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Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)

Page 18

by Brair Lake

  The sharp jerk of the seat belt cuts across my shoulder and neck, causing me a temporary lost of breath. As I lean back against the car seat, taking in a deep breath, the drivers’ door is swiftly yanked open. I am still in shock and have not realized that someone is reaching across to undo my seatbelt and has dragged me from the car until I trip over my feet. As I start to come to my senses, and begin to fight back against my assailant, he shoves me against the car bonnet, slamming my face down, jarring me. As a wave of dizziness sweeps through my body, I vaguely hear a door slamming in the distance and feet running towards us, when my assailant is abruptly dragged off me. As I pull myself up, I see that my attacker is Eddie Bale and he has Tommy by the arm, dragging him to the truck, which he has parked behind us.

  Slowly making my way towards the car, I frantically search for my phone, I know it’s in my bag, however the more I rummage around the contents, the more it appears to elude me. Giving up on my search I tip the contents of the bag onto the backseat, giving a breath of relief when I finally find the phone, without thinking I automatically ring Inferno

  As soon as Inferno answers the phone, I do not bother with the usual pleasantries.

  “Its Baby Blu, Eddie’s just taken Tommy”

  “Fuck, where are you, babe”

  Giving him my location, as my side and face are now starting to hurt and I wish to go home.

  “Wait where you are and Crabby will come and collect you”


  Slamming my phone shut and shoving it in my rear jean pocket, I seize my jacket and cut off the back of the chair where I had rested it while playing pool with the brothers.

  “Crabby I need to you to go to Baby Blu and take her back to my place” giving him the address that Baby Blu had provided, I called on the other brothers, “That fucker has taken Tommy!”. The blood is cascading through my veins so violently that it feels as though my eardrums are going to burst from the pressure.

  Taking half the time it should have, we soon arrive at Eddie Bale’s place. I Start to dismount the Harley before I have it parked and have slipped on the knuckle-dusters which I had removed from my jacket pocket, placing them over my gloves.

  “He’s mine,” I steadily inform everyone as with one swiftly raised leg I kick in the inadequate front door and screen, which is now banging against the wall. Letting myself in as I stomp into the living area. Eddie has a baseball bat in his hand, which he is aiming at Tommy, who dodges, bending down, thrusting his head into his stomach, winding Eddie for a moment, which is just enough time for me to get in and push Tommy out of the way.

  Tabby takes a hold of Tommy, leading him outside so that he does not witness what I am about to do to this fucking piece of shit.

  As I, approach the smell of alcohol assaults my nose and with my right fist, I aim for Eddie’s face. I am going to mess this fucker up. Eddie staggers back and loses his balance for a moment, but he quickly straightens himself, swigging the bat towards me, causing it to glance off my side. My fist then goes straight into his face connecting with his nose. His balance gives way and he topples onto the armchair, pulling him up by his t-shirt, I once again smash my fist into his face, this time catching him on they eye. Keeping hold of him, via his t-shirt, punching him several more times By now, his is nearly unconscious, his face is covered in blood, his lips split, a gash and a bruise forming on his cheek, the eyes swelling up. On the ground are a couple of teeth. Letting go of his shirt, and now that he has no support, he crumbles to the floor, sniffling, aiming a couple of sharp kick towards his sides and ribs. When I finally look at the scumbag, I am more than happy with the result. The chicken shit has himself curled up in the fetus position and is nearly out cold. He will not becoming anywhere near my family again.

  “Keep away from Tommy and Keep away from my family, next time you go near any of them you’re dead” On this note I go outside

  As soon as I am outside, breathing in deeply, while I try to get my body back under control. It does not help matters, when I look at Tommy and see his arms and face are covered in fresh bruises, blood coming from his nose.

  Linc comes over to me; the expression on his face is not a happy one as he finishes his phone call

  “That was Crabby, when he reached Baby Blu she didn’t look to good so he’s taken her to Comfort Springs County”

  “Fuck” I want to go back inside and kill the fucker, yet Linc and Fudge hold me back

  “Come on Inferno, lets get to the hospital before Adam gets here” Shaking them both of me, my body trembling again with rage, I throttle the Harley loud, wanting the unconscious fucker to register the sound so that he doesn’t forget my promise, because that’s what it is.

  As I enter the ER, searching the room for Baby Blu or Crabby, however neither are about. As I make my way towards the desk, a commotion towards the bottom of the corridor catches my attention. Seeing a pair of biker boots beneath the curtain edges, I have located Crabby; therefore, that is where Baby Blu is.

