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Murder Mysteries Series six

Page 16

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Whew that sounds like a full day to me Super. I'm finished here so let's hit the rack. I'm ready for some eyelid movies that I try so hard to remember, but lose it upon waking." Rory shut down his computer and fallowed Stacy to the back of the motor home. The late spring air still had a bite to it and she quickly got under the warm covers. It was not long before both were breathing evenly.


  After coffee and tea with her father and Fran the next morning they went to the restaurant to meet up with Ben. Ben was chatting merrily away with the long time waitress about who knows what when they came in. Rory was rubbing his hands not to ward off the cold morning, but in anticipation of a hearty breakfast coming shortly. "Morning Marshalls," Ben said grinning knowing this was one of the highlights of the day for his friend Rory. His guess this am was steak and eggs with a side order of pancakes. This guessing game was his secret and for the love of the Lord he knew not why. Stacy was rather quiet and this wasn't unusual for her on a murder case. She said, "Motel okay Ben?"

  "Fine, but the roar of the ocean seem to increase the longer I tried to go to sleep. It's been awhile since I slept alone and in such an audio state. I heard some neighbors come in and then awhile later the activity put a smile on my face. I presume after the coupling, we three all went to sleep."

  Stacy was sporadically taking a bit of scrambled eggs, but mostly it was play time while she formulated a plan for that mornings work. She looked up catch Ben looking at her and smiled. "I want you to go visit a guy named Fritz Wilson. He, according to Sam rents or leases a property in Old Town from our victim. The word we hear is he's violent and upset that Cliff wanted to increase his rent due to a rise in taxes. Be careful Ben as Sam says he blows like a rocket."

  "I know about him from a state guy who is buddies with Officer James here in town. The guy beats on his wife and she refuses to prosecute or file a charge against him. He's a loser, but I guess is super friendly to his customers. I'm on my way and will we be using your old office," he asked while standing up nodding to Rory ready to leave.

  "We're on our way now. I'm sure she'll let us use it, but need to ask to make sure. Okay Tall Man if you're finished overworking your esophagus let's go across the street."

  "I need a nap and maybe a brisk walk across the street will set the digestive gears in motion," he said rising and taking the bill to the cashier. Ben went out and they dodged a few cars crossing the street.

  Inside the police station, Stacy met the new secretary/dispatcher Lois Lakes. Stacy thought she was unassuming and had a nice smile. After the introductions were made, Chief Karen, as she liked to be called, came out beaming. "Good to see you both. Come in and let's talk about the recent events. Lois, some tea and coffee please." Rory said later that no doubt the lady was happy with her rosy cheeks flaming and it was obvious why.

  "Chief Karen, would it be okay with you if we used my old office for a situation room for awhile?

  "Of course you can," she said waving her arms towards the new addition put on when Stacy was made Bandon's first Homicide Detective.

  "Thanks Chief and what's new in your life," asked Stacy picking up the mug of tea from Lois with a nod of thanks to her.

  "I've tended my resignation Stacy. I met a guy at the Chief's seminar and we both fell in love. He hired me on the spot as his new homicide detective in Grants Pass. The mayor is coming by later and I guess your father has agreed to sit in until another replacement is found. I'm sorry to do this but life is short Stacy."

  Stacy pretended not to be shocked, but a fire came to her eyes thinking it was not nice to make her father come out of his new life to cover for a irresponsible person like what sat in front of her. She said, "I wish you the best Karen and now we must get to work. By the way, when are you leaving?"

  "In a couple days Stacy. Your father was kind enough to take over soonest I was packed and ready to travel."

  Stacy wasted no time walking out with Rory hot on her tail. He knew she was fuming and also realized she had no control over the events happening. Walking into her old office cheered her up and she immediately went to the white board like it was on old friend. Rory sat at their old conference table and quietly waited for her to begin as he took out a legal pad and with pen poised, he was ready for game time.

