SHIFTED: The midnight series

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SHIFTED: The midnight series Page 12

by Toni Goode

  “Don’t worry about that. I have things handled.” He said quickly, and Briana rolled her eyes.

  “Ok, it’ll be your funeral.” She said sarcastically as she shook her head even though part of her was happy that he hadn’t answered his phone. That chick was a bitch anyways. Her thoughts left her before she could stop it and he looked at her and raised an eyebrow.” Don’t mind me.” She said with a nervous laugh

  “She really isn’t a bitch. She is confused, and she can be a bit petty at times, but she is a good person.” He began as Briana rolled her eyes again. “I’m serious, she used to be a cool chick. Laid back and friendly.” He thought of Kate and how they all use to hang out on Friday nights. He got lost in his thoughts and by the time he saw Briana looking at him with wide eyes, it was too late. He had already said too much without saying anything at all.

  “She is your wife’s sister? I mean ex-wife. I mean.” She shook her head in embarrassment. “Never mind, I shouldn’t.” Briana said quickly. Now she felt uncomfortable.

  “Yes, she is Kate’s sister. The next in line to be married. Lucky me.” He said dryly as he kept driving.

  “How long were you married?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  “Twenty years.” He began. “It took me nearly sixty years to grow up enough to get married.” He laughed a little now. “I was a bit reckless in my younger days.”

  “Wow so you weren’t always a grump, good to know.” Briana said with a laugh.

  John looked at her now. “You have no idea, you wouldn’t have liked me then. Not a lot of people did but Kate. She was patient.” He said with a smile and Briana actually felt bad for him. When he spoke of Kate it was obvious he loved her so much.

  Briana thought of her own life and how even with Chris she didn’t have that. Hell, she was sure that he was probably moving on as she sat there. Maybe even with that girl from his apartment. Her thoughts left her mind and she sighed as John looked at her.

  “He sounds like a real asshole.” John said as he looked at her.

  “Yeah I wasn’t trying to put it all out there. I mean you already think I’m like this weak girl.” Briana shook her head quickly.

  “Oh, I never said you were weak.” He said honestly.

  “Yeah but you think it, I’m sure.” She began and then she heard his thoughts. I have thought many things about you Briana and weak is definitely not one of them. He looked back at the road as he drove, and she swallowed hard.

  “Is that why you were on the road that day? Was it because of him?” He began, and he was shocked to feel angry knowing that Chris had upset her so much but then again, he wouldn’t have met her any other way. It was being in the right place at the right time.

  Briana heard his thoughts loud and clear. It made her blush a bit as she looked out the window. She was glad to that she had been on that road. She didn’t have to look over at John to know he heard her. She kept looking out the window.

  John turned on the radio as they drove and for the next twenty minutes it was only the radio playing. No thoughts at all as he drove. It wasn’t until Briana saw the sign for Buffalo, NY that she looked at John.” We’re going to New York?” She asked in shock. He hadn’t said where they were going yet.

  “Yeah, were almost there.” He said as he glanced at her. “Ever been?”

  “No. I haven’t been out of Pennsylvania and up until last week I hadn’t been out of my home town.” She said honestly.

  “Really? No traveling? How is that possible?” He said in shock. He had traveled all over the world by the time he was twenty. That had been part of his problem growing up. He didn’t like to stay in one place for very long.

  “It’s not like I didn’t want to. I did but it just never happened. With school and work, it’s just never possible.” She began, and he realized he didn’t know much about her except for what he had read on a piece of paper.

  “You were going to school for forensic tech, right?” He asked, and she blinked in shock.

  “Background check?” She raised an eyebrow and he shrugged his shoulders some. “I should have guessed as much. “She said sarcastically. “But yes, I am going to school for forensics.” She said with an emphasis on ‘am’. He glanced over at her. “Oh, I still plan on following my career, even if it is in a different town. Steele said that there is a local college I could sign up for that deal with the supernatural.” She began, and John rolled his eyes. “What?”

  “Nothing its just that I wouldn’t take everything Steele says as the truth.” He said sarcastically now.

  “Why not?” She asked quickly.

  “Listen he is a good guy ok, but you don’t want to get caught up in his drama, trust me.” John said quickly. He had known Steele long enough to know that things with Steele never lasted long. Steele did not like being tied down to anyone. He was a risk taker and frankly it was surprising that he was still alive after all the near-death experiences he has had.

  Briana blinked in shock as she looked at John. She had heard his thoughts loud and clear. He sounded jealous and before she could speak it, John looked at her. “I’m not jealous. I just know him, and you don’t need to get messed up with that.” He said quickly.

  “Well what makes you think that you know me, maybe I like a little adventure. I mean I have been cooped up my entire life and apparently I’m going to around for a while.” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I would never allow it. So, it’s best for you to not even think it.” John said seriously as she looked at him and narrowed her eyes now.

  “I’m sorry but last time I checked you were not my father even though your apparently old enough to be.” She rolled her eyes angrily at him.

  “This is isn’t open for negotiation. You’re my responsibility.” He began as she huffed.

