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Murder Mysteries Series six

Page 21

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Did you know about the new will or did you only know about the old will?"

  "Yes, I only knew about the old will which gave my mother everything and if she passed on the estate would go to me and my brother. But the lawyer said father took a great dislike of my brother's gambling and my spending habits. Both my parents were upset that no grandkids were likely in the future. I've run out of tears and even though I've no alibi for the murder of my father, I do have an alibi for the time my mother was being murdered."

  "Where's your husband now Pam," asked Stacy trying to get adjusted to the awful chair she sat in. as she remembered last time she sat in a nice comfortable chair, but now this chair resembled a relic of the past. As a matter of fact, after a closer look around, Stacy saw an old desk where the previous one was a lovely wooden desk and expensive ergonomic office chair. It dawned on Stacy that Pam had sold off the desk and chairs in her office. For only a brief moment did she feel sorry for her?

  "He's staying with his secretary. He told me that a sale was pending on our insurance business. I'd guess in six months I'll be on the street looking for work. I can't imagine you thinking I killed my father and my mother Marshall. My parents kept the wolves away and now those wolves will have a feast very soon."

  Stacy stood up and walked out not even saying good bye. Later when she met up with Rory, they both agreed that human suffering was mostly brought on by actions upon themselves. Rory said, "You make your own bed, you lie in it." Stacy nodded as Ben came in.

  Rory asked, "How did you make out with Pam?"

  "She's either the best actress in the world, or what I saw and heard was pure truth. She made a case that raised the question: 'why would I cut my own throat by murdering my parents?' I informed her of the old will vs. the new will and she just shrugged her shoulders. In her mind it was inconceivable that her mother would toss her to the wolves. I'll not jump or form any conclusions till the cat is in the bag. Now, how about you and our local wife beater?"

  Rory told his story while setting up his laptop to write up a formal report on the interview with Felix Wilson. He said, "He too made a case of, 'why I should cut off my nose to spite my face' kind of thing. Let's let it develop for awhile longer. I'm anxious to hear what Ellen Weeks has to say about the death of her boyfriend. Which, by the way, brings me to wonder who killed Agnes Keystone?"

  Ben was listening and after Rory had finished said, "I made another call down to Gold Beach where Elisa Weeks lives. From the county sheriff office she has lived there pretty much her whole life. She is a retired teacher and part time employee as a librarian at the local library. She sets her own schedule and at times takes a few days off here and there. They don't know of any men in her life and she leads a quiet spinster existence. Some further research of who was the eldest and where they went to school revealed that Elisa is the oldest by an hour. They're twins, but no identical. Both women went to Bandon schools and both went to the University of Oregon for degrees. Neither one ever married that I could find out."

  "Excellent work Ben," said Stacy. "Let's find out where Elisa was on the day Agnes was murdered. That goes for Ellen as well. I realize she went to Salem, but when did she go. Salem is only a three hour drive or so from here. I think because we are at loggerheads right now, we should focus on those two women. Rory join with Ben and I'm going to pick my father's brain just a little bit about those women."

  Rory nodded and told Ben to wait awhile for him to finish his report on Felix. Meanwhile, Ben did the same after his session with Cody Keystone. An hour later they were huddled up making a plan to focus their attention on the Weeks ladies.

  Stacy rapped on her father's open door. As usual he was playing with a pencil and yellow legal pad. His eyes led her to a chair and she sat down. He asked, "What's on that pretty mind of yours Marshall?"

  She saw him crack a slight grin and she warmed to the occasion. "I wonder what you know of the Weeks twins, Ellen and Elisa."

  "I went to school with both of them; although they were a year behind me. There wasn't anything special about them that I can remember. Both were rather plain and stuck together. I was a little shocked when I found out Cliff was romantically involved with one of the twins. They left town after graduation and Elisa found a teaching job in Gold Beach and Ellen found accounting to her liking. It's possible that Cliff met her through that avenue if you've a mind to look."