  It didn't take long to find Fritz Wilson. He had a shop just off the frontage street to the Coquille River. It was a great location to capture the tourist who delighted in the quaint shops of Bandon's Old Town. Fritz Wilson shop had the name of: "Starfish" on the sign with brightly colored pictures of the local starfish. Walking through the door, with bells chiming, the customer had to part his way through imitation seaweed hanging down from a board nailed to the rafters of the high ceiling. Ben thought it was designed to give the customer the impression they were on the beach searching for treasures only found upon an ocean beach.

  Ben took in the wares of the shop while the proprietor was assisting a customer. He thought it a typical tourist shop without anything unique to offer a customer. However, Ben did notice a section of the shop was dedicated to items made of myrtlewood. He strolled over for a look see. The first one he picked up, a jewelry box, had written on the bottom the initials: WR. Ben knew that stood for Walt Rawlings who was Cliff Keystone's main competitor. Ben heard the door bells chime as he wondered why Fritz Wilson would stock Rawlings' products and not his landlords' products. He was drawn back to the present when Fritz asked, "Anything I can help you with sir?"

  Ben turned and said, "How much is this jewelry box?"

  "Well now, beings you're probably looking for something for the wife, I'll let it go for fifty bucks."

  Ben was starring at a man who looked like a weasel if he were an animal. He was short and wiry with a long narrow head with beady eyes, thin long nose and even thinner lips. He was a guy only a mother could love. His smile did show off some nice even white teeth. However, Ben wiped the smile off with his ID card denoting him a Homicide Detective for the Oregon State Police.

  The pleasant smile disappeared replace by a grim look. His eyes turned hideously ugly with pure venom pouring forth directly into Ben's eyes. He said, with a grimace, "I've done nothing so what do you want detective?"

  "Let's move to the counter in case a customer comes in Mr. Wilson. I've few questions to ask you regarding the recent murder of your landlord Cliff Keystone." Fritz turned and strode with long steps for a short man to his place behind the counter. Ben realized that would be a place most comfortable for him and that was his plan. Sometimes, or most of the time, a suspect if they are in a safe or what seems like a safe place will say more that they intend to. In this case, Ben was spot on. He still had the jewelry box and while he sat it on the counter, he noticed that when Felix was behind the counter he grew about four inches taller! Ben smiled know he had the short man's syndrome; if there was such a thing.

  "Word has it Mr. Wilson that you threatened harm to Cliff Keystone if he raised your rent. Therefore, where were you yesterday between, say, 9 am and 1 pm."

  Ben saw his neck turn red and the color rose to his cheeks while his lips disappeared in a jaw tightening action. Ben was happy he had the counter between him and the suspect. It was a long few seconds before Felix said, after taking a deep breath, "I open up at 9am and that was true of yesterday. My wife took my place while I went south to see Walt Rawlings about some new stock he had. I took a detour to the beach; it was low tide yesterday morning, for some beach combing. I usually at low tide can take some starfish off rocks. I came back her around 2 pm. Is that good enough for you detective?"

  Ben opened the jewelry box and asked, "How is it Mr. Wilson that you buy stock from your landlord's chief competitor?"

  Without hardly a pause, Felix said, "Cheaper – end of story."

  "Can anyone corroborate your time from leaving here at 9 am and returning around 2 pm?"

  "Damn rights they can. I saw Smiling Sam on the jetty when I parked and started walking south. I waved and he waved back." He scratch
ed his bony chin with his long white fingers as if thinking who he might have seen on the beach. He looked up and said, "Well – I don't – recall anyone, wait – I saw Alex Flapper beach combing. Maybe he remember me. You see Walt and he'll tell you I was there for about an hour. After that I went back to my house for lunch and a short nap. Nobody was home as my wife was here."

  "I'll be back Mr. Wilson after I've talked to Sam and Alex Flapper. About what time did you return home for lunch?"

  With confidence returning he said, "I got home around noon."

  "We have the time of death about when you were eating lunch. I'm afraid Mr. Wilson that time frame gives you opportunity and the motive of a threat to Cliff Keystone, puts you on our prime suspect list. I'll be back."

  Ben left the jewelry box on the counter and also left Felix Wilson with his mouth slightly open.