  Before the night is over, I know my blood pressure is going to kill me, as once again it rises when I see what the fucker has done to Baby Blu. Her beautiful face is turning purple, her eye swollen. On her left ankle, there is a bandage, which she has sprained, when that fucker dragged her from the car.

  Taking my baby into my arms, a gasp escapes from her lips, turning my gaze to her, I notice that there is a pinched look to her face. The eye that is not damaged, cloudy with tears and pain.

  “Shit babe, that’s got to hurt”

  “Just a little” she groans, finding it hard to move her mouth.

  “You hurt anywhere else?”

  Not looking at me, she lifts her t-shirt revealing more angry bruises, these ones taking up most of her side from where she was slammed into the car.

  Dreading the answer, I ask the doctor “Any internal damage”

  “No, it’s all external, nevertheless she’ll need plenty of bed rest and to stay off her feet for a couple of days, we would like to keep her in, but she doesn’t want to”

  “No problem, we can look after and make sure she stays in bed”

  Pulling up outside my house, Baby Blu makes no move to leave her car.

  “I want to go home,” she whispers.

  “Come on babe, let’s get you inside”

  “Please, I want to go home”

  Fuck, I can’t let her go home I need her, also Tommy is there and her dad has his hands full taking care of him, if he saw the state of Baby Blu as well, it would break him. It was a fucked up night and I needed to hold Baby Blu.

  Deciding not to take no for an answer, I walked round the car and lifted Baby Blu into my arms, careful not to hurt her too much.

  Finally, I have Baby Blu settled in my bed, where she belongs. I think part of this was due to the medication that the hospital has given her.

  When I have her naked in bed, I climbed in besides her, positioning her so that her good side is against me.

  Whimpering as she slept, I soothed her as best as I could, holding her, talking about general stuff.

  For the first time, since Baby Blu and I have been together my cock does not got hard at either the sight or feel of her body.

  Chapter 25

  Fuck, things were going to shit and it was going down fast.

  Since the trouble at the drop off, with Boris and Black County Stewards, we have hit them every night. The strikes having taking place either on our territory, or on Black County Stewards. Cleaning up Comfort Springs was taking longer than I had planned.

  Then there had been that shit with Eddie Bale, which I could have done without. Baby Blu has been moody and was furious with everyone when she finally saw the state of Tommy, both her dad and I had taken the brunt of that anger. Tommy had not helped matters either, having become sullen, blaming himself for the way his father had behaved, telling everyone that he wanted to go back to Eddie’s. That shit had only set Baby Blu off again, after Thursday night she has refused to stop over at mine and had
not come to the clubhouse at the weekend. Fuck it; I need to get this shit sorted out.

  Linc and Trax rode into the yard, sliding their Harleys along side mine, waiting, while I finished mounting it and placing my brain bucket on my head.

  “Tabby and Crabby just found Costa’s body” Linc passes this information on.

  “Fuck, Where?”

  “Train tracks.”

  As I said, enough was enough; Costa was our first major casualty, while Black County Stewards had lost a couple of dealers in the last week but no crewmembers. That was going to end.

  We needed to keep this shit under the radar of the local sheriff’s office. As often, as Adam has our backs, and looks the other way, there was only so much he could do.

  It was time, to move this war, from Comfort Springs, and conclude it on Black County’s territory.

  “Contact Tabby, and tell him to get the brothers over to the warehouse and that we will meet them there. Trax, leave your bike here and get the cage”

  To do what I had to do, I was going to have to call in another motorcycle club and it was going to cost me. In the end, it will be worth it. Taking the burner out of my pocket, I placed the necessary call.

  When we arrived at the location where our meeting was to take place, it was to see double the amount of bikes that was expected. Chatting with Tabby was my old friend Sinbad. Yeah, The Scarlet Runner’s were up for this. Tonight we are going to party.

  “Linc, get Cassie down to the club house, I’ll deal with Baby Blu and her family”

  “Crabby let everyone know were going into lockdown tonight until further notice”

  “Got it”

  “See you tonight Sinbad” I salute as we ride off to make the final arrangements.

  I was expecting a bigger battle than the one I got from Baby Blu when I had told her she needed to spend the next few days at the clubhouse. Ted and my parents opted to go out of town for a few days, away from the upcoming trouble.

  The cook pit was blazing when Baby Blu, Tommy and I rode into Devils Comforts clubhouse, music blaring. In the mix was a selection of club whores and a few dancers from Tie me Down, they were doing a good job of entertaining our visitors The Scarlet Runners. It had been arranged, that they leave their old ladies and whores in lockdown at their own club.

  With my arm around Baby Blu, I take her over and introduce her to Sinbad”

  While the bruising had faded, there was still evidence of the attack on her face.