  "I know this is asking you to speculate, but he was a dear friend of yours – so, do you think its possible Ellen Weeks new she would receive a hunk of Cliff's estate after he died?"

  "I do believe he would have mentioned to her that she would be receiving something from him after death. I'm sure he told her how unhappy he was with his children. The answer to the question of: what did Agnes know, is what I'd like answered?"

  "Father, let me bounce this off you. Let's say Agnes did know about Ellen Weeks and when she'd had a belly full, she wacked him with that wood clamp. After calling you, she realizes what she'd done and losses it mentally. Then along come someone and kills her. I realize they are connected, but how does the connection work. It would mean that someone would have to know that Ellen Weeks would inherit the entire estate of Cliff Keystone if both husband and wife were dead. I see it as being advantageous for the two offspring to keep the parents alive. At least they would have received something. It seems to me that Pam and Cody would want their mother alive at least. Now that she is dead, well, that pretty much ends their participation in the estate."

  "Yes, I see it that way myself. It seems on the surface that two different murderers are involved, but for different reasons. However, my logical mind says one killer for a reason unknown to us just yet. Keep digging and I'm off now to help Fran in the kitchen."


  For Stacy, to sort through some strings of the case she was working on, a walk alone usually helps organize her thoughts. Rarely does a straight line lead to your destination. Twists and turns confront the sojourn. Like traffic merging onto the freeway, those factors influence your path of both direction and speed. Such was the case for Stacy: an aimless walk using her gifted thought process to sort through all of the information of the crime up to this point in time.

  She told Rory and Ben she was going to visit Sam and driving herself. Rory could ride with Ben if needed. Both realized from what had transpired in the past, she was off to separate the wheat from the chaff. Rory said, "I wonder Ben if she is close to solving these two homicides?"

  "If the past is any indication, with her going off alone, she's not far from solving for X."

  The day was neither sunny nor cloudy. The sky was filled with big billowy cumulous clouds floating by producing sunny warmth and then some cold and cloudy periods. Stacy parked at the South Jetty knowing Sam would probably be fishing. However, before looking him up, she went for a walk down the beach near the surf where the sand was firmer. Not far down the beach was a large tree that had washed up many years ago in a storm. It was a nice place to sit and think. For Stacy it brought back memories of a prior case where she had to use her firearm to shoot a killer. However, today she blocked it out and focused on the case at hand.

  Sam, who indeed was fishing, saw Stacy walking slowly down the beach. He felt confident that he had a visitor coming very soon. He opened his thermos for another cup of coffee while waiting for her.

  Stacy found a warm place out of the wind where the intermittent sun warmed her being. After a short period of time reflecting on the case, she went to her relationship with Rory. A cock of the head both ways, made her realize all was well in the arena. Then she went to her father and Fran and his circumstances being back to temporary Chief of Police again. A strange thought entered her head just at that moment when a seagull gave off a familiar cry of gull talk. What if Rory became the new Chief of Police? At first she laughed out loud and then became more serious about the idea. She stood up and thought about what effect it might have on their relationship and furthermore, would he be interested?
/>   A shake of the head and she walked north to the jetty to see Sam who would have a big smile for his friend Stacy. While trudging up the beach, a thought hit her like a fish taking Sam's baited hook. She stopped, thought, took a step, thought some more, and looked up at the giant clouds floating by. She took off with purpose and as Sam was watching her through his binoculars, wondered what was going on with her. She was, in his opinion, acting very strange.

  What Sam did not know was Stacy had solved the murders of Cliff and Agnes Keystone.

  Stacy found Sam just as he was reeling in a fish. Most of the fish caught on the jetty were lingcod and indeed they were ugly, but a mighty tasty fish. Sam would often supply Ray and Fran's restaurant with the "Catch of the Day".

  Sam said, while tugging on the pole, I get very few big ones anymore Stacy. The commercial boys are over fishing the lingcod and now most of my catch is small five or ten pounders. Like most things Stacy, us humans are greedy and never satisfied with what we have. I would or will hate the time when I go fishing here and then go home empty handed. Well, enough said about that," as he made his way slowly down to the water's edge to land his catch. Stacy always worried that the surging waters against the big rocks would one day wash her dear friend into the cold waters. But this time he used a long telescopic net to reach out and secure the catch of the day.

