SHIFTED: The midnight series

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SHIFTED: The midnight series Page 13

by Toni Goode

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” She apologized.

  “Oh look, here comes the food.” John said quickly as he looked over at the waiter who carried a tray of food for them. It was a good distraction and one that Briana was happy about.

  They ate burgers in silence and they tasted wonderful. Briana couldn’t get enough of it. She ate fries and even a shake as they sat there. “I can’t even believe I ate all of that. I’m stuffed to the gills.” She said as she leaned back in the booth.

  “When I was younger my mom used to have to make so much food for me and Michael. She said it felt like she was feeding an army.” He smiled as he thought of his mom. She was a really great woman and she had a nice full life. He wished she had been around longer though.

  “I’m sorry about your mom.” Briana said as John shook his head. He had forgotten about his thoughts yet again. “Are both your parents gone?” She asked.

  “Yeah my dad went first and then my mom shortly after. It happens that way a lot with wolves. Usually one spouse dies and then the other quickly after.” He began but Briana couldn’t help but notice how he spoke of them. It was almost as if he wished he had died too. She thought of his dead wife again and she immediately stood up.

  “I should use the bathroom.” She said as she quickly walked away and cursed herself for continuing to bring up his deceased wife. As she neared the back of the diner she heard something in the distance. It was a soft sound, but she heard it. Almost like a cry. She couldn’t help but follow it as she walked by the exit door in the back. The sound was faint but still there and she quickly opened the door and she gasped at the sight before her because a young woman lay on the ground with blood coming out of two holes on her neck. The woman reached out to Briana as she grabbed her bleeding neck. “Oh my god, I’m going to get you help.” Briana said quickly as she spun around but just as fast a man stood there. Bright blue eyes and two bloody fangs. Briana screamed as she jumped from the vampire, but he was faster as he grabbed her and pulled her towards him.

  “Quit your yapping you little wolf bitch!” He snapped at her and roughly yanked her head to the side.

  Briana screamed out as she felt his fangs pierce her neck and she grabbed the short hair on the top of his head. She yanked his head back hard and then she slammed her forehead into his as he stumbled back and so did she.

  “Oh, you’re going to pay for that!” The vampire lunged at her and she jumped out of the way at the last second. Without thinking she grabbed an empty glass bottle from the ground and she flung it at his head, but he dodged it as it smashed onto the ground. He lunged for her again and this time he got her by the back of her hair. The next thing she felt was the cold concrete of the building on her face as he slammed her into it. She could feel the blood covering the side of her face as he yanked her bleeding face back. Opening his mouth once more he bit down again, and Briana cried out but within seconds something large came slamming into them as Briana was tossed onto the ground. Her vision was foggy as she tried to get up. That’s when she saw the large black wolf biting at the vampire. It was John, she knew it.

  She tried to get up again, but she fell backwards as she watched the vampire claw against John. She screamed out as the pain he was being inflicted was being mimicked in her own body. She cried out as the wolf looked at her and the vampire took the opportunity to toss the large wolf against the wall as John let out a yelp and Briana cried out at the pain. It was excruciating but then there was something else and she immediately knew she was about to shift. She braced her body as it got so hot that she felt like her skin was boiling off of her and the next thing she felt was her body being tossed upwards. When she landed on the ground she immediately saw her wolf paws. She had changed, and it barely had hurt. For a moment she forgot why she was there because she was happy that it hadn’t hurt but then she heard a howl as she brought her attention back to John’s wolf that was now biting and clawing at the vampire. His wolf towered over the blood sucker and Briana ran over too. She crunched down hard on the vampire’s skull as it yelled out and when she pulled back his head came with her and the body remained on the ground. The taste of blood made her feel ill as she dropped the decapitated head onto the ground. The sound of sirens filled the air and she looked up at John. Let’s go, hurry, now. His words were clear in her head as she looked at the disintegrating vampire body on the ground and the young girl who was sitting up looking petrified as she looked at them. Now, leave the girl! John yelled in her head and Briana took off running into the woods as she followed John.

