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Murder Mysteries Series six

Page 9

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Okay guys, let's discuss some way we can fuck up this Norm dude. He deserves a welcome to the west coast from us cast outs. Here's one idea I have thought of, we bushwhack him in the dark and kick the shit out of him."

  "And where do we do this dirty deed Clint," asked Dan.

  "He's staying at the Sailor Jacks motel while his house is being renovated. I found out his room is the last one on the end facing east. There's an exit there for escape. We wait on the fire escape and then when he puts the key in the door, boom we jump him."

  Clyde looked at Dan who shrugged his shoulders. Clint looked back and forth at both while raising a beer mug to his lips. Dan said, "How will we know when he is coming home?"

  "We sit and wait till he leaves the restaurant and then quickly drive to the motel. We park near the end and run up the stairs. We crack the door just a bit and wait for him to come."

  "Shit, sounds good to me," said Clyde.

  "I've a short bat for a weapon to his head," said Dan. "He really needs a whippin, as my grandfather would say."

  "Okay then we do a stakeout at around 6 pm. Now let's drink up and be merry lads, as the Irish would say on St. Pats day."


  Debra drove and after picking up Norm at the motel, they went to her friends' drive through coffee hut. Alicia was waiting at the window having seen through her mirror that Debra was pulling in with a male passenger.

  With her heart pounding, she realized it was now that she would get a look at this handsome stranger from New York. Debra was keen to know her friend wanted a good look at Norm. At the window, Debra said, "Morning Ali. I'll have my usual and let me introduce Norm Payne to you."

  Alicia was sort of leaning down to look across to the passenger seat. Norm turned and gave a half smile saying, "Nice to meet you friend of Debra's. I hear you do make a nice cup of coffee. Make mine a tall Americano with hazelnut please."

  "Very nice to meet you too Mr. Payne. Welcome to our town. We all wish you the best and hope you and Debra can solve the brutal murder very soon. I'll be right back with your coffee."

  Norm turned away not innocent of the two friends having or wanting him as a friend. He was beginning to think maybe he could find some romance on the coast of Oregon. He heard Debra say, "Alicia and I have known each other since grade school. As you probably know, good friends are hard to come by. She is my best friend. We're there for each other when needed. Besides, she does make a great cup of coffee."

  Norm chuckled and replied, "I'm happy for both of you. Where I'm from, especially cops, close friends are few and in-between. I do have a church friend who helped me through a tough time. Maybe someday he'll visit here, but I doubt it."

  Debra longed to hear more, but realized that was all she would hear about that story unless they became closer? She looked back at Alicia who had her coffee ready and Norms would be coming right up. Norm waited with a bill that sported a famous Civil War general and told her to keep the change.

  On the drive up the coast, they discussed the case. Debra brought up a good point and said, "Rose's neighbors, the Sheldon's. I'd like to see them again and ask more about any late night visitors and also Rose herself. By the way, the funeral is tomorrow at 1 pm."

  "I like that idea Debra. Maybe we can see them later today. Have you heard, probably not, about the stakeout on Charley's house?"

  "Not yet, but Jenny said she would keep after it. It seems, well, the last report, a deputy stopped by and nobody was home. I'll check later this morning."

  The famous restaurant sat among some deciduous trees alongside Highway 26. The junction was where 26 intersected major Highway 101. It was just far enough east that it lie under the protection from the onshore flow of cool ocean air. In the summer time Otis was dry and hot and just a few miles away, near the coast, it was wet and cool. Norm noticed the change as it was warmer when he got out of the SUV and walked inside the restaurant.

  It was not tourist season yet, so there were only a few customers inside. Norm at a glance saw the young lady who looked up at them when they walked in, must be the victims friend Carol. They sat in a booth next to the window. Carol came over and asked about coffee. Norm declined and Debra said yes. While she filled her cup, Debra said, "Carol we're investigating the murder of your friend Linda. We would like to interview you if you've time. We’d also like some breakfast."

