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SHIFTED: The midnight series

Page 18

by Toni Goode

  “Watch her. No one comes or goes, got it?” He said to Trent who looked at him with wide eyes.

  “Are you sure? He said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Don’t question me Trent, just do what I say and keep your mouth shut.” John warned him, and all Trent did next was shake his head. “So, get your ass back in there and look after her!” John snapped as Trent ran to the door and quickly went inside.

  Briana sat on John’s couch as the fire place crackled. She was currently wearing one of his large t-shirts and a pair of his long shorts. Everything was so big on her that she had to pull the draw string extremely tight so that shorts didn’t fall off of her. The clothes smelt like him too and she was becoming addicted to his scent, but her mind kept on going back to that wedding picture. I mean it was no big deal that she looked like his ex-wife. A lot of people are attracted to a certain type of person so maybe he just favorited red heads. She tried to convince herself but then she also remembered when she first saw him. He had a look of recognition in his eyes and he called her beautiful.

  She sighed as she stared at the fireplace. She didn’t know when John would be back, and she began to worry. What if something happened? The guy on the other line of the phone sounded really frantic and John left quickly. He seemed worried. The flash of headlights made her stand up and she walked over to the front door. John came walking over fast. He looked frazzled as he came over to her.

  “Oh god what’s wrong?” She couldn’t help but ask with worry as he looked at her.

  “I need you to come with me, I will explain on the way.” He said with worry in his voice.

  “Is it Maria, did she have the baby?” She said with concern.

  “No. It’s complicated.” He began as she felt her throat get tight. She didn’t like it when he said that. Nothing good came out of it. “It’s not a bad complicated. I mean it can be. I don’t know.” He said with a shake of his head as they got into the car and he drove off.

  “Ok so you’re totally freaking me out John.” She said honestly.

  “It’s Emma.” He finally blurted it out as Briana looked at him with shock and confusion.

  “Emma? As in my bestie?” She felt her heart race. Horrible images began to run through her head. Had something happened to Emma. Was he about to give her bad news. Her thoughts rang loud.

  “It’s not bad like that. It’s. I don’t know how else to say it so I’m just going to show you.” He began as Briana just shook her head. She really didn’t want bad news especially since she couldn’t even talk to her friends and family.”

  “Please tell me John.” Her voice shook with worry.

  John pulled up to a cabin sitting in the middle of the woods and he looked at her. “I’m going to get into a lot of trouble for this.” He began and now Briana felt like she would throw up. He stopped the car and looked at Briana. “I need you to promise me that you will keep this lifestyle secret. No one can know.” He said honestly.

  “What does this have to do with Emma?” She said with a shaky voice.

  “Just follow me.” He said as he got out of the car and so did she. He walked over to her. “I love you Briana.” He kissed her forehead and now she was on the verge of having a meltdown. He was being so cryptic and serious. She couldn’t even speak as he took her hand and began to lead her to the door but then she heard a voice that she would know anywhere but she hadn’t heard it in weeks.

  “I said get these off of me!” Emma yelled as Briana swung the door open and both girls looked at each other in complete shock.

  “Oh my god!” They both yelled in unison.

  “Bree?” Emma said as tears fell down her face.

  “Emma!” Briana ran over to her and hugged her hard as the girls cried but then Emma winced at the pinching from the cuffs. Briana pulled back and looked behind the chair where Emma’s hands were handcuffed. Both girls were crying so hard as Briana called out. “Get these cuffs off of her, please.”

  John came over quick as Emma stared at Briana shocked still. The handcuffs dropped to the ground as the girls hugged once more. “You’re here, You’re really here!” Emma cried against Briana.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Briana still couldn’t believe that Emma was there. “How? Why? I can’t believe you found me here!” She said in shock as she wiped her tears.

  Emma wiped her own tears as she kept glancing over at John. “You have been here this entire time?” She continued in shock. “But your dead. We buried you? There was a funeral and your parents.” Emma cut off her words as tears fell down her face.

  “I am so sorry. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this.” Briana said honestly as Emma stood now.

  “Tell me that he is holding you captive because at least that way it will make sense in my mind.” Emma said through tears. Briana couldn’t speak. “Oh my god Bree. You wanted this? You planned this?” She said as she wiped the tears that wouldn’t stop coming.

  “I didn’t set out to do this Em. Things happened. I had to, you wouldn’t understand.” Briana said honestly as she looked back and forth between Emma and John.

  “I wouldn’t understand? How the hell wouldn’t I understand, I was your best friend god damn it!” Emma yelled now in anger

  Briana was taken back by Emma’s reaction. She should have expected it, but it was all so new to her too. Briana look at John again. “You did this for him? You left your friends, your family, for him!?” Emma yelled.

  “It wasn’t like that I swear Em.” Briana continued.

  “What is this place, some sort of weird compound or a cult?” Emma yelled and then she looked at John. “You did this. You made her do this.” She jumped at him, but Briana got in her way.

  “John go outside please.” Briana said seriously as he stood there. “Please and bring that kid too.” Briana said again as John sighed but left. Trent walked out with him.