  Stacy, back in her old office, sat at her desk with thoughts flittering back and forth between the old days and present time. She recalled the mayor promoting her to detective along with an extension of the station to accommodate her new office befitting her new job title. She took comfort knowing her father, the Chief of Police was right next door playing with his yellow freshly sharpened number 2 hard Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and legal pad –which by the way—was never written upon. It would be ironic that in a day or so her father would be back at his old desk repeating his prior infatuation with pencil and paper.

  Stacy looked up seeing Rory preparing for her to use the whiteboard for usual placement of suspects. Without thinking she picked up the phone and called her office in Eugene. She needed to speak to Dan about Cody. If there was somebody who knew the background of Cody Keystone and the Walt Rawlings family, it would be Dan. Sharon cheerfully answered the phone and Stacy asked, "Hi Sharon and how goes the daily events?"

  "We're doing okay here, but sure is kind of quiet. Emma has been staying home pretty much as she's close to due date. Dan is busy taking care of our daily duties and as a matter of fact, he said if you called to let him know he wanted to speak with you. He's here now should I put you through to him Stacy?"

  "Please do and tell Emma to practice breathing or whatever those pregnant ladies do for preparation of child birth," she said with a chuckle.

  "Hi Stacy and glad you called. I remembered something about the Keystone family a couple of years ago. Cliff called me one night late asking if I could come to the factory to see him. I told him I was on my way. I was very curious as to what he wanted, but knew better than try and guess what it was. Anyway, it was around midnight when I arrived at his factory. He only had one light on and it was rather dark as I walked in. He was standing in the back of the work room where a single bed that was always there for him to take naps on. I walked over and saw a person lying on the bed. I looked closer and it was a woman and it appeared she was sleeping. I looked from her to Cliff and he whispered:

  "Dan, she passed out and I can't wake her up. I wonder if you would do me a great favor and help me carry her to her car. If you would be so kind as to follow me to her house and give me a ride back, I'd be forever in your debt. I'd also be grateful if you'd never mention this to anyone."

  "What happened Cliff?"

  "Well, the truth is she and I have been close friends for a long time. Tonight after we had – a –a --- session – she feinted dead out. It's happened to her before and she just sleeps for about six hours and wakes up feeling fine. I have to go home Dan and can't leave her here. What say you Dan Swollow?"

  "Well Stacy, I did what he asked and kept my mouth shut. But now, he's dead and somebody who knows him did the deed. I wonder if there're any rumors floating around about him having a girlfriend."

  Stacy felt a rush of adrenalin hearing the news confirming Cliff was having an affair with a local woman. The question was, did Agnes know about it and if she did, was she guilty of murdering her husband? The old cliché: 'Hell hath no fury like………' rose like cream to the front of this investigation. She said:

  "Dan many thanks and that helps a lot, but now what can you tell me about Cody Keystone. He doesn't have an alibi for the time of death and as a matter of fact, neither does his sister."

  "Cody is pretty much worthless as a person of responsibility. He's been a sorry case for many years now. I've been giving that some thought Stacy and have come to the conclusion he doesn't have the backbone to commit murder. Now his sister is a different case altogether. She'd be the focus of my efforts until she is cleared of suspicion. Also that guy she married is a bit scary as he sneaks around like a snake in the grass. I'd look into his background and I'll contact Rhonda for a check on his doings. With both of them gone, Agnes and Cliff, Cody and Pam benefit as the estate is worth some serious coin. Anything else Stacy?"

  "Not just now and on another subject, how are you and Em doing with the oncoming addition very soon now?"

  "I'm fine and so is Emma. She complains a lot, but the doctor says all is well. I spend a lot of time here at work and shuffling prisoners back and forth to court so as to lay low. My mother helps a lot. Good luck and call me if need anything else. I'll call Rhonda right now."

  After hanging up, Stacy sat back in her old comfortable chair putting her hands behind her head starring out the side window at the fine drops of rain hitting the window. While it was still fresh in her mind, she did the 'what ifs:' What if the daughter Pam and her husband were both responsible for the death of Cliff. If that was true, then Agnes might be in danger and so would Cody if they wanted the whole estate to themselves. She swung back around facing Rory who was still sitting patiently waiting for her to attack the whiteboard.