  Norm saw her smile disappear and then she said, while looking over at Norm and then back to Debra, "Let me take your order and after you've eaten, I'll have my mom watch for customers." She took their order and hurried off. Norm thought she was a pretty girl and could see why she might be friends with the victim.

  Norm had a ham and cheese omelet and Debra oatmeal. Both had some wonderful homemade toasted bread and jam. It was good, Norm said later.

  When they had finished, Carol whisked away the dishes and sat down next to Debra. "Okay, what can I answer for you? I knew you'd come sooner or later. Linda and I were great friends and to tell you the truth, I feared something bad might happen."

  "Tell us more please," said Debra. "Why did you feel that way?"

  "Well, uh – this is a little personal – but—you see -- Linda was a virgin and wanted to change that. She had this Facebook friend or e-mail guy who she thought might be the one to change that situation. She never told me his name, but always referred to him as 'C'. She told me this guy had some dope to smoke and that would relax her to make it – uh – less painful. I cautioned her, but really there wasn't much I could do or say about that. Okay, she called me and said it was set up for last week from what I remember. I think it was a few days before she was killed. Anyway, she promised to call me when the big event was over. That was the last I heard from her," she said while tears formed in her eyes.

  Norm felt sorry for her losing her friend. He let Debra take care of her while he thought about what she had said. Now he wondered if this 'C' guy was a friend from school?

  "Carol," Norm said, "tell us about how and when you met Linda and also why you became close friends. The more we learn and know about her the understanding will help us to find her killer or killers. We think Carol, that there was more than one killer."

  Both Debra and Norm saw the surprise in her face hearing that there was more than one killer. What Norm did see was Carol twisting a napkin into a small cylinder. Carol said: "I met Linda for the first time in our psychology class. We were both first time students and a little scared. She was alone in her motorized wheel chair. In fact I followed her to class as if she was breaking trail for me. It seemed like she knew where to go. When she turned into the classroom that was our assigned room, I waited until she parked and sat next to her in an empty desk. We had a few minutes until class time so I introduced myself and we became friends.

  Linda was, I hate that past tense verb, a strong minded person. She was intelligent and didn't let her handicap get in her way. When she needed some help, she asked for it; if not never mind and don't at any time feel sorry for her. However, the one thing she lamented was not having a boy friend. Lots of boys gave her some attention, but because of being a paraplegic, scared them off. I thought she was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever known. Anyway, she did have this guy named Charley, who was in our class and then dropped out, for a chat friend. I've no idea what happened to him, but can only guess he might be the "C" she mentioned to me."

  "Carol, do you know if Charley had any close friends that you know of," asked Debra.

  "I'm sure he did. In the student union he hung out with some guys, but I don't know who they were or are."

  "I guess that enough for now Carol. We thank you and I'm sure we'll catch the guys who did the crime. Call us if you think of anything else," said Debra handing a card to Carol.

  They left Carol at the Otis Restaurant and drove back to the coast. On the way, Norm said, "Let's see if there's any news on the stakeout of Charley and let's go see the Sheldon's and Rose again." Norm was driving as Debra had driven up and that put her hands fr
ee to make some calls.

  After the first call to see about Charley, she said, "The dispatcher said the house is empty and they're trying to contact the owner of the property right now.

  "Put an APB out on him Debra. Also find out all you can about him. Parents, work, and any other things you can think of. We seem to be spinning our wheels and need some new lines of inquiry."

  "I'm on it and will call the office to get somebody to contact the state police to send out an APB. Let's see if he has a vehicle with the DMV." Norm went into all that he had been listening to this morning. It would seem that the trail was leading to Charley Klonger and his friends.

  It was just the other side on noon when they rolled into town. Jenny had called and asked that they stop by when they arrived back in town. Debra had called the Sheldon's for an afternoon visit and they told her anytime was fine with them. Rose, was preparing a reception for after the memorial service and said she would be waiting for them anytime they came by.


