SHIFTED: The midnight series

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SHIFTED: The midnight series Page 16

by Toni Goode

  “I told her not to come.” Michael said dryly.

  “I don’t care how either of you feel, I was coming.” Briana said quickly as she walked over and attempted to help John, but he pushed her away. “I’m trying to help you.” She snapped at him.

  “I don’t need your help, get out of my face.” He snapped and then he glared at her as images of her and Steele making love in the water filled her mind. She inhaled deep as she looked at John. He knew. He was there. She felt sick all over again. “Just go away, I don’t want you.” He snapped as he shooed her, and she backed up some.

  “John let me explain.” She began as he shook his head and pushed his brother off to the side roughly.

  “I don’t give a shit Briana; don’t you see that by now. So, go away.” He snapped at her drunkenly.

  “Briana you need to go, your making this worse.” Michael said honestly. “I’ll get you a cab.”

  “No.” Briana said quickly as she walked over to John. “This isn’t just on me. For days you ignored me and then to find out that she is pregnant. Were you ever going to tell me?” She said as tears began to fill her eyes.

  “No, I wasn’t.” He said dryly as he wobbled some. “Screw you Briana.” He said as he stumbled backwards, and Michael grabbed his arm as Briana stood there in shock.

  “Let me get you a cab.” Michael said as he shoved John into the car.

  “No, just leave me alone.” Briana said as she took off running out of the parking lot and into the nearby woods. She shifted in tears as she ran back to the town in her wolf form.

  John sat in the backseat of the car. His heart a broken mess. “John this is for the best, you don’t need that kind of distraction. She is just trouble for you.” Michael said as he drove off and as much as John wanted to hate Briana he just couldn’t. He loved her.

  Briana ran until her legs physically could not go any further. She was exhausted and angry. She felt lost and hurt. She wanted to go home but she didn’t even have a home. She had nothing and no one. She let her legs give way as she fell onto the ground. Her body shifting as she cried curled up in the fetal position. Everything was so god damn messed up. She hated everything right now!

  John laid on the couch at his brother’s place. It was the heart wrenching howl that he heard that made him sit up quickly as he looked around. His memories of what had taken place in the last twenty-four hours was foggy to say the least. His head hurt something awful and then he remembered her. Briana. Images of her and Steele in that lake made him feel sick all over again but then he heard the howl. It was a distinct one. It was Briana. He reacted immediately as he got up and quickly went to the window and looked out. It was dark, he saw nothing, but he could sense her, and he couldn’t help himself as he ran to the front door and looked outside. He tossed his jeans on the floor before he leapt onto front yard. When he landed on the ground he was in his wolf form and he took off running towards the howl. He could feel pain, it was a different pain not physical, but it hurt none the less. He ran through the woods and followed her scent.

  Briana ran through the woods after her meltdown on the ground but now she was lost and running in circles. She felt as though she was still on Michael’s property, but she was so turned around that she wasn’t sure. She cried out in frustration as she looked for a road or his house but suddenly a loud cracking sound was heard and the pain piercing her foot was astronomical as she looked down and saw the bear trap in crushing her back leg. She cried out as she fell to the ground. The sharp metal edges cut into her skin and she cried out once more as her body shifted back into her human form.

  John finally saw her as he got close. She was rapidly changing back into her human form and she was on the ground. By the time he got to her she was crying out in pain as the bear trap tore into her flesh.

  Briana was shocked to see John hovering over her. First in his wolf form and then he shifted back as he crouched down in front of her naked body. “Don’t move your foot, there is a way to make it release.” He said as he touched the metal trap and she cried.

  “God damn it that hurts. It’s going to tear my whole foot off!” She cried out as he pushed the latch on it and it swung open. She let out a cry as it tore her flesh when it came off.

  “Hey I got you, your ok.” John grabbed her body and picked her up quick. She was on the verge of passing out from the pain as she looked at him. Tears in her eyes for multiple reasons. “It’s going to be ok.” He said as she passed out in his arms.

  John looked at her helpless body and her mangled leg. He needed to get her out of the cold and he contemplated his brothers place but with the way Michael was behaving lately he decided against it. Instead he went to the one place that he had been avoiding for months. It was his house. He carried Briana all the way there. He hadn’t been back to his property in weeks and the last time he went there he only did it to clean out the fridge of food that was going bad, but he headed there now.

  Once inside John found the light and turned it on as he laid her body on the couch. He quickly got a blanket and covered her and then he went to get dressed. His bedroom was left just the way it was months ago. He glanced at her closet and then quickly went to his own. All of Kate’s stuff was still in there. He tried not to look at it as he threw on a pair of jeans and he grabbed one of his t-shirts and shorts for Briana. He closed the door quick and he heard a low cry as he rushed back in the room. Briana was waking up now as the pain in her ankle shot through her leg and she cried out. It was amazing how he too could now feel the pain in her ankle. It felt like it was his own foot, but the pain was definitely less than what she was feeling. He remembered what Clara said. Her cries snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked at her.