  "Sam, I worry about you out here fishing by yourself. You need some company, but I know, before you say anything, you are a loner."

  "I'm careful as I can be at my age. A friend, you know Alfred Jones, well he and I have been talking about buying a boat to offshore fish in. What do you think of that idea?"

  "I like it Sam," said Stacy. "Tell me what you know about the Weeks twins."

  "Ah, you're a clever one Stacy. We, or at least some of us knew, Cliff was involved with Ellen Weeks. I know nothing about the sister and can't remember her name."

  "Elisa is her name. She lives in Gold Beach as a retired teacher and part time librarian."

  "News to me about her. Ellen was a bookkeeper for a guy here in Bandon by the name of Lance Leland. He had an office over by the fire department. He died a few years ago and I guess she retired. Lance was never married and if I'm not mistaken, left the business to Ellen. I'm not sure if she still does the books for anyone or not. I'd be curious now that you mention it. People who are bean counters rarely have many friends that are outgoing and mix in social circles having fun."

  Stacy watched Sam gather up his fishing gear and head for home. She'd give him a ride up the hill and then return to the station house.

  "It's about time you showed up Stacy," said Rory. "It's going on 2 pm and I'm starving. Even Ben said he was hungry. Let's go eat."

  "Me too Tall Man," said Stacy doing an about face and walking to the door.

  At the restaurant, Ben said, "Ellen Weeks should be here by early evening according to her sister Elisa. She also said that she'd talked to Ellen and would call when arriving home."

  "Good news Ben. Now if Ellen will answer my questions truthfully, I think we can wrap this case up with a red ribbon," she said watch Ben's face for a reaction. Rory was listening but his focus was on the menu right now. He had learned long ago that she would sort through the detritus for the nugget of truth that lie amongst the rubble.

  The waitress came and took their orders. Surprisingly Rory had a light lunch of a steak sandwich with a chocolate peanut butter shake. Ben and Stacy had a Crab Louie with ice tea to drink. Rory said, "You got it figured out huh Super?"

  "Mostly so, but a few bits and pieces to put in place and hopefully, all will become clear tonight."


  It was just before 6 pm when Ellen Weeks called Stacy at the police station. They agreed to have a meeting at her house near Bradley Lake. Rory drove with Ben riding shotgun and Stacy as usual in the back. No words were spoken and fifteen minutes later they pulled up on the street and parked. Rory felt the hood as they walked to the door knowing the driver had not been home very long. Ben raised his hand to knock, but the door opened to reveal Ellen Weeks to the two Marshalls and Ben, who had previously met the sister Elisa, noted the distinct similarities of the women.

  Soon they were all seated in the living room, with the only standing member being Rory. The sofa held Stacy and Ben while Ellen and her sister sat in two arm chairs of ancient vintage. One armchair sat at each end of the sofa with a coffee table in front of the sofa. A small fire was burning in the fireplace where Rory stood. After the small talk was out of the way, and coffee refused, Stacy asked the first question, Ellen, I hope first name are acceptable, as you both have the same family names………" she saw a nod from each woman …….."tell me about your relationship with Clifford Keystone please."

  Ellen looked at her sister and then turned to Stacy saying, "As he is dead and so is his wife, then I'll speak the truth here. We were in love and have been for years. We both realized that our unique relationship would never change. He wouldn't divorce her and I didn't ask him to."

  "Okay, that being said, do you think Agnes his wife ever suspected or knew about your relationship with him?"

  "Oh, yes she did know. It was just a week or two ago when she came knocking on my door mad as a hatter saying hateful things about me and him. I listened and told her to take it up with him and not me. She left really angry. Cliff and I met and we talked about it and he was very upset, but told me he'd try and smooth things out. Well – the next –oh damn – I swore I wouldn't cry—he was dead. Lucky for me my sis was here to give me some company. After that I heard she was murdered in the clinic! My God, I wonder who could have done that to that poor woman."