  “Oh well excuse me but no one ever said that because you made me this, that you get to have a say in my life. I can make my own decisions, my own choices!” She snapped angrily.

  “No, you can’t. Everything you do is because I allow you to do it and if you don’t like that then the council has ways of making you submit.” He began and then immediately regretted his words as she looked at him shocked. “I didn’t mean.” He began, and she put her hand up and then turned her head to look out the window. Go to hell John. Her mind yelled at him and he sighed. “Briana.” He began, and she shook her head.

  “I heard you loud and clear, ok Sir!” She snapped, and John sighed heavily. “Seriously lets just get this over with.” She huffed. She was pissed. Her life was beginning to feel more like a prison sentence. She quickly took her mind to the kiss she shared with Steele. She kept it front and center in her mind, refusing to speak to John at all.

  John tried to shut out her images of Steele. He knew what she was doing and hell it was working. Jealousy spurred him, and he drove faster and faster. Seeing her kiss Steele and seeing his hands on her body were enough to make him go into a blind rage. He knew that he shouldn’t care at all but damn it, he did. “Ok enough.” He said through gritted teeth, but Briana ignored him as she remembered how Steele pulled her close against his body. His hard, aching body. “Jesus come on Briana!” John snapped angrily now but she refused to stop. He finally slammed on the brakes surprisingly as he pulled off to the side of the road. Dirt got kicked up as they came to an abrupt halt. It actually shocked the hell out of Briana and then he was getting out and slamming the door. He was outside of the car; his mind was filled with curse words and crazy ramblings.

  Briana huffed and got out of the car. He was being such a baby! “Ok I’m done, can we just go?” She called out as he paced back and forth about a hundred feet away from her now. Just leave me be. His thoughts got loud, and she huffed. “Your being really ridiculous!” She yelled out now as he spun and looked at her and then he was storming over to her. He looked pissed and full of rage.

  “I’m ridiculous?!” He said as he got closer and she swallowed hard.

  “Yeah well you’re an egomaniac and a
control freak!” She snapped angrily now as he closed in the distance between them and she put her hands on her hips. “You know you have some nerve telling me what I can and can not do!” She yelled, and he got right in front of her.

  Something in the air changed between them drastically and then simultaneously their mouths were colliding as he backed up her against the car and kissed her passionately. Her heart raced as his tongue lapped against hers in almost a frenzy. Her hands were in his long hair as she drew him closer and he pressed himself against her as one hand went into her long locks. The other hand went to her ass as he ground himself against her. God, he felt so good, she could barely function!

  His mouth attacked hers with such a primal urgency that Briana could feel her legs turning into jelly as she stood pressed up against the car. Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore of his seductive torture, he moved his mouth to her jaw and then her neck as he licked and sucked against her flesh. A soft moan left her mouth as one hand went to her breast and he squeezed hard as he made his way down to her collarbone with his tongue.

  John couldn’t get enough of her. Her skin was hot to the touch and her scent was driving him absolutely crazy. He needed to have her, but they were standing on the side of the road. She deserved better than that and so he pulled his mouth from her shaking body as he leaned his forehead against hers. Both of their eyes closed as they breathed deep. The sexual tension between them was palpable as he opened his eyes now and so did she. He stepped back from her as he ran a hand through his hair. What was he doing? He couldn’t afford to lose control like that! He cursed himself for his behavior. Briana could hear it all.

  “We need to go.” John finally said as he walked back around the car to the driver’s side. Briana stood there for another second and then she also got into the car. Neither of them said anything else for the next twenty minutes. They didn’t even look at each other. Their thoughts were only a few as they both stared forward.

  The car ride was quiet as John took a turn down an old dirt road. The area was heavily wooded and then she saw the grave stones. She looked over at John as he drove. “A cemetery?” She said in shock as John looked at her now.

  “It’s a safe place.” He said honestly as he pulled off to the side of the road and turned the car off. “It’s just over there.” He pointed to a mausoleum as he got out of the car.

  “I don’t know about this. Why here?” Briana said with worry in her voice as they began walking towards the old building. There was weeds and vines growing up the side of the mausoleum.

  “You don’t need to fear the dead dear girl; the living are far more dangerous.” A tall dark-haired woman said as she stepped out from the side of the building. She was dressed in all black and her hair matched her dress. A smile came across her face as she walked over to them. She looked at Briana and then John. “Now you’re a sight for sore eyes.” She closed the distance in and then she walked over and kissed John on both cheeks. As she stood there she put her hands on his cheeks. “My condolences, your loss has not gone unrecognized. Kate was a loved woman.” She said honestly.

  John nodded his head. “Clara this is Briana.”

  Clara looked at Briana who stared at her with confusion and worry. She didn’t trust this woman and she didn’t like the way she looked at John. Briana couldn’t help but wonder how well she knew John. Had they shared the same bed. As soon as she thought it she immediately regretted it as John choked on his own spit.

  “You are quite the unusual woman.” Clara said as she looked over Briana. “She’s strong, she is very strong.” She said an amused looked. “You’ve had the change already.” She said with shock as she touched Briana’s arm.