  Briana wasn’t even sure how long they ran for, but her legs began to tire as they neared a small clearing that held a decent size lake. Please we have to rest. Her mind called out to John as he stopped running and turned to look for her. He saw her large red wolf walk over to the water. She tested it first and then she drank from it as she stood there. He walked over to her and drank beside her. Clara wasn’t kidding about the pain part, that really hurt. Briana said in her mind as she looked at John.

  The change? Or the fight? John looked at her.

  The fight, the change wasn’t bad at all. She began to lay down. I’m tired. That was the last thing she said before her eyes closed and she fell asleep because of exhaustion.

  John watched as she promptly fell asleep. Being a new wolf was hard. It took a lot out of you. He had been shifting for so many years now that it practically did nothing to his energy level but the bites and scratches from the vampire stung like a bitch. He leaned his head down and licked across her face as she laid there. Her form slowly changing back into a human. John felt himself changing too and he welcomed it. It really had been a long week. Once fully shifted he brushed a piece of hair from her face and he sat next to her. Both of them stark naked.

  He thought back to the diner and how odd everything had felt. When Briana had left for the bathroom everything had gotten quiet in her mind. At first, he just played it off as nothing but after two minutes of pure silence he got worried and that’s when he smelled the god damn fanger. Some how the fangers presence had blocked her thoughts. He didn’t know why. It made no sense, but it had happened. What he did know was that the fangers were becoming more and more reckless and he planned to stop them. All of them if he had to!

  He looked down at her as she slept peacefully. She had fought off that fanger good but not without a few tell tale reminders. He looked at the fang marks on her neck and he touched them softly. He didn’t like to see her like this. She seemed so vulnerable even though she had kicked some serious ass. He was impressed by her. He touched a piece of her red hair and suddenly he remembered what Clara had said. “The red flames will consume you and not until you embrace it will your life make sense.” He blinked in shock as he held a piece of her red hair. Red like a flame. Was she the red flame!

  He felt his world spinning as he sat there. Why was all of this happening to him? Was Clara telling the truth all along? He laughed sarcastically, he must be losing his mind because now some of it seemed plausible to him.

  The sun was beginning to set as she laid there sleeping naked on the ground as he watched her. She looked so calm laying there. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. He had started a fire a few feet away from them. He was sure she would be asleep all night and this was the safest place for them to be at especially with the scene back at the diner. The thought of something bad happening to Briana made his blood boil. That feeling not only surprised him but scared him at the same time. His life was complicated as it was but to have her in the mix really shook it all up. He wondered how they were going to get by now. Having the ability to read each other’s thoughts was a blessing and a nightmare.

  He couldn’t forget the fact that he was engaged to Ana and he was sure there would be hell to pay by the time he got back. Ana wasn’t a bad person. He genuinely liked her but ‘like’ was the key word. He would marry her out of necessity and he hated it, but he would have to suck it up. The council wouldn’t have it any other way and even though
he hated their decision; he also respected it. It was the way of his world. He was a leader, an Alpha. There was a lot that was expected of him and it was hard to not only keep everyone safe but to keep the pack stable.

  John finally laid back in the grass as he stared up at the clear night sky. You could see stars for miles from here. It had been quite sometime since he had just laid back and watched the world. It was nice. He turned his head and looked at a sleeping Briana. Tomorrow would be another day with new challenges.

  It was dark out when Briana opened her eyes and saw nothing but ground and sky. For a moment she was confused and then she looked down at her naked body. She was naked! She jumped up as she looked around and then she tripped as John groaned. She fell against his body on the ground and it immediately woke him up as she tried to scramble to her feet. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” She began to panic as she pushed against him and he groaned again.