  “I don’t know if I want to scream or cry. Part of me wants to hit you. How could you do this Bree and how could you do this and not tell me! I have been mourning your loss for weeks. I have been chasing after clues. I was looking for revenge and now I see this!” Emma began to pace as she yelled.

  “I’m sorry.” Briana said quietly. She didn’t know what to say. She was a shitty person. She knew this.

  You’re not a shitty person. You did this to protect people. Johns thoughts came into her mind. She brought her attention back to Emma who was standing with her back to her.

  “I couldn’t tell you.” Briana began as Emma shook her head.

  “You didn’t even know him. How could you just run off with him and not say a word.” Emma said as she kept her back turned and her arms crossed over her chest as she hugged herself. Slowly she turned and faced Briana. “I thought you were dead and I wanted to be dead too.” Emma cried.

  “I’m so sorry.” Briana said quickly. “I have no words.” She said through tears.

  “Why? Just tell me why?” Emma pleaded with her.

  You can’t tell her Briana. I know you want to, but you can’t. John’s words echoed in her head.

  “I feel like I am going crazy.” Emma said as she looked at Briana. “I am so pissed at you, but I am so freaking happy to see you too.” She cried. “God Bree, your really alive!” Emma couldn’t help herself as she hugged Briana.

  “I’m really happy that you’re here.” Briana said with a smile. She had so much she wanted to tell her, but she knew she couldn’t.

  “So are you going to tell me now what the hell is really going on. I mean the things I saw to just get here Bree were crazy.” Emma said seriously.

  Briana swallowed hard as she stood there. “There’s been a lot of stuff that happened, and I can’t get into all of it, but I am here because I want to be here Em.” Briana said honestly.

  “Cause you want to be here? You left your family. You left me. I mean I know Chris was a grade A douche bag but still.” Emma shook her head.

  “I could have handled things better.” Briana s
aid seriously.

  “That’s a god damn understatement!” Emma snapped. “I saw your place after the fire. Bree there was blood everywhere. The fire missed a lot of it. What the hell happened that night?” Emma said with confusion. “And whose body was in that coffin, because I saw a body.” She continued to shake her head.

  “I don’t have a way to explain all of this to you Em, but I want you to trust that I did this because of my safety and yours.” Briana began, and John warned her not to say anymore and she sighed heavily. She is worried. This is all too crazy, what do you expect me to say to her? Her thoughts filled his head as he huffed.

  Just keep it simple. No details. His thoughts filled her head and she fought to roll her eyes.

  It’s not that easy. She thought as she looked at a very confused Emma. “For now, can you please just accept that I am ok. You can’t tell anyone you saw me. No one. Not even my parents.” Briana said quickly.

  Emma sighed heavily as she ran a hand through her hair. Everything was confusing, all of it. “So, you’re with him, like really together with him?” She asked.

  Briana smiled softly. “Yes. I love him.” She said honestly.

  “Jesus Bree.” Emma shook her head. “I think I need a drink.” She said honestly.

  “Me too.” Briana took her hand. “How did you find me here?” She had to ask. She knew that if she didn’t John was going to, and she wanted to avoid conflict.

  “I found something at your house, something odd and misplaced. I kept it to myself because the police department is full of idiots and I wanted to make sure that I got to the bottom of what happened to you.” Emma continued.

  “What did you find?” Briana asked as Emma pulled something out of her pocket. It was a hair and Briana immediately recognized it. It was a wolf hair.

  “This.” Emma said as she held the long wolf hair. “I had it analyzed because at first everyone was saying it was a bear attack, but I knew better. I mean what are the chances that we have a patient jump out a four-story window and then you have a fire in your place. I’m not one for coincidences.” Emma said as she held the hair. “It’s a wolf hair Bree and it was found in your house. So, I followed the trail and talked to a lot of weird people.” She shook her head. “Apparently this area is known to have a lot of wild wolves. So, I went searching for answers and I came across this place. I never thought that I would find you. We buried you.” Emma said seriously.

  “If I could have prevented all of that from happening I would have Em.” Briana said seriously.

  Emma moved close to Briana and whispered. “Are you in the witness protection program?”

  “What?” Briana couldn’t help but laugh a little. “No, not at all.”

  Emma sighed heavily. “I just don’t understand but I’m happy to see you. “

  “Me too!” Briana said as she hugged Emma tight.

  “You’re not coming home, are you?” Emma said softly as she pulled back and looked at Briana.

  “This is my home now.” Briana said honestly.

  “Wow he must be some guy.” Emma shook her head and Briana just sighed.

  It would be so much easier if I could just tell her. Briana thought in her head.

  The fact that she is here and talking to you is trouble enough. Briana heard Johns thoughts as she looked at Emma.

  The sound of loud voices outside cut off their conversation as Briana heard John yell something. The girls looked at one another and then Briana rushed to the door and opened it.

  “Briana!” Steele said quickly as he shot a nasty look at John. “You don’t own her John, last time I looked you were engaged.” He snapped.