  ''Tall Man, here is what Dan had to report…………" and she relayed the salient points of what transpired between them.

  Rory listened carefully and said, "I think we need someone on her door at the clinic. I wonder who the 'other' woman is and where is she now?"

  "Dan knows, but is still protecting his vow of silence unless we push him to reveal the name and location of the 'other' woman. Meanwhile, I think we need to find out what Cliff Keystone is worth. I'll ask my father about that and also call his account whose name is on the ledgers we took with us. You call the Sheriff's office for some protection and I'll call the accountant."


  The phone was answered by his secretary saying, "Brian Weber's office." Stacy told the secretary that she wanted to see Mr. Weber about a police matter and if he had time to see her right now. The secretary said, "Let me check Marshall and I'll be right back." Stacy was relegated to listening to some elevator music that grated on her being until a voice said, "Yes Marshall he has time to see you now."

  Rory was just hanging up as Stacy put on her coat. He jumped up and in a hot second was following her out the door. A soft rain was coming down as they drove off to Old Town where Brian Weber had his office. The office, coincidently, was next door to Felix's Starfish shop. After parking Stacy wondered how Ben made out as they entered the old wooden building that held more than one place of business. It had been divided up years ago and each had a separate door to maintain privacy.

  Brian Weber was standing by his secretary's desk when they walked in. Stacy's first impression was he was extremely homely and on top of that, smelly. His secretary was his twin, but not a blood twin. The similarities were apparent: slight of build, sparse grey hair, acne scars, and pale white skin that came out of a container reminded Stacy of shaking hands with a corpse. He never smiled and said, "Come to my office Marshalls and let's talk. I know why you're here and have been prepared for your arrival," he said in a gravelly voice that had been tortured from the years of tobacco smoke.

  Cozy would be the term given his office and that same adjective applied to the whole office as well. He sat down in a squeaky old wooden office chair while a single guest chair was placed in front of his well used wooden desk. Rory rubbed his nose as if to wipe away the awful smell of the musty old office. He saw before him a pitiful man who rarely, if ever, washed
both his clothes and body.

  He said, "You'll want to know what Cliff was worth and how his business was doing. I'd say right now he's worth, on paper, about two million dollars. Most of that is in property and other physical assets with a fair amount of cash in the bank. Brian sat back looking rather proud of himself thinking he was being so efficient. Stacy replied:

  "Mr. Weber, thanks for the report and can you tell me who his lawyer is?"

  "That's easy," he said breaking out in a smokers cough. "Sorry bout that a touch of a cold I think. Anyway, his name is Clyde Swarms and his office is just next door to mine," he said with a yellow tooth smile. "You see Cliff Keystone owns this whole block. I sure hope the family doesn't raise the rent."


  Clyde Swarms was a transplant from London complete with accent. Stacy and Rory, after leaving the confines of a modern day smoking room similar to an airport, read on a shiny brass name plate: Clyde Swarms Attorney at Law. Inside the office was probably what one would expect of a small seaside town lawyer office: sterile with modern furniture, along with myrtlewood tables and lamps to give the space a warm feeling. The secretary looked up and with curious dark eyes said, "Can I help you?"

  Stacy showed Nancy Pile her Marshalls ID and said, "We'd like to see Mr. Swarms if he's available. We are investigating the death of one of his clients Clyde Keystone."

  Standing up and not seeming much taller when standing, she said, "I'll see if he's not busy and please have a seat while I'm gone." Rory saw a cute figure hurry off down a short hall to a door where he couldn't see but heard a quiet rap -- rap on the door. Rory wondered why she didn't just use the phone. Curious this was. It was like some big secret was being tossed about down the hall. He saw Stacy look at him and saw her shrug her shoulders as if to say: 'I'm wondering too.'

  Nancy came back saying, "Please follow me as Mr. Swarm will see you now."


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