SHIFTED: The midnight series

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SHIFTED: The midnight series Page 15

by Toni Goode

  This particular night Briana was laying in bed crying as she yelled to him in her mind. Screw you John! You can’t even say one god damn thing to me?! Fine just keep ignoring me, you asshole! She got up as she quickly. She wanted to go on a run. She realized that at least when she went on a run that things didn’t affect her like they did in her human form. It was nearly 2 am but she didn’t care. She had run on Michael’s property a lot over the past week and even though she would be alone she knew that she was still safe. The change was happening quicker now too and there was really no pain at all. If anything, it felt more like a relief than anything else.

  There was a lake on the property and it was now Briana’s favorite place to go. It was the fall and even though the temperatures at night would drop, it actually felt good on her fur as she ran. She ran until she got to the waters edge and she looked down at her wolf. She was getting stronger every day. She contemplated leaving one day, maybe leaving and starting over somewhere new. Eventually she would learn to suppress Johns thoughts though lately they didn’t make much sense. It was a lot of confusion and jumbled thoughts running in his head most days, especially at night. She hated that she was still sitting here thinking of him and she quickly shook her head. She refused to let thoughts of him ruin this run for her and so she quickly jumped up in the air and shifted as she landed on her two feet.

  She smiled proudly as she stood there, dusting herself off. She was getting pretty damn good at this. She quickly made her way into the cool water and she dove under the surface as she swam out to the middle. It was cold enough out here that most times all she heard was the chattering of her teeth and that was good because teeth chattering meant she couldn’t hear anything else. She looked up at the moon. The sky was so clear out there. The stars looked so close too and the moon looked enormous in the sky.

  The sound of a loud howl made her jump as she looked out at the shore and for a second, she thought she saw John’s wolf but then she saw Steele heading into the water. “Hey!” He waved at her before diving in. She was used to seeing him naked now. It wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as it was the first time. She tried not to look at him that way either. He was a good friend and she needed a friend right now even though sometimes she wanted to lose herself in someone.

  Briana swam up to Steele as he whipped his head back and he looked like a model as his long hair flew through the air. “I thought I wasn’t the only one out here.” He said as he got in front of her. “You know all you had to do was just call me and I would have went on a run with you.”

  “It was the middle of the night.” She began with a shake of her head.

  “Hasn’t stopped you before.” He smirked, and he wasn’t lying because she had called him a few times to come run with her. He never judged her, and they never spoke of john. It was always just light and carefree. She liked spending time with him. He was real with her.

  “Yeah and.” She laughed as she splashed him, and he blinked in shock as he looked at her.

  “Oh, that’s it, you’re going to get it.” He said with a laugh as she began to swim off.

  “Only if you can catch me slow poke!” She laughed as she swam fast, but he was faster, and she felt a hand on her foot as he pulled her back quickly. She went under the water and came up coughing and laughing. “Oh, you are not fair.” She splashed water at him again. “I could have drowned.” She laughed, and he laughed now too.

  “Oh, I think you are just fine princess.” He rolled his eyes playfully at her.

  “Really you’re going back to the princess thing?” She mocked shock as she laughed and splashed him.

  “I was going to say drama queen, but I stopped myself.” He splashed water at her and then quickly began swimming away as she chased after him.

  “Oh, it’s on!” She yelled out as she laughed and chased after him in the water. He swam under quickly and she looked around in the dark but couldn’t see him anywhere but then she saw bubbles next to her right before she was pulled under the water. They both came up for air as they laughed and coughed. Briana struggled to stay up as Steele pulled her against him so that she didn’t have to struggle so much. The air changed suddenly between them. They were both naked and her body was pressed up against his. His arm was wrapped tightly around her waist. Their eyes locked for a moment and his hand reached out to her face as he brushed a piece of wet hair back.

  Their mouths collided against each other in the next second and the kiss turned deeper almost immediately. Her legs wrapped instinctively around his thick waist. He was a large man and her legs barely got all the way around. They kissed hungrily as they moved in the water and then he was pulling back as they panted heavily. His eyes begged for permission and she couldn’t deny him. She wanted to get lost in him. She wanted to feel something other than sadness and so she moved her body some against him. She instantly felt his hard manhood pressed between them and then as he stared in her eyes, he shifted himself some and his thickness pierced her as she cried out and grabbed onto his shoulders. His mouth came back down on hers as he slowly moved in and out of her body as she orgasmed quickly. She felt like her world was spinning and she cried out in pleasure as her mouth ripped from his. He moved them effortlessly through the water as he kept up a steady pace of penetrating her body again and again.

  He held her body tight against his and his large body covered hers with hot hard flesh. She cried out again and again as wave after wave of pleasure erupted through her. Steele’s body hardened impossibly as he thrust repeatedly inside of her. The feeling of her hot tight walls convulsing around him sent him over the edge as his mouth attacked her hungrily. His seed filled her body as he kissed her deeply. Soon the water was still around them as their mouths parted and she buried her face in his neck.