  “Ok hang on, let me help you get up.” He said quickly but she just kept pushing against him as she ungracefully got to her feet. She immediately saw he was naked and she turned from him. She wanted to run and hide. There was no-where to hide! “Briana, it’s fine. Just relax.” He began as he got to his feet too and he rubbed his tired face.

  “Yeah this... this is not ok.” Briana covered as much of her body as she could with her hands. “We have no clothes. How are we supposed to get clothes?” She shook her head as she panicked. “I’m freezing.” She said as she rubbed her arms. John walked over to her and he put his hands on her shoulders and she jumped. “What are you doing?” She jumped with embarrassment as she spun around. She looked down and then she quickly looked up at the sky. “This isn’t good.” She began to repeat as she looked up.

  “Briana seriously its ok. I’m hotter than you.” He began, and she laughed now.

  “Really your going to joke at a moment like this.” She laughed nervously.

  “No, I’m serious. Don’t jump. My body temperature is hotter than yours by at least fifteen degrees.” He said as she went to protest but he reached out and touched her arm.

  “Wow, you are hot. I mean, your temperature is hot.” She began to flush as she tried not to think of anything. “How are you so hot, your temp that is.” She rambled with her words.

  “Alpha’s are hotter than average wolves.” He began as he moved closer to her. “Just don’t move ok.” He said as he walked right up next to her and even without him touching her, she could feel his heat. “Just lean into me.” He said, and she couldn’t help but do just that. He was so damn warm. She pressed her body close to his and he had to hold his breath because having her this close was dangerous to him. She kept her hands by her side as she pressed up against him.

  He felt good, too good. Her cheek went to his chest as they stood there, and she sighed against him. Thank you. Her words filled his mind.

  John tried to seem unaffected, but he was anything but and if she moved any closer to him then she would feel the hot piece of steel between his legs that was standing proud. He refused to think of it.

  “It’s crazy how warm you are.” She said softly against him. “It must be horrible in the summer for you.” She said seriously as she looked up at him now.

  He was looking down at her. A piece of her hair was in her face and he couldn’t help but push it behind her ear. The simple movement made the air between them thick and sensual as Briana swallowed hard. Her hand went to his chest and she looked up at him. Her breathing quickened as one of his hands moved to her neck and jaw. If we do this then there is no turning back. His thoughts filled her head as he moved his face closer to hers. Just tell me to stop and I will. His thoughts consumed her.

  His lips hovered over hers as they both breathed heavy. Don’t Stop. Was all he heard in his head and that was all he needed as his mouth crashed into her. The kiss immediately deepened as he moved one hand down to her bare ass and one hand in her hair. He pulled her closer to him and she moaned against his mouth as soon as she felt his hot thick manhood push against her body. She was lost in his kiss and her hands clawed at his back and she pulled at his hair as she tried to get even closer to him. The growl that left his mouth had her moaning in response as her body ached for him. It ached for all of him.

  He moved them swiftly onto the ground as his weight pinned her down and then his mouth was leaving hers as he nipped and licked against her jaw and neck. “God you are so beautiful.” He rocked his body against hers as he began to lick his way down her collarbone and then to her breasts.

  The sensation of his mouth against her body was almost too much as she rocked her pelvis up against him. Please. Please I need to feel you! She pleaded in her head as his tongue lapped against one erect nipple. She couldn’t help but arch her back as he flicked his tongue against her nipple. She kept her hands in his hair as he moved back and forth between her breasts. His hand slipped past her belly and between her legs were wetness had pooled against her skin. She cried out as his fingers entered her body without warning. He moved one finger and then two in and out of her aching body. Gasping she pulled on his hair as he pushed his fingers deep inside of her. His mouth ripped from her breasts as he watched her writhe in pleasure. Look at me Briana. His words filled her head as her eyes opened and she found his seductive eyes staring back at her. Soon his mouth was attacking her roughly as his fingers moved in and out of her until she was crying out in pleasure.