  Briana jumped back some. This woman freaked her out. “It’s ok, Clara is one of the good ones.” John said reassuringly.

  “My intentions are pure. I am no enemy of yours.” Clara said with a smile, but Briana still didn’t trust this woman. She was odd and when she looked at Briana it almost felt as though she could see right into her soul. She felt vulnerable as she stood there fidgeting with her hands. “So, when did it start?” Clara turned to John.

  “Yesterday, right after the transformation.” John began.

  “And you hear everything?” Clara looked at the both of them. Briana looked at John and then at Clara.

  “I thought you said this could be dangerous if anyone found out, but you told her?” Briana asked with shock.

  “It’s called being Soul Bound and believe me it is not only dangerous if in the wrong hands but its incredibly rare.” Clara said seriously. “Come let’s walk, you never know what ears are around to hear.” She finished as she began to walk.

  I don’t like this at all. What if she is tricking us. Witches can’t be trusted! Briana called out in her head as John looked at her.

  “She is different, trust me.” He said as he began to follow Clara. Briana stood there for a moment and then quickly walked towards them as Clara continued to walk.

  “There is something about this place that makes me feel at peace.” Clara began as she walked through the cemetery. “I think one of the last times we saw each other was at this very place.” She continued as John nodded his head. “I am forever grateful for all you have done for my family John.” She said then she looked at Briana. “He is a keeper.”

  “Oh, I’m not, were not.” Briana said quickly as she flushed. “He’s engaged actually.” She added quickly as Clara stopped walking and looked at John with wide eyes.

  “It’s a long story but Briana is right, were not together.” He said as Clara smiled.

  “You keep telling yourselves that.” She laughed, and Briana looked at John quickly and he just shook his head.

  “So, can you tell me why this is happening?” John said as she smiled.

  “Legend states that all beings whether supernatural or not share their soul with another. The separation happens when the souls are brought to earth. Most people never actually meet their other half but then some do and when they do its electrifying.” She raised an eyebrow as she looked at them.

  “I’m not really following you.” John said honestly.

  “One soul ripped in two. They are referred to as twin flames and soul bound. The meeting is usually explosive and incredibly passionate as well as painful.” She said with a smile.

  “I’m sorry are you trying to say that we share a soul?” Briana finally said with a shake of her head. This sounded crazy. She was sure the lady was crazy.

  “Well yes, you did at one time but now you are two separate souls that are forever connected. It’s a rare and beautiful thing but everything of beauty comes with something ugly. Once twin flames finally meet they usually end in disaster due to the complexity of the relationship not to mention that hurting one can affect the other, this goes for death as well.” She said seriously.

  “How do you know this isn’t just some crazy story that elders tell their kids. I just don’t buy it. I mean she was human last week.” John began, and Briana shook her head.

  “Yeah this sounds like a bunch of crazy talk.” Briana added.

  “Mock it if you will but in time you will see.” Clara said as she stopped walking. She turned to face them. “Be careful who you tell this to. There are those who would wish you harm just by knowing what you are.” She said almost cryptically and then she looked to John. “You should be careful with those close to you, not everyone is a friend even those who claim to be.” She touched his shoulder.

  “Do you always have to end our conversations with a riddle.” John rolled his eyes some as she smiled.

  “You didn’t listen to my last riddle, did you?” She raised an eyebrow. “If you did then you would have seen her coming from a mile away.” She smirked as she looked at Briana. John looked at her confused. “You two kids have fun. We will meet again, soon.” She said as she began to walk away.

  “Ok so you’re not seriously buying all of her crazy talk?” Briana said as she looked at John.
  “No, I’m sure there is a logical reason.” He began and then he stopped in mid-sentence as he tried to remember what Clara had said the last time they met but he couldn’t remember.

  “Yeah I’m sure your right.” Briana added. “Can we get out of here; this place gives me the creeps.” She added quickly as they headed back to the car.

  Chapter Twelve

  They sat in the car not speaking as John drove. The radio played and they both fought to keep their minds clear but they both kept on thinking about what Clara had said. It was easier to think about that then to think about the kiss they had shared earlier. They both refused to let that thought come into their minds. As they passed a billboard sign with the name of a Diner on it and a picture of a burger they immediately thought the same thing. Food!

  John drove them to the small Diner in the middle of nowhere, between Pennsylvania and New York. It was just a hole in the wall, but it was what they needed. Neither of them had eaten since the day before and they were both starved. Actually, Briana couldn’t remember the last time she was ever this hungry.

  “It’s the wolf. You’ll find you’re a lot hungrier these days but that’s because you burn way more calories when you shift.” John said as they sat across from one another in a small booth at one end of the diner.

  “How about Maria. She must be starving all the time, being pregnant and all on top of the lifestyle.” She began as she sipped her soda.

  “I suppose, I wouldn’t really know.” John said honestly.

  “How come you don’t have any kids? Or do you, somewhere out there in the big world of ours.” She laughed some and then saw the look on his face. It was a sore subject. She thought of his wife dying and he shook his head at her.

  “Don’t go there ok.” He said honestly, and she swallowed hard. Immediately feeling regret for bringing it up and in a joking manner.


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