  Upstairs in their office, Jenny was trying hard not to show her emotion of discovery. Norm had seen that look many times in his career: 'I've found some new facts, come see.' Her face radiated with happiness. She said, rather timidly, "I think, maybe, I have found a connection with Charley Klonger and Cale Jacobs. They both went to Newport schools together. Also, Cale attended Oregon Coast, but not for long. He dropped out and went to work for Ace Hardware. I called the high school and found out the two of them were best buds. I then called Ace and found out Cale has been absent for the last four days. He told them his grandfather died over in Bend and would be gone a week or more."

  "Good work Jenny," said Norm gazing out the window at a party cloudy sky with dark clouds further out west over the ocean. While he was staring at the weather, Debra's phone rang. She talked and then after closing her phone said"

  "An APB is out for Charley Klonger and would you like me to add Cale Jacobs to the list?"

  "First find out if his grandfather lives in Bend. I'm guessing not, but best check first. Also where does he live? Have a deputy go by his place of residence. If all of that fails, add him to the APB list."

  Jenny said, "Norm, I've heard a rumor and thought I'd best pass it on to you. It seems the reserve deputies are planning to do you some harm. A friend overheard some conversation at the tavern."

  "Thanks Jenny and I'll be extra careful just for you guys," he said smiling at first Jenny and then Debra who had reacted by reaching up and putting her hand against her neck as if scared or frightened of something. For Norm it was not any surprise and he expected some sort of attack on his being.

  "I'm not too hungry, but let's drop down and have some lunch before Debra and I visit some seniors."


  Phil and Jessie Sheldon were happy to see the two detectives again. As they were ushered in, the lovely smell of fresh ground coffee hung in the air. Nice, Norm thought. Both agreed to their coffee hospitality and sat down for what seemed like an old friend visiting. Norm liked the old couple and surprisingly the place did not reek of old people. In fact, it had the familiar aroma of lemon in the air.

  After the 'weather' talk was completed, Norm asked, "Let's go back to the night you mentioned hearing a door close. We've got that in our notes, but perhaps there might be another time a door was heard closing?"

  The Sheldon's looked at each other and both had a blank look about them. A long few seconds passed and then Jessie said, "I get a little confused sometimes about what day it is or has been. I think it's entirely possible that I heard a door close on more than one occasion. I can't swear to it, but later I did wonder to myself what someone was always doing late at night on our street. I even thought about calling the police, but Phil said not to."

  "Thanks Jessie and Phil is that about what you might recall Jessie saying?"

  "Yes, Norm and I also remember we thought about visiting Rose to make sure she was okay."

  They finished off the coffee and told them they were going next door to see Rose. And they answered yes that they would be at the service tomorrow.


  A knock on Rose's door brought forth a heavy breathing Rose Stipent. She had on an apron that was streaked with various colors of foods she was making for the reception tomorrow. "Come in please. I do need a break. I've a big pot of spaghetti sauce cooking right now. How about a nice highball or would you rather have something else?"

  "Nothing for me Rose," said Debra and Norm agreed with Debra. "However, do have what you like Rose. These are depressing times and if I or we didn't have a lot of work to do, I'd love a vodka martini."

  "Sit down please and I'll be right back," she said hurrying off to the kitchen. It was less than thirty seconds she was back, minus the apron and an added glass making tinkling sounds. She plopped down in her chair and said, "What can I do for you today?"

  Norm saw her blood shot eyes and realized they'd got here just in time. He said, "Rose, it appears Linda had some man friends according to her e-mail and a chat site. Think now and see if you can recall anytime or anything she might have said about a boyfriend that has his first name beginning with 'C'?

  Norm noticed her eyes blinked a few times rather than the normal once in a while. He was not sure she was holding back tears or blinking to clear her vision. She finally said, "Well, yes, she did talk to me about a school mate she'd been chatting with. She asked me if it was alright for him to visit sometime. I told her that would be fine with me."

  "When was that Rose," asked Debra.