  He kissed her as if his life depended on it and it almost felt like it did. When he pulled his fingers out of her, she protested against it as she shoved her hand between them and the next thing he felt was her hand wrapping around his impossibly hard manhood. The growl that came out of his mouth next made her quiver in anticipate. He used his leg to push hers even wider apart and just when she felt like she could not stand any more pleasure; he was replacing his fingers with his manhood as she cried out.

  She had sex before, but this was on a whole other level. Her body engulfed his as he rocked against her. He growled and grunted as his mouth attacked hers and his body pumped in and out of her like a perfect match. Her mind soared as his body took hers over completely. She felt like she was floating on a cloud. She cried out in pleasure as the first of many orgasms shocked her body. Oh god don’t stop! Her mind yelled out to him as she moaned against his mouth.

  Oh, I don’t plan to. His words filled her as he thrust into her over and over again. At first it was slow deep thrusts that had her shaking almost violently against him and then he was slamming his body hard against hers as he growled and grunted deep. They moved against each other in such synchrony that it made the act so much more sensual. He continued to bury his tongue in her mouth and against her tongue in a duel as his manhood buried deep inside of her. He could feel his orgasm coming close and he upped his movements as he tore his mouth from her. Her eyes opened as she watched him. It was incredibly sexy to see him grabbing hold of her hips as he drove into her wildly. His head was thrown back and his long hair soaked in sweat as he grabbed her hips hard with one final thrust. She cried out in pleasure as his seed filled her body until he was collapsing against her as he panted into her neck. She was panting too as her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. God, your amazing. His words filled her head as she smiled against him.

  I don’t even have the words to explain. Her words came into his mind as he pulled back from her neck and looked in her eyes. His hand came to her face as he touched her cheek. “Your mine.” He spoke in a deep growl as he looked at her. “Say you will be mine.”

  Briana swallowed hard at his words, was he for real? The intensity in his eyes made her insides go to mush even as his manhood began to harden once more inside of her. She gasped at the feeling of being filled by him. Please. The words in her head were almost a plea.

  “Yes, yes I’m yours!” She finally said as his mouth took hers possessively as his body began to rock back and forth against her again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The sun began to
rise as they laid in the grass. They had made love all night and it had been amazing. She laid her head on his chest as he breathed deep. His chest moving up and down with each breath. She literally felt like she could lay like that forever. The change between them had been unlike anything she had ever felt in her life. This had to be what real love felt like. She ran her fingers against his chest as she laid there. “Do we have to go back?” Her words brought him out of his mindless staring at the sky. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this content. The connection they shared was an incredible one and it also scared him though he tried not to think too hard on it.

  He kissed her forehead as they laid there. “Unfortunately, we need to, but it will be ok.”

  I don’t know how it will be ok. I don’t think she will be ok. Her thoughts came before she could stop them, and she sighed. “Sorry. I’m still not use to this telepathy thing.” She said quickly.

  “Were going to figure it out though. I don’t want you to worry about any of that.” He moved some as he moved her chin up as she looked at him. “I want you Briana, all of you.” He captured her lips in a soft kiss and she quickly moved herself on top of him. He groaned as he deepened the kiss as his hands went to her hips and he ground her against his hardness. She moaned against his mouth. She couldn’t get enough of him. She was insatiable, and she moved her hips as she slid against his hard length. The growl that came from his throat nearly made her orgasm. She moved once more and then he was filling her depths as she cried out.

  They had spent the next two hours making love continuously but everything wonderful had to come to an end. John had said the easiest way to get back to the pack was in wolf form. That way they could both run and make more time that way. He would have to come back for his car later because right now he just wanted to get her back to the safety of the pack.

  They made it back to the pack in record time, less than half the time it took them to drive but they had used the woods to cut back and the distance was also shorter that way. Briana saw his brothers house in the distance and she looked at his black wolf. He was beautiful. Bet I could beat you to the house. Her words danced in his head.


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