  “Yeah well she was in the middle of something and frankly you have overstayed your visit here.” John snapped back at him.

  “Are you guys seriously doing this right now.” Briana interjected as Emma looked out the door. Her eyes got wide as she saw Steele standing there.

  “Who is that?” Steele walked up to the door.

  “None of your business.” John walked up to the door.

  “Your both being ridiculous right now. This is my friend Emma.” Briana began as Steele’s eyes got wide.

  “As in your best friend Emma?” Steele said in shock as John looked at him and rolled his eyes.

  Of course, he would know. John thought sarcastically as Briana looked at him.

  Not now John, please don’t do this. Briana’s thoughts ran through John and he stepped back but his fist was still clenched.

  “You know about me?” Emma finally said quickly towards Steele.

  Before Briana could say anything, Steele did. “Of course, Bree talked about you all the time. You’re the nurse.” Steele continued. “But how?”

  “It’s a long story.” Briana finally said.

  “And I seriously need a drink.” Emma said quickly.

  “We could all go to The Den, trust me I think we all had a long day.” Steele said quickly as he looked at Briana who sighed heavily.

  “No one is going anywhere and definitely not a bar.” John said quickly.

  They all looked at him and then Steele looked at Briana and Emma. “I’m going to the bar and you are both welcome to go with me.” He said quickly.

  “Back off Steele!” John snapped as Steele looked at him.

  “Last time I looked this was a free country.” Steele said angrily.

  “Who is that guy?” Emma said with interest towards Briana.

  “Long story, not now.” Briana said quickly.” John can I just talk to you for a minute in private?” She looked at John who was completely pissed off. She walked over to him and took his arm as she moved him to the side of the building.

  “You can’t leave him alone with her. He is going to ruin everything!” John snapped.

  “He’s not going to say anything John. A drink isn’t a bad idea.” She said as he shook his head.

  “I honestly can’t believe you’re doing this right now. Do you even understand how much shit I am going to get for this?” He said with annoyance.

  “Not anymore trouble then you did when you brought me here.” She raised an eyebrow.

  “You know what I am talking about.” John said with a shake of his head. “This is the mother of bad ideas.” He said seriously.

  “Actually, what is a bad idea is arguing and acting suspicious like were doing. She isn’t just going to leave John. I have to make her see that I am ok and if she wants a drink then so be it. I need a drink too and honestly you could use one yourself.” Briana said quickly as John ran a hand through his hair. “Please, for me.” She said softly as she took his hand in hers. The sound of Emma laughing made them both turn and look. She was actually laughing and talking to Steele. “See? She is laughing that is a good thing John.”

  “I don’t like how he looks at you and when I think about what you both did.” He began as he breathed heavy.

  “And I don’t know how many times I can apologize for that but seriously John you’re going to have to suck it up. It happened, end of story.” She huffed.

  “Oh, really so that’s how all of this goes now?” John said sarcastically as he shook his head. “But fine, whatever, were going to the bar but I swear that if he crosses any line with you then I won’t be responsible for what I do.” He said seriously as he grabbed her hand possessively and walked over to Steele and Emma. “Were going to the bar.” He forced the words out as he held Briana’s hand. Steele looked at their hands and then he rolled his eyes at John.

  “Come on Emma, lets see what your alcohol tolerance is.” Steele grinned big as Emma smiled, like really smiled.

  “Yes, let’s do this!” Emma said as she grinned and looked at Briana and then Steele.

  To say John was pissed would be an understatement. The last thing he wanted was to be around Steele and he didn’t want Emma making any sort of commotion. He knew it was only a matter of time before the council would find out and then he would have to deal with that as well.

  Before they
even got in the bar John was wanting to leave but as soon as they got there Steele was already schmoozing it up with Briana and Emma. John hated how nice Briana always was. He felt like it gave Steele the wrong idea, but Briana thought that John was overreacting and paranoid.

  “Shots all around?” Steele said with a grin.

  “Sure, sounds like a plan.” Briana said quickly. “I’ll come up with you if you don’t mind.” Briana said quickly as John blinked at her in shock. Please just trust me John. Her thoughts filled his head.

  “Alright, we will be right back.” Steele grinned as he put his arm around Briana as they walked. “So, I take it that you and the old man finally decided to have a go at a relationship.” Steele said sarcastically as they got up to the bar.

  Briana looked at Steele and smiled nervously at him. She really did like Steele just not like in a relationship way. A friendship way. “You know I think you’re a great guy.” She began as he rolled his eyes.

  “Oh, here we go, it’s not you it’s me, right?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Steele, it’s just.” Briana began as she looked at John who was sitting awkwardly at the table with Emma. They weren’t even speaking. Briana looked back at Steele. “I really like you.”

  “I know, I know. You don’t have to break it easy to me. You want to be with John. I get it. I mean I guess I have always kind of knew.” Steele said honestly.

  “I don’t want to lose your friendship.” Briana said seriously, and Steele grinned now and pushed a piece of her hair back. Briana could see John stiffen as he watched them like a hawk.


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