  “I’m going to get you something, it will help with the pain.” He said quickly as he ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka. He knew her foot just needed time. It would heal. All of it would heal. He got back in the room as he put the bottle to Briana’s lips.” Drink a lot.” He said seriously, and she did just that as she began to down the alcohol. It burned like a son of a bitch going down and she coughed some of it out quickly but after four hearty sips the pain in her ankle lessened greatly not to mention she was now partially drunk as she leaned her head back.

  She was in and out of drunken consciousness as John wrapped her ankle the best he could. She groaned and winced a few times but mainly she stayed calm as her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him. “You didn’t have to.” She slurred her words some as she looked at him. “You hate me.” Her eyes were filled with tears. “I hate me too.”

  John brushed her hair back from her wet eyes as tears fell. “I don’t hate you, Briana.” He said honestly. “I want to, but I can’t.” He shook his head as he knelt down beside her on the couch.

  “I’m so sorry.” She began to cry as she laid there. She reached her hand out and touched his face.

  His hand went on top of her and he brought it to his lips and he kissed it. The simple act made her cry heavier and so he did the first thing he could think of. He quickly moved her on the couch, so she was essentially curled up in his lap with a blanket and he held her as she cried.

  Her cries quieted down a bit as they sat there. Everything was just one complicated mess. They both fell asleep there on that couch. Briana awoke to sunshine and a heartbeat. It took her a moment to realize that she was laying on a naked chest but not any naked chest. It was John.

  She vaguely remembered what had happened the night before, but she wiggled her ankle some and images came crashing back. John groaned as she moved. She was right on top of him and he couldn’t hide the erection that pressed against his jeans and her.

  She moved her head some and then she felt something hard pressing against her stomach. She felt jeans against her naked body. Damn it why was she always naked around him! Her thoughts filled his head and he stiffened immediately. He had heard her.

  I like you naked. His thoughts filled her head and now she lifted her head up
and looked at him as they laid there. “So, I guess the telepathic stuff still works but only if were in close proximity.” He began to say.

  “Yeah it’s weird how that works.” She swallowed hard as she laid there. Her bare breasts pushed against his chest and she couldn’t help how her body reacted. She wanted to move but then she didn’t. Confusion filled her head and then she felt his hands land on the middle of her back as she looked at him. He kept looking at her as he moved his hands lower. Sliding them down her back. It made her hold her breath as his hands moved to her ass and he squeezed. Briana couldn’t help the moan that left her mouth as she continued to lock eyes with him. He pushed her against him as his eyes began to burn with lust and desire.

  I need you now. His words filled her head and then her lips were colliding with his as she moved up his body some. He held her tight as his tongue lapped against hers. She moaned against his mouth as he used his hands to move her body against his. He was impossibly hard, and lust ripped through him like a wild fire. He needed her, and he couldn’t wait another second! The next thing Briana felt was John wrapping his arm around her as he quickly flipped her onto her back on the couch. A gasp left her mouth at the possessiveness of him. She watched in anticipation as he unbuttoned his jeans and shoved them down. They weren’t even completely off as he got on top of her and pulled her close. He entered her with one swift thrust and she cried out in pleasure.

  He moved against her with a purpose and his mouth nipped and sucked against every inch of available flesh. He wanted to mark her, he wanted everyone to know that she was his. He took her possessively and every movement pushed her closer and closer to ecstasy. He could not only hear her vocal moans of pleasure, but he could hear her erotic thoughts and it nearly ended him there.

  He tore his mouth from her breasts and his mouth collided against hers as they kissed with a raw intensity. Her nails scratched hard against his back and he growled deep as the delicious pain went through him. He pulled his mouth from hers once more as he thrusted into her hard. His growls and her moans filled the room. His words filled her head as he looked at her. His body about to burst. I love you. God, I freaking love you! Briana was pushed over the edge as she cried out in pleasure. Her body rocking against his as he lost himself inside of her. Panting heavy, he nuzzled against her neck as she continued to feel wave after wave of an orgasm pass through her. As her body slowed and his breathing became slow, she thought of his words and he looked up at her now. “I love you” He said out loud now and she couldn’t help the flow of tears that came out of her eyes.

  She pulled his mouth to hers as she kissed him. She poured love into that kiss as he pulled back and rested his forehead on hers. “You drive me crazy, like truly crazy.” He said honestly. He had never felt so intense about anyone. Clara’s words filled his mind. She had said that the relationship would be intense and overwhelming. He didn’t really even give it a second thought but now being in the middle of it. Intense wasn’t even a strong enough word.

  Briana couldn’t help but to think of Ana and how she was in a coma and pregnant none the less. She wanted to retract her thoughts, but it was too late. John had heard everything. “I’m sorry I um.” She said with a long sigh. She couldn’t even finish her sentence but then she realized something else as she glanced around the room. She had no idea where she was. This wasn’t Michael’s place. “Where are we?” She couldn’t help but ask as he slowly got off of her. He grabbed his jeans which had fallen off and he pulled them back on. Briana wrapped the blanket over herself as she stood up. Her ankle was surprisingly better. It was still swollen but it was definitely going down. John had done a good job at wrapping it.

  “It’s um, my place.” He said as he ran a hand through his hair. He hadn’t had another woman in there since before he was married twenty years ago.