  "Yes, we are wondering that too," Stacy said looking at both women. "Now, when did you leave for Salem to visit your mother?"

  I left the morning when Elisa told me later that Agnes Keystone had been killed. I just now got back home."

  "Here's what I think happened and I'm hoping you both can help me solve this mystery. I think Agnes confronted her husband about your relationship with him. In a fit of anger, she took a pipe wood clamp and hit him on the head that ended his life. She turned him over to see if he was alive and when she discovered he wasn't breathing, laid the clamp across his body. Now, let me ask another question Ellen. Did you know about Cliff's will and your legacy in it?"

  "Yes, he told me and I asked, no pleaded with him to not cut out the kids. He was adamant and that was that."

  "Did you tell anyone, like your sister Elisa about the will and its benefits to you?"

  Stacy saw the look pass between them and then a light went off in Ellen Weeks' eyes. Her face turned white and then she said, "Elisa, my Lord, you killed her didn't you?"

  Elisa's eyes went red and her face turned ugly. She sat forward and said, "Damn rights I did. That bastard made you a kept woman and then the man you loved is killed by his wife. She deserved to die and I'm happy I killed the bitch!"


  By the time all was said and done, to wrap up the Myrtlewood case, it was dinner time the following day where a table for four sat waiting at the Home Cooking Restaurant. The four customers were Stacy, Ben, Rory and Smiling Sam. The special was Lingcod and scallop potatoes with steamed veggies. Rory kept rubbing his hands as if to ward off the cold. However, the weather had turned towards a warm spring period.

  The talk went to Stacy when Sam asked, "How did you arrive at the conclusion the Weeks woman from Gold Beach killed Agnes?"

  "It was a process of elimination Sam. We ran out of suspects and when the Weeks sisters were looked at closely, it seemed to me that Elisa was very angry that her sister lost her only love of her life. She thought because Ellen had gone to Salem at the time of the murder, the search for the killer would go elsewhere. We'd no proof so the stage was set to have Ellen point out that her sister had killed her lover's wife. We got what we wanted and that was a confession."

  "How about Cliff and how did you come to the conclusion that Agnes killed him," asked Sam.

hey had to wait for the answer as salads arrived with bread sticks. Rory tore into his salad and bread with gusto. Stacy said, "Like I said Sam, we ran out of suspects. It was the turn the body over and then placing the pipe on his chest that eliminated the other suspects. Why would, for example, a Rawlings turn the body over and place the murder weapon neatly on his chest. That was a woman's touch."

  "Okay, I see dinner coming and let's let Rory enjoy the 'Catch of the Day'.


  Stacy waited until the next morning to call her boss in DC. Connie, as usual, answered with a pleasant voice. She said, "Another one in the bag, huh Stacy?"

  "Yes, but as usual I'm feeling down and as we can't coast uphill, I need to find something to stoke my fires. You've any ideas Connie?"

  "I thought that gorgeous Caltex fit the bill for your young libido," she said laughing.

  "Not that Connie. Yes, that part is fine, but I feel bad that Chief Franks took off after all we did for her in the past. Now my father has to return and that's not good for him and his life right now."

  "I've some things in the stew pot Stacy. Hang in there and I'll be back to you in a day or so. Meanwhile, resume your vacation and fulfill the role of the good daughter. Bye, got to run. The 'big boss' wants to see me about lord knows what."

  Rory had ordered a hot water heater for the motor home and it was due in this morning. By evening they should have hot water galore. He was beaming and when Stacy walked out to the wood shop after talking to Connie she said, "We've a few day off Tall Man. I want to hang with dad and Fran. But as Fran is busy in the kitchen right now and dad is at work, how about we take a morning nap; if you get my drift," she said walking to the motor home never looking back to see if he was following. She really did not need to as he would be right there at her beckon call; but that was perfectly fine with him.


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