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One Bite Stand

Page 16

by Nina Bangs

  He caught her scent, a mixture of nervousness and female arousal. His cock reacted accordingly. He’d been hard since the moment she walked into the room, but now his sexual hunger got serious. Her gaze slid over his stomach and lower. She paused. He got harder. Then she glanced away. Damn.

  “What do I do first? Harpies don’t play sexual games like this.”

  Harpy. Did he know any harpies? Guess he did. His mind tried to process the info but didn’t get too far.

  As she began to move to the rhythm, she slipped the clingy little orange top over her head. “If a harpy wants a guy, she asks him to have sex with her.” She did a little hip thrust that made him so hot he could feel sweat breaking out on his chest and stomach. “If he turns her down, she twists his head off. Harpies don’t handle rejection well.” Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor. “I never asked anyone, so I don’t have a long list of lovers. And the ones who asked me?” She shrugged, doing wonderful things to her full breasts. “Let’s just say I don’t twist off heads because of unmet expectations.”

  As his erection grew, his mind started to clear. Looked like the ones who said a man thought with his cock had it right. Daria. Her name was Daria.

  While he’d been thinking about his cock, she’d kicked off her sandals, then started shimmying out of her short little skirt and panties.

  She continued to move to the music, her breasts bouncing as she rotated her hips and shook her shoulders. “I’m starting to get the hang of this.” Cupping her breasts, she rubbed her thumbs over her nipples until they were hard nubs.

  Declan allowed himself a wicked grin while Daria was occupied kissing a path over his stomach. He was none of the above. And he wanted what she was doing more than he could remember ever wanting anything before.

  Growling low in his throat, he gave his sexual hunger free rein. Bloodlust came along for the ride. If he weren’t handcuffed, his sassy harpy would get the surprise of her short life. Nine hundred years of feeding his senses had taught him a lot about pleasing women.

  Scooting lower on his body, she drew circles on his sacs with the tips of her fingers before cupping him in her warm palms. “Touching is such a sensual experience. Harpies aren’t into a lot of touching. But holding you makes me want to…” She walked her fingers up his erection and did a tap dance on its head with her fingernails. Each tap of her finger was a shock wave of pure sexual pleasure.

  Makes you want to what? He needed to know. He wondered what he should do. If he told her he was fine, she’d release him so he could touch her. But that didn’t guarantee they’d end up making love. Once Daria decided she’d done her duty, she might just climb off him, get dressed, and walk out that door. Talk about sexual frustration.

  Nope, he’d suffer in silence.

  Leaning over until her breasts pressed between his spread thighs, she swirled her tongue around his cock.

  He sucked in his breath.

  “I don’t know about this. There’s something missing. Not you.” She patted his overexcited organ. “You’re great.”

  Well, at least part of him hadn’t taken an ego hit.

  Suddenly, she straightened, the movement making her breasts jiggle. Great Thor’s hammer. Mesmerized, he followed their motion.

  Once again she positioned herself over his hips. Daria stared down at him. “I thought about tempting you with my sensual smile, maybe going for a few heated gazes. But I’m a harpy, so I don’t think anything I try to do with my face would drive you wild with lust.”

  You have no idea. He clenched his whole body to control his need to thrust upward, driving himself into her.

  Slowly, she lowered herself until he felt the head of his cock nudge open the door to his personal nirvana. Hot, wet, and tight, but still open just enough to make him believe a sensational welcome waited on the other side. He held the breath he no longer had. She stopped. “You know, this isn’t right.”

  What the…? Of course it was right. It felt right to him. Didn’t it feel right to her?

  “Sure, it’s supposed to help you get yourself together, but it’s too much like taking advantage of you.”

  His psychic howl would probably break windows in China. Take. Advantage. Of. Me. Please!

  Daria frowned. “No, I definitely can’t do this to you.” She looked like she was about to climb off of him.

  He scowled up at her. “I’m cured. I’m okay. I’m better than okay. I’m freaking perfect.”

  “I know.” She grinned down at Declan. It had been worth teasing him just to see the dumbfounded look on his usually in-control face.