  “Wow, it’s really nice. It looks hand crafted.” She said as she admired the wood work in the large cabin. There were high beams on the ceiling and intricate art on the walls. The place was beautiful, but she could sense his nervousness. His mind ran wild for a moment and then she realized why he seemed so nervous. He hadn’t been back to this house in months, not since Kate’s death. She swallowed hard as John stood there.

  “I don’t have much to drink, a lot of alcohol but nothing else.” He said quickly, and she walked over to him. She could feel his pain. It was crushing and made it hard to breath. Was he about to have a panic attack?

  “Hey, it’s fine. I’m not thirsty. We can leave here if you want.” She finally said as he let out a deep breath and then he pulled her close.

  Resting his head on the top of her head he said, “I’m not good at these things.”

  “You mean us?” She moved her head and looked up at him.

  “Everything lately. I just keep screwing up.” He said honestly.

  “You saved my life. I would have died if it wasn’t for you. That’s not screwing up. “She said honestly. John brushed a piece of her hair back and he couldn’t help the image of Steele touching her and she swallowed hard. “I don’t know why I.” She began as he cut her off by colliding his mouth into hers. She was on her tip toes and he was still almost too tall for her to reach but then he was pulling the blanket from her as he picked up her naked body. She wrapped her legs around him quickly and then he moved until her back was against the cold wall.

  They made love again and afterwards Briana was sitting at his kitchen table as he made them coffee. He had no creamer or food but at least coffee could be black with just some sugar. Not exactly the way she drinks it, but it would do. She tried not to think about the house and how he has basically run from it, but her mind was racing around like crazy.

  “I don’t come here often.” He finally said honestly. “I’ve thought about burning it down but then I would be worried that the fire would spread to other places outside.”

  “Well I am glad you didn’t burn it down.” She said as she sipped on her black coffee.

  “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me Briana. I don’t have a good past.” He said as he sat across from her. He wanted her to know what she would be getting herself involved with.

  “Why do you always try and put yourself down? “She couldn’t help but ask. “No one is perfect John and I know that you are the Alpha of the pack but that doesn’t mean that you have bend over backwards for anyone and who cares about your past. We all have a past. Some may be a bit more colorful then others.” She said quickly.

  “When people depend on you and suddenly you don’t even know what your doing with your own life. Well it makes things complicated. This right here, you and me. That’s complicated.” He said seriously. “I want you Briana, I want you so bad sometimes that I can barely breathe and when I think of you with him. I just try and understand why. I know I screwed up, but I saw you with him.” He said as he stood up now. She went to talk but he did first. “I don’t want to hear or see him touching you like that again. Your mine and I don’t share.” He said seriously, and she swallowed hard at his tone. “Do you want me Briana?” He walked around the table to her and all she could do was nod her head. He was too damn sexy, he reminded her of a Viking, the kind that came and took what they wanted with any worries.

  “Yes, but you’re engaged and um, she is pregnant.” She said softly.

  “I’m going to the council and I am going to fix this. I want you to come with me.” He got right in front of her and she could barely concentrate because his groin was eye level and the trail of a small line of hair disappeared in his jeans. His arousal was not unnoticed either. God your insatiable! Her thoughts filled her head. “Eyes up here.” He smirked some as she smiled too, and she stood.

  “Why the council?” She asked as he breathed deep.

  “Because they are the ones forcing this marriage and I am going to stop them.” He said seriously as she stepped closer to him. “I want you, all of you.” He said seriously as one of his hands went to her face as he touched her cheek. “Say
something, anything?” He said almost nervously as he looked at her.

  “Are you asking me to go steady with you.” She couldn’t help but joke to lighten the seriousness of the mood. A relationship with John would not be cut and dry. It would be hard and emotionally trying but she loved him. That much she did know. She loved him.

  John smiled softly as he leaned down and kissed her. When he pulled back she was smiling. He loved her smile. “Will you go steady with me?” He said with a smirk.

  “Hmmm let me think about it and I will get back to you.” She smirked as she turned from him and he grabbed onto her blanket as it fell off of her body as she protested and laughed. “Ok ok, I was joking big guy and yes I would very much like to go steady with you.” She smiled and then reached down for her blanket. She was always naked in front of him! John picked the blanket up and dangled it in front of her.

  “How bad do you want this back?” He raised an eyebrow playfully.

  “That depends on how bad you want me.” She smirked as she put one of her legs on the chair. She was almost positive that she heard a growl right before he tossed the blanket on the ground and then he was pulling her into his arms. He kissed her passionately and then he was putting her on the table as she gasped with anticipation. She felt just as insatiable as him. He pushed down his jeans in record time and then he was entering as she laid on the table.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Briana stared at him as he lit the fireplace in the living room. She laid on the couch as he tossed a few logs of wood into the fire and she couldn’t get over just how sexy he was. The crackling of the fire only amplified it and not to mention those jeans he wore. She grinned at him as he turned and looked at her.

  “You know your thoughts are going to get you in trouble.” He smirked as she smiled bigger and he walked over now. “I’m starting to feel like I am just eye candy to you.” He rolled his eyes.


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