  "Oh my, let's see – I'd say about two weeks ago. But I never met the guy. As you know I fall asleep early and get up early."

  "Did she ever tell you his name Rose," asked Debra.

  "If she did Debra I don’t remember. Wait – hang on – it was – oh damn. Something like Char……. "

  "Take a deep breath Rose and think back and see if you can remember the entire name," said Debra.

  Norm was waiting patiently. He was fairly sure, not positive, but Charley Klonger was a good bet he was involved in this case. He saw Rose tip up her glass and take a healthy drink of, what he guess, was mostly straight vodka over ice. After setting the glass down on the table, she said, "I want to say Charley, but can't swear to it."

  You know Rose, these kids nowadays shorten up words and Char is short for Charley. One syllable instead of two or more."

  "I should have known that Debra. Anyway, she told me on two occasions he was coming. I did ask her the next day if all was well and she smiled said yes it was fun."

  "Well, we can let you back to work Rose," said Norm. "We'll see you at the service tomorrow. And many thanks again for your help."


  Back in the office, Norm sat down with his laptop and spent the next few hours typing up a long report. During one break he called Sheriff Biggs and gave him a much appreciated update. He told Norm that he was to be notified on any reports on the APBs out. After that Norm went back to pounding the keys. At just after six he told Debra and Jenny he was going home for a shower and then be back later around seven.

  As usual, Norm went on alert getting into his SUV and motoring to the motel. Lincoln City did not lend itself to lots of back streets so he made a stop at the local market for some drinks. On the way out he spotted the tail and then it disappeared before he turned off to the motel.

  Norm Payne had not lived this long without being careful. Brooklyn possessed many times the danger that Lincoln City did. Norm parked in his usual place and left the sack of drinks in the seat. Norm thought the three reserve deputies would be on the back stairs and would jump him as he opened his door. At the desk he picked up his keycard and detoured into the restroom for a few minutes. It was while inside he did some stretching exercises along with some breathing exercises. He made sure his arms were not restricted by his shirt and that when he used his legs, the pants would not hinder his movements.

  He climbed the stairs to get his heart rate up and made a little noise walking down the hall to
his end room.

  Outside on the stairs Clint and crew were anxiously awaiting Norm. Clint had a baseball bat, but the other two held no weapons. They thought the baseball bat sufficient to take him out. Clint was at the exit door which was open just a crack. Norm, strolling down the hall, saw the cracked door and cleared his throat just before he reached his door. Just as he reached out to swipe the keycard, Clint came through the door with the bat raised and a growl escaped his lips.

  Just as he swung the bat, Norm ducked and kicked out stopping and sending Clint back into the other two behind him. The bat dropped to the floor. Norm went on the offensive and after another kick to Clint in the stomach, he spun around and kicked Clyde in the head knocking him out. Dan charged and with another kick, Dan's knee gave way sending screams of pain resounding off the walls. While Clint was trying to recover, Norm took his arm and broke it at the elbow and at the same time broke all his fingers of his left hand, including the thumb.

  Breathing a little hard, Norm picked up the bat and dug out his phone. The whole thing from beginning to end was less than a minute. He dialed 911. He identified himself, his location, and told them to send an ambulance along with the police cars. After he hung up, he called Debra and told her what happened. No, he did not need her to come, but he'd meet her at the police station where he wanted to file charges against all three former reserve deputies. He put the phone back in his pocket and turned to Clint. "Well hot shot, you play with the big boys and this is what you get. It might be wise of you, while you sit in a cell, to reflect on your stupidity. Prisons are full of dumb shits like you who think with bravo they can do what they want with whomever. From what I hear around town, nobody is going to miss any of you. Ah, here come the boys in blue to patch you up. I doubt you'll be playing much pool in the near future. Futhermore, you might need some help wiping your ass."

  "Jesus H. what the hell happened here," asked one of the two policemen as they ran down the hall and stopping a few feet away from a guy who stood there with a bat in his hand. "


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