  “When did you guess?”

  “When I felt you trying to decide whether to tell me you were okay. You went that weird kind of still for a moment. Vampires do that, but only when all their brain cells are firing.” Fine, small talk finished. The major question was, would they finish now?

  His smile made erotic promises at the same time his gaze delivered enough heat to send Sparkle’s red velvet bedspread up in flames. He had serious lovemaking on his mind. “Try to walk away, harpy lady, and you’ll see one crazed Viking who’ll do his berserker ancestors proud.”

  Well, guess that answered her question. “We have things to talk about. Tonight could happen again.” Did she want to talk now? Um, no. But Daria felt it was only fair to throw the thought out there.

  “We make love first, then talk. Because I guarantee if you try to have a meaningful discussion now about anything not connected to sex, my body will tune you out. And my brain can’t make it listen.”

  She glanced around the room. Sparkle had probably left the handcuff keys somewhere. Or not. “Looks like Sparkle took the keys to your cuffs with her.” Daria reached over to give an experimental yank on the handcuffs using all her harpy strength. Nothing. Rats. “Help me.”

  Even their combined strength couldn’t free Declan. He made a disgusted sound. “The cuffs and bed are probably Ganymede’s creations. Other than Fenrir, he’s the only one here with magic powerful enough to keep me in this bed.”

  “Guess you’ll just have to lie back and enjoy it.” And he would enjoy it. She’d make sure of that.

  He didn’t look thrilled. “Where’s the fun for you if I can’t do my part?”

  “You foolish man.” Once again, she positioned herself so she was poised above his cock. She savored the moment. “Running my hands over your bare body and putting my mouth anywhere I choose makes me happy with a sky-high capital H.”

  “I like steering the ship.” He smiled at her, showing lots of fang. “Guess you already know that. But control doesn’t seem too important when you’re handing out pleasure like Halloween treats.” His gaze was all about hunger and need. “Don’t wait too long, sweetheart, or else I’ll be nothing more than a pile of hot ash by the time you get ready to ride.”

  She’d wanted to make it long and luscious. She ended up making it short and sensational. Everything started out fine. No one could say she didn’t have good intentions.

  First, she teased his cock by lowering herself until just the head slipped inside her and then raising her body off of him. Up and down, up and down, until she was wet, hot, and clenching around the anticipation of taking all of him inside her.

  Second… Okay, so she never got to second. With the hunting cry of the harpy, she swooped down on him and impaled herself on his long, hard shaft.

  His harsh cry mingled with her little murmurs of pleasure as she lifted herself until only the head of his erection was still inside her and then slammed down on him over and over and over again. She gained speed as she felt the heaviness building low in her belly, the growing pressure that was almost there, almost there, almost…

  There! She flung herself over the edge and hung motionless, locked in that breathless, paralyzed moment when sensation was too extreme to disturb with anything as mundane as breathing or moving. Then she plummeted downward on ever-weakening spasms until she lay emptied on top of his sweat-sheened bo

  “And they talk about men’s lack of stamina,” she murmured against his neck. “Everything just sort of got away from me.” Daria nipped his shoulder before lifting her gaze to his eyes. “Is this where I ask if it was good for you?”

  She felt his chuckle vibrate through her.

  “That’s the most fun I’ve ever had tied up.”

  “How many times have you been tied up?” Probably none.

  “A few times. Lovemaking has many windows, and I’ve looked through most of them.”

  “Poetic.” Daria lifted her face and he took her lips in a long, drugging kiss.

  “My senses have kept things fresh for me long after everything else became stale.” His gaze grew troubled. “I think I have a problem.”

  Daria was instantly apologetic. “Omigod, I was so busy bouncing up and down on you that I never even thought about your needs. Biting is part of sexual pleasure for you, isn’t it?” She was a selfish sex fiend.

  “Relax. Biting enhances the experience, but what happened between us just now was a major wow without it.” His smile was distracted. “No, my problem is much bigger. I’ve discovered once won’t be nearly enough with you.”