  She wasn’t expecting the tears when they came but they came hard as she cried into his neck. He didn’t say anything as he held onto her but then she finally pushed back on him. “I’m sorry. I. I have to go.” She turned from him and he reached out for her hand as he grabbed it. “Please just don’t.” She couldn’t bear to look at him as she cried.

  “You don’t deserve to be alone Bree.” He said, as he held onto her hand as she kept her face turned from him. “Your beautiful and if he can’t see that then screw him.” His words made her look at him now. Her eyes red and puffy from tears.

  “It’s complicated.” She said with tears. “You don’t know. You don’t.” Her words trailed as she cried, and he pulled her back towards him.

  “I know that right now I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right here and I’m sorry Bree but if he felt that way he would be here too, but he isn’t, and he doesn’t deserve your tears.” He continued as he looked at her. “You deserve to be happy.” His hand brushed against her face as he wiped her tears. “I can make you happy Bree.” His lips touched hers softly and he waited for her permission and he got it as she kissed him back slowly.

  John’s big black wolf watched from the woods as Steele and Briana made love again.

  Five days prior

  John watched as the doctors assessed Ana in the hospital bed. He had been there for nearly twenty- four hours and he had not slept for any of it. His mind had been in a million places and he could hear Briana. She was worried for him and upset. He felt like he was being pulled in too many directions. He needed to focus on one. Ana was almost killed by one of those blood suckers and he was positive that it was one of the vampires he had chased. He hated that she was nearly killed but the fact that she was pregnant had thrown him for a loop. It brought him back to when Kate had told him she was pregnant. It had been the happiest moment of his life up until that point but then he had lost Kate and his unborn son. He had not thought about his unborn son until now. What if he was given a chance to start over, to be a real father. He thought of Briana, would she accept his child? Would it even be fair of him to think that she would.?

  “There is still no change, but she can hear you. If you talk to her. I have seen people w
ake up from coma’s all the time and the baby is ok. You should go home and get some sleep John.” The doctor said honestly as John stood at the side of the bed. He hated to leave her there. He hated to leave his child there. She wasn’t even showing yet. He couldn’t lose this baby too. He just couldn’t.

  The fact of the matter was that Ana needed him and even though this situation currently was a complicated one. He still had to do the right thing by her. She was having his child and as much as he wanted to run back to Briana he couldn’t. He had a responsibility not only to the pack but to Ana. He needed to do this.

  Everything was happening so fast, but he needed to be strong., He was the damn Alpha and his pack needed him as much as Ana did. He would do right by her while she got her strength back and healed. Essentially this was all his fault anyway. She had went out looking for him, but she found those fangers instead. She was lucky to be alive. He couldn’t just leave her now, she needed him, and he needed to make Briana see that. Bad timing that was all. He would make it up to her. Just be patient with me, please Briana. He had called out to her, but her thoughts were a mess of hysterics and anger.

  He wasn’t sure how much of his thoughts she was receiving because hers were becoming less and less. Over the next day John had finally found some sleep in his bed.

  Briana can you hear me? I’m sorry. I am so sorry. I will fix this, I promise. His thoughts filled his head, but he got nothing in return and he sighed as he allowed himself to fall asleep.

  Briana’s scent woke him up as he immediately looked around. He could sense her wolf and so he followed her scent and his body hardened in anticipation of seeing her. It felt like forever since he saw her. He was in love with her. He wanted to tell her, but her thoughts were scrambled, and he wasn’t even sure if she could hear him correctly. He ran through the woods and felt her so close. If he closed his eyes he could almost envision her. He could hear splashing, was she in the water? He moved closer and he stopped by a large tree. He could see her in the water. She looked so beautiful. Just as he was going to walk over there, he heard something and next he saw Steele’s gray and black wolf. Steele howled loud. John’s body tensed as he watched Steele shift and then join her in the water.

  John watched from a distance as Steele swam up to her. She was laughing. Steele was making her laugh. A rage he hadn’t known before began to grow inside of him as he watched them playfully flirting in the water. Part of him, a large part wanted to jump into the water and hold Steele’s head under it!

  It wasn’t that he hated Steele, at the moment he didn’t quite like him but there was a reason for that. He was spending time with Briana and growing close to her. Jealousy filled him as he watched. Their playful nature began to turn right before his eyes and he felt his anger rise as he watched them share a kiss that quickly became heated. He contemplated rushing into the water and tearing Steele’s throat out, but he couldn’t move from that spot. He could barely breath. Anxiety and anger all rolled up in one huge screwed up mess. He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t. He watched as they gave in to each other, and he felt sick with rage. He did nothing. Maybe it would be better this way. Maybe his life was just too messed up at the moment to try and bring Briana into it. He didn’t want to let go but maybe he should?

  Watching Steele touch her was enough to make him go over the edge, but he stayed and continued to watch. How could she do this to him? Anger began to be the only thing he could think about. Steele was claiming her in the same way John had. He wanted to kill him. His heart tore in two and then he watched as she tried to break free from Steele’s grasp. He wanted to call out to her, but he couldn’t.