  “Who did that?” Sinbad enquires, pointing his finger, which was holding a beer bottle, towards her face, while his eyes focused on mine.

  “Tommy’s dad”

  Lifting his chin “I take it, it’s been sorted”

  “Yes” ending the questions on that one word.

  Gesturing to Sinbad and signaling Linc to call our crew, I called church to finalize what was to go down tonight. Sinbad and a couple of his crew would be attending but not the rest. Now that it was settled and everyone knew what was at stake and that no mistakes could be made we loaded in to the cage that had been prepared with the equipment we would need, earlier in the day. As we drive out of the yard, there are only a couple of motorcycles to escort us to our destination.

  We have to be quick and discrete.

  Taking the back roads, turning off our lights and using the moon to guide us, we reach the clubhouse of Black County Stewards. Not stopping, we drive straight through the closed gates, parking the cage outside the doors. Discharging from the cage, we raise our guns and enter their property. There are about thirty of them and only ten of us, six Devils Comfort, Linc, Chilli, Fudge, Tabby, Twiggy and me. From the Scarlet Runners there was, Sinbad, Mace, Dill and Coats. Fair odds, about 3/1 we can manage if need to. I was taking out their president tonight. Eye for an Eye the bible says, and Boris was my eye for Costa. Costa had been a member of Devils comfort for six years and he was proving to be a great solider to the MC.

  When I say there are ten of us it is a little lie, on the way out we have collected Puck, another brother who had been with Devils Comfort for about three years.

  Our arrival has not gone unobserved; and the clubhouse is in an uproar, with bodies coming through the door to see what was going on, only to be greeted by our guns and us. Slowly they make their way back in, as we entered some of the club whores started screaming and hiding out in the back.

  Dragging a chair over and facing it towards Boris, I make myself comfortable. With a signal of my hand, Linc and Chilli approach Puck and relieve him of his gun. Yeah with the fucking killing of Costa, we had finally found our fucking mole. Fucking Puck. Puck closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. Stepping back, his eyes now wild as he tries to find an escape route, he makes a run for it only to have his stomach land in Tabby’s fist. A satisfied smile spreads across Tabby’s face, as he flexes his hand, the tension released from his body.

  Puck knows what is coming next, and slowly makes his way, with the help of Linc and Chilli, to where I am sitting.

  “Kneel fucker and face, that fat bastard” I tell him pointing at Boris. Doing as I have asked, Puck offers no words of defense or platitude in what he has done.

  “See Boris, this is what we do with fucking cowards, standing behind Puck, I point my gun at his head and although he is trembling, he looks at Boris, knowing this will be the last image he sees before he meets his maker. Without any hesitation, I pull the trigger back and Puck’s head splatters, his body falling forward, leaning to the right as he crumples to the floor, blood and brain matter covers the floor and the president of Black County Stewards.

  Stepping back, my gaze direct into Boris’s pissed off eyes, reaching for his gun, “No no” shaking my head at my disappointment.

  “This ends tonight, I’ve warned you and you’ve ignored those warning” My gun fires perfectly between Boris’s eyes; no one lifts their weapon in defense of their dead president. Sinbad has his gun pointing directly at their vice president, Chilli has his pointed at their Sergeant at Arms, and taking out there three top men would leave this club in a mess. We had discussed the issue if to kill them straight or try to talk to them. If talking did not work then, we would dispose of them.

  Like most motorcycle clubs, their clubhouse was set back on a piece of derelict land, no one had seen us arrive and none of these men would speak of what has gone off in their clubhouse tonight.

  Approaching their Vice President, with a cold look so that everyone understood that I was not in the mood for any more shit.

  “No vote, Tat’s now your new president, this club is going in a new direction and its staying out of Comfort Springs and Comfort Springs business” Looking round the room, making eye contact with each and every one of them to show that I meant business. “Anyone who disagrees can either leave their cut on the table on their way out or leave in a body bag like this piece of scum”

  There are mummers all round the room. Finally, Tat speaks up

  “Listen to him and we can live another day, don’t” with a shrug of his shoulders he is telling them everything.

  Tat is no fool and will make a mean enemy, he is six foot five, bald, with a ZZ top style beard and the coldest, deadest brown eyes I have ever come across, which is unusual for a brown eyed person and not one part of him was free of ink, hence the name Tat.

  With one last warning, “Keep away, one step out of place and this club will disband in one form or another.”

  In his new role as President, warns, “I’ll let this pass, but don’t you ever FUCKING come into this clubhouse again” Tuning his back on both Sinbad and me, I here him yelling for the bodies to be disposed off.


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