas all year long she would. She goes around the house spreading cheer and goodwill twenty-four seven.”

  “You love it and you know it,” Diel says. I laugh and smile.

  “You know I do. I suppose that we will do the whole night before Christmas and then open presents on Christmas morning. She’s almost talked me into a Santa costume for Christmas Eve. I mean good gods, me dressed as Santa. Things I do for Samuel and Manda.” I sound like I’m complaining but they all see through me. Still, I have to keep appearances up in order to hold onto my man card in this group of manly men.

  “Sounds like someone’s whipped,” Sebastian says as he holds his hands up. “Don’t get me wrong, Lily and Mattie have me wrapped around their fingers.”

  Everyone laughs and takes a minute to enjoy their cigars.

  “Diel, what are you getting Hannah for Christmas?” Sebastian asks.

  “A motorcycle.”

  I almost choke on my laugh. Only Diel.

  “What? It’s a Harley and very stable. I’ve even thought about putting a side car on it to help stabilize it but she’d just put the babies in it and I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  “What on earth made you think of a motorcycle for a gift?” I ask.

  “She’s a kick-ass girl and she needs a kick-ass hobby. Besides she needs to cut lose some times. I don’t want her to lose the woman I fell in love with. I’m afraid she sees herself only as a mother and wife now and that’s not going to happen on my watch.”

  “You’re a good man, er, Demon, Diel,” Julian says.

  “I can’t wait to see her on it,” Sebastian says.

  “What did you give Helena for Saturnalia, Julian?” Sebastian asks.

  “A long velvet cape for her Solstice celebration.”

  “Nice,” I say. “Did she like it?”

  “Oh, I’d say the outcome was definitely worth it,” he says and winks. We all burst out laughing. The deep belly laugh that comes from bonding with a bunch of guys. It’s cathartic and healing.

  “What about Lilith? What did you get her, Sebastian?” I ask.

  “I had an artist put together a photo book and then I wrote a small story for each picture,” Sebastian says proudly. Everyone grunts and nods. He had to go there.

  “You just had to make the rest of us look bad by making a handmade gift. You know all we’ll hear about is how Sebastian made the perfect gift,” Julian says. Sebastian laughs at him.

  “What can I say? Lily needed something special and jewelry was not going to cut it. She buys all the clothes and shoes and purses she needs and some she doesn’t.” I chuckle remembering the major undertaking moving her closet to the new house.

  I look up to see Andrew
and Liam come in. We’d invited them but weren’t sure they’d show. They had made other plans to attend a play.

  “Good to see you, man,” I say giving Liam a strong handshake. He pats me on the back and finds a seat. Andrew doesn’t bother with the universal man hug and gives me a real one.

  The waitress comes by and both of them decline a cigar but give their drink orders. Andrew takes a small sip of his martini and crosses his hands over his crossed legs.

  “Our play was canceled because the lead and half the cast have the flu,” Liam explains.

  “What were all you manly men talking about before we got here?” Andrew asks.

  “What we got the women for Christmas. Hey, did you know they watch those ridiculous vampire movies when they get together?” Sebastian asks Julian and Diel.

  “I laughed when Hannah bought hers and thought it would be a gag gift for someone. I was floored when she explained they were for her. I tease her about it all the time,” Diel says, his eyes full of mischief.

  “I couldn’t believe they watch them. At least the characters aren’t real. Can you imagine Liam and Lily turning into huge beasts on the full moon?” Sebastian asks and the guys answer by laughing and poking Liam in the ribs.

  He’s classy enough to look offended but underneath I know he and Andrew both have crushes on the leads in the series. I found out about their stash of movies by accident and promised them I’d keep it a secret.

  “Well, Aidan, you didn’t get the third degree yet. What are you getting Manda?” Sebastian asks.

  “It was really hard to think of something I haven’t already given her.”

  Julian grins at me.

  “I decided to get her accepted, pay tuition, and transmanifest her every day to the University of Colorado at Boulder. It’s where she’s wanted to go forever. I think she gave up on it when we got married and Samuel was born.”

  “Man, that rocks,” Diel says and knuckle bumps me. “What are you going to do with Sammy when she’s gone? You know he can always come over.”


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