  “You don’t deserve to be alone Bree.” Steele said, as he held onto her hand as she kept her face turned from him. “Your beautiful and if he can’t see that then screw him.” His words made her look at him now. Her eyes red and puffy from tears.

  “It’s complicated.” She said with tears. “You don’t know. You don’t.” Her words trailed as she cried, and he pulled her back towards him.

  “I know that right now I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right here and I’m sorry Bree but if he felt that way he would be here too, but he isn’t, and he doesn’t deserve your tears.” He continued as he looked at her. “You deserve to be happy.” His hand brushed against her face as he wiped her tears. “I can make you happy Bree.” His lips touched hers softly and he waited for her permission and he got it as she kissed him back slowly.

  John couldn’t take it anymore as he took off running into the woods. Images of her with Steele filled his head and he ran with a blind rage.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Briana woke up in her bed as Steele slept next to her. What had she done? His hand lay on her naked stomach as she moved it slowly. Images of the night they shared filled her head. Shit! She quickly began grabbing her clothes. How had she let this happen? She liked Steele, she did, and he was a great distraction for her but even this was low of her. She got dressed quickly and headed down stairs for coffee.

  She could hear Maria talking to Michael as she walked into the kitchen. Michael was still being cold with her as he looked at her and then excused himself from the kitchen.

  “Give him time.” Maria shook her head as Briana grabbed a cup of coffee. “So, um is that Steele upstairs?” Maria said with shock as Briana turned and faced her.

  “Oh god I don’t want to talk about it.” Briana said as she began to sip her coffee.

  “Listen I get it. Steele is a fun guy.” Maria began.

  “God I am so stupid.” Briana shook her head. “I was just upset about John and I. God I screwed up bad.” Briana said honestly but before Maria could respond Michael came rushing into the room frantically.

  “Where are my god damn keys!” He yelled as he searched around.

  “What happened babe?” Maria said with concern as Michael looked up at her and then at Briana.

  “My dumb ass brother decided to start some shit with the neighboring town and now he is in lock up. Our fearless leader in lockup over some bullshit.” He said angrily as he shot Briana a look.

  Briana’s heart raced as she stood there. “I’m coming with you.” She said quickly.

  “Like hell you are. I bet any amount of money he is doing all of this because of you!” Michael snapped as he grabbed the keys out of the drawer. “I told him to stay away from you but he just wont listen!” He snapped as he stormed out of the room.

  “Michael!” Maria yelled in shock at him, but he didn’t turn around.

  “I need to go.” Briana said as her heart raced and she ran after Michael as he got into his car. “Michael wait!” She yelled as she opened the passenger side door.

  “Listen I don’t need this right now and neither does my brother!” He snapped angrily but she got in anyway. “See this is exactly what the problem is, you don’t listen!” He yelled now.

  “I love him!” Briana yelled, and Michael blinked in shock, frankly she was shocked too that she said it out loud. They got quiet as she turned her head. That was the first time she had openly said it out loud. She did love John.

  Michael didn’t say anything as he began to drive. He wasn’t sure what to say. He was shell shocked. They drove for twenty minutes before Michael spoke again but this time he lowered his voice. “Your just. You’re not good for him.” He began as Briana looked at him now.

  “How do you know that. You barely know me.” She said with a shake of her head.

  “You look like her ok. No one else is going to say it but I will. You look like Kate. That’s all this is about and the sooner you realize that, the better.” Michael said as she blinked in shock. “I’m sorry but it’s true. “He said as he kept driving.

  Briana sat there with a million things going through her head. Was she just a replacement for his deceased wife? She felt ill. She remembered the first time she saw him on the road that day. He had looked at her like he knew her, there had been a recognition there. Was that what this was all about? The
y both remained quiet for the remainder of the car ride.

  Once at the station Michael looked at her. “You should just go.” He said quietly to her.

  “No, I’m going to see for myself.” She snapped at him as she got out of the car.

  They both headed inside. Briana felt ill. It had to be more than what Michael was saying. I mean hell they could hear each other’s thoughts! Their souls were bound like Clara had said. Once inside they had to sign paperwork to release him and Briana waited in the waiting room as Michael took care of the bail money.

  John was half out of it and still drunk when he heard the guard yell for him to get up. He squinted his eyes and he thought for a second that he saw his brother standing there. “John come on, get up. Were leaving.” Michael said as John opened his eyes a bit more.

  “Mikey hey man, your coming by to visit.” John slurred his words as he tried to stand up and Michael grabbed his arm, helping him.

  “Jesus, John you look like shit.” Michael said as he took in the numerous cuts that were slowly healing on his body. He had blood on him too.

  “Well thank you very much, you should see the other guy.” John laughed drunkenly as they walked out to the waiting room and Briana stood as soon as she saw them. John looked at her and then spoke. “Why the hell is she here!” He snapped angrily as he looked at his brother.


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