  She felt ridiculously pleased. “And it usually is?” Fishing for compliments could get you dragged into deep water.



  “Find Sparkle and get me out of these cuffs.” He didn’t look like someone who’d just had fantastic sex.

  Sighing, she climbed off him, took a throw from the couch to cover his hips, and pulled on her clothes. If he was going to be grouchy after something that great, then she was out of here. She didn’t need Mr. Grumpy bringing her down.

  “Oh, two people are looking for you, a Chris and Kiki. Nonhumans. Said they’re friends of a friend. Something about them doesn’t feel right.”

  He nodded. “I’ll check.”

  As soon as she hit the hallway, reality crashed around her. They’d been in their own little bubble back there. Out here, Fenrir was still gaining power, she still had a test to pass, Eris was still being a pain-in-the-ass, Sparkle was still erasing Daria’s harpy identity, and her brother was still acting weird. Oh, and she had to pay for an expensive mirror.

  But she couldn’t deal with her unending to-fix list right now. Dawn was near, so she’d better find Sparkle fast. Once free, Declan would go straight to his room. Daria wouldn’t see him again until sunset.

  Good. She needed time to pull herself together and decide what, if anything, had changed in their relationship back in Sparkle’s room. Relationship? They didn’t have one, couldn’t have one if she intended to be somebody in the harpy world. Mom had spent one night with Apollo, but it had never qualified as a relationship. The thought of no relationship with Declan made her kind of sad.

  She pushed relationship thoughts aside as she spied Sparkle walking toward her. Daria stopped and waited by the registration desk. “Well, I’d say you look like a woman who’s let the good times roll in a big way.” Sparkle’s smile was triumphant. “How’s Declan?”

  “Back to normal.” Not one juicy detail would pass her lips. “Do you have the key to his cuffs?”

  Sparkle didn’t get a chance to answer, because Eris joined them.

  “If it isn’t the harpy traitor.” Eris’s beady little eyes blazed with contempt. “New clothes, new hair, and I bet you’ll have a new face pretty soon. And you expect to sit beside your mom? I don’t think so.” Her multiple chins wobbled in outrage.

  A few days ago, Daria would’ve put Eris through a window for that comment. But now she couldn’t work up much of a mad because Eris was right. Daria glanced in the mirror behind Sparkle. Nope, she wasn’t looking too harpylike right now. The scariest part was that her reflection didn’t horrify her nearly enough. She’d just have to make a big splash by bringing in someone who’d make Hades’s jaw drop.

  “Go find another werelion to sit on.” Daria decided if Eris made it physical, she’d heave her right into the middle of that crummy mirror.

  Sparkle joined the battle. “You’re a complete dumb-ass, Eris.” Her eyes glittered with malice. “You think that ugly equals evil? Wrong. I don’t care how disgusting you make yourself look; no one will ever mistake you for the real deal.”

  Eris’s smile was small and spiteful. “The way I look is just part of the total perfect package. First, I scare the crap out of my prey, and then while they’re frozen with fear I scoop them up.”

  Daria couldn’t let that pass. “Like you did with Declan and the lion? Better hunt easier prey, Eris.”

  “At least I’m trying.” Her sneer showcased crooked yellow teeth. “I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, Daria, but someone told your mom that things aren’t going as planned here.” She widened her eyes, which gave her an insane-serial-killer look. “Why, I bet your mom will be so worried, she’ll show up to see what’s going on.” She held up her hands. “Don’t blame me. I didn’t do it. I got the news from my mom.”

  That thought horrified Daria so much, she forgot all about Eris. Who’d ratted her out? Maybe the judge, but judges usually tried to stay pretty neutral. If Mel were the judge, though, neutrality would be tossed. Kal? No, her brother wouldn’t betray her. It could be almost any of the nonhumans staying at the inn. One of them might know Mom.

  Since her comment didn’t get the expected rise from Daria, Eris turned her poison tongue on Sparkle. “What do you know about evil, you sexed-up useless piece of crap?” Putting her hands on her hips, she laughed at Sparkle. “You spend your time tottering around on those silly heels and coming on to all the men. Who’d ever be afraid of you?”

  She glanced at Sparkle’s hands. “Oh, and that stupid bandage doesn’t hide your broken nail. Everyone knows your nails aren’t perfect.” Inspiration struck. Eris practically beamed. “If they don’t, I’ll tell them. See, that’s how afraid I am of little old evil you. Go ahead, do your worst, you stupid bitch.”

  Uh-oh. Daria backed up a few steps.

  Ganymede bounded in from the parlor. Bounded. His chubby body wasn’t made for vertical leaps. He must’ve sensed the seismic activity building in the hallway. One look at Sparkle’s expression and he skidded to a stop beside Daria.

  “Too late. This is gonna be bad”

  His fear came across loud and clear in Daria’s head. He pressed against her leg as they both watched with a mixture of horror and fascination.

  Sparkle’s eyes lit with an eerie amber glow even as she smiled at Eris. “You’re about to learn a powerful lesson about evil, my fledgling harpy. It doesn’t have to be violent. For example, I could put you on the floor right now and walk all over your pudgy body with my ‘silly’ heels. Afterward, you’d look like you’d been worked over by a giant hole punch. But that’s not my style.” She glanced at her hands. “Besides, I might break another nail.” Looking up, she winked. “Powerful evil burrows into your psyche until it roots out the most frightening reality for you, and then makes it happen.”

  Eris wasn’t even smart enough to be afraid. She just looked puzzled. “What the hell are you talking—”

  A sudden shimmer that looked sort of like rippling water made Daria feel a little nauseated. When the shimmer stopped, Daria stood staring openmouthed. “Oh, wow.”

  “Damn, that’s my woman” Ganymede was batting zero. The damn would cost him another candy bar, and Sparkle wasn’t his woman anymore.

  For a moment, Eris looked confused. Then she noticed Daria’s and Ganymede’s stares. She glanced in the mirror. And screamed. Long and loud. The few people who still hadn’t gone to their rooms rushed into the hallway to see what had happened. They stared.

  “I’m, I’m beautiful!” Eris would have used the same tone to announce that she’d been stabbed in the heart. “This is a trick. It isn’t real. It can’t be.” She babbled as she looked at her nails, perfect ovals of glistening pink color. Frantically, she broke them, but they reappeared immediately in all their perfect gl

  “My face!” She stared into the mirror while tears streamed from her big blue eyes and trickled down her smooth flawless cheeks. With shaking fingers, she touched her full sensual mouth.

  Sparkle rolled her eyes to the top of her head in fake thought. “Gee, guess you have a problem. This is almost like Cinderella. Do you think all your ugly stepsisters will welcome you back to the harpy fold?” She smiled and answered her own question. “I think not.”

  Panic lived in Eris’s eyes. “This isn’t forever, right? I’ll be me in the morning, right?”

  Sparkle looked bored. “Maybe. Maybe not. But then, what do I know? I’m just a stupid bitch.” She turned to Daria. “You want the key to the cuffs.” Reaching under the counter of the registration desk, she pulled it out and handed it to Daria.

  Still in openmouthed awe at what Sparkle had done, Daria took the key without commenting. Sure, she’d wanted someone else to release Declan to avoid more of his bad temper, but she figured Sparkle would be busy with a hysterical harpy for a while.

  “You let me go, you hear? My mom will kill you. I’ll fix you, I’ll carry off your dumb cat.” Eris was descending into crazed threats.

  “See me cower.” Sparkle yawned. “You know, I’m disappointed you’re not showing more gratitude. Look at you. Long blond hair, great body, gorgeous face.” She shook her head sadly. “Hades would take your soul for what I just did for free.”

  The last glimpse Daria got as she walked away was of Eris throwing herself to the floor in a flaming harpy tantrum, but looking beautiful as she did it, of course.

  Daria couldn’t help it—she was smiling as she entered Sparkle’s room. Declan was still on the bed looking as annoyed as a dark and dangerous vampire god could look.

  “Took you long enough.” He watched as she unlocked the